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<br />81-t-~t~346K <br />{l) month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act, as amended; and appfiicable Regulations thereunder; or <br />(Il) If and so long as said note of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Devekrpmant, a tnobthly charge (fn lieu of a mnngage insurance premium) which shall be in an <br />amount equal to one•twelfth (1(12) of ane-half {t J2) per centum of zhe average outs*.anding balance <br />due on the note computed without taking into account delinquencies or prepayments: <br />{b) A sum egos) to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that wilt next become due and payable on <br />poticyes of Cite and outer hazard insurance coveting the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />on the mortgaged property (¢ft as estfmateri by the Mortgagee/ less all sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />number of months to eiap~ before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />assessments will become delinq»rnt, such- sums to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />miums, taxes and special assessments; and <br />(c) All payments rnentianed in the two preceding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />the note secured hereby shall be added together, and the aggregate amount thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a single payment to be applied by the Mortgagee to the following items in the order set forth: <br />• ([) premium charges under the contract of insurana• with der Secretary of Hausing and Uroan Development, <br />or monthly charge (in flea of ma~rtgage insurance prenriun+t. as the case may be; <br />([I) ground rents, taxes, assessments, fife and other hazard insurance premiums; <br />i.Ell) interest an the Hoer secured hereby; and <br />1. j amorw.atwn oft pnnapas of sera na e. - <br />Any deficiency En the amount of any such aggregate ;nunthly payment ,hall. unless made gaol 6y the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the due date of the next such payment. ; <,:tstitutr an event ui default under this mortgage. The <br />Mortgagee may called a "late charge" oat to exceed litter gents toy) for each dollar t S I) of each payment more <br />than fifteen f 15) days in areas to cover [he ex[ra expenu invnsvcd in haredltnc delinquent payments. <br />i_ Thai if the total of the payments made by the ~brteartar under ~t.+r,i paragraph l preceding shall exceed <br />the atnotmt of payment, arwaile made by the jbrtgaeree for ground mot.=, taze4 :end ayes=menu or insurance pre- <br />miwas. a3 the case may be, wch excess, if the Eoan is current..rt the opt1airt of the Mortgagor, shalt fx credited trv <br />the 4fortgagee on =ub~requent payments w br made to the vtottattgor, ur reftmded to the Martgagor_ fF, however, Ehe <br />monthly payments tmade to the Mortgagor under rb; of paragraph ~ precedmti shall not tie sufficient to pay ground <br />rent, taxes and as~eseraertta or intnrrerece premium:-, a~ ihr race= mss hr- .then the ,ame -halt became due and pay- <br />able, then the ibrtgttgru z+h$l) pay to the Mortgagor env atnotrtu net•r--acv to make up the deficiency, nn ur before <br />the date when payment of ~tnrh ,ground mot-, tasr~, a-sr.=-[nrnt4 nr m~uranre prrmiume =heel br due. 1f at atrv <br />tittle the Mortgagor shall tttrtder to the 1Mttgaa<re. in :urardanre s+t#h the prove.-tnn~ of the note scoured hereby. <br />full pavmMtt oje the ttntire indebtedne-~ rrprez;rnted thereby. rhr lktt`rgtpre hail. to computink the amount of wc' <br />iredebttn6tes~s, €xedit e@ t~ ~cetxrnt of the Martgagor .xti payments made under the pravtsions of (a1 al Paragraph Z <br />hertruf which the Mortgagee haw rear ber•attrr oblikated to pay to rhr• ~rrrrtxtry ui Roaring and I=than Dryelapntent <br />sad any halanct rettraioirtk in rite funds accumulated under the pntst-trot- of • ; r,f paragnrph_' tietrof. (E th€Ke <br />ttsll br a default under any of the pntvi*itm.~ of this trurrtreFr rr-oiling ir, a puisiic <uir .ai the premises covered <br />hereby, or it the Mort>`arter acrptires the pntperts ntherwi-r after rirfauit, the lktrtgager Khali uppl~i, at -Elie time of <br />the commencement of <uclt procerding~, or :at rhr time rhr pn,perty t- ot_hrrwi4r acyuired. rhr laaiance there namain- <br />ing in the- funds aea~umulatcd uttdrr ,-, +rf paragraph -! prrri~ing„ a- a crrdi# agatm.~t rhr amount ++t principal dten <br />rraeaininK unpaid under wid rtuk-, :teed ..knit properly :idju-t stet patrtrrut_~ which -h:rit ha.c• been rnadr under ra? <br />of partytrnph .t. <br />3. fhat rhr bturtgagur wilt par ftr~ound terra. a+-.:ter r,xie.. and ,~ihrr 4uarrmrrarntal r+r atuntcipai <br />charge<, tine+, ur napusitiuns. fur which pr.tviawrr has nut ksecn tnadz heretntxturc„,nd tr: <irfnult ttaeteof rhr 4lartgagee may <br />{xvy rhr wmr~. mnE that tine lortgagor wilt pet+rntxit deliver the utTieiat rrcrapta therefor to the i~tortgager. <br />s T'he Hrtrtgagur well pay a!E text. which may t?r toned t:pua the 4tvrtgagre - in?cr'rst msaid era! r,[;tte and tmprove- <br />mrnts. anJ which ma} t!r levied upon this rn.rrt,{:tgr ,>r the .trot sra.uted ttrrrhy (hut unit iu lire rstent that such is oat prohibit <br />rsl by law amd ooh iu the extern that saih wil! nut make thi+ loan usurnw_,i, lztxt rx.ludang any incvrne Urx. ~tatr ur Federal, <br />it»pttsed on Morfigagee. ;and wilt tilt rhr utlici.d receipt shuwmksuch pay meat with the ytartgagrr. t peen viuiauon of this undrr- <br />taking, ate d the !4lartt~ut rs pnthihiird by ens law rntw u[ hrrra8rr a sa.uEtg (rum paying the whose or any pardon of the afurr- <br />sald taxes. ax upon the rendering of an} court drerze pnthtbi?tog the pay nrent t,y the tiktrtgagor or any such taxes, nr if such taw <br />ur drertr preside:that any amount su paid h} rhr 'slart?zagur .halt k+e arr+lueu art the anur(gegr debt, rhr 'vlvrtgagec shad base <br />the right to give nicety days' written nuttce to the .+wnrr vt the nawtgagrd premises. rryuiring rhr p:ryntrnt of rhr mortgage <br />debt. 1f such rtauice t+r gives. rhr said dent shall becantr due. payatt{e and cvllectible at Cite expirativn of said ninety days. <br />6. that should hr fart tv pay any sum or keep anycvvenaut preceded for in this Mtxtgagr, then the Martgagor, at its op- <br />tion, may pay ar perform the same. and all exprriditurrs so nude shall hr seeded w tree prutcipai sum owing an ~hrpbave note, <br />shall br srctued hereby, seed stkali bear intrust at rite rate set froth in tkrr said note. unEii pant. <br />?. That !te hereby assigns. Eransters :end seta c,vrr to the Wortgtagre, so be applied [i,ward rhr payment of rhr note and. aEl <br />sums secured hereby in case of a defeat[ in rhr pzrforntxnce of ally of rhr terms and condiuun, of thin ?rfartgagr ar thesis! <br />Hate, all the amts, rrvrnurs-and tncame to be derived from rhr mortgaged prcmisrs during such time as the mortgage indrhted- <br />Mss shatl rrttwtn unpaid; and the Martgagre shall have power to appoimr any agent ar agents it may drain far rhr purpose of <br />raps"trig said premises and of renting rhr same and cctlkcting tier rants, r+:vrnues and income. anal it ntay pay out of said in- <br />catttes all rxpenr~s of rrpairirtg said pretnises and necessary commissions and expenses mcu:red in renting apd managing the <br />saunc and of txdtectingrcntats therriram; the b:rFanee rem;uning, if any. to he applied toward rhr discharge of said m+utgage <br />indebtedness. <br />fl, That he will. keep ttte itrrprovements now rusting ar hereafter crrc•~d an rhr mortgaged prvprrty. insured as maay t+e <br />required from time tat tune by tree Mortgrgee against loss by Eire amd other ,wtards. cexraltirs and cvntingrnciz; in such <br />ttmasrttGt sad foe such periods as may he required try Ehe Mortgagee and will pay pnrtnptly, w lien due, soy prrmium., un such <br />instraitcr proYrsion for payrnrnt of whlch has twt born made hereitrttriare..~tt insurtnr:r shall be iareird in cumpauirs ap. <br />proved by the Mortgagee alai Elie pc+iicies seed renewals thcrevf shatf hr bred by the Nurtgagee and have auachrd thetety foss <br />payable clauses its fever Uf seed in form acccnta6{e to the 'yfortgagrc. En rvcn€ of loss yiurtttagur a ill give immcdiatr Helier by <br />tttaii-tq #IIG ~dottgagoe. who tnaY sstaltr profit trf Inca if Herr made promptly by s~tartgagor. nd each insurance company cun- <br />crrne~l is Aerc6y attthsstizsid and duetted tv make payment for sueh 3os drrectly to the Mortgagee instead of to rhr Mortgage+r <br />xrul the ~txutgdfget jo€)sify, ar# the insurgt?cr pt}rcreds, err any part itrrrrvi, may hr apptir•3 by rhr Mvrtgager at its uptian eithrt <br />w else rrtlurfiini of leer itttetlness ht'frby st!cured ar to the rrstaratian or repair of olio peaprrty damaged. f n <, rot +.f torrdu- <br />stEre CdtiEix ~ ar rtiBher tearisfttr is( title to the mcutgageci pri}perty in extinguishment of rhr indet+tcdnes ~rcured trerrby. <br />all riy~t. t'ttlc ahdrlgtere5t of the li4ctiigagt}r iu iznd tv any insurance pctlicirs thin in four shalt pa.+ to the l,ur it r cr ut srr Herr <br />q. l'itat as xttditiaynal seal ettitatrrat security fez iltr payment of the note drscribrd, and a!! sums tsr t+ea`ynn due vit+ier this <br />rrrt+rfgagc, tttc'adu(lgag[tr hrsetsy assigns tv the #i:,r#t;:t~rt -all protit4, revenue.. tuaEtir+. rights seed hc.tefits <knrirt~t to the <br />qtr under an}~ anti all tell and gas Srasrs nn said prrtnrsr+. with the right to c c vc :end receipt far the same and app}y <br />them to fain i~eh#edrarss as well beiarr aq after default its the € xnditiuns +f this mnrtt.nK<. ;rn.i rhr ~tart'tg`tt4xre +na> dcrn.and. care <br />for seal rrra5ver arty sire:-h pttyrnrnts wahrn due tend ftiasuftlt, heel s)aall sett br rryuireJ say ?+~ dn. ;"his assignrrrrnt is tst trrmrttate <br />and hecrnng null and va+id up;rn rricass (ri this m:+rt~gc. <br /> <br />