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,= <br />~ This farm is used in ronner- <br />tion with mortgages insured <br />1ViiTGAGE under the one- to four-family <br />proviainns of the National <br />Housing Aet. <br />$1---flU~~~~ <br />T~fs~~.-GB»~exeentedthis- 1st. dayaf July :A:n: <br />ling ,~~d6et~aen J`tfne Ifi, Oliphant, a single persost <br />of the ~4utttyt+t Ht-11' , artE State of Nebraska, party of tht fvst part- hereinafter called <br />t1fcM~tgt~or;swtf. St~erritnt lfattgage, Irto. , <br />aacg~ized and exisfhgguntisr the laws of Nebraska , <br />psttg~#bt etecand part, l~ercittattcr c9Hcd tE€c Mbrfgtt~ec, <br />WfThiESSFTii: Tfa-i tltie said I€fortgagor, for aad'en consideration of €he sttm of Thirty eight thousand- and No/100ths <br />------------------- Dol}ors fI 38,000.00 ). paid by the Mort- <br />tD rite =receifK ttf-which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and SoW and by these presents does Grant. Bar- <br />QBitt,-.9et1; Ceersy and Confirm unto ;hs Morcgagsr. its successors and assigns, forever. the fottnwing-dexribed <br />rea! Estate,-sittmud in tfirCounty of Gall. .and-State <br />of f, to wit: <br />Rate Southerly E'orty i40) Peet of Lot Two Hundred Twenty Seven (227) and the <br />~artherly Silt i6) Feet of Lot Trso Hundred Tvr+nty Eight (228) in Heltaont <br />Additfrxs to the t;ity of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br />of tizr Sixth Priacipa! ftfgidian, ctmtaeniag in all <br />m+ttttsumy: <br />acres according to Govern- <br />Tti HAVF ANR TU Fft)LU the premise. abrrvc deu:rilaed. wuh a!E ti:r appurrrcnart~ts thercunW bctt.ngirrg attd inCiuding <br />aft heatintt, plgmiritt4 and tighdr€g fistttres and equipment ttuw ,x lterraftrr auached to or uxd m connection with said real rstate <br />untoNst Mkxtytlgte, alai to its sttccesseua and as4tgns. furesrr The Mortgagor reprrseetts tu, and covenants with, the Atortga- <br />gae, that the fKortsagtu has goad rti`itt to .ell and convey wwt premises: Thar they err ferr from encumbrancr; and that the <br />x wi!! wuA'sat asd defend the sa~r :.gaistsS she lawtot clait€rs td all t+rtrax}- whcsnsneara; arsd rhr said A4txrg:rgtu htre- <br />by rsEgpuisitac aU risMs ~ homestead, and all martial right., ether in law ,u m equny. amt ail ether coniiagenl interests of the <br />Moryp€gpsia attd rte the abovsekzctihsd premises. the iMenriOn be€€tg €o convey hereby an attsuiure title, is fee simple. includ- <br />irtg; a0 ri~tts at hoaaestead, and other rights ata,t tntereus a> at;jrsasrd. <br />f~tf*YIAED ALWAYS. attd these presents nrr eucuted and delizrred upon the frltuwintt c.rnditions, to wir: <br />'flze MotTpaaor agrees to pay tc€ tits Mottgygee. ur order. the principal sum of 14tirty eight thousand and No/i00ths- <br />t7Vltarst~ 38r000.rJ0 ). <br />with iatarsai from dots ai the rate of >Psfteert and Oise-tsalf per cenrom 1, 15. SC !~~ j per annum on <br />the unisaid hrniaswe until paid, The said principal and i»tet'est shalt br: pavar:tc at tl€e u&ca of <br />Sttiseriot~Mrart~z Ztie. <br />(aYa¢yi' Island tiehra€ska . err at >uch other place as the holder of <br />rho tree tray dtsi~taic ~ BnniroQ, ~ tt€ont>aly isstailtaentz of Fatal: hundred nirret; five and 721100th8------ <br />_ C~tr)iars €S 095.72 r, commending on the first day of <br />-~ ~- , 11181 , attd ort the firs! duy of each month thereafter unlit the principal and in- <br />tatera are y j-i_.; ex€:ept that, the. fatal payment-. of principal anJ imerest, if not suurtcr paid, .haft be due and <br />pttyabic aft the last d.y of Aaqu#t, 2011 : al! according to the terms of resrtain promts• <br />~r ttotE of svsn dau herewith caceutsd ey the ~atd Mrartgagoc. <br />The Mttetarie ort>er mortluHy trr protect tlx security of this Mortgage, .~ secs: <br />1, Tit he w~ flay tht i~ss, as hertint~{ar+e proviQed. Privi:ege is rese:vr-d to pay tEte debt in wttoFe, eK in an <br />awqusi ~tsal !e~ otTe3 r# ~ftti x paymerrts nn the prirh;ipaI that are next due nn tlx note, on the tir+t day of an} month <br />prietto ~tauity: Ftz riereri. Auwcxer,Tirat SYr`!ttEC ~rict vt as iatcrttiun to ezsrs;ise such privilege is given at !last thirty t)rlt <br />days piior to prt`pay+raG9T. - - <br />2. -f7tat, wtcttter with errs is adauuxt tta. the rnrxtuhiy payn€ent,; ~tf prirts:ipai arrd ittie,cst pa 'e :.rdr :.e .e:pts u. s=cr, <br />ttotc ttcurtd hereby, the Migoi will pa} to the ~ottgagce, un the first day of each month until tht sail} clot! is fully paid, the <br />folluw'itttt turns: <br />(a) Araourtt sufficient tit proXf~ the ht~er hereof with fundz to pay rite next rrtuctgaga insur:«tce prrtttium tf tltts <br />ittattirm~ea! u€d the note sactsxsd h@ttfgr art ivied:; ttr a mrrtttit)y chargr ,'lee lira vja m.rrr in~trusc~r pre <br />/ if they are 3ia~'ify-the Seccetaiy of Nw~rg and titban 1lewClUpmet€t, ar frrlEaws- <br />(i) Ifi tt+td sip sr€ t€ii$ Hots of svau Bats artd this tratntrtwnt are atatrrrd ~*r err reirtsutad uttdee the pr.,. <br />Notts tiff the ~itlowf! ffus, Alt, an un+tunt sutt5brnt 1st akeurnukstc at rhr handx of the hc~iurr .v.v <br />~+>:*+ kNA-3~tl3as wttagtr rruq ua uM,p u,nr wpdv u «e--r~~ wT,k'CE: c)f* Nki3ft:4#li,.e <br />ttutrc€~taata to xgt <br />