<br />$1_ uc-34~~
<br />tA. That the Mortgagor will ketp the hniMings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste
<br />apart said land, nor stellar the said premises to h€ used for xny unlawful purpose,
<br />I i. That if the premises, or atty pan thereof, tx condemned under the power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public
<br />nse, the-damages awarded. the proceeds /or the taking nt, or the consideration for such acquisition, to the extent of the full
<br />' amotmt of indeht€dnes upon this mortgage and the note which itrs given to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the
<br />Mortgagor to the Mortgagee. and shalt tx paid fartirwi'rh to said Mortgagee to he applied by the tatter on account of the next
<br />mattntinginstallitNente nt retch ittdebt€dness.
<br />f~~ 'I'4iE Mortr?atptnr further agrees that should this mottlpge and the note secreted hereby not t+e eligible for in-
<br />~tartre tinder the National Hotrsing Act within sixtyr days from the date hereof (written statement of any officer
<br />of the Clepar(erient of Housing and Urban fSevelopment ar authorized agent of the Secretary of Housing and Urban
<br />_ ,'~rs+elsspreet+t d3ite9 stt!~gtetnt to tltc s~tttp days tie+ie from the date of this mortgag€, dectinirt(t to insure said
<br />crate- artd ttm mortgage, tieing deenieai conclusive. proof of such irrehgil+itity), the 4lortgag€€ or holder of tht note
<br />may, ~ its option, deelare all stems recurred hereby immediately due and payable.
<br />I x. That R tt€ Mortgagor Pails to make an} paytnettts of intiney when the same t±ecume due, or fails 4o eixtform to and
<br />~ wi~r spy of the mitts oragte€m€ttts comained in t1r~r-rrttsrtttagc. or t}re ttixe which It secures. then the entir€ princi-
<br />p~l aunts atwf accrued intere3f shall ac otrce hecottte due and payable, xt the election of the ':Mortgagee: and this mortgage may
<br />theretepon he toraclnsM immediately for the whole of said money, imtrest, monthly pa}mt€nts, costs, ground rents, taxes and
<br />the coca rri exuwtdirtgthr abaract of title-from the date of sMs loan to thetime of commencing such foreclosure suit. and a rea-
<br />sr+ratttl€ attorney's fee. ail of which shat) tee irtctuded in the decree of foreclosure: end the contract embodied in ibis mortgage
<br />- and the note s€c+rreal hereby. shall in all teapots ix go+.°ern€d, ctmstrued and adjudged by the taws of Nebraska, where the
<br />aante is roads.
<br />The'eoveanutts herein c6rttaitTld shad hind, artd the benePtts and advantages shat! insure tn. the respective heirs. exeeuWrs,
<br />atieeiaiatnton. srrccessors and assigns of the panies,hereto. Whenever used, the .irrgular numt+er shall include the plural, the
<br />phrral the singular, arm the use at any gender shalt be ap¢iicahle to all g€nd€rs.
<br />The fortgoing conditions, all seat sitrgerlar, txirt~performed according to their naturat and Legal impart„ this conveyance
<br />- - - - -~----- -- °- e+-e, ..., ...,~, ,~. ~'i-'""r.c. +-~TT++'t ~t~e =a rftd"t eTT'_`
<br />tN WITNESS WHER£t~E, the ~fongagurts} ha s hereunto act ter handtst the day-and near first
<br />afw;€ written. "
<br />In pre_4entt of ~ lj
<br />~" J ,~r r f`
<br />~,r`~ -~~ f i~~~~-' i SEAL i
<br />JIIBE M. 07.IFHA2IT
<br />iSEAf.i
<br />iSEALj
<br />;SEAL}
<br />iSEAL;
<br />GPO 5at.t36
<br />ST.+~'['t7C?F?stEBRASK.A.
<br />.a:.
<br />C'tJt3ltiTY Of~' Na2I
<br />r.)rrNrro Ut dayyf July
<br />a itFtattity RtittliC
<br />A.U ty 81.het.urmc.
<br />in atut fen card (' ~stt, per~rnaify cam€
<br />Jtrt>s N. 41igh3nt, a t;,~.ngle person
<br />pcrwnaliy ur me known
<br />ev b~c the skntn al pawn whose nittne is atTixed to the xtwve and fore-
<br />Qutt4gir~alrY9leetat. Mortgagor, ;and 911E tzss mknsrwkdged the said instrumen/ aml the
<br />ex€ruticre th€reuf tv h€ Yfe+~ ..siunt~r} a..t em3 d€eet. for [ire purpvs€s th€rein expressed.
<br />In ustimotry wheraSif,; I have hcre.~uttto set mg ~ a~sc~t ~ ml` ,eal at LYartd Ssland r NebraBk;a
<br />ow ~e day and date fast ~ ~'~ ~np,, " - tr'" , i
<br />~} I "' }#~~ry, ! ~' (.iii i #tc,
<br />f"'• x
<br />NrrRary t f
<br />STATE OF AEE91~rS1CA s5' ,, `
<br />A,D,14
<br />M., and enured in `/ucnerical Itxleac, and
<br />,+f Mort$'a(#ts. cttt
<br />Registei of ikeds:
<br />wu~a2t~cata ts~.t*t
<br />