<br />tka soon secut~tF tsy dtl~ Deed of Trtest sheN continue on' iced. Upon such payment and cure by Borrower, this Deed of
<br />1'ttlru artd the 9Pili~ttittgs.rettttxltt hey sMtdl rextsrtin in futi farce-and effect as-if no acceleration had occurred.
<br />~. ~ f ~ ~lCasrtbval fseiiet hr Possssdosts As additinnsl security hereunder, Bottower
<br />hereby sasr~ tes tVestder f~tt rents r~ ttre latupctty, deA that Borrower shall. prior to acceferstian under paeegrapti tti
<br />llete9f or abtindgpsttdaR ofthe Properey, Fusvethc rE tv ttxlkrt aeNt retain such rents as.they Ueecome due and payable,
<br />t}pon ~1°tntdair ~ i8 Mereef ar ati3indtimitcnt n€ the t'ropenp, Lender, in person; 6y agent or icy
<br />judieiatty s - ard tece}vtr, be dtthted tb-enter upr+ii; titre p~sssssitsn of acrd matrage the Aroperty and to coltect the
<br />„tots of tite~rty . those post dtx. ell! tones cisttecred by LAnBer°or the receiver shall be apptied first to-paymen;
<br />eC rkcc cents bf tnsna Yttgee etiY~ the fh`opsrty sndrotkctiarr of rams, i+~uding tart nin Limited to. tecetves's tees; premiums
<br />on tt>gr's ttoe6de aad tt~toatbFe ax~+ritey's fee3, era) then to tfre went "s~urra! by this thed of Trust. Lender and- the
<br />nstx~t' _~a>t'6c IiaWa to aet»ttnt es~ f~ tteona rents-actuatty received:
<br />1~1. lafkNe Ris'ttw.Yic (TpeS~t of borrower, fender, atLer:tite~t's ttpteon, ptwrr 20 futt rccazrveyatus o[ tAt Prrty
<br />by Trrartee io titttrvaaer, allay m~rc Adro~es to Borttswor, Such- !;!score A~vsmxs; +sith inter#st thtreoit, 5hatl -tie
<br />saaittiad~thts fJead'td '1'tstN rfiar evidrtrec~td by-p~dtstiseory nattas usNng that :said Hares ace ucured hereisy, At do Nme stiatt
<br />the ranrnmt a< ttra sewsrt!d this Deed of Tratst, ncK including sums advanced in ordant:e herewith
<br />w proract the aMastay aP tkeis Dtat of Trttst: exesxd the ariginat atnaunr of the t~fote ptas US S . - --
<br />EZ: ~ 13pon psynknr of aB sums stcured by !kits Dead. of Trust, i.ender shat! request Tnrsirx to reconvey
<br />!lee P~atrputgaad shat! sutreader this I3cad ai True and-alt notes evidmeittg indebtedness scevred try this DaM of-Trust
<br />en Ttus}te. 'TrtsaKe shag ~ ehe Pivperty wi;hou; warranty and wit i charge to the person or peestsrts kgalty
<br />tnttitliezl t#sereta: Suds paaeax oar perxms al+aU peg att coos of tecordatiaxt, if any.
<br />~.9risAlela'L'FrMre: Lender, at Lender's oplitrs, may from tirnero time remove Trustee and a nt a 5uccessnr
<br />irt~e ttr-arty 'Frtgxe heeeur~t ~-sn insgna~ent recntxtd in the couary in which-chic t~atof Tn3st is recorded.
<br />Wirlstsue canssyaatce of~Propsrty, the successor trustee chalk succted to ait the dtk. power and- duties conferred upon
<br />the TnaKae !retain awl tsy appfir~slt tasty,
<br />#~ 6sr lstsllas. ?lo~traaw[r regtses~ that eoples of the notice of defauh and nrnice of sale be sent to Borrower's
<br />aal~aas w!t~s ~ the Ptoparty Ate.
<br />~l't WtTNE"SS 1YitERBUF. 'JMaIZ has cseGtaeed tta[5 d ra€ T[tesF.
<br />.. ~ ~S rrw' A •Ctf .. / ....Bat'aw~r
<br />Atttliey )t~. .}} .. .. --aara«ar
<br />~'rATE 4F N$ssASttA.... }tA.l, 1, - . , . .. ..... , t;tlttitty 55:
<br />fht-this . . - .. ~4Zh... tixY of - . Ttr[ne_ .... . tq ~? trefare ttx, the undersiStted, a Notary Fubtic
<br />~dy eaasmisstQtsed and gtuttif~d fcx sat!! rxrtmty, persateatty card: H,srry A. Bach and
<br />... Asad~r.8. !1us;ltit.bvtsband,atmiµta~~>¢ to ttm known to be r`_
<br />id~atic~i pipsostts! >= rtamefsl arc stt6srrebai tc~ thr foregotng tn5trtrt7tertt and aeknowledgri the eacCUtion
<br />th~ca€ to lse .. , .... c.~s i r, , . ~,~ act arsd dom.
<br />~strtd %a land
<br />Witnes3 txsy taattd ate rmtariat 5cal at: in said county. the
<br />!talc ~,
<br />,,,.,.~ 2~i, 1`t"~ 3
<br />.(Illttl4~:lyraa.a. ° ~` ..~-:. wt~-x.t-s~-- . ;.: ; ........ .
<br />i4rltiars-itptwslral>t'M! t:aa~r a,xx,c
<br />Tct'!"ktusr~:
<br />RE.t~ES'T F4Ft R~CC}lv~-EYAttCL
<br />The - is t~ hrr trl tklc nsxc cu ru.#~i scsasreci tx hats I3ect1 of Trost. 3s:d ~atevr stars, ttigeshcr
<br />othet ~ secured by ihes Decd ca(7rust, twvr t~tn paid in foil. You are hereby directed to cancel
<br />aei~i . rx toed this Deed ~ Trost, which. etc. delivered herctsy. and to reeonvey, without warranty. stl the
<br />ata!w !%~ by yrw andes the u! Trout W tix perssxt nr perswts Legally cntttltti thereto.
<br />
<br />_ j,r
<br />LSaN&R 9EitW ral~ 6.oY a~iOfWfl F7f :~ntiFi Jon FIliueYtRtj
<br />