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<br />$1-~tti329u <br />4. Catttdeorruaarr. Tire proceeds of any award or claim for damages. direct or cotuequentiai, in connection with any <br />cotfdtmnation or atlfet taking of the Property, or part ttxreof, or for canveyantx in lieu of rnndemnation, art hereby assigned <br />sad shall ix prod to Leader. <br />In tht anent of a ttrtal taking of tits Property, the pra-teds shat) tie applied to the sums stcured by this [)~ of Trust. <br />with the extxss, i[ any, paid to Borrower. to the event of a partial taking of the Property, unicas Borrower and Lander <br />otitatarise a;prat in writing, tltere shad ix aggited to the Burns secured by this Beed of Trust such proportion of till proceeds <br />as is otpwd to-that proportion which the amewnt of the sums srcnrcd by this 1]eed of Trust imtnediateiy prior to the date of <br />iafciag heats to the fair mattd vaiue of the Property immeQiateiy prior fo the date of taking, with the balance, of the proceeds <br />paid to 9ortastar. <br />I[ fibs v is abartdttrted by Borrastrr. or if, afar notice by Lander to Borrower that the condemnor offers to makc <br />an awatd'ar Bettie a eftum for damages, Barrowcr fails to resfxirmt m Lender within 36 days after tht date such notice is <br />mulled, 3:ender is authorized to colftct and apply tfre proceeds. at Letufer"s option, dither to restoration or rrpair of the <br />Proper!} w to tha sums sacirred hY-this iked of Tttrst. <br />tIntass Letsder sad-Borrower otherwise agrtt in writing, any such application of pmcttds to principal shafit oast extend <br />at ~aafgona tha dttr data- of tlia tttottthly itrstatimerets referrM to in pars$raphs I and d hereof or change the :.rttaunr of <br />wit iititEafimtau. <br />fi. tiartwer~ lWar ReleaaeA. Extrnsion nt the time for payment ur modifrcation of amottizaaon of [he sums secured <br />by this Eked of Trost granted liY I..endcr in any ,uecessor in >.ntertst .if Borrower shad not operate to release, in any manner, <br />tits liat+iiity of the ortgrttal Borrower am# Bnfrnwtr's stxcrssc>rs ,n ~nttrest tender shat{ not t+t required to commence <br />procaedings agtitest such xtrcetsatir or rtftae ttx txtend time far paym¢m or alhtrwtse modify amotttzation of tht sums <br />secured-by this ihed of Trost fey mason of any demand made by the nri$rnal Botrnwer and &rrrnwtr's successors in interest. <br />i f. ~mbneaart tT txader Area a Warner. Any fnrbraranee try t.rndar in exrrciseng any right or rcmedv hereunder, or <br />aiftttsvix aRorded by applicable taw. shall not tit a waivtr of or prtcitsdr th¢ extreise of any such right or remedy <br />The. groctrreiflmt of irtstsratuse ar the payrttent of rax~ s>: ntb¢r iicrrt t>r charger b} [ ::rtdtr xhai} not he a waivtr of [_ender's <br />right to aeceferate fht maturity of the zndetxtdntsv secured by this Eked of Trtxst <br />fZ itetioedies Ctomdatrse. Afl restudies pttrvided to this Ikxd of Trust are d1911IiCt and ctsmtilauve to any other right <br />ar rensedy under this Beal of Tract or afforded by !aw rir !quit}°°, and ma} tin ezerc:sed cancurrcn[ly, independently nr <br />sttccess[ad~~r. =tea <br />i3. sad -latwtdi idiot atsd Srvteal I.iahiBty; t:eptiaws.. Tire covenants and a$rtemenrs herein <br />caataintsd shatF tsixtd, and the rights itcretrrut¢i shalt :Wore t"?, the resspcs:trve .ticce,.sors and assigns +>f Gender and Botrnwer. <br />sahjee3 era Ells provisions of paragraph t' [xreoi- Air +A7vrnants and agmments of Bormwer shall t>e joint and several. <br />The cap[#trtt a:md ht~irtgs of rite paragraphs <>f this f~rnt +it Trent re ft>r zonventetsct only anti are ncit to ht used to <br />irsterprat ar deBat tlu proviafatis ifaret+f. <br />20: ?VeNar, inxc¢pt far any tsmrrx rtxfuurd urtcicr app#rcanlr ;,w t<, ?>e ¢rvea .a atsothxr manner.. 'at any nettled to <br />BnrrvvwPS prcrridtd for in ibis Lk+.+d of Trust shall tie $tven to mashag Stich notice by ctttr6ed malt addressed to Borrower at <br />fire Progeny Atha ar at Buell cxhrr addtt~s as Botrnwer trtay dtxrgrtatt t=y trailed to F emfer ;u provzdt;d herein. and <br />tit} any rtotsee to i.ertdet xhali 1st gives tap ~ttiiial mad, morn reretpt regtrrxted. to Lrntier's atidmss stated herein nr to <br />stasis otlrsr addre~ as Gender cosy deggnatt try rrauct to Borrower as pravidtxi tttretn. Any notice provided for in this <br />dead +~ Trust than be drxrfeed to bout bcen $ncn ;o Barrawrx .,r i,s;rtdcr wtKn grvta to the rnanner desrgnamd herein. <br />13, f3adfarra rltaari d Trap (:a+erttJeg I~w: !kretaftiiify. f}ts~ (€rm .+t .fired of trtrzi , ombines unrfarm cacenants tar <br />national utu and lino-uniform etavenatus whit limited vanatians t,v ;unsdretsoa to com[rtme a t:mfarm security instrument <br />srover%ttg !tai pr Thin Lleed csf Trust than >x }soverrred by° :he law of the ;urtsdtction ;n whtch the Propeny is ixateti. <br />in *!ae aveni t1ta~ a~ityyprnvtsirna ar e}atrst of rhea [3acd .,r Trust or the 'dote --,cnflicis wtth :,ppttcahte law, stash cnnftict shall <br />tort aReet arbor gravntoas .tf thts Dees at 'Trust <>t the 'tiMr whtch sort `+e turn eiftx;t without the conflrcttntt pmvrsuin. <br />sort txt rigs and the }rax'essate of ttse [?t,ed ~!f 'Trust artd ;he ~<itr ate .'.xc tarrd to t,e ntvtrahit. <br />i',#k ~ Cgry Borrower siiafl t+e turntsitrd a ~cmtormrd :.~*t*v of rite tiisire sod a! this L5e¢d of 'T'rust at the tin <br />t~f t~aetor ar aNer reear'-t?wf brutal <br />!T: Efwatrtrtaf rits FH~rlgt A>iwt. fi sit .+: any part c.f tti,: Pr!>~rtg ,+r zn inretrsi thtrern is sc>fd or transferred <br />ity Bosrrrserwitlsoat iersdsrs prove wrsitcn nerxnt. cxcttidtng a3 the czcauc+u of s Iten <.r ericumhrance sutxrrdinare to <br />tills 7esd at Terri, [bj the erealtan of a tntrttrasa mcmcy steurttt~ :r-LerrSt fzr hiitnchnid appls3ncts. ec: a tratsxtrr by devise. <br />dex=sat or by tepara;iott ssf law trpart ripe th of s 3asns tenant or s d I the grant s:i any ?casehald intcrtsi nt three years cr less <br />tear rnnt an optum to putr:hare. !.ender !tray. of I.rtirier's ~>pt+c+;i. :iiv~tar¢ ;tit tits cams xccurts! by ttt ix i)t¢d oI Tre+st to he <br />emmalt tGlat4ly tgitss oad payatrk. l..tadtr shall hour +rarvrd suet opuan eo a~csttrate tf. prrur t.-+ the Bak ar tra+ssftr. Lra~r <br />and lire pcraart to wisarn rise fRapsrty rs to he s~>hf :n tratrtfsrr¢ef *ra~ka ~greetrscnt ,or wnurtg that the srrdti of .tub ptrsan <br />d saiisfrtctary w i.tsttler and that ttfe ,attrrst payable nn rho urstn ccuted by this IkKxi nt Crt»t shall h¢ at such rate as <br />tetsdtt ~ha6-regrtest. if iznrler ftas'ra:vsst rite opatttn to ~~~eiti:ratt a:rksf .rt tfsa ,aragrapis i 7, sad if Borrt,wer's successor <br />in ittttftsPt hq eausctttatt a written arerttnprtm agtmctrser,t accapt+erf rn a~rstin$ try Lzrydrr, i.erder xitaii rtkase Borrower tram <br />ail o41ij%t~ts ttmter tisis i)orri of Trtwt and the"+at3t. <br />1€ axetcists suGif option ro atxirrate, f.rrtder ,haft mart Bsxn>wer rscsttce of accciKatinn to nceardance wtih <br />- td het-- wit rfatxa =ltait isrovtdt a priticd ::tar cos than 3tt days tnem Sisc date the sxrtrer is mailed within <br />vr~8arrotver iWy pay t}re xtttru tit::iucrt dtx It Fki-n?+ker ra is to I>ay sus'.}! soma print to she expsratttrn of such penasi, <br />[„amfer may, without tttrier tastist err detnand c+a Borrower, 3nvc}E,r aa} tcrnrdse3 permuicd t+y paragrapft t!3 hereof. <br />Siitrta-C:'?Vrt"tslftss r'rrv~rewerts, tiarrsiwcs sad r.ertskr iurtivrr ::overunt atx# ague as toi}tswr: <br />fi. Acrdaragtai fisweslitw Eacatlt as prarxrlN i• paragapt f? Oerasf+ ttpa 6arrewer's ftrsas6 d arty earetttsat w <br />at iaseaww li this Daael of Trsn1, irfrhsrlas rte cos-ewtttth la pay witty Bas t+J' awns ts¢rtuad i+Y tile llaed <br />oT'ter'att4 lArtior prior ra xcaknwiaw siuW atarT ostler to HettawYr as ptrasidgr is para~gt it itteeea( sp¢etgiar{: (if tits <br />yeagCtf fdi are ardaa-ratpdrtd ra tyve sari iseast; 4di s +la~. sat lea ttaa 3i rMys t»ta tie dare !Sat wetict b rnsiletl to <br />*erwsrw. fig wifelf rock Htrcaxi astrt it s'twalt std tit rftet foliate M rata Baer besati as at fretare tie dale s'scifisd <br />srs Mre nr>~ rtu1Y t~ d sra^rterariaa a€ tie soots tterwrsd M tide iksi a( Trar stttf safe ai tie Prapefsy, Tfte ttaaee <br />siroY feprtn itttfarra tlarraaer at file Rt;Mt rs reiastrtk ttfrsr acrefrrtAiaa aai tie rips to eft a ware ertioa to araeri <br />lira ~ 4€ a ~ie#tftdr at say ethrr ttetrtwss of Narroxrea to acrekraiiea sad oak. /f tie breast is tfttt cured <br />tto ar iteFers rte iYE trpciflx+i fa ttrt tratlse, i.ewdiet W C.eadsr'x apriaa stay dashre oY al tie rotas scctetd fry riot tlesd <br />at `~' itrrwaiia~ly s6ta aa41?RY~ '+ltirew f+wtty dswswt6 agd linty ~saicc its p4saa +r( sale awl say ari~r rcasdka <br />RpsNbrsli-#~ ~ iww. t,etriiet ttitatl fie ttMiBei to caiise't aY reaaawaik casks a~ expsrwes tacwrel to potsalag tie <br />rtraa pew, tr rtie MantValtt tg. ias$dlrtg, hto war i~ ta. reateoaNe arasaey's Ease <br />Mee set dais h rasiksiy Z'trsstpe ataY tmrwt a satire al dsfaati at evert la selfie- rise tea*erly ar Boats <br />pgrat ~#atasMd-aatiaMM taail eaRies~af sect etariee is rte mNasr prsacriiett fry lsw to ftwrawsr sad to ttfs <br />tsurw.iKssorstitrtracailtrtib law. Afty tilt of tam riraa of ~ fat necip~apllleabk taw, Trtes6ee ataB <br />R!WRrie t# attk to ere ptotais std fiat its twaaer isrea¢riMd fry appiiirsik law, Trtaase. wittw{ +kaosad oa <br />~. xOrM irdt titre lta-gtsrty w paitfAr aartkw a rite hieiesr fodder ~ its r&tts sad p{aec std artier tie rsrtaa dtsttigwated <br />is Mrs aa~ite d fete ra aaa or taws atq€ kuu sac! larder as ftfwee arty dererrtaits, Trtteass slay paegaas sail ~ aY <br />ae. trgjt jtwrsai et ~r ~*ltsly fig' ttM~t ataiaaa~er+wr at -rte etwa aai piwee at any w+tf~S +sitrJied sale. i.ewder ar <br />f,+otire°a + ~ Eft are P ~erty at say ~. <br />at pgtaresrr aFMfe 7'rttatstr stair dtrMrsr to tie pttrcisur 'PrstAes's ded eaorayk~ its Property <br />twist:~t~ i. Mrs Tt+tatiatPs rttiM is psfaaw facie tvitaare td tie hart ei !tt tlfatNlpfM dtaie eiarela, 'f5tolee <br />tiltrrp~tife i d Ae a+aiR firs Mrs taittr+riag alder, tsJ to sit rrsiaerttttbis rash atsd txppow d Eta sds, bat <br />arrf; Mwt # is fadlai trot rware rttar~r..1 «$...._ ._ ~~ of rifegrar~ sate prim, retfaaaaiie attsraef's lass std tarps d <br />ripe ~ ea Atli tt ~ ~ sQtl of ?rwtii rind fej rfe ..~.•~--~ B as;. to acs parwn ar peatstaa tt~t(ty tratliasd <br />Mtaraq. <br />igr. MSeaMtatt?+r iii to RahrifAe.'3atiritfa#uxftalt i,.ender's acederariaatr of the sums srcurrd by tfus Decd of Trust.. <br />yaarvxrer shall h;sva rife rtgkp ra hs+r. arty grtrerzxtsrgs tie;stn -ir}t t_sraisr~ rss t:niruce tlsia 13sc:tt of Tt~ast siiscoarlnutd at <br />any ttae pritif m the earner ks at:,°.et of (i} the fifth day lietare the ,:Sts of ties i+raparty jxirwaat to tire powai of Bait =c~arair~d <br />tq ibix Xiud at Trrxat s>r till etsiry of a itrl~ ¢rtfatung this i?dtd of Ttizsr if: faj $reerawar pays isnder sit Bollix wlttcir wauW <br />frt. Bien chic srrxier th,x, LtaW ref Traxt, fiat e~rrriiryra sad t ststtru~ Future Adva~xa. d say, twist rut aeecisrartata accterrtd. <br />ttii iMxru+rv. corn all btexifrrs ;it arty otter casanawls cir ajjttattnaMx arf tttsrrovret containsrl in ties Dced off Crafst. <br />ley llkrtrmr¢r fwys alt rsaaonahrt: c+paass+ ractitr~rsE fay i..etisitt and 'f'rusume is cnEt%4<tag tf~ i~rsc~rutnrs -and agrecttKttta z?i <br />$rtrnrtl[r :ssntxsmxi to this [kcd ,~ 7nir,t ansi. sir tat;_cirrfl Lxrxdar`s and--Trustsa's rr<medies ax.prs,•+rodsd in pa€agrapa lEt <br />ttcrsaf, irw:3irdizis. taut mK ?iaut¢td to, ;rteat'raty`s f+ess atstf (dp Llorrsiwer takait such aerrs>n as L.¢tsdes maY r¢asunaftry <br />rsqutFa fa ilgrirv that. rite iatw a€~,ttus .l af.'i"tust.: l.ertder's iatetnf. to tits Prt~sersy and itnrttrwer`s srbltgatiaa to flay <br />