<br />Utvtrotetet Covxrtarers. Borcowtr and Lender covtnam aml agree as foflows: v ~ -" t'~ (j u
<br />1. > et atad hsletest. &xmsvtr shaft promptly pay when due the principal of and interest un the
<br />ixtdebtedhtss evidetteed by t Nate, prepaytttmt and tale chstgts as provided in the Note, and the principal of and tureens[
<br />on a f~utute Advarxes secured by this Deed of Tritst.
<br />Z, lrtrrdi hr 7~ha aEd leettesni. Sitbjert fa applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Leader do tfte tby ttionthfyitataHtftenes of priruipat and"inieTest arc payable utsder the Note, unfit the Note is paid in full,
<br />a sum (titrein `Funds"} ~l to ane-twelfth of {he yearly taxes artd assessments whicfi may attain priority over this
<br />laced ~sf Tnrst, amt gwugd fettle Uri the Property, if any, plus otie-twelfth of yearly premium irtstaltments far ha>atrd insurance,
<br />plea onmtwelfth of yearly premium ins4tfrrttrsts for tliartgege insurance, if any, alt as reasonably estimated initially and from
<br />ttttteso tira~ by a:~aitkr tat Utt tiaS~ of tt±~ximtrits and tuffs and reasattabte t,timatts tlitreo(.
<br />7'ht Ftrrtds shalt bt htdd in an ieWitutian the deposits or accounts of which are insured or gtearanttxt! by a Federal or
<br />state agency (itxfudierg [_eetder if Lender ro such ao itistitutionl. Linder xhall apply the Fund to pay said taxer. assessments,
<br />i{istrrancf ptetnioms and ground tensile. under may exit charge for sa balding and applying the Ftm , anafgzing said aceaunt
<br />tx vt~tfying and carttp3fivi= semi asse~rterits and bilk, antes; txntftr pays Harrower interest 6n ttte Funds artd ap~icattk law
<br />f,eadtr to titalte such a cltargs, Horrissver atilt Lender may agile in writing at the tune sf exuattian tsf this
<br />~af Trust that interest on tits-Funds shat) bt paid to Harrower, and unless usch agrcernent is made ar applicable law
<br />tegair~a sttth inttresa to bt paid. LsrMer shat) net tx requ£rtd to pay t3orcawtr any interest ix tamings on [fie Funds. (.ersifer
<br />efts)) give to Hmrerver. without charge, an annual accatmt+ng of the Fundc .hawing credits and cktsits to the Funds and the
<br />pt for whidt tacit debit to the Ftmds was mark. The Funds are pledged as additiana! sexuriry for the soma secured
<br />6y Deed of Trsa;t.
<br />tf tree amosinf of tiffi Fttndr Isefd by f et~r. logerher with the future momh[y irntallttientx of Funds payable prior to
<br />Hie due [farce of teats, asxemri{ents, insurance preratiutrn sent ground reMS, shalt exceed t(x amount requited to pay said taxes,
<br />aeii~rstttHa. iasatrance prtmitrms amt grrsuftd rents as they fall dtfe, sorb escess shelf ht, at Harcawer's opfian, either
<br />pprrtitnfrtt}* repaid is f3orrowtr ar cfedidtd to t3arrawcr an nsantMy installments of Funds. if the amoum e f the Funds
<br />field tyy t..cneltr shaft not bt suRtcient ro pay taxes, ~astcsmenis, in<sirance premiutrss and ground rents as {hey fall due.
<br />Barrotaer shat] pay m [.artder arty atrtmrm neerxsarv m make up the detk:iency within 3p days fttsm ttte dart notice is mailed
<br />~ teatter to ltarravrer ts~tse:tnt7K payment thereof.
<br />Lrpon payrr~m in tali of sit sums utured by ihss Decd nt T'rust. i ender shalt prampiiy refund to Harrower any Funds
<br />ittld by Gender. if tinder paragraph t$ trereaf tFte Propery is xnid csr ttv_ Prantrty is otherw~ese acgmrtd by Lrndrr, Lender
<br />shad apply. tto IaTer than tmmtdeurdy prsw to tht sale !tt the Pra~sperty ire its acquisttsrtn tsy l.urnler. env Funds herd by
<br />l.tader arttte time of pg tan as a crtsfit against the bums secured by thu i)eed of "trust
<br />J. rtp~eit(aa at Tti~ty~~s~t L`nfess appicable 13t. provsdes ntherw+xr, ail paytntnis sree+ved by Lender under rise
<br />Note sad paragraphs £ artd ~ her~tot xhai) hr applred by £.rnrler €itst rn payrncnt of amaunts payabtc to [_ender hr Hormwer
<br />wader paragraph 2 kierfxst, tttta to mtettst payable un the Natl. shin «> the prstx:rpas of the :watt. and then ro interest and
<br />prinn~ un env Future hdvataas.
<br />t'Trar~tSt Liens. Harrower shalt isay :iii rases. asxssments arW axher ,:barges, €ines and ~mpszsuisxss attributable ro
<br />the Ptopexty which easy attain a prtantt over this Died of Tnsst and itaseha4d payments ssr gratretd rents, if any. in the
<br />ritaaster ptm~ed under paragraph 2 Iserta! nr. ii nix }laid in such manner. tsy Horrowzr making payment- when due. directly
<br />m
<br />~ttayet thereof. Horrawtr xhai! prixnpity tumtxh ta, trttdrr aiF Wooers at amauntx dae utsder this paragraph. and in the
<br />curet Horrmrtr :hail make paytrirnt dtrectty. $orrawer sisal) pmmptly fsvntsh cis l.tader recngts tvidrrrcing such payments.
<br />Hsnrasitei dealt pttuaptiy ditchat~e any £ien which has pnwsir over rhs; t:)ced ctt True: prc~vtdtd. that Borrower shall not 1?c
<br />rp6titirtr43a elhichsrge-atsg such Ira sr., tang ae florrawer shat} agree in ~=icing to the payment o[ the abiogatusn secured by
<br />such lets to a snantxr acceptable ti? Lemler, ur xhai! ,n gtsod faith cantest xuch ?stn tsy, ~r defend cnforeement at such £;en in,
<br />trgaf ~r ergs wtucts e>{terate !s: ptrvrnt tut cn[arumtnt of flee ittR ar [arfrfturr at sh: Pmpeny ar say pan thtrxa[.
<br />~rt3 ~~dtl/iaed )serest=. $rrrro+wa xhai[ keep tree :mpruvcrnetsts teen r.Er,teng ar':sereafter trecttt? t,a t'te Property tnsure~
<br />agaireaa ktla by` die, haxatsts irsetirdtd weihm the term -'cste ..unragc".:end such offset haeards ax Lender may requtrt
<br />artd is stxii amounds atsd fa ,sx:-n prratsds as Lander may rrqurre: pro,.sdrri, that l.eaJtr slia£f net rcauict chat the amaunt of
<br />seseh txsverage exerts) that armttsat art cavera{tc rr;usrcd its pav the srrnn st: tared by this Lletd s,€ "Cnfss.
<br />The imuttttice camrr prortdrrss the +rtsurartu:r sha14 he +: nesstn by #]rxrz+wrr errbirtt tie appravai by £.ender. pn,vided.
<br />that surctt apprmal shat) txwt he unrtasanahty wettthcFd. Ati paerntums on rrssuranca pc.[irsrs shalt ht peed in the nsarsner
<br />pravirftad starlet psuagnpb ~ ttereoi ur, if not peat rn such manrstr. 'ry Bartrrwtr reeking payment, wtaets due, directly to the
<br />itmt~asiee Carries.
<br />Atl rttStef'anet pdicets sad rerstwais rtserrat v€rati t*e ,+r ti,rm .nieBtatut €r, Ltnsier and ,hall ttscfude a standard mungage
<br />zlautie rrs favw of r~ in farm :sctepsablt to L+ersskr t ender shalt bast [csr Wahl to halci the paitctes and renewals tistrtaf.
<br />sad Hm'txswat sbaH prsmtptly lutntttte 3.. t.etxdrr sit resew as :rx,6rs stet set rccttprs s.€ paid prem+unua. in the event of tens.
<br />ttt7rrCwet till gsrt prompt atalsir ra lilt :nvssrarrcc ; eruct snJ i etxier. [.ender may make (maxef of €a,ss sf nut made pratuptty
<br />by Horrowaar.
<br />E:ateYS Lrnde€ fusel $arrsrvrr rsthrrxvsut agree ,n ~.rrtrng, ~r±xurarn:e Prawesxis .hail t+t ::{tpittd tc rtsturation rx repast of
<br />rise y dattta~ted, pruvMkd sstl:h rrvaratsws ar rrpau ,. <: >rx>t»rza£iy :eax>,+xle .:Wei the xet7tsaty u[ thn Deed a€ `Frost is
<br />trot itsetetlry rmParrct#, !f ssw.h rrstaratiua ur +tparr is -cat tcsKSwni.aiiy feasialr ase ,i tic sti~-unty ut this [Teed of Trust wou£d
<br />be stn@aitstd, tlet ;gsurarscr pr.scttsls shat] hs applict to rest sun~x secreted by thrs I}tcd of -f rust, wfth [fie eccrss, €] anY. peed
<br />.aw~'H,atrawer. if the Ptr~~v,pcriy n abamtatsc.t 'icy Bust+>wrr. ,+t s# Norrc,wer tssSs t+f resPcrrsd tar Lcrs=ler wi{hta 3t3 days €rarn the
<br />vmq ttQ{A"t r5 rnalfed kl t.emkr t~ t'tp!'rxxwy^r liter ittt :fbitiiit<t idrrf[r i%t~EfR iii .SZ'ttit u bairn (af intilfaltic t]Cllrilt4, LrndCl
<br />k atrshur%tast-to c°otltct sad appip flee inxsrasaLe ptus:tedx at Lersdti s o{unxs tsttter to rtstoratusn rx repast of the Property
<br />ur w the sums mcttred 'try t~wtrl2ett3 of Tniste
<br />L€t L~w~$ar as¢ Her attterwrnc agree rn wrrit.~„ any srxlt „pptrc::tttxs of prucs~ds io priactpat shad slat extend
<br />ar the due elate of the rrtondhiy ttuitattrnents reterrtd en ru paragraphsa t and 2 herexsl rx change the amount ni
<br />~irxst~tUasttsss. (f teenier psirty}rtiptt to herea( the Property rs acgsuts~ by ).ender, ail right, title amt interest of Horrowrr
<br />;n and to arty it»{uartce pultcees aMi sn erect trs tffe practeels tttereu! resu£ttng {ram daasage to the Pnspertr pr«sr to the salt
<br />ar acgit~sition stud[ pane as ).cadet to the extant of the eaters seusurd t>y ihss flesx£ o{ 'trrrit immedsately prior to ssuh safe or
<br />~.
<br />d.. Fintatfsntlisa ant IlY~lptaaee d !leper[>: Leastields; Casdewieiv~; t+tsansd task t)tretapaarntts. Horrower
<br />xtt±t71 kcep stir Pr--teeny to geaul repast slut .ham-t! s,an .exsusrsut ~su< ~:; ;scents; :mpasrrnent ;,r .k Etrtrratsccrs at the Property
<br />ens! t~attt.iw+npiy with tfte provssions ui any }tau if ihss ik+esi +>f T rue. rs can a leasrisolti. If this I7esxl of Trwt ;s un a umi in a
<br />ctfadgarinitem as a piaastecf tutu ckvelopnxni. [tartuwer shat; pedurm aA of H[trru+vrr's ubiigauuus under tree drdarauan
<br />sx- e3nverurrsds cmatting rx lcavernttst; the carsdatnunfum or piaruttid unit developsrtent, flee by-laws and rrgula«ans u( Fhe
<br />' r>i unit stera{opmens, artd csxnstrruear dsx:ast»tnis. £€ a c~tutdaminium ur planned oust devel,apmrut
<br />rider ~ tatxtrted bq Bttrrasru and rtxardesf togethu watts ih;s f7ttil od Twat, the cavenanis sled agrtrrrreats of stfch rider
<br />shalt Est iatkttrparate4 itsts amt sbai! amcad artd tuppkssttrrt the cE?sefsants atsd agreeri~nts of tress [Sets] of Trust as tf [he rsdtr
<br />wm¢~ part ai [..eadltr's yectasit#. tf Borrawrr lark to perform the z7ve€tanta and agttertsers{s roritatn€d in thu
<br />1>ttad ~ 1`rtsta, ar if arty actitsri or pruecedirtg is camtneesaard whie:it matesiaity adtscis I.tnder's imerest sn rhr Property,
<br />bin net braised art, tnrrratt domain, arucolvsxes;v, coda raforcornent, r?r atrangamuttx csr prus:rrdings invalvrng a
<br />]NW~ir4pt-BY &, rhea E.trtdes ad t..tnder'l optims., srpws tsatt.c to Horrower, may make ssrch appearancta, disisur„e such
<br />seed ttdte weft atttiars as ia'naaessary tai prefect f.ettder's imtrest, ttscluding, [net [sot limited to. dislwratrssent elf
<br />rsp$ac+aahtc atkwoey~t ftm artd ea{ry upsan the Propariv ra mskrc rcprirs. tf tcrtder reyuircd martgagt r:tsuranrr r4 a
<br />c+Emtklisw r:~ tsfe~tts{yf the [wars isxtued try this Faced of '~rtcxt, Honuwer shat} pay the pretTsiums rtalitireri se uurntain ssuh
<br />itlwrssrscu sn eft stptii sacs! tune as. ifie res~fuicetiwitt for such inxunrsct trmrsnatsa in auordarsce with Borcaweri seed
<br />l~adtr'a vrriitet{ ~-ar # Saw. B®rrosvtr shal3 pay rite anwuru of a£] rstcsttgagt insuratict prtmiurisa its the
<br />rrtanmtt r uvsastd e y ts€teast.
<br />M~y amsy;w,ts d' by t..eader pursuaru to ihss spit 7. wish rnurpt ittereaa, shall- bas:ame addnsonai
<br />isrdsbtadtsxas d tlarrvw~sr seu+reil try flue Dodd al Trust, tittteu~royver and Lrrttier agree to atller tttrtu of paynserit, sue:h
<br />stWicrwsta shatT Ise payablas tt}tcm rwvtt~ fnatri f,ttadet ire Harrtwvrer na{tsntitsg payrtKist thrrrnf, sad shalt hear tntef`tbt frarrn the
<br />+#~et-syt ~t at ftttt pdtt paya~a tram tinat to time Asa crWStaadtng pnts~ipa{ tinder the bFate unteax paylrttnt of inttrtat
<br />aE sustt t+d{t rrvudtt t+tr watrary n. aptdicttbk lea, in whrch event siis:h artstttsnas :bait feces interest ai she h;gts¢st rate
<br />ptxafa ans7et;r~,law. Nets ctsntaiatd rn this paragraph ? shat! rertztira Lirndtr to irrcur arty rapv,rtsr ar take
<br />' ~~
<br />1~ ~ t,ttrder mttp t~atss car xsta€ su *sa r+t tsaactxrat~z cntri>a ;;ticm and itsspecnervi of the: fsrop~erzy. pruc«itd
<br />~ stt~~C ~rtruvrs'r ftt3ai~ prim set auy stsfs iaspae:{soas specifyirt; ratauubk cauty tE~ra:vr reiattst to Letsdtr'.
<br />