~ ._..._
<br />A 55185-7
<br />D~P.D OiF'~11 to nsede this _ ~t~n .. .day of ~ttPe , . .
<br />hnir'b~etrid acid ~ ~~~ ~ ~oc~t r 8 , tt~th. .. .
<br />[4......... vi ~ t ......(herein "$otreswec"),... ~'.t~maNtieisl, Federal S$'!i}t84 .
<br />' ~ into ~~irin 1~itttion ~ .... .... (herein "i'rustee"). and thc,Btmefic+ar;.
<br />£`ai~*c3#E~ ~if~erst~ ~a~!ittplt 6 LorsR xs+e . ...... . ...... . a ctttpofsYatt orgdnEzed anti
<br />..... tWRfa[fy1tC 1i'lMS a~QL.- F~..~Pi6a.6ki - _ ." ......... ,. whoseaddrcss" is .... , .. .
<br />Z 1-. ~ .. i~. ~.'~t~ .'Ffr~~fts:.`:'7W*W"i'. -...~£~:i-;r~! ..... ........ ~ .... C~iCreiR "~:CntfiCC»~•
<br />Wit: pr'~ort ~ t~ •btedr>'ttess herein recited and the frost herein rrtatt~. ieteuetcataiy grants
<br />astd caaveps: te~'Er itee, is tt~t; vrifh ptrrver of snit. the fol3utving described property located- in the Caunry af-
<br />...... ...... ............ . .............. State of Neixaska:
<br />3
<br />j ViXla Dfts. VZIZ. in F~is+3rsy`Villas- Coadrsaiaitme Ptty &egims Ii, City of Gratxi
<br />Iala~tetfs33, Ct, lstts.
<br />tilli: Ito. &, Cza~d Itslttsde !~bt'aslut 68801
<br />t+;htt; ffic stLd~s at ......... ....................................,.............,.......~...
<br />tacr.,<+s fCrtyt
<br />."(ieroitt "Prttpsrty,4ddrsss"t;
<br />tr~.irr•oiztai~
<br />Tae;~xr~t, p sll,tbc itfr~~tnts. stpwr ~ ~;u3fter er€c cm the Rr~rrty: ancf ~!! enscatrnts. rights,
<br />~t~s, r {># v~r Lathe-rights ~sd attt~rit~s gin Bite tv )ruder- to ca7tect asd app{y-such
<br />trhta}, royalr;~s, ®i8eta,1, ikl aad_ ~.as tiglps atttt profits. +watt:r, u`ater rights, and water stock,. attd aU fixtures rtaw or
<br />hpc~faoc: atuoched to tl~ dra+p~ty, a~-:et i~g rcp>~txa~ats: aitxi addit~ts lherett~ shaft be efeertttd as be
<br />ofd rrEtaaita a lmrt od the propertlr tmarr<rcd by this 1le~ of Trust: aed ail a>t ths. foregoing, taeetlxr with raid prtspertr
<br />(cx.tlic boasrDuitf eatsts if tins d'J[edtrl'Crt~ es ~t s.Ieas+daztidl .are bsrsin r~terrt<d to as the..:Py'
<br />r T@ Stttsus ta. lsatdcf (s',t the;#+tpt~rgRm~t o~ tha ids r+riarc!ai by-B~toxsr's ntr~ ciateccf ., ~tgtae . 2+l s. I981
<br />....... ...: {hsrtatr "hiok"}, its flee p xt~t ttf . ~~!?~,'x'~~J~ .attd: €~ll.~B . : .. . ........ . . . .. .
<br />' . . .................... ..:..:::.. , ..... Cagt4trs. witty ittterc5t thtxcon, prrawidtrtg foe. toonthty ittstalltrtcttts
<br />of pYir+dpAEi artd idttrsat, ~trith fits ba6toot dC #hC innrss. if nth so+7~r pouf, dtte utud payreQfc on, ~a[~Jt .. fir. ,2f11 i
<br />....... , ... , ... .................... , .... , ,:the paytt~ttt of xit other soot;, weth interest nc~rcan, atfvanted
<br />f m ~uotd~ce mix W ptsxcct the stCUrttY d [htr,tkcd of-Trttzt; ihC pcrfetrrnanCe rf the Cr}v.na~tts itttsf
<br />G~ Ott of iplgrttxwer lei tuntaived; aed (b) ttee repdyettcnt of quay ftrture ~vtences. wttb irescrtbcrecxt, made
<br />to 18t 19t ieta~ Peuawnt W P .1 hrreaf t hcrrin "t=utttr+t ~itrattcss" }:. .
<br />'1slt±a+9~t9R ter dt4t',daerawer is tawtatly sewed rd the :wets. hcir}iy cottt<~ .i the right 3u grant usni
<br />4awt+rty tttfc: ~, it>aN.fiee f'setpcrty itt tw~CUmbtrpd, uead that Htrrtxucr wd1 wae~trtt defen~f ~+ce~tt} tltG
<br />titji etr tAt-'Frgrpm+tAx sg~a+t at! rheiatti acn;t dettxnds. xubycx.'t to rn3~ decfaratiurtb, manta xtt` r'cstt~liem} Iisteai in a:
<br />scMittric of etigga au eor¢rtt#¢ in ara} firk iMCUtuteaf pvl+eY ircyuigg f.znt#er'x imerest in the Prtaperty,
<br />+anta
<br />t ~ # fltgtfy.-. [ T~-~i<'MM[eE1N1-1pi t91tltMIA tl~tft tur .~,e rarna
<br />