<br />nth itl�
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<br />77'Z-2 3M
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<br />• 1012®N �v
<br />7. Protection of Lender's Right* In the Property. It 13offOwer Isis to pOAomi lino oovsnarrts and agraterne+tts
<br />con t IS instrumont, or
<br />bate, forteed is a legal onic 86:� 9 or to cntor�nl`Gatnttc�lera!� ai onel�Urnohlenderhn,eyr d s andaply o`
<br />e proceeding Lenders actions may include payin9
<br />n;:,ra, ry to prot!ct the value sf the Property and lgxdsrs rights h t„ In s1, GaYliy IV4Ya11Ybry r<ttOrnaf'o t!.! And
<br />any sums secured by a No which has priority over this Security Inttrurnsnt, aPR�r D
<br />Lender doss not Nava to do $0.
<br />entering on the Property to make repairs. Athough Under ntay lake all brr under lhB Rai debt 7.
<br />My amounts disbursed by Under under this Paragraph 7 shah beo0rne ardni.� mOL�ts °she# beef Interest dfrom this
<br />the dater of
<br />Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender spas to other tams of noticevtt,
<br />disbursement at the Niota rata and chat bo payebh, with Intoner, uhwrni►nckieu a cpndt.'vn of ^makkie thesloanReGcurrctd by this
<br />8, Mortgage insurance. it Lender r$Whd Mortgage
<br />Security instrument, Borrower shall yyytle� sr�)red
<br />to
<br />s to be h 01100 &1 007 shag pay the premiums roquked t000bt In
<br />mortgage insurance eovsraps requited In at: a cost substantially equivalent to the cost to
<br />Coverage substantlaNy aWlyslent to the mortgage Insurance pnwbucty tender. If substantially
<br />Borrower of the mortgage insurance prnviousy h Rifted, from an attsrnnt0 mowdw nearer approved by
<br />equivalent morigage Insurance coven9s is not MAablo, e0maw" shRg pay is Lander s lapsed ceased t qbe h ef1901t, Lender wig
<br />ysavy mortgage Insurance premium being grail by Borrower when tho tneumnae Insurance. oss reserve Payments may no longer be
<br />accept, use and retain these paymentn as a loss reserve in feu f�iterta ge I arse Poe the period that Lender regales) provkled by
<br />required. at the option of Lender. If moMP90 insurance coverage
<br />an Insurer approved by Lender again becomes avegable and b obtained. Borrower shah insurance ends premiums aequit d to maintain
<br />any
<br />mortgage insurance In effsot, or to provide a lass reserve, until the requirement for nortgagO
<br />written agreement between Borrower and Under or appycabld kw• Under shall 9MD
<br />9. Inspection. Lender or its agent may make rnasonAbb enirMs upon and Inspections of the Property.
<br />Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an Inapeotlert Spr clr�g mascxnebb *use for the hspeotbn.
<br />10. CondemnalPmte. 1Z'9 proceeds of any award or oteirn for damages, direct or consequential, h conntxticn with any
<br />condemnation or other inking 09 any part of the Property, or for conveyance h lieu of condOrrmatION are hereby assigned end shall be
<br />paid to Lender.
<br />In the avant of s total taking of lino Property, the Proceeds shag be eppNad to the sums assured by this Security Instrument, rk
<br />whether or not then due, with any Trey r ss y.iw tc Barre_ In the P%Ont of a partial taking of the Property in which tin fair market
<br />value of the Property Immadbtey before the taking is equal to or Waster than the amount of the sums secured by ll,ia Security
<br />Instrument himedistely before the takloig, unWs Borrower and Lender otherwise agree In writing, the sums seared by this Security
<br />Instrument shelf be reduced by the amount of the proceeds mutpaed by the Property fraction: the total tin taking.'Any balance
<br />secured Immediately betors the taking, divided by (b) the fair market value of the Propel lnmedlately
<br />shat loo paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property �lh� �NQ� nbss Borrower and Lender otherwise
<br />before the taking M bse than the amount of the sums soured knmedlstady to tins sums secured by this Security
<br />*peas h wrn.1H � tin pw.t+r. live otherwise croviaia, the proceeds shelf the applied
<br />Instam it whether or not the sums are than due. an award Or
<br />If the property is abandoned by ecncwer' or N, altar notice by Lander to Borrow* that tin condertxruor oHas,tLendarM authorized
<br />settle a Cain for damage*, Borrower fiatis t respond to Lender wllhin 30 days etor the data the notice is g►wn
<br />to COW and apply the PrOCOeds, at Its optic,', either to reetnt7lti ^o or repar, o? the Property or to the sums wound by this Security
<br />Instrument, whether or not then due. NCation of proceeds to principal shall not aedond or postpone the
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise spree h wrlift, any app
<br />due dale of the monthly payments rsW(ed to h paragraphs 1 and P a change Litt ayiwunt of such payments.
<br />11. Borrower Not Relened: Forbearance By Under Not a Waiver. Extension of tin. three for payment Borrower
<br />moditstion of amor toatbn of on sums swund by this SWAY trnibument praretW by Under to any suixaata h Interest of Wind t
<br />shsN not operate to retells the Nab*y of the ortphal Borrow" or Borrowers successors h Interest. Lender shah not be rOqulnd to
<br />eOn&W44 Vocledhpe sgainst any suceeesor in interest or refuse to sodead time W
<br />Payment Borrower er or ttncdlty s.•nort Ices of the
<br />sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made by the oripYtsi eorrowsr or Borrowers successors h
<br />Interest. My forbwar" by Lender In emchh9 any right or remedy shah not be a wAW of or pmcbds the exeroks Of any fight or
<br />remedy. Successor* and A lialgns Bound; Joint and SOV411`al LlabllitY; Co•elgnera. The covenant and
<br />sWeem nts of this Seaway Instrunmil shah bad and buxetlt the suornason and usirs of Lender and Borrower. subIld to the
<br />forOylsjons pf peregreph 17. BomowGes covemnts and earegadlits shall be joint and sweat Any Borrower who eo4ign oOs Se ihrity
<br />Instrument but doss not execute the Noe: (N b co-sipek+p this Securb Inattnrment only to morpted grant,
<br />Borrowses Interest h the Property under the 1prns of this SKmwty irlstrummN. (b) is not personally orObateodMY�yf sums ake arny
<br />by this Security Instrtxnen1; and (o) agress that Warder and any other Borrower rosy #arse
<br />accommodations with regard to tens of tt►b Security in or the Note t is S that Borrowers consent.
<br />13. loan Ctlsrgee. H the' ban toacurad by this Siscurlty Instrument k stwblect to a kw which $ots maxrimum lea^ Oharpet,
<br />and that kw is finally ln*pr*od to that tits hlirest or other ban charges cofsoae or t0 t co SMY h connection with the ban
<br />eceed the permtled ". then; (s) any such ken charges shat bs reduced by iris tar a refunded to Borrower. to
<br />LentdK will NC$Kkd permitted
<br />pormk*d unit; and (b) any Sums already ccbcted from owrowar owed which a a a by making a dhct payment to Borrower. If a
<br />MAY Choose to mwko this rMund by nduchg the PrInaIM I t l Note any
<br />prepayment charge under this Non.
<br />refund reduces PrYxCII54 tits reduction wit be treated d for partial �� Ins"nant shat be given by deflvwin9 -t or by mating R by
<br />14. NotiCett. Any notice to Borrower provided
<br />first class roaN unins sppicable law f$Wk" use of another method. TM no!lca shag be by r to the mat to Address or any
<br />other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. My not)oo to Lender aftan loo ppro by rest close mat tr LartstfU nit steel
<br />slated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower- My notice provided for h this Security nstrument shah
<br />be domed to have been glen to Borrower or Lender when atan as provided in thA panoraph• b federal low and the low of the
<br />16. Governing Law; Severablllty. This security
<br />Instrument hoetr 01080 Of eC� t cnk s.eurih Instrument or the Note conflicts
<br />jurisdbtfon h which the Property b located. M the avant that any of this inset or the Note which can be 9MM Offect
<br />with applicable low, auuh o! runvktbna Of this Soca1lY
<br />rd ,,.. —nu j—& of this Security Insbunaxt and the Note are declared to be swrab is.
<br />without the conreaim Pro9titdn. •� ••� . - r - -
<br />16. sorrower's Copy. Borrower shall be gMm one conformed copy Of the Note and of this Wuray ins"sumwmi.
<br />17. TrartaleT of the Property or a Beneficial Interest in j) w rows'.'*•. tit all or any part Of the Property Or any
<br />Interest in it is sold or tansferrod (or a • betefielal Intereet in Borrower is sold of transferred and Borrower is not a natural person)
<br />without Unders prior written consent, Lender may, At its option, require h'r^sdlats payment In full of all sums secured by this Security
<br />Instrument. Howsm, this option ehaN not be eerolsed by Lender it exercise is prrohbitod by federal law as of the date of this Security
<br />Instrument.
<br />It lender exorotses this option, Lender shall Give Borrower notice of acceleration. The notice shag provide a period of not less than
<br />30 days from the dais the notice Is deNvmed an rrtafNd wNhh which lino Bono .r1� meyh oke any remedin by
<br />permitted by this
<br />Instrument. If Borrower fags to pay thus sums prior to tie CWW1 O1 c. the, p«=`? -- y Farm 3028 9190
<br />Security Instrument wthout further notice or demand On Bon'owsr•
<br />Pram 9 of a
<br />F1 OXLMe (am)
<br />235
<br />