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<br />—Ale' _ e.M- •('.N. 1111 ,11 w. .rMNl rXll �i� 7'RT,liLyfl.L �
<br />Borrower's escrow account under the federal Beal Peters SsilkrMnt Pn�ColdurS3 Act of 9 4 as amended from tkno to nine,
<br />ECOt ut csq. ( "1 &PA °), undass anolhaa law that cppilau to the Funds watt a laassr amount. If so, Lender nay, at any Brno, collect and
<br />hold Funds n an amount not to exceed the laser aracum. Undue ht: ;y Cahill °,t� tine Cfitanl Of Alnti3 dU3 a� lh i b9ab al aUrr8111 dltfl
<br />rind r."cnnahla saltmatsa of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otiterwigs in accordance with applicable law.
<br />The Funds Sligo be hell In in InstNullon whose+ (110100111 are Moured Gy a Y,,; --Ql a;artoy, nnefnrnantalAy. or entity (including
<br />Lender, N Lender N such an InatRulion) or In SAY F@cW#1 Nam moan Oan eke Lander Shall apply Funds account, orgy he Escrow the Ecorow
<br />Lender may not ohargs 801TOW for holding and applying the
<br />Items. unless Lander PAYC Elorrower Intareat on the Funds grid applicable law pemilts Lander to make such a charge. However, Lender
<br />may requke Borrower to pay A on1•tkno charge for an independent real MOW tAx rcanrting ecrvice used by Lender In connection w?h
<br />this loan, unless appkable Mw provides otherwise. Unless an agreement M made or sppkAble law requils Interest to be pail, Lender
<br />shag not be required to pay Borrower any interest at earnings on the Funds. Borrower and Under may 19(41 In writing, however, that
<br />Interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender Shall gh,$ to Borrower, without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing
<br />cradhe and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which loch debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as addhicnal
<br />seourky for all sums secured by this Security Instrument. table law, Lender shag account to Borrower far the
<br />If the Funds hell by Londor exceed the amounts PwrnkW to be held by app
<br />excess Funds In accordance with the nqukements of appdbabla law. If the amount of the Funds hold by Lender at any tuna l9 net r shall
<br />SutllaMnt to pay the Escrow Items when Life, Lender omay
<br />wer ehaM malts up the deficiency In no such
<br />more thgnBtwafrvamn tiny payments,
<br />the amount neceseari to make up the deficiency.
<br />Lender's sole disaratien.
<br />LVOn payment In toll of sit sums secured by this Security instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by
<br />Lcndcr. It, under paregrnph 21, Lends shall aequirS or sag the Property, Lender, prior to the acquisition or saki of tine Frgparty, shall
<br />apply any Funds hall by Lender at the time of aequieNion or sal+ as a Credit Wainat the gums swu(:d by thle Security Instrumi -nt•
<br />O� Pay
<br />at3c+� aS!Onte. Lnkrss AP law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lander under paragraphs
<br />$. ApDlic
<br />1 and a shall he j1p.p A& 'Prat. la any prepayment charges due under the Nato; second, to amounts pay6ble undo( paragraph 2; third
<br />to )ntoreet duo; fourah. to p6nc�pai duo; and last, to any late cbarges due under the Nate.
<br />a Nharams - t hired inwrower Shall pay AN taxes, ass'mments, charges, fines and tmposklons attrfbutobiv to the Property
<br />-. m -
<br />wdtch snaY afsein �rNNNy over titW Security Instrumert, and trrassho;d payments or ground cvnty. W any. Forrowrr+ ului;l purr t.,o36
<br />obiWlions In vim mranner provkfed In paragraph � or M not paid in ehu4 manner. Borrower shay pay thrwn on lime h directly
<br />ewer makes
<br />Oared paymMtt. Z-Jrrawsr the" promptly tumish ao Lander as notices cat amounts to be paid under this paraVo
<br />G'le°J3 payments diaety, Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender caoeotS ®videmcng the payments.
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which his prlor7W ever this fiKUAY Instrument unless Borrower: (a) agrees In willing to
<br />the payment of f.4t obWlon Gecurad by the on In a manner dcceptab13 to Lender; (b) contests In good faith the lien by, or defends
<br />.....,, or4L gc.Cemant of the Ilan; or (o)
<br />against enforcement of the Rat In, legit proceedings which n the Landers gyuriorl i,F,w:..... ,.._.- .. -
<br />secures from the hDkl r of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lander subordinating the Ran to this Socurity Instrument. If Lander
<br />delerminos treat ang part of ttho Property is subject to a Wn which may attain priority vw this Security Instrument, Lender may 9W
<br />Borrower a Action tdentitying the San• Borrower shall satiety the Ilan or take one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 days
<br />of the ghrh9 of notice.
<br />5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the tnProwrtflnq now srdatng or hereafter erected on the
<br />Property Insured aganst lose by fir, hazards included within the term "s 4ended coverage" and any other hazards. Including foods or
<br />flooding, for which Lander regale insurance* This hsurame shall be malntakred In the amounts and for the Periods that Under
<br />rectulra e. The Insurance carrier provWQ the Insurance ahall be chosen by Boom Under mt to nder's approval obtain he% no be
<br />unreasonably withheld. H Borrower tags to maintain covarWr dwcrbrd
<br />protect Landers rghta In the Property In accordance with pvagnph 7.
<br />AN Insurance paicM►s and ranewsk Shell be acceptable to Under and shall Include a standard mortgage clause. Under shall have
<br />Ilia right to hold the policies and renewals. If Lander requiree, BMW shaN promptly 9ke to Undo al receipts oP paid Premiums
<br />and Alnswal notices. In the avaft of 1053, Borrower ehaM aka prompt notice to the insurance carrier and Lander. Lender may make
<br />proof of we V not made promptly by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lander and Borrower othawM4 agree In writing, Insurance prOCSads
<br />shall be applied to nstontlen a raped of the Property
<br />damaged, N the restoration or repair Is economically leasbb and Landers security IS not lessened. If the restoration or repair IS nct
<br />economically [saslbM or Landers security would be NsrenSd, the nwnrica proceeds
<br />Shall be applied to the sums secured by this
<br />Security Instrument. whether or net than due. with any o ce" paid to Borrower. if Borrower abandons the Property, or dose not
<br />the
<br />answer within 30 days a notice from Lander that the insurance carrier has offend to $ettle a claim, tin de bya cclwt
<br />Security
<br />Insurance proceeds. Lander may use the Proceeds to repair Cr restore the Property
<br />Instrument, wharrhsr or not than due. This 3049Y POMd will begin when the notice M ON"'
<br />Unless Lander and Borrower otherwise apse In willing, any gViication of proceeds to principal shag not extend or postpone the
<br />due data of the monthly payments referred to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the Payments• if under paragraph 21
<br />httwpo and hb d k n ta�
<br />the p acquired b BoffO t iy prb tho
<br />tthe sCie)t Pass to to the extent mssoCVrod by this Security instrument imcw
<br />acquisition.
<br />S. occupanry, Prese"ittlon, Maintenance and Protection of tit® Property; Borrower's oar
<br />Application; Lessehlolds. Borrower shall occupy, estabbil, and use the Property as BOrrOwers principal resldonce within etey
<br />days after the vaacution of this Securitt► Instrument and shall contbua to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal revsidwco for at
<br />Mast one year after the date of OeeuPeaoy, unless Under otimwls , agrees in wdkdng, which consent shall not bo unreasonably
<br />withhold, or unless elanrfatng circumstanc4a SIM which err beyond Borrower's contral. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or irnpatr
<br />the Property. allow the Property to debrlofalr, or commit waste on ilia PropextY•
<br />Borrower shall be In default N any fortelture action or
<br />.._ ..... ,n,.. in r mndmea mad hft ludament ectr,^.d result b forfeiture of the Property or otherwise
<br />Proceeding. wit�"ulw Bi�w m v.:••••�, •- •• -.-•- -- -• -- -
<br />materMy impair the Nan crested by this Security Instrument or Lenders securlty ntere�t Borrower may taro such a oefaus and
<br />reinstate, as provided In paragraph 18, by causing the action or Proceodbb to be dismissed with a ruing that, h Larders good Nd'Ah
<br />determination, precludes forfegum of the Borrower's Interest in the IAMenq or other material Impairment Of the Ion created by this
<br />Security Instrument or Larders security merest. Borrower shall also a in default M Borrower, during the ban application process,
<br />Lender with any material information) In
<br />Saw materially like or naccurato hfornnation or 3taternents to Lender (a tawd to provide
<br />connection with the bar( evklencod by tit Note. boluding, but not limited to, representations concerning Borrowaes occupancy of the
<br />Property gs a priaclpd resddenco. It this Security Instrument is an a tsauMold, Borrower shah comply with AN the provisions of the
<br />lease. If Borrower acquhs fee title to ilia Property. the leasehold and the fie title shah not merge unless the Lender F ..fins tocthf)
<br />merger in writing.
<br />F1C2e.LMa (WPC)
<br />235
<br />PAPS 2 of a
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