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$~-c~~o 3ou~~ <br />Share Common Ex 2nses. Prior to the creation of <br />additional Con ominium Property Regi^es within Lots 1, 2, 3, <br />and 4, in Lindsey Subdivision to the C1ty of Grand island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska, each villa shall pay one-seventh <br />{lj7th} of the common expenses incurred by the San Marcos <br />Villas Owners Association, and thereafter, each villa shall <br />pay that percentage of the expenses incurred by all Condo- <br />minium Property Regimes within those four blocks of Lindsey <br />Subdivision determined by dividing ore by the total nua~er <br />of villas so located. The percentage of common eigaer~ses <br />shall be changed as of the first day of the next calendar <br />month following the filing of the Master Deed creating the <br />new Condominium provided, however,. that until the time of <br />its initial occupancy no villa will be charged with any fees <br />for utilities. <br />VZI. COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. <br />The following covenants, conditions and restrictions <br />relating to this condominium regime shall run with the land <br />and shall be binding upon all gr~ntpes, devisees, mortgagees <br />and any other persons who use the property, including t*:e <br />persons who acquire the interest of any owner through fore- <br />closure, enforcement of any lien or otherwise: <br />a. The San Marcos Owners Association, a Nebraska <br />non-profit corporation, has been incorporated to provide the <br />vehicle for the management of each condominium created toy <br />Master Deed within Lots I through 4, inclusive, of Lindsey <br />Subdivision in the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />hereinafter referred to as the Sar. Marcos Condominia. The <br />owner or owners_nf each villa in she San Marcos Condominia <br />shall each designate one gersar. to be a director of the <br />Association. The designutian shall be made by the first day <br />of the next calendar month after the filing of the A4aster <br />Deed creating the Condominium. The initial designated <br />directors shall take office at the first annual meeting of <br />directors or on December 31, 1981, whichever occurs first. <br />{Prior to that time the Initial Airectors designated in <br />Article VI of the Articles of Incorporation of the Associ- <br />ation shall tae the only directors.} The designates? director <br />must either be the owner ar the spouse of the owner of the <br />villa being represented. The Sy--Laws of said Association are <br />also the t3y-Laws of this condominium property regi_:.e and are <br />attached hereto as Exhibit flRa. <br />b. All ge^.erai camcaan elements are for the use <br />and enjaytaert of all owners. The limited common elements <br />are for the exclusive use of the owner of the villa or <br />villas to which they are appurtenant, his family, guests, <br />servants and inuitees. The ownership of the common elements <br />shall remain undivided, and no person or owner shall bring <br />any action far the parti*.ion or diuision of the common <br />elements. The Association shall from time to time establish <br />rules and regulations for the use of the common elements, <br />and all owners and users shal3 be bound thereby. The As- <br />sociatian shall have the sole jurisdiction over and re- <br />sggnsib.ility for alterations, improvements, repairs and <br />maintenance of Lhe comanon elements. The share of an owner <br />in the coon elements is appurtenant to his villa and <br />inseparable from villa ownership. Assessments against <br />ownoers far insurance, utilities, common element expenses and <br />reserves, and far other expenses incurred by the Association <br />shall be made pursuant to the By-Laws. Assessments paid <br />rithin ten {IO} days after the date when due shall not bear <br />interest, taut all stints not paid within said ten {7,.0? day <br />1_ <br />