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r <br />UN}FARM (;OVEtiaNTa. BORaWer and l._eridtr covenant and agree as follaWS: {J 1-- t) t/ 2 71 `f <br />1. Tas~anf of sd lMerht, 79or'rower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />iitdebtedrtess evidenced~Nde; prepayment arui }ate charges u provided in the Nate, and tht principal of and interest <br />exit any Fu[itre Advances secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Z. Frair tatrTtstmr atad itaatrraasce, Subject M applicable law or to a written waiver by Lehder, Borrower shall pay <br />to f.rnder on the day mrntihiy installmenes of principal and interest are payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in fidl, <br />a sttm (herein "Fwtdu"l equal to arse-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Drtd of "rrus4 and ground rents on the Properly, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insurance, <br />plus ate-twelfth at yearly premium instatltntnts for mortgage insurance, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to-time by Lender on the brs@s of assessments and bibs and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />-1'Ife-Fitttds :fiat! be htW in- an institution ttte deposits or accazn[s of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency {including Lender if Lender is such an mstituuon). Lender shall apply the Fads to pay said taxes, asstssments, <br />insirraiice premiums and ground rents. Lender may not charge Tor so hawing and app}ying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verifying and rnmpiting said assessretents and hills. unless t_encfer pays Borrower interest on tht Funds and applicable taw <br />permits Letttfer to matte such a charge. Borrower and- Lender may agtce in writing al tht time of eizecuiion of this <br />Decd of Trust that interest on the Funds shall be paid to Harrower, and unless such agreement is matte or applicable law <br />regains sucA interest to 6e paid. !.ender shat) not be required to psy Harrower any intereu or earnings o» the Funds. Lender <br />ihalY give to Harrower. tvithovt charge, an annual acenunting of the Fuuds showing credits and detnis to the Funds and the <br />purpose for whecfi each debi4 to tht Funds was made. The Funds ar pledged as additional security for the same :soured <br />by this Reed of Truss. <br />If the amount of the Funds bald by Lender, together with the (uarre monthly irrstaltmcrtts of Funds payable prior t¢ <br />the dire dares or taxes, assessments, insunitee premiums and ground rents, shalt exceed the amount required to pay card taxes, <br />assessments, ir~trrance prtmtutris and ground rents as Ihcv tail due, ,••r<h excess shall hc. at BaROwer's option, either <br />promptly repaid to Banrower or credited to Borrower ire monthly installments of Fends. If the amount of the T tinda <br />herd by Lender shalt not be suRicient in pay taxes, assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due, <br />9oROwtr shalt pay to Lender any arnount necexsary ro make up the dePtciency within 30 days fmm the date notice is mailed <br />bq !.order to Borrower rcquatrag payment thrreaf. <br />Upon payment in full ¢f art sums secured by thrs iked of Trust. Lender :hail promptly refund to BaRnwer any Funds <br />held by fender. If utttler paragraph 1R hereof the Property „ ~utd or the Prnpcrty r5 otherwise az:uuired by (..ender. Lender <br />shall apply. na larer than zmmedratdy poor to tht safe of the Property ar its acqurvtion try Lender, any Fends held by <br />Lender at the tiitre of appiicarian as a credit against the sums secured by this tamed of Trust. <br />3. kp>ltieatfea of Paytaears. Unless applicable f.iw lxnvezles' -~,thenvrse. all payments rtcerved by {.ender under the <br />Nast and paragraphs l arrd 2 hereof shall tic apptzed h}' tender first m pavrnent of amzrunts payable io Lender by Harrower <br />under paragraph 2 fiereaf, then to interest payable zm the *Iotc. then is the principal z>f [he Note. and thrn to interest and <br />princr an any Future Advance. <br />~('pasgea; I.ieas. Honower shat! par ail tase...+sse. smentc anzi •rther rharges. fines and +mezesuions attributable to <br />the Property which maY attain a priority aver this Decd of Trust. and lessehnld payments ur ground rents. if any, in tfie <br />maaaer provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. if rxtt paid in such manner, b}° Bnr-rowcr making payment, when due. directly <br />to slit p~ya tttermf. &srrower shsfl promptly furnish in Lender elf r.¢ncex of amounts dire under this paragraph, and in the <br />tvtot Barrovrtr :hail make paymcr. !user!}'. Harrower shall pmmptiy tirrmsh in I.cnder receipts evidencing such paymems. <br />Barrawer shat) promptly discharge any lien which !:as pnorit}' the Deed of Trust: prov+des}. that Borrower shall nu[ 6e <br />required to discharge any such lien k Irnt as Borrower ~hati agrcr m s.ntink to the payment of the ubhgation secured by <br />retch lien in a manner acceptattle tr. Lender, ur shaft .n ezrrxl faith contrxt suz;h i,en hy. r±r Jtfend enforcement of sorb lien in. <br />legal ~ocactin s which operate to prevent the entorcrmem ~~t ;he I~cn ,+r forfeiture +~f the Property or am' part thereof. <br />S. laatrruec. $oRawer shalt keep the tmprcvcmcnts nz+w r+rst+ny or hrreafie: errc[cd en the Proper[S' insured <br />aaair:si low by l4n. hazards ireclirded w•thirr the term "extendx-r.' z.c•vcraE-e .trri ~~.a~h +whcr hazards as [.coder may requue <br />and in stash atnoums and !or such periods as~l.cnder tent require: pruvrzlcai, 'slat } ~nzMr :half not require than the amount ~f <br />such coverage excad tftat amatrm of cavcraltc ieyurred iv crav tflc :sins ,ecurrd bt th:s Lkrd of Tntst. <br />The iawrance carver providing the insurance shah fir ehz+xn ~y Burr n,scr ~t:hiec to aggro-.'<+f hY f.endrr; lrroviirr' <br />that stii'dr apQcovai shaft nor ire unreasu+uhly .vithhyld fit pranwms oa ;nxuranre iwltctes shall l+c paid in the manner <br />pravukd uadpt ptuasrtpfi ~ hereat ar, if =rot pazd r^ wch manner. by Barrcrwcr ^+aking payment, when due, directly to the <br />instrraace carrier. <br />A!i zt€surante pts3icres and rettewais thrraot shaft Fie ur form aucptabk t.+ } crnfcr and sha3i +nclude a standard muRgagc <br />clause in favor rrf and rrt form acitptaf+le to Lender. t ens}tr xhaii tra.e the right +~ hold the policits and renewals thereof. <br />red Harrower shall prtxitptly furnish to t riedcr aft rei.ewri n..tlk:r+ and aft rcct;pts rrt paid premiums. in the event of Ims. <br />Harrower shall give prcxnpt nitticc :a thr .nsurarftie ~xsrrtr :red Lender l ender may make groat of loss it next made promptly <br />bt BorTwrer. <br />UnkYS Irrider aruf Borrower .xfserw tsY agr;~c in ~rrzuzg. nwzatres pt~s.z4ds ,!roll tie appizcd z:, rr,turauon ur repair of <br />the Property sfamaged- provided swift restoratian rsr repro: ,~ s.onzrmr.a t}' ir.t,+bfe turd zhe set,rrr+ry rrf this Deed a( l~rust +~ <br />eat thereby rmparred. if se.~h t,rstaratton ur rcpazr ,s trot c..~rn- mica!!} r asrh{e or rt the :county of this [7eed of Trust xuuld <br />Ae +tppaim:, the instrrsrrce prtx.cats shah ire applied to lire sum. scoured fiv !his ltrrd tsl 1 rust, with the excess. rf any. paid <br />to HOrrawer if t1u Property rs atrand¢neo try Horiuwer, ,rr it t3orre•*cr tarts to sespzr:rd to Lrirder within 3fl days from the <br />daft rtofecc ti rrmi}a! by Leader to $orrawer sisal lice insurance z:arrier oHCrs to :sole a claim tar mstrrartce benefits. t udder <br />rs at~htxtztd to z:e+}kct attd apply the insutara:e nrzxtyds ar Lcnaitrs opttwr euhtr to :estoratron or repair o[ the Property <br />or Ta tfia sums srxured }sy the 1)az} of Trust. <br />Unless Lender attd RawN otherwise agree in wrung, ant su~tt appireatiwt of proz.•etds to pr+nezpal shaft not extend <br />ttr paripnrte tht due dolt of the rrtunthly enstallments Teter red to uz paragraphs i rod '_ hereof or change She amount ai <br />such fristalltttems. tf under paragra i. htrc+rt the Property r+ rcgwred by Lender, aft right, tztic and mrerest of Harrower <br />in and to a»y insarartce p¢iicres and :n and to the pnxeeds therr.,t reser}ung froth damage to the Property prmr to tht sale <br />or aeytrisitiori she}l pass to Lxndtr to ihr e.steatt .ri the suers secured by this ['lied of Trusr imrr'rediately prior to such sate or <br />atgttisitian. <br />C Yrssetrsitisa ars6 ~t oT Prv}ari5: LeaseAraida; t'ttadrirms; Phaxd Utah Ihvefapaiests. Harrower <br />chat{ leap file Pritperty zri grid reprrr airs -hail niu :r~mmu assts ..r lrerrnrt zntpru nrcnt or dc,ter nxatian ai tfie Proptriq <br />and :hail comply with the provisions. t rev }ease rf the shed cif irus: z+,:n a kasrhald, It this Deed rf Trust is on a unit m r <br />cancfomrnfum ztr a piannext trrtit dcva}aprnent, Ftarrtnvc`r :.hail pecf.rint elf of Horrower~s ohiigauons under the dedarauon <br />err covenants creatr»g or governing the >onstom+mum c+t planned unit devefoprnrm, the by-laws and rcguiati<rns of the <br />contfatttirtittrit ar pfaztrred unit des t}ottmtnt, sod ct: asst uisent dux umenty !f a unzf¢minium orr p}annrd cent develupnrent <br />rider is execa[ed by 8orrcrwer 'strzf recorded tegcther with [h.s treed of bust, :he covenaots and agreenteats of xuz:h rider <br />shall ire incorpwated into and she}I amtnd a;}d supplement the covenants red agrcerrrtnts of then 13eed ai "T'rust as tf the rider <br />were a part hereof. <br />7. Tsslas8aa zs[ !solos': Sscttrity. If Borroter to+is to perf¢rm tht :uvtrtantx and ageeetrients cantaincd in this <br />brfad of Trtat< or i€ any aetton or proceeding is commeztcyd wtticfi matenallp attests ixtsder's interest in tht Pxaptrty. <br />rptludiAg. IrtN r+ot fimitad ta, eminent daitrain, insu}ven: y. code enlureement, or arrangerne»ts ur prskcsxiings invalvzng a <br />trardtiiitN or e~cedent, the» iatndtr at isnder's op[in», u¢on not:t:r to Harrower,, may auks such appearances, zfishurve r<u~h <br />soma acct taste wch action as zs :teeessary ra prWect S_e»defs ;merest. <sxludrng, trot nut f~mttrl ta. S+slrursement r+f <br />rtraavaabk stiar»eyb (eta and eaTry upon tfie Prapert} to make rrpair. if (,ender reyuirtai mortgage insurance" a4 r <br />t~ srf g t~ loan st~ar~T hp~ this Heed a€ Trtist, Horn:wer shelf pay the prcrmurns required to ma+utain such <br />it~rtrasa~ce- in tffect unlit wch time as the requiceritcat fur such imurrorrt termutates in aceordattcr wuh Horruwtr's amt <br />fea4er"s-wtziren agt+¢crtae»t ar applirafrfe taw. Harrower she!! paY the arr+¢unt .+t siI nWrtgage insurancz prremiums i!? the <br />nxaeattet. prcwi4ed tattiat paragraph : hir~tT. <br />slay atflWmia dfltittstd by Ltrtdsr pztraztaai fo this. paragraTrfz ", xzth interest thtstotr, :'tat} trcrwrte addeusraaf <br />s df-lltiftatiiCr s6tufi;d hY Ibis Detsf of 'frost. L~nkss 14rrratrer :.tx3 Lender agrer to utfiei terrris of Payitxnt, such <br />saar.~sta shall ha payable upon tsctt.ts:C from Le[wkr xa Bitrruwer regtaystmg payrritm ihtreof, amt shall hear interest fmm the <br />dRFa ;rf disLuttfs~sti ai the ram payable from tfrrts tzt time on outstanding prinz:zpat under the Nate em}rss payment of interest <br />ar. wch rata ;vautd tic a~ttetaty tit appii~ble }aw, in whzcft eYlEat s+ach :mounts stroll fryer intereu at thy hzghest raft <br />jztrr:nitas±Kc tirt8sr rt~tlic'le taw. Natfiirtg ciarrie~f in thi'f paratlragb 7 :half rtquiry Lctx;er to insor any expeasy or take <br />asv autio» bertrtsttdaz, <br />g. Imi/sreYtsin, t,eadtr tiwty mri3ty ar cause t•~ by r_+adt rcasuzwbie emirs: upon a»d z»spcc.tiorts of the Prapsrty, provided <br />that Lcnrler sh=E1 gee fli3rrowar natic€ prtar leer say fi inrrpttiGtxt spe.:ifyutg reau:»atskr c.awe tlterefo[ related t¢ f.ender"s <br />iriptr~eri. id tlAt Praosr'tV. <br />