<br />Bl--lyC~2 X14
<br />9. Caademnatbs. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct nr consequential, in connection with any
<br />_ cmrdtmaation or other taking of the Property, or part thereof, or for conveyance in Ii ~a of condemnation, are hareby assigned
<br />and shall be paid to finder.
<br />fn the event of a fora] d to ~rrowerprt~thye eventrofeadpartia-a' Maki glof thetPropertys unless gorrower~and fl_ender
<br />with the extx~, if any, psi
<br />otherwise agree in writings there shall he appiirtf to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust such proportioio~t the hoc( eodsf
<br />as is egwl Lo that proportion which the amount of the cams secured by this Deed of Trust immediately p
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the baiattce of the proceeds
<br />paid Y6 Borrower.
<br />- !f the Property is abandoned 6y Borrower, or if. after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make
<br />an award ar settle a claim for damages, liorcower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is
<br />mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option. either to restoration or ropair of the
<br />property or to ttte sums sfxured by this Deed of "[rust. hcatinn of rocreds ro rinci t shall not extend
<br />- Llnkss Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, am such app ~ p p pa.
<br />or poatptme the dttc date of the monthly installments referred ru in paragraphs I and 2 hereof or change the amount of
<br />sttch itntaffinenU.
<br />ilA. ^errowrr Not Rektased. Extension of the time for payment nr modification of amornzation of the sums secured
<br />by this Dad of Trust granted by Lender to any wccessnr Lt interest of Borrower shalt not operate to release, in any manner,
<br />- the Iiatrility of the original tMrrower and Borrower's successors m interest. Lender shalt not rre required to commence
<br />- pmcetedings against such successor or refuse to extend tune ter a-ryment nr otherwise modify amortization of the sums
<br />secured by this Deal of Twat try reason of any demand made by ttir original Bnrcnwer and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. Forbearance by Leader Not a K`aivrr. .any fnnc~arance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shalt not i7e a waiver of nr preclude the exercrse o[ any such right or remedy.
<br />The proeuremrnt of insurance nr the paymem of razes or other liens nr charges by t.endershall not Fro a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to aecetcrate the matunry~ of the indebtedness secured hs this DreJ of Trust
<br />12. Reax~ea Cumttbrive. All remedies pri?vriled m thrs L?erd of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy under this ^ketf of Trust nr afforded by taw or egwty, and may rre exercised concurrently, independently or
<br />succrssivetyy
<br />t3. Sace~ors sad Asa~m Boumt: yoMt and Sereral }3abitih': Captfora. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />contaittt:d shaft hind, and the rights hereunder shall :pure to :he respecuvc <uccessnrs and assigns of Lender and Borrower
<br />stib)tct to the provtsiurrs of paragraph I % natant .~H covenants and agreements of Aorrower shall Fee joint and several.
<br />Thar captions and headings of the paragraphs of this Dred :~t Trust :rre for cnnveneenec only and arc not to he used to
<br />interpret or da~rre the provdrotts Ixreof.
<br />td. '.4otke. pzcept for any nonce reyuued unnet appbcabie lass to Fc given m another manner, lal any notice to
<br />Borrower provided far in [his Deed of Trust shall t?e grven h} marling such nonce by ceriified mail addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Propem .lddresa nr ai sttch other address as Bc?rr,Awrr maq dcs,gnate by nonce to Lender as provided hereto, and
<br />fh) arty notix to Lender shaft rre given by ccrvfied mad, re[um recerpt requested. to Lender's address stated herein or to
<br />such ott[et address as Lender may designate t;y mnrce to Borrower as provrded herein. any notice provided for in this
<br />Deed of Trust shalt be dtxmed to have been grven to Burrower or I err ter when grven +n the manner designated herein.
<br />IS. Uttifona Herd d Trams: Gorerrriryt [y"e $evet>.biiitr. This farm :?f deed of trust combitres uniform covenants for
<br />~, nations! use and non-omit}rm covenants wnh i:mttrd vat+auons be iurisdreuon m corsdiute a uniform secunty instrumem
<br />covering real open}'. This Decd nl Trust shalt tx governed t*c the law of the tansdictten in which the Property is boated.
<br />In the evrnt t~t soy provision nr clause ut ihr: I}ccd a>! i rust c:r the tiote cunt}icts wttfi applicable law, such conflict shall
<br />not affect other pitvvistnns of this Deed of Trwt or the time wheels can hx given ctTeet withovi the eonflteting pnrvisinn.
<br />and to this ettd the provrsirms of the [}east .'t Truvr and ihr 'r<rtc lee ilretsreil to Fx scverabte
<br />}6, tlar*owtr's Cap]. BD(rnw"rf snail he turrr.hed a .ontrrrmcd ~opy~ nt the :Vote asrd of this DceJ ut Trust at the time
<br />of extxusiun or after recotdsuon hereof
<br />I7. 'Tnrroter of tfx Property: Anwmptioo. IE sit +x .rm part of the trropcriv or an utterest thereur rs sold ar transferred
<br />try Btxrawer without Ixndcr`s pour warren ec+r.~r:rtt eztittt.!-ng is the creauon e(a ;ten or encumbrance sulxxdirste to
<br />thrs bred of Trust, ih3 the crratiun of a purchase rxones securr:y ,nterrrt t,rr hnrasehaSd applrsncrs. tc t a transfer by devise,
<br />descent or by operation of taw upon the death of : taint tenant +x ~ d; rho grant ni riot leasehold interest of three years .,. less
<br />runt containing an optron to purchase, 1_cnder neat. at 1 ender . opal.*,r lactate .si! the sums secured by this fked of Trust to to
<br />imm~iatehp due and payab4e. [ ertdrr shad have wa+reci such opt=a n ,.• ascrtcrate tf, prior to the sate or transfer, [ender
<br />art6 the person to whom the Property a ter >x sold or transferred reach ag:ecment ;n writing that fire credit n}" such person
<br />- is satisfactory to Lcitder aiuf that the +merest payat?Fe ern the .nor, -~Y Ured by this Lh-ed of -Trust .hail be at such rate as
<br />t_ertder shalt rcx}ttest 1# f~crrdet` has watvcd ihr epuam to acctiera;e prnvrded in rhea paragraph I', and i( Borrower s succrssnr
<br />in mterrst has extxutcxF a written assurnptran agrrxrrreni a~repttd in wr,trng h} l.eixter, f-ruder snarl release Borrower )rant
<br />- atI oFrtigatians tender this Deal of Trust and the 'doer -
<br />}f Exttsier exercises such option u? ~Le{etete l.etxtrr -ha,+ err i ftarrowcr notice of ac's,~eltrauon to accordance with
<br />paragraph td horror. Stich notice strati prnv,dc •+ per,+?+3 t :ss than ltl days from the date the notice rs mated within
<br />witieh Burr ~rwer may Pay the sums de~iatrd .foe fF $art.wc t i+is t. pay such su ~ pror to }hparagraph r18 he c f.~rioef.
<br />Lendrr ntny, without turthcr notice ut dcnrand vn HcrrrJwrr, o-nvoAe any remedres emitted h
<br />f?lcr,V-f.'`rlFOast Cuveti.vrets. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br />lg, Aecekratioa; Rrmtdfes. Except as provided in paragrapA !T hereof, upow 6orroweds breach o[ any covenant or
<br />aglteefneat of Btxrovrrr Fn this lyres of Treat. ttxladisg the covenants to pay when due any stems stcarrd 6y th"a Geed
<br />- nt ?not. !.ladle prior to acrekratiou shalt moil tttxkr to Borrower av provided in paragraph t4 hereof specifying: 41) the
<br />brraci: f2) the nctioa required to ante scab breach: i31 a date, rtes Irae than 38 days from the date fire rwtke Ls mailed to
<br />•orrevrer, by wlrich sacM breach inusY 6e cured; sod td) that tsitwe to cure such betroth ow or before lire dale specified
<br />is tit notice may tresutf io ncrdeaafioo of tlsr wens secured by lhk. t)etd of Treat sod sale of the Properly. Tea mike
<br />s1laB ftrrtlxr k:orm lorruwer ref the right to reirotafe otter acerlrration and the right [o brims} a court action to assert
<br />tie am-taixtact ut n defau4 ur any other ~fease of Berrrotvcr to acceleration nod scale. tf the [trcac6 is not toted
<br />- oe or ttetore tic title speci6rd in ibe ostler. txodrr at I.etrdtr's option may d«lare art of the sums aerated by this thrd
<br />of 'Trost to Et isnscdatd7 due sad placable rvithon! furttvrr tktnand nod rosy invoke the power of sale and any other remedies
<br />penaitted it applirttbfe bw. I,tader Shah rre edt}tkd to collect all cemcouabk costs and expenses incarred in pursuing the
<br />rrsedim proviatd is that prragtapb tg, irctxdiaR, but oat limited to, reasonable attorney's lets.
<br />tl tic H d sale le iasokrd, Trv~re vhall record a antler of de(anli in each coatKy in which ehe property or some
<br />t}Kr~ iawjoe~ed sad a#wit maA copies ~ such notke is ihr tnaanrr prrscrihrd by applicable law to Borrower and to the
<br />elite pr+sora prssrribed by appticaik hew. lifter fbe lapse of suck time as tsar br required by applicable law. Trustee shag
<br />gjrvr ptdt~k aoiict of oak W tie peraorn sad [a tlrc enaaarr prevrribed by ~ppfirahk law. Trttstes, o'itAatt demand oa
<br />tr. sib seq tic party H pohrlic sallies !o toe [tp}hrst bidder a+.[be time and place sad nvttkr the trrtro dettitfnated
<br />i• tie aetke Qf tams 6t one or toner parcels and in alien ortler as Trostee may detesraitit. Trasitr intrY pdstpotx sale od ail
<br />or any' Need of the Progeny by ptrilir aanoaacrmem at floc tune and place d say previously schedaled sale. Lendrr ar
<br />f~adet n dssigase wy PaM~e fir.' Fr"~rerty ~ ant xale.
<br />l/poa ra't~t of Nymrat of flat prtre bad. Trastce skate drNvrr fo tlx purehaarr ?roster's decd coareyGig the Property
<br />~, y'Iw rrr#urkt ks fix Trnatn's Herd aft br prima trek evitkact of the troth of cis sWettx~ made therein. Trustee
<br />rfaaQ app!} tit !! of Her sale m fit tolfawiaR osdv: ia} to all reastsnabk coats atad expsases of the sale,. inrludiag. but
<br />rtt lisdild h, i'rustmt`n [sus rd oar tiaore t~r_ - (y_rt~t; and tr) fir rn~rt'n, sf say io trtiswe sable atar~noaa ally entkltd
<br />UOa rtef/eare; {i) to aB awes ssxorrd 6y tits >~oTT person pt Irg
<br />thwrtw
<br />[!, [tiorravatr's Rteif to Rrrfu/tkc. SVrnw uhstandrng Ltoder's acceferairam arf ehc sums secured 6y this Deed of Trust,
<br />! - Itarrawrr ilea}t hart ihC right to }rave any pruccedings begun t?y t erdtr t_j enfant Chia [)red nt 1'nrst discottiantied at
<br />fL~ atvy ter pritu to ihr earlier w occur of tt} the fifth dry trrforc the +a Fe of ihr Prvprrty' pursuant tss the power of sale contained
<br />in thw YJerd of Trust or4ii)rniry tvf a judgtrtcnt cnfcrrcing this Dced oaf Trust if: tat Borrower pays Conlin ail gums which would
<br />ire than dolt trMkr tits f)crxt csf Trust, eke Note attd notes securrng Future Advarx.ts, i( any: had no actelerauon rx:cturcd;
<br />th) Borrvwcr Burrs al[ bunches of any tether cowrnan[s err agreements at Aorrowcr c ontitincd in this tked i+f Trust;
<br />(c) fiar'rowsr psyv als tesscroabk repenscs rn.~ciErrrd t'7F L!rtiskr and Trustee in enf.lt-cirrg the .ovtnants and agrcrmtnts of
<br />N€rtttrwrr €otiiairtrrl ifl rMtc lXa4 of Trust and in enforcing [ rrrder'v :end 1'nrattc s rct»cdics as pruvictrd in Faragrap;s i N
<br />>s,r, iastud`wig. twt no! itmittd to. reasortaFdc attrxney's fees. and tdt Borrower takes strrtr acttuxt as [.ender may rcaurnahty
<br />rCt~sufi tz't sassier that the tii}n vvf this Chad et 'Fwxt.. l.entkr`v inserct rn ihr Property amf Ekrrre?wee s rsf5ligat is?n ts+ pa}
<br />