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_. <br />~ - _,,: <br />a <br />54X2-7 <br />DEED QF T1tUST 81.-- 002'714_:, <br />THiS U~FF7t Uf~'f~ll.--1ST' is : th#s . 23rd..... , .. . ~day.of .. 1"~4 . _ . . _ . . <br />1'# Sl:; Sxlfe Trusxor, fFsroid L , .Johnsen, and ,Katlir3'?-:~ .?`Te .,~PhP~.~4~ .... . <br />ht#atbi~ Ott p;fe _....>.(herein "BOrttxwer }._,_~oF~~12.~4d~#~..$~kvStsgas_,_ <br />I,atsiti .Aaeoeiatian .... . ........... (herein "Truuc~"} and the SetteficiaFg, <br />CtihxseieiaY lrea#eral Saviagis & Lnati.alesoe. ..............:........ . a ccrrptitatirm orgpu-Srcd attid <br />tatlstlaS tttuier'the laws of.. _ Ntsbraaka ......, wht>se address is= .... . ..:..... <br />.~1x4~: ~1R11.12Rti> ,~IX~t s .S~tbhAr: H6 .. ba_2A ........... ........: . (herein .,~=t} <br />Btdttuswert, in tmetsidcratlan of the indebtedness herein mciicx! and she trust herein ereattxl; irrrvocablp grants. <br />std eonxreys w 7'rt:sta, in trust, with power of sale, the following described propertp located :in-the bounty of <br />. , ....... , ..~§~~ ....................... .State of Nebraska: <br />The ~aterly tine Half (F11/2} of Lots tine (i} and Three {3), <br />fn B1oeY '.'ve2ve (22}, in taollege Addition to !deaf Latan, to <br />tht Cite o€ Craad Island. 13a1i Countp, Nehrxaka. <br />which !~ the: address ad..2f313 t# t'.ottcgey, (=rate! Island,. '~ebraslts, 6~SQ1. _ , .. , . <br />............... <br />p~,~~,.~ {5treatt ;nrrl <br />....................... (herein ~' ' °Y"' `y +iddt'!SS" 5 <br />iitN~ Ind rw CaOH <br />Tti~E~'-tER wit# aH the itttpravctnents ntxK car hrreatter crtcted E~tt the property. snd ..11 east~tnents. righh. <br />retuts (aubjes3 htnrevtr to the righr~ attd authorities given herein to l.etuler to called and apply' such <br />t'iw~,s}, rey`,~l1ti~ t8~ra1, oil sad gas rtglets and prafits> water, water rtg#tts, attd water stocx„ atu3 all fixtures new ar <br />hiMtt,~# attt~ehcd t+at Tie pt~tperty, nl! cd which, incGxfing replacetneots and add:aons therein, shall be deemed to be <br />d~a;partstLtbs-property coyeret3lsy this Deed of Trust. ar+d •x11 of thckcuegaing, tagethet +vtih s$i,3 gropertt <br />(tN l~s h~kt estate if t);is Dad of Trxest is an a h:asehsald 1 arc herciu referred to as thr "Prapertv '; <br />T`ts S£t;~x€ #v I.cs~ (a} the rippapinent of thr: indebtetfticsa evidenced by Horrawer's nave dated.May. Z~,.. i4t31 <br />.: - : , _ . , _ .. _ (hem "NcAe" ), irr tlx 2siacigal aura- txf :'>'F'X'. '>;II4US8'3D. end .2Q [ I tHl ........ . ... . <br />.:.. .. ; _ , .. ~ . . . . . . . ......... . ...... . ... Dollars, with tntt:rr~t theraan, pravisting far mantttly in5txlltttcr±ts <br />of princigra! atxl ;~ with t~ btrlrttuve of the ittdelxedness, tl net sooner paid, due and payable on.Jyae...l_„ 211 <br />... .......................... . . ... .:.: the paytncnt of all ether soma; with interest shcrean, advanced <br />to aca'o!rdatts~s herckr io prat4ct the .scsyuity of the Dtxti of Trust: and the perfarenancc of the Cavs;tlants and <br />agtutntrttt of 8otrawct herein ri~xt; a~f (D} the rc~rytitent of any future ser#vaares, wish interest t!}crtan. trtadc <br />to Battawer ly irnd~cr pttiwtwt #+a pliarettp~S 2l Eterrof t trerein °Futttce rtdv;,ncrx"!. <br />l~xrcaacr carrraaots tisse pxt?pr is hltrltsN} ~ ref the eatxtc hereby. cexrs:-ep,:d and hex the ri~ltt to grant acttt <br />rtr~vte} flee P1^cxperty, tfpt the Ptapetty ~ tgrrncurit6ered. and that Narrt>wer wi!! warrant and defend ~~ncra!!y ths: <br />ti~tk tv thy-pYogsrtY rtpinsi-a~ ekitisac final nda„ sub~el trx any ~es'latratrons. ca*,~Srertts Kxr restrti~tiuns lissed in a <br />+rsfitc4tile ad ea~z sit t'ovct9i is tth}i ±itle inspraticc ley it)SSt[riSt$ l.rrttkt's ~ttrcrest en the t"rop~erty <br />w # tom,.. ); ~w~ rt1011iANaK tt ~itlltlfltlft ='=.`cz..t <br />9At s xu~:n x.: iser^a <br />