,~~ `~~
<br />:-thinlt tlest, a~ €oc'~6at purpose to enter into and execute and dbli-ver such
<br />" bonds' sf arbritrator--or other instruments as my attorney may deem adaisaf~la
<br />,,; "
<br />an the premiief,
<br />^'!'~ S. To ro~_~mn~1 defend. 7'o commenoe, pxessautt, disconti. cam'
<br />y defend all actions or othes legal proceedings touching my estate or any, - •"
<br />part thereof, or touching any matter in which I or my estate may be in any :,,
<br />wise concerned.
<br />- d. To manage real estate. To enter into and upon ail and singular my "
<br />Taal estate; and to let, a~snage, and improve the same ar any part thereof,
<br />au+d to repair or otherwise improve, alter, or reconstruct, and to insure,
<br />any bazi:ldinp os ssruaturea tlasreon, and further to contract with others for
<br />-:`"
<br />the ansgement of such real estate, and to grant to such others all. 'the
<br />powers with rsapect to such real estate usual in real estate management-
<br />contracts, and granted to my said attorney herein.
<br />" 7. To rant leases, receive rents, and otherwise deal with tenants
<br />and leased preperty. ?o.cont»et with any person for leasing for such
<br />periods, including periods longer than my life, and without regard. to the
<br />termiaation of this power of attorney, at suoh rants and subject to such
<br />r crnr}itiona as my attorney shall sec fit, all or any of my said real estate,-
<br />it-d to. let any such person into possession thereof, and to execute all such
<br />leasy and coertraeEa ss shall ba necessary or proper in that behalf, and to
<br />give nsticc to quit to sr~y tenant or occupier thereof, and to receive and
<br />recover frog all tenants ansl occupiers thereof or of any part thereof all
<br />l+enta, arrears of rent. and sums of money which now are ar shall hereafter
<br />become ~e and payabka in respect thereof, and also on nonpayment thereof ,.
<br />es of aeq+ part thereof Lo take all necessary or proper means and. proceed-inRp.
<br />for te~sirtating the tee~+cy or occupation of such tenants ar occupiers, and
<br />{fir 4jeo#irtg Lhe Manta nr oeeupiors and recovering the ~~uf:se:esion themaf.
<br />~.,..
<br />d. To sell or axchanec real nr ncraonal estate. To sell, either at
<br />~l~a ar private sale, or exchange any part or parts of my real estate or
<br />~} qty for such consideration, payable immediately or upon such
<br />-. ~atwa as gay attorney shall think fit, and to execute and del-aver good sru!
<br />1p-fficisrst d+eeda, bills of sale, encforscmcnts, assigrvscnts, ar-other instru-
<br />. -#IlM-E+t BOs the oe+-veyanOC or Cranafrr of the cams, with such- eRarananis_.bf
<br />.R
<br />..g_ t ,,
<br />