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<br />j "t {ti X_ ...LLL
<br />Lots Eighty Nine, (89) and Ninety (90), Belmpnt Addition., to the
<br />j~ City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />_~-i;
<br />` ,._ ,
<br />....-°
<br />That, I, FBtN1 A. DAY, of Grand Island, County of Nall, Nabfaska,-have
<br />wMde, constituted ara9 appointed, and by those presents do woks, constitute
<br />and appefnt Neli M. Scott or Robertr0. Scstt, of oibbon, County of Buffnle,'t .
<br />Rebraaka, ay true and lawful attorney or attorneys for we and in wy nose,
<br />' -..place and stead, and on wy behalf, subject to the provisions of lhragraph i3-
<br />s' ~ ~ hereof, to do and swMouta •11 or any of the following acts, deella and things
<br />~'- 1. To receive dabta, payaents and property. To ask, dewand, sue for,.'
<br />- recover and receive all sows of money,.dsbta, dwa, goods, wane, werchandia~y ;,
<br />ehattsls, effects and things of whatsoever nature or description xhiah nOK 0~r;,,, .
<br />,`-- ~ hereafter shall 6e or becosw due, oxing, p:,gabla or belonging to we in or by~,~~i- ,°,
<br />ri ht title "~ '~
<br />v1Y g . wags ar weans howsoever, sex! upon receipt thse!icf,.or og
<br />` ~. axy part'therssf, to wake. sign, execute and deliver such reccipta,~rtleadl+{ `
<br />.i• '
<br />.- .'Y~` qr other dfisehwr;ea for the samc respectively as Ay acid attorney snail chew
<br />advisable. --
<br />2. To settle aoewunta. To settle any aecoW-t or reekonie~ whatsoever'
<br />wherein I now aw or at any tiwe hereafter shall be in any xise interested dti
<br />oaneareie! with ae~y ptraen xhnwaoever, and to pay or receive the balance theme'
<br />as the case way require.
<br />` 3. ?4 satisfy security interests end wartga~ea. To racaive every sus. '~-'
<br />-,;.
<br />'~s of sanay which nos is or hereafter shall be due or belonging to ws upon the.=: -- '"
<br />v
<br />~~~.. --~
<br />~ ~we'ity ar by rirt~ a~' o,~y security intcrgsf or agreoweat, ~ aeertgpga, 4d~~ l€=::
<br />_ on rooeigt of the full taunt secured chareby to eseguie s goad and aaEficir-~ ,`
<br />_ _ .:a~ .
<br />- wsleatie ~r ether diaeiiarge ot~such socurity intareat, or wort deed ` ~`'~
<br />j
<br />oChet~+iaa.
<br />~.fi. .
<br />. 't. Tc cowpcuefd;, 3ubwit to arbilrationy,or oiha wise settle ar adjust
<br />dif€`re~a. To ces~oynd with or Hake alloraacag to any person fsr or in
<br />t `' res~-ast to any de11t or daaand .*atsoever whieh.aex is or shall •t any tiwa
<br />1fltra~E~r a~owe dws awd ps~able to aa, or by wa, ~Atpon wY s~eeoumt, and .-- t°
<br />tc take- and i!idelva, er Lo pyr end diacharga ias the case agty bs~, any ~~'
<br />aawpesition or dividaad thereof or thereupon, ared to give or roaeive release,;
<br />'~ or eths'-discharges `for the •d+ole of such debts or demnda, or tb settle, .
<br />`. ~.
<br />eowpro~iilpi, s~' saugit to arbr$~ration every snap debt er dewand utd every
<br />otl~ar ~, eMetttar, 'and thing due to cr congaraing ~e as ey •~rrasy shall ~
<br />Y
<br />t ,.
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