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<br />=.w~,*r:ntry or othnrwi.se ae my attorney shall aee'tit, and to give Kond a~irl; c-
<br />.... f
<br />r~actuarl reeaipta for all er any part of the putnhdso price or other ~`
<br />aaasidbraton.
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<br />9. To deposit moneyr, withdraw, lnvaat, sold othery+isc deal. with tanlgyl€1
<br />r e ?o deposit any moneys which may,oase to his hands as slioh attorns~e' -
<br />. with any $snk or banker in my name, and to withdraw any of such money or any ;
<br />other money to which I am entitled which now is or shall be so deposited, and.
<br />- sithar employ such mortsy as he shall think fit in the payment of any debtrs.
<br />' or irrtereat, payable b®r me, er taxes, assessments, insurance, and expensts
<br />r dus and`payable or to become due and payable on account of my real and •.
<br />personal estate or in or about aqy of the purposes herein mentioned, or
<br />other+eisa Por my uaa ewd benefit, or to imaat sash money in my name in eny
<br />stocks, shares, bonds securities or other property, reel or persrtnai, ss ha
<br />may thirds prepay, snd to reeeiva snd give receipts for any incase or rHviltsnd
<br />arising from such i:rtveetments, and to vary or dispose of all and any aueh
<br />.~,Y, irtvestmenta, or other investments for my use and benefit as he may think-fit,
<br />iQ. To vote at atoekholders' meetings execute proxies and otherwise
<br />s allbetitvte fiat owner. To vote at the meetings of stockholders or other meet-
<br />- oP any corporation or company, nr other+riise to act as my attorney or
<br />may, wiRh.power of aubatitution, in respoet of any stocks, rharea, bonds,
<br />debentures, or other evidences of owne mhip, or securities, now or herea!'tnr
<br />bald by mo and issued 1~y or rni iccount of acid corporation o-r compMy acrd
<br />for that parpose to execute any proxies, limited ar general, or other
<br />,_ ireatruwanta.
<br />11. Ts eXacuto- deeds, bills, notes, and similar instruments-. For all.
<br />or any o!' the purposes herein ,stated to enter into and sign, seal. execute,.
<br />apknuM7:edgr., and deliver arty cunt.ract.s, det:ds, or other in::trusrents whnts+r-
<br />Wet, artd to drew, aocept, make, endorse, discount, or otharwrisr, deal wsth
<br />~Ay hills, of oxchang,+s, cheeks, promirrsory notos, or other commorcial--or
<br />warca~rLi`ls instr-+rmbr-ka.
<br />12. to do all other things necez;sar~in connection hetrcwith. In
<br />er'sl ko do-.all other aetq, deeds, matEerat and things ~-ataoeuer in-or J
<br />ARs+ut ~ grit;tc,, propinty, and affairs, or ta.concurwith poraona--,jointly
<br />~4:~ESi with +gyso-lf thcrei:n in-dning all acts, deeds, matters, and
<br />-~~
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