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<br />^°°~' _~ <br />~~~. <br />-, <br />~~er with all r>gltts, interests. easettaenia, hercdisaments and appurtrnances thueuato belonging, the :cuts. issues, and <br />profits thereof and revenues andancome theceftam,~ttm~ olimifedtto nran s~nefrtgeratron, clathesl washers, cloche aryer~s. <br />reaeonably necesary to the use thereof. inch+dirtg, <br />or pstiog purchased tx ftnan~°d in whole or itt pux with loan futtds, a water. water rigktts, and water stock pertaini;+g <br />~ret~, and a4l pavtnenw at any timr owning [o Borrower 6y virtuE bf any sale, lease, transfer. conveyance, nr condemnation <br />of any part tltersof+m iritere~: therein-all of which are herein called "the property ; <br />'i'Q FiAVEANA 1'O fiOLD the pro~tY uaxo she Government and its aafipH forever in fee simple. <br />6t?RROWER for Borrower's soli, Boa<twcr's heir, exccutars. adnuaistratorrE. suctessots and assiptts WARRAN'CS TfiE <br />~ dye property w the Government ust all lawfal claims and demands whauoever excrpt any liens. encumbraneea. <br />eta; resex+atiens, ox conveyances speei red hereinabove, an$ C4V €NANTS AND AC,REES as follows. <br />lit To pny promptly' whm due ang indebtedness to the Government hacby secured and to indetasify and save harm- <br />icaa tka C,oraatnens agatnm angy lam under its instsraace of payment of chc rto~e by resson of any default by Baaower. <br />At ~ titaes whyA rise note is hdd an tnsured holder, Boaow!er shall continue to make payments on the note to the Govera- <br />asptt, ~ caalleetion t ftsr the balder ttoro of the <br />123 To pay m lira Government such tea-and other Charges u may sow ar hereafter be required by regida <br />pies Hmte Adttainssaatigp. <br />(3j if required by the Government, "+ azaice addition+l trwarltly ¢aymcnu of 1112 of tha eatirnated an taxes. <br />aaansmean, iasnraw:e prtmiums artd other ch~ge3 upon the mortgaged premtses• _ <br />{41 W6eriaea ar war xhe cote a insured by the G ~angorrg,ye hewn slug, astweliYas a ~ costa and expenses fox ::te pre- <br />raqtsatsd hexeira tts be paid by Boxrovrer and tine-paid y <br />aarvattoa, peoseenon, or en oreetneat of this lien, ss adxanca feu the account of Borrower. All such advsnces shat[ bee <br />iatrara~t a the rate btarnc by tlx note which has the est interest rate. <br />(Sj AB advances by the Gov t detlthe place deasgmnttd inhthe laustsnh~a<e and shsll be`lieycuxed~hd«e~by No <br />b+l, Hosrowsr to the catatrernnaetst <br />soeb advance by the. Gnvun~ t~s t=~~ilabk~croollectutna tvxetvedh o€eo~l'~ow~soOthertrise~any P'yment made by <br />Wit. shall tae mFaid <br />)g~_may ba applied oa the note of any indebtedness co the Government secured hereby in any order rite Gorarnmrnt <br />detas~mnnes- <br />,,J <br />. _~ - <br /> <br /> <br />