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<br />81-02632 ,, <br />USDA-FmHA ~a+~ S <br />poem PtnHA -129-1 NB <br />{Rev: s-19-74) REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE FOR NEBRASKA <br />THtS MORTGAGE is made and entered. ieto by _„~.~a...B~JTR`47ia.i~ilDY_s~~• r <br />residing ia __.._._.._.,._..___.___..___..._111_.__._..__.._.._._______...~_ Cotmty, Nebraska, whoa post office sddrea~ ;iat <br />.._.._:._~._,~a_~_?5 .._.__....._.__..__._._._..._.,__~_-~.--°_.:.._. AhE?~ .~ _..._._ . Nebraska ~ ~ , <br />hetein rallatl "Borraerar," and: <br />WHSREAs Borrower is indebted to the United States of America, acting through dte Eataners Hoine Adtninistrskioi <br />United States Depart[nent of Agrictilttue, herein called the "Government," as evidattced by one or snore-promissory note{s) <br />or assumption agrtetnent(s}, herein catkd "note,^ which has been eaecuttd by Borrower-, is payable'ta the order t}ft <br />Govertemeat, authorisas accEleratton " .he entire indebtedness at the option of the Governrttent-upon say defat[lt by <br />Eoxv~rec, and is dexribed as follows: <br />,4metat Rate Due Date of Final <br />flare of fisctnsase+rt ltFinc~ Amount o fntertst hutment <br />11$ty 20, 19$1 $72, OtlO. (>D 12.25$ A>3ty _ 20 r 3435.. <br />{if the interest rate is less than _..__._______~o for farm ownership or operating loanix) secured by this instrument, !hen the <br />rate may be changed as provided in the note.: <br />And the note evidtnces a loan to Borrower, and the fovernmsnt, at any time, may assign the Hate and insure the pay- <br />ment thereof purruant ro the Consolidated. Farm and Rural Developmern Acs, or Title V of the Housing Act of 1919 or any <br />other statute administered by the Farmers lfomc Administration: <br />Atsd it is the purpou and intent of this instrument that, among other t}~in{g~ss, a; all times when the note is held by the <br />Govtrtuntnt, or in the event the Government should assign this instrument without insurance of the note. chit instrument <br />shall utute payment of the Hate; but when th= pate is held by an insured holder, this instrtmrent shall not secure payment <br />of the nau ar axtach to the debt eri$snctd thertbv, but as to the note at:d each debt shall constitute an indemnity mortpaQe <br />to acute the Government against Ions under its insurance contract by reason of anv dtfauit by Bar. over; <br />And thisznstnrmenC also xcures the recapture of any interest credit or se:bsidv which may bt eranted to xhe Barnnver by <br />r};sGovtrnmEnt purst[ant to 42 L:S.C. ~t49Lta. <br />NCtw, THEREFGtRE, in consideration of the ioana and 'a} at ul timer whin the note u Geld by tht Government, ar in <br />the Event the Government should assign this uzstrumtnt without insurance of the payment of the Hate,. to secure prompt <br />ggwent of tht note and any cenewals and extmxionx thereof and ang a{-reenrrnxs zan[av[ed therein, including any provision <br />flee the payment of art insurance +;r other charge, ;b:; s; aIi rinses when tl:t note is held bq an insured holder, to secure per- <br />formance of Barrawu's agrternent herein to indemnify and save harmless the Government against lass under its insurance <br />eontrsct by reawn of any default by Banawer, sad fc; in arty went and az all times to secure the prompt paytmnt of aIl <br />advances and es;pen,iitures ma.,c icy the Gavernm=n[, with interest, as Izceeinaiter describe:i, anti [i~r periocmance of every <br />covemant and agreemtnt of Barrawtr canuined herein or in any suppltmentaty a~reenten[, Borrower Bats hereby grant, <br />bargain, te{l, Convey and assign, wi[h gcntta3 warranty. auto the C;azemmcne the ioiiowing property siwattd in the Stott of <br />Nebradta, Gounty(ies} of -----_..F~l <br />ThB Nta~th Half of the $Wt~6t QlaaTtPx of the SOUthMel3t Quarter (li) <br />o~ Seotican 2ti+errt-Y (20) r in 'Ibwnst~ig Nine (9) Dlarth. RAn4e Rtivelve (12) , Fleet <br />of the 6th P.M., <br />3U$J~ TC) a M[s°bgage in fawn of P'ilclrt State Bank caf Shelton, <br />1Qetlraelm, in the principal. slam of $Sb, 700. f>0, reoo=tled in Hooat <br />172, page I83. <br />FmHA 427-1 !v$ iRev. 5-15-19} <br />1.... <br /> <br /> <br />