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I <br />~1--~(}2632 <br />(6} To uu the loan evidenced by the Hate solely for purposes authorized by the Government. <br />[7j To pap whm due all to:es, liens, judgments, encwnbrances, and assessments Ja+.,etlly attaching to or assessed <br />against the property, including ail c6ugea and assessments in connection with water, water rights, and water crock <br />pertainiag to or reasonably accessary to rite rue of the teat property described above, and al! toots and assessmetita levied <br />upon this mortgage or the note or any indebtedness hertbqq secured or agai[.at any legs! holder hereof or of the note or of <br />aatd'indebtedness ttnda the laws of Plebraafta, and promptly deliver so the Gavemmtnt wichovt demand receipts evldencv[g <br />such payments. <br />(8} To kcep_titt p insured as regp+red by and. under insurance policies appmved by the Government and, as its <br />request, tsdeFnxr suz3t ~ tv theGove:nrnent. <br />~} To maintain improvements in goad repau and make repairs required by the Government; operate the property in a <br />sad h i.~r,rin.~..i~}<e tnsnner: comply with such farm conservation ppractices and faun and home management plans as <br />tht Govetatnent from time to Puns may pprrecscribe: and not to abandon the property, or cause or permit waste, lesse~afg or <br />iatpairtsteat of she sectsn' covered hereby, or, without the written consent of the Government, cut removes or leti3a at[y <br />timber; gsdvel, oil, gat, coat, ~ other minerals except as may bt necessary for ordinary domestic purposes. <br />(loj To comply with all laws, tndinances, and regalationa affecting the property. <br />{Ti} To pay ~ reitnbntse the Government for expenses esasonably necessary ar inc~et[ta1 to the prmecdon of ehe !!en <br />and pzi6rdsty 6ercof ~ to the enforcement of or the compliance with the provistons hereof sad of the note and any sttpplt- <br />taei[car j agtitsancnt (!xitzthat before ar after defauhl, including but not limited to costs of evidence of title to and stttirey of <br />the property; costa- of reseeding this and other instruments, atxarneys' fees, trustees' fees, court ensts, and expense of <br />adversssing„ selling, and conveying the propcrry. <br />(13} Nleithet tht pproperty nor any portion tltercof or. interest thm'nt shad be Feared, assigned, said. transferred, or <br />estcumbered, voluntarily or arherwisc, without the writxsn tonxent of cite Goverumsnr. The Goverrunent shaII have the safe <br />anu exclwive rights as mortgsgse heretrucin, including but not limited to the power to grant conunts, partial releases, <br />snbordinstiom, atul satisfaction, and na insured holds shall have any right, title or interest in or to the lien or any bentfita <br />hereo! <br />(i$} At all rsasoaable tunes the Government and its agents may inspect the pragerty to asceetain whether the covenants <br />and agreements contained herein nr in any supplemennry agreement err being performed. <br />i#l The Govemrstent may aj txter,d or defer tht maturity r,f, and renew and reschedule the ppayments on, the debt <br />ersdcnud by [ire note ar env indebtedness to the Government secured i+y this instrument, ?b;7 release any party whn is <br />lisbit under the nett ur far the debt from liabiii:t t<+ tree Ga4Yrnmrrtt.: c'. rsicax portions of the property artd subordinate <br />its lien, atu! td} waver anp reciter of its rights under this mstrumrnr. Any and ail this can and wits he done without affecting <br />dte Lien of the priority of chic instrument ::r $nrrowcr's ur any t;t}tcr part}`'s liability to the Government for payment of the <br />~ce of debt ssxurcd try [his inatn=menx unless th€ Gnvcrnmcnt yeas echrrwise in writing. HOW}?V-ER, any forbearance by <br />the Ciovtrntnsnt-whether once ar often-in rxcrci:infz acv ri¢ftt ~,r :rmedy under this instrumen*, ~,r srthrrwise afForded by <br />appiit:abis law, shah sot bs a waiver of c,r pees{udt rise cxerctsr ,st env sucl+ rtt;ht ar rrmcd+;. <br />i15i If at env rims it shalt appear eo the e:uvertttttsrt chat Itarrawer may he obis to obtain a loan from a production <br />reedit aaoeiation, a Federal load bank, ar other rcsponsiblr cooperatitx or privatt credit snuree, ac reasonable rates artd terms <br />for loans fen similes purposes and prrisxls of tune, $arrnvrer .viii, upon the Gwrrnment`s request, apply ftx and accsp[ such <br />ksart in suEFicunt amount to pav the Hate and any sndebtsdnras xcutrd hereby and to pay for anp stoek necessary to be <br />purchased in a caoprradve Scn mg agency its ronncetian with such loan. <br />,I6i Drtault hsreundir shall canstitu=c default seder env ati:tr rca: estate, ~r under anp pcrsnrtal prop€rt}' or other. <br />xcurity instrument bald nr inxursd by Bits Gavrrnment anti tarcuts;i +,t a3,sumed l,v k3nrrowrr, sad det`ault under area such <br />ocher security instrurnrnt shall canctitutc default herruadsr <br />1'. J $liUl!iD DEFAl73_T __etu m rite pet{r;raiancs .rr ,lire hiss ~.f env +~bligataon i+. thts instranseat :,t aecute:i by this <br />ittstrumant, or should the pities named as $atrnwer die ur iu dec'tsrrd an tnenmprtent, ur should env unr of Ehe parties <br />rrasnstl as $ntrsrxar br dr<larad a bankrup[, .~r an insolvent cr make an assignment far the benefit of crrdstars, the Gavsrn~ <br />menu,at its option, whit x wizhaur nosece, may:.i dtslarc the entree amount unpaid coder tits Wars and any indebtedness <br />W t6s Gavrrnment itcrrby uctued intmediatriv dot sad payat:le- ~ i for the acc?unc of $orrnwer incur and pay ressnnable <br />expresses for repair or maintenance of and take pnssrasin+t :,€, E tats ut :en[ th€ proorrty. '~' upon application bs• it and <br />production of skis instrument, wititerot other evtdsnce and without anricr of fttaring o{ slid apphcarian, tt eve a receiver <br />apppo'utted far cite propestp, with vhe usual powers r~,f rcccivrrs in tike t:asrs, -_d? fnreelnss this instrument as provided herein <br />cx-by leery, and ie i enforce Frey artd ail €xhez rights aP.d temedtes ,.. ~rtdr-d trot€in =~r by pr€ssnt cr tutor: law. <br />Ei8} The proteeds of foteclnsure salt shah b€ appiir+l in ttte fnllowintt order to the payment c,f: ;a; costs-and exptnscs <br />incident to en 6rsing or cn~mtpplpirtg with the prorisiuns itcreof. is any pries litres required by law or a compe[en[ court to <br />bs so pakl, (4j the debt rvidrtusd by tits Hato .nd all utdeb[sdnsss tx; the Govcsntrxnt secuccd hereby, ;dj inferior urns <br />of rscrttd tsyuircd 6p !aw or a rampetsnt court =a he sa paid, ;ej ai. the Governments aptioa„ any other irdrbtcdness of <br />8atrower awing to ar ittsutsd by the C.overnmsnc, .red , f anp balance to l3 xtowcr. At forec{nsure ur ocher sale nt all or at.q <br />part +~ the ~, tits Gtwcrnmeot and its agents map bid and~urchzsc as a strattgsr and tray pay the Gavemtncnt's share <br />of the pure~prxx by crsr'ltlttg such amount nn any del is tat Barrawer awing to nr insured 6y the Grsvttnment. in ttte <br />r:dcr pee.above. <br />(19} $onower ogress than ti:e Government will not he booed by anp prsune or furors Scats law, ;a providing fnr <br />traluatiprt, hosnaxtcad m exemption of the property, ?b} prohibiting maintenance of an action fox a defieieitcy <br />jted~atest or~Hing tits amount thereof ar the time within which such xtion musx bs btouaht, {ci prescribin any other <br />srattt~ gf lhttitations; (d} allowing anp righs of redemptior. nr possnassrtn followutg any fmss(asure ssi , or it i ~+imiting the <br />condctiwst which the Garmntnent may by regulation impose, incheding the interest rate it may charge, as a condition of <br />ap€r~6 s transfer of the prslpcrty its a new i3ctrrowtt. $arrower expre>stly waives the ltrrtefic of anp such Stare laws. <br />33orrarsttr htteirp rsiiaquisites, waives, and =onvevs ail rights, irtchoatr ar catuummate, of dcxent, dower, and cur[esy. <br /> <br /> <br />