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~~.~-ao~so~ <br />UNteoaM CovfiNRtvis. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />le Paymrst of tisd Hatevest. Borrower shad promptly p:y when due the principal of and interest on the <br />is evidtnetd by the Note, prtpayttxnt aad late charges as provided in the Note, and the; principal of attd intttest <br />on any Future Advatues sxarrtd by this it,! rtgagt. <br />2. Ftaa~ im' Tasaa aad int. 3ttbject m applicable Iaw or to a wvritten waiver by Lettdtr, Borrower shall pay <br />to iasdiu on the day rtrnnthly instaiirrttnts of principal and interest are payable under fhe Note, until the Nate is paid in frill, <br />a arras fhraein "Ftrtt~") equal to oat-twtlftlt of the yearly taxes and assesstnrnts which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and grotmd rents an tht Property, if any, plus otte-twelfth of yearly premium instaBtrnnts for hazard instirattce, <br />plus ooatwelfth of yeuly premium inMallIDtnts for mortgagt insurance, if any, all as reasonabty estimated initially and from <br />timt to that bq Lessdtr on the basis of asseasntents and bins and t•ea%tmtrtt estirrtates tberetif. <br />Ths Ftittdat shall be htld in am institatioa the dsposits ar accotmta at which are iatsured or gtaraatced 6y a Fetferal or <br />start agency finctttding Lettdtr if Leztdu is such an institution). Lendu shall apply Eke Futsds to pay said taxes, assesattrrnts, <br />iAH3tiace prtminms and grotmd rents. ixtsder may not cftarge for so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account. <br />ar vesrifying and compiling said asstssmtots and bills, unless Leaifer pays Borrower interesst on the Funds attd applicable taw <br />pmnifa Lender to make stub a charges Borrower and Lendu may agret in writing at tht time of exeeutien of this <br />Mortg$ge that interest an the Futtds shat! be paid ro Borrower, and unless such agrixtntnt is made or applicable law <br />txquims attch interest to be paid, shall not be required m pay Borrower any interest or comings an-the Funds. Lender <br />-shall glut ~, 6fhout charge. an annual aceauming of the Funds showing crediss arrd debits to tht Funds a~ the <br />purposes tar which each dtbit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this 7damgage. <br />if tht aratotmt of the Fzin~t ttek2 by Lendu, togethtr with the future monthly installrntnts of Funds payable prior to <br />the dtte dates of taxes, asstssmtrrts, insurance premiums and ground rents. shall excted the atttount requiral to pay said taxes, <br />assaaatents, insunnct premiums and ground rents as they fat: dirt, such excess shall tx, at Harrowers option, either <br />promptly repaid za Borrover er credited to Borrowu ao monthly installments of Foods. if the amoum of the Ftrttds <br />hidd by Leadtr shall nest fit sul5ciettt to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground renu as they fat! due, <br />Boerowtr shall pay to Lemlu any amount nectssarr to make up the defis:ieacy within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Leader to Borrower regtxsting paytnent ttiercot. <br />Upon pat-mtnt in full of aft sums secured by this Mangage, tender shaft oramptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />heh! by Lender. ff uttdu paragraph I S hereof the Propem• +s wfd ar the Property :; atherxiK acquired by Lender, Lender <br />shaft apply. na iota titan imtntdiatel}' poor to the oak of the P,-apetty nr its acquisition by Lendu, any Funds htld by <br />L ~!d£r 8t t~ t!SL~' of appltC3ti4n a& 2 Credit 5~3m5t trig 51mi ~t3r{~ b1' ibis ~lan~agC. <br />~. Ap/t4tigios o[ 8tea'ateata Unless applicable law provides paymems received by Lender under the <br />Note and paragraphs ! and Z hereof shall Fx appitcd by Lender first .n payment .,f amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof, that [o interest payable ,+n the '~.cxe. skier. to the pnnctpai of tlx Nate. and then to interest and <br />pririctpat on any Futurt Advanets. <br />A. C i.Oss. Borrower Shall pay afl taxes..,ssrssmrnts and .:thee :barges. ?roes and tmpasitiens a[tnbutabk to <br />tht Property which rttay attains priority over this ~iongage, and iraschs~ici F=aeiresas ~r gtu~,-a's r~ - ,. -- .' t.`'t ~^. <br />ptvvidt+t trader paragraph 2 hereof ar.:f oat pasd in ouch manner. it} Borriwer making paYmtnt, ~whtn due. directly to the <br />pa}'tt thereof. Borroratr shall promptly turrrah-t Lender ail rr-txes of amnuats due under this paragraph. and in the event <br />Borrower shall make paymtat dcre.:tlt. Brsrrawrr ;hest! prantptt} lurnuh to lxn=.ier rueipts evcdcncmg such payments. <br />Barsower aCialC promptly disrlsargt any lirn .:hxr, lass pnnnty this Slortgagr; provided. ;hat Borrower shall not tee <br />required fo dtacbargt say sotto fitn sa lsmg as Borrawcr shall agree ut ~nnng en the payatent of the abhgstian secured fry <br />stub itm in a manna acceptable to I.tndtr, i•r shalt an gacA f;tsih contest ouch lxn hy. or defend enforcement of such Urn in, <br />legal ptnceedings xhiciz operate to prevt;m the rntar~-cment of the isen or fortexure .,t the Property or any pan thereof. <br />5. fiaxesd laaaraaet. Burrower shalt keep the rmprasemrnts nett rrisnnx n: r:ereafter erected on the Property msu:ed <br />agatta[ litss by fire. harards included within the :erm "~'xlemre~ cuveragt'~- and such other hazards as [.ender may require <br />atu.+ in stteh amounts and tar such perxrds as Lender mat requia-r: prende-ci. that i,endrr shalt not require that the amount of <br />sixh :..avtragt exited that amount at cusxsagr rrquurd to pay race cams z::cur-..d fs}• thes 4fartgagr. <br />Tht i»titrrance car[itr providing the insurance shaft fee cttosrn try Harrower sutrject to approval by Lander, provided. <br />that slates appritvai shall not be uttreasonabty wxhtxld. ,~ti prrttteun3s s+n insuraxe paitetes shall l+e cold ni the manner <br />prov ` uttdu paragrapl: Z het-tot or, rf oat pmd in stteti manner, by Barrvwtr making paymnst, when dire, dircc€!y to the <br />instsrauce cattier. <br />• •~ ~ • °- •, ".rriei :3 2'e Viav:s=. iii : __'__ anv _~_" =~.ii'u"dr° :: 5t~nda:ta m <br />..artg~gr <br />roes rusurtrscc pitirctea atw rimtwau t'stes~ -t sna:s fx sr. i - , .. <br />cLltrat in favor aE and is funtt acxtptable to Ixndtr. Lender shall hate '.rte right [o f;.~ld the 1wPreies and renewals thereof. <br />aad Barrttrwtr shall promptly fumnh to L.entltr all renewal natters anal ail receipts of pout premiums. In the event of loss. <br />i>o[tvwtr atratt give prompt naucg to the imurancr tuner alto t-enatr. i.cnacr nia} inane prcn.s e.i ivss si nu .sa ~ y v,r , . <br />fTy BDrrosrCr. <br />Un4ws lsatder and Borrawea txhtrwist agret m wntiitg, tnsarattct prixetds shall be applied to restoration r' repair n. <br />the Property da+rtagtd, provided such restorauon <~r rrpatr :s cronamieally tcastblc and the u~curity of ibis S:ortgage is <br />trot tt:ertby itnp:.rd ff ;t;vh rrsti;rauxt t;r ;:°patr ss ;=ut c,o.-~xnicatis tcasrbie or sf the setursty of this t2artgage would <br />lie impairCd, the tixurarxe prtxttrh than f±e applied t:r the aims seeu:ed 6y this ~2ongage, with the excess, if any. pard <br />to Sorrmrtr. If the Propem° is ahatidciittd h. Barrnwtr. ~~r it Borrawu Earls ao respond to Lender within 30 days from the <br />date nodict is marled by Lt~er to Aarrawer that the :nsurattu carrrr odtrs to settle a claim for msurance bernfits. Ixndcr <br />x atst$isrt~ to c oral apt the tstsuratrce pres~eds at Lehr s apnan eitner to restoration or repair of rite Property <br />or b] t!x shams tceurtd by tfra Mortgagtt. <br />Utrkss Lender and Borrower atherwtse agree m wrt:tng, any Bach applis orlon of prixeeds to pntu:tpal shall not extend <br />t~ pa•xipisnt tlx dirt date of fix ttrosrihl} instalirrxnts >eferred to to paragraphs i and .hereof or chaser the amoum of <br />stack trtattdltttenis. I€ utrda paragraph i $ hertxrf tht Praptrtr is acyutrcd by Lender, all rsght, title and interest of Borrower <br />,a ~ of any ittsraranes p~u~ and sn arsG ir3 the peck-att#s intrtot rtsuhtag from dama~ to tttt Propuy prmi to the sale <br />or aogstiaiaoa shall pon to isndi~ to the extent at tfx ssrms secured 6y 'kits 4lartgagc immediately prior to such sale or <br />+S. !!f'asu*asisa iri at Peagestr; ttaaRtaids ('ositasdaiva~ !Massed Utsfa Ihwelapsteats. Borrower <br />shall zha: Property in Bond repair and slaa:l nix commit want or puma ampatrinent or deteriaratian of t!x Property <br />azrd alrall ctuaply wiffh tbt provisions of any ±rax ti this Mortgage :c en a ieauhold. If this 4foregage is an a unit in a <br />er a plaataad tacit dtvelepintnt, Borrower shalt perform alt of Sorrawtr's obltgauans under the declaration <br />ar coaeaasYS ar gavtrmng the ca*ttdaatiaium or p~annedsmt development. the by-laisB and regttlatiana of tht <br />at ptannad unit dtvelapmsrit, and caristittatnt +S€xuments if a :andomiraium ar planned unit devrlopmrnt <br />rtdra is ex~uit@ by Borxowu attd rtcordtd together wuh this Atartgagt. itie ~avenants and agrttmerits at such rider <br />slsdl lf4 tnegrparssesd into anti shaiS amtsd acid suppiet~ax tht eovrnants and agrttntents of this tilangagt as if tht rider <br />wane a prat lttrtaf. <br />T. Platsc~a}se1 e[ 1,ta0N's fir. if Harrower ;-, « pes-form rite Ea.enwrtfs arid agrc~irtents cunzainad in this <br />~ tx if sag aetzon to pxasam#tng ri ctxturtsirced which mattrially affects l,ctidrr's inttrgst in the P*aptny. <br />Cwt riot liraradd to. estittetu Aomaris. zrzsnfs•tstc}, cixle enlrirttmtnt, ar xrrangemeats or pnxetdings mvafving a <br />ter ikt, =.h¢st t.ttirbtr at f.tttder's eptwsn, uptm ntust~t to B!+ta'asrer_ srtaY ninke such nppearancts, disfxtrx such <br />sr~ax aad taps a>4elt ar:ttatn ;es h teary to protect Lrrtdtr's sntertst, ~nrluditzg_ here not 7tmstd tn, .iesbttr~merat rt <br />r>asoaabht atturaey`s less atxt celery ,span tlxs Prtrpeny ;a retake rspatrs. tr I crtdt:r restssircd nxst4gapte insurance ac <br />ASdtltt of rta~tiug flit loan rt~-utsrf f}Y tSUS Mcrrrgagr, Borrr:esset x#ralt Pa} stir Ptzmitrms required tv maintain ,ssch <br />itasraratapa 'tit t xwgl 'tub ttsse as the tcgwrenfgst for suers €tuttrtuxe tsrmnratrs in :r~nrdatt.c with Horpcwer s and <br />