$I-~)E~ 1802
<br />Lto~r's written agreement or applicable Iaw. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the
<br />manrre[ provided under paragraph 2 teereof.
<br />Aay amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest therenn. shalt become additional
<br />indtbtedtxa: of Borrower secttred by this Martgaga. Unless Borrower and- Lender agree to ocher terms of payment, such
<br />amottnts Malt be payab~ upon notice ftx»n Lender to Borrower rcgttesting payment thereof, and shall bear interest from the
<br />data a€ dislsttrsutte;at at the rat: payatsk frorn zitne to time on otnstanding principal under the Note unless paytttent of
<br />interest at at~h tste wtxdd fie contrary to applicable law, in whYh cecrn st.•ch amounts shag i;ear interest at the highest rate
<br />permiasa'hIe un~r applicable law. Nothing contaitsed in this paragraph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expettse or take
<br />airy action tttteuzrder.
<br />S. Lender rsay mate or caux m be made reasanabie entries upon and inspections of the Property, provided
<br />that Ler~ter shall give iTorraarer naxice pricer to any such inspcctian spxifying reasanabie cause therefor related to Leader's
<br />interest in the Property.
<br />S. C 'Cite prac.^tds of any award or claim for damages. direct or consequential, in ccinnecfion with any
<br />cartdemnatirnt or other faking of the Property. ar part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />and shalt be paid m Lender.
<br />Tn the event of a tafal taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums xcured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In [he event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower : nd Lender -
<br />otherwtse agree in writing, there shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mattgagc such proportion of the proceeds
<br />a9 is egtsai in coat pr~ryo.-.^:,,n which the arnaunt of the sums secured by this '.Mortgage immediately prior to the date of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately pricer to the dace of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Bsn•rower.
<br />if rite Propem° is a~ndoned try Borrower, ar if. after notice by I_rndee to Barroaer Thai the candcatnar afters to mate
<br />an award ar stttk a claim far damages. &frrawer faits fa respand to Lender within ?Q day's after the dale such notice is
<br />tttaikd. Lettdar is authfxizrd to collect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of t~
<br />Propem ar to the sums secured by this Mnttgage.
<br />Unless lsnder and Berrowtr otherxviu agree in w-thing, anv such apptieatian of pra.-crds :o pri^M1ipai shall not extend
<br />et postpone the dreg date of the nxsnthfy insfalttnrnts rettrrcd to in paragraphs f and 2 hereof or change fhe amount of
<br />sw:h tnstaitmeats,
<br />16. lToeeower Not ReTt~ed. Extension of the time far payment ar madifi<`ation of amortization of the Burns secured
<br />by this Mortgage granted by LctxTer m any succesaar to interest of Harrower shall not operate to release. in any manner,
<br />the habality ai the original Botn;wez and Barrawer's staccessors in inmrest. i.endrr shall not be required to commons
<br />pratees*linR zg=ttMt such succrssar a rrh~se to extend time for pagmrnt ar attretvcisr madifv amortization of the sums
<br />ses;urtd by this Matt;age by tsason of any demand made lty the angina! Borrower and $iirrewer's successors in interest.
<br />lt. Barl;ea;rasce Try T.eaiet Not a N'airrr. Any forbearance by I ender in exerisirg am right or remedy hereunder, er
<br />othri'Mise affardcd tsy applicable law, shall oat lx a waiver c?f az preclude ?he exercise of anv such right or remedy.
<br />IZx ptxx ur±•ttsrnt of insurance or the paytrttnt of taxes ar .,thee iaens ar charges by I.rnder shall not tx a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accckrott the malurity of the indrbtedttess ~rcured by this Mortgage.
<br />52 Re;aeiin Camsiatire. All remedies nrnv:dtd ;n this ~9c,rtgagr arc efistinct and cumttlativr to any othtr rght or
<br />rrtncdy ;znder this Mattgagr os affardrd l;y law ,sr equuy. and rosy Rx cxercr~ed ~ancurrently, independently or excessively.
<br />13. Saeeessees asA Attafgsa Boated: Ioist asst Srvrrst t.iaiw'Rtr: Capatr~. The covenants and sgrtements herein
<br />oatattred shall Fsicsd. and tfae riRhh hcrcurtder shalt ;Wore t+,, the resprct;vr xuceexsar5 and assigns of 1_rndrr and Barrowtt.
<br />s:st<~ to t?x pravs5,_ia:ts at Paragraphs 4' lurraf. .4Cf eavrnarts ant? =grcrmrnts of ltarrow~er shalt ix jaini and several.
<br />?!~ ~: ~.:.s attd head#sg a# *.hr. parasraphs .-: this 1,ianga¢c are f!.r .:anvenxncr oni~~ and are oat to t,e used to
<br />3nterprct or defttte the prmrswns hereof.
<br />14 sletiee.. T'.xcxps for any trotter required under applicable law :r~ be given rn attcatlter manner. tai any notice ra
<br />Harrower pravtaleaT far in this A4artgage shall t,r given by ma+linQ s,xh raucr hr ,crnfied marl addressed to Borrower at
<br />the Prapetry Address ar at such ether ad~^ess as &,rrowrr mat destSatsatc by^..,ti:e to F.endrr as provided herein, and
<br />fh7 any sauce to Letsdrr shall tvr Qavttt by urtefxd ma,S return r~r:pt rugste_strsf- ',? I_rrtder's address stated herein ar to
<br />such other address as I_ettdrr rosy designate be nc,tier t,z Baer:=per as pic>t-ttie.f i,erexn. env notice provided #a= in this
<br />Mcw~zgagc shad bt deemed to havt t+eett g:vtn to Barrawer or t_endtr when gaarn ht the manner designated herein.
<br />15. UteRors Mortgage: Gosttrsisg i.a.r: 5trera!!Yh". "f'h~s farm of matteage .ombiexs unsfarm covenants for national
<br />ux and Wan-uniform covenants with limited vartatsans b4 Furssdictson to catnutatte a :,inform securely instrurttcnt covering
<br />teal pt=-zy- 'Chic Mortgage shall hse gavrrtxd by the law .=t thx iur?sdictacxt a^ w°isic!t *,l~ Property is larated_ In the
<br />event shat any provispatf ar cltsttxr of this Mortgage r the Latr can!?icts with appticahie law. such cant#ict shall oat aBect
<br />aftter provaaiems at this Martgsge ar ;tae ;ti;wt w's:cit can ~ t,ven rtar~t without irte conn`icring provision. and to this
<br />erxl file praYi tiarss of [ht Marti sod tht 'v:ur arc declared to tx sevr. ab#r.
<br />}~ ~-- •. C~r_ tia.-rn,.:~r ,.emu t>r farn,stxd a ~onfc>rme[I cans of the Nair and of tfiis Mort¢atte at the time
<br />>f exerutian or after recardatiora f+eren#.
<br />1~. T[ttoaaa;rr ~ fst If cell c,r any part of the Property as an interest therein is said or transfKred
<br />@ty Btirrowcr wrthotn irntTec`s pricer w-ruten .~~srsem. excluding tas the creation of a lien i,r rns-umtrranee subtcrdinate to
<br />chts Mortgage. tbt rite rrcmton of a ptsrchasr mangy srcunty ~ntrrest far hauaehvid appliances, (cl a transfer by devise.
<br />d=scent ar by operatan of law upon the death of a to:nt tensor yr :d; the grant of any kastltoid intetea of three yeah or Ira
<br />rwt rtan_tairamtg an aptian to purehare. l.ernkr mar. at f.rnaler"s opttan, declare a[l the sums secured by this Mortgage to tY
<br />tmrstedtarely dtx and payable. Gender shall have wasvexi welt option to accelerate if. prior to the Bak ar trsnafer, Leader
<br />and tltr person to :vlttnst ttte Property is *.~> ?~ Bald F,r traosfrrtrd reach agreeirrKnt in writing thaE the credit of such person
<br />is satisfactory to Lender attd that tree iaterese payable an ttte sums secured by this Mortgage shall be at arch rate as Lends
<br />sEstlt retpaeat. if Leader has waived the aptian to accelerate pzavadrd in this paragraph 17, and if Borrower's attccessar in
<br />it7texNt has esacuted a written assumption agtarmenc a~-tptaf in writing by Linder. Linder strati release Borrower from a!I
<br />a»atigations unxki tlua Mortgage asd the NIaEe.
<br />1f Lersder uercises xtxh aptiam to acrrtaraee. 1.-ndrr shall mazk &zrrawrr antis of ac;eleration in aceordance with
<br />past td iteretf. Sttclt notice shall pravidc a period of not ltu than 30 days from tht due the notice is rtiailed within
<br />wttsclr Btrrn>-+~er may pay tiu Burets t~Clared due. !f Harrower tabs ?a pay such sums pricer to ttte expiration of such period,
<br />13rsdrr ar:y, witTaout futs3aer naticr ar «errsarcd an Bszrra*ver. aavn$e any rrntedxs perrnmed by paragraph t g hereof.
<br />Ntsr-T,lxtrtuas C;ove?e .cars.. Sortxxwer and Leodtr further covenant atu# agrcs as tallos~a:
<br />lfJ. ~ Ra~eiTce. ~c+~tt as yserf/ai it patatpstgA t3 [seseot, tyoo Soerawer's tw~ti oT stay covemt ar
<br />df ~~_a_~ ~ ~ Mme. t§e rort~a?~ as ~7 wl~ doe any ~ aacared by tTtia Mertgsgs>
<br />Tas4ier ltAor tst s alaR ~ oetlse m Tltieresrrr as grevideid iw parsgespA !ti TreraeE apedt7'~F !1) ~ Tttteaefc
<br />t Hie t ~ atre~t f 1JT a . sot Teas t~ 3g trays from the hate tl~ seater ~ mailed ro TTmrewes.
<br />tY trliNs ysslr ~ a~et is s sad i'11 Hot Ta~sa to stitre Tneaelt ea er 9aEere Mae dw is fire mtHee
<br />aaagr uvae4 Tit ~ ~ rise taataa saeaeei Try Ilia M,eetptge, tetraekare M lr~rTd tilt mad sate et Hie pc'"~y.
<br />'1!s twti+nr alMi ha~flae Tshrst israv»er et tf<e rtRlq is teisalets attar aetetesaties mid Hie riTtlM to Barest lea the feasclow+r
<br />rppritH r1.s atais~atgaat et s ttttts~le aa• awy oBter ttetaa;ae et T{errerrer to ateeierstles sad foraclnnrs. 'Tf ebe lrsse9
<br />Ta taatl aawi ss ar Trdars the ~ a/eatfai ~ The otaHea. T~astTv at l.atatkr'a optioa stay ttaa~imv cell oT d6a sso atttwed by
<br />ilia m Tar ~ ~ met! payaTaNt wiHtesr Tsrteae dasamd asd my fstatclose Try ~leTtl preasaaRag. T.estler
<br />rlttTT cat: to sa ceillrai 4a rate! }rscaetMrrg alk +ea#essrs at tersaiswx. ~ boa sat ThaNei tas. swab e# docssestary
<br />~, rlaoWstis tsatl tlttr t~erar.
<br />lff+ ~ [ as lTslst~lt. hla8wtltsttmdusg t,etrdtr's acceteratian of the sutra secxrttd by this Mangagc,
<br />Berrswstrt sTaHl Tttrva titre tigTat to havt arty pracotditrgs tcgun by [_ettaie[ tz+ entoree this f.Tartgagr discantimttsd st any ume
<br />