<br />M~ItT~AGE
<br />T'l`II3BRO~TGAGEiamadet2tis...........3rd .............dayof........ Apri1..............,
<br />49.E ~ . ,1_weatt tlr~ 13dapt~agor, E,. DEkN. 3dQtFE . At+3E) ,J EiD 17H A, , ' _ LFE, .husband. and ,~ i fe, .... , _ .
<br />................. thin "Betren~er,•- asd the Mortgagee, Roane Fedenst
<br />Savia~a atxl Iola AasociatStm, a eorpormmtian orgsaiaed awl eaisting~ tinder the Issue of The L3~tetl t~ ~
<br />,4merica. wlbae eddt*xsa is 2219ottth I.octtet Street, Grand Island, Nebrsaka (herein "Lender"l
<br />WHERF»4S, Borrower is indebted to I.endtr in the priacipai sutra of. 5 I X i Y, THQL.SA3Vt7, $~VEt~ H3JR3p~p, .. .
<br />Rfi133 idol t t~G- ----'---------------------°.~ollars, whsch indebtedness is evidenced by Botmvrer's note
<br />dated... •~Fr i t. _3,. , t,~J. ~ ......... (herein "Note"). providing for monthly installments of printdpal sad interest,
<br />with the balance of the indebtedness, if not loaner pahf, dt~ sad payable on.........+~Y. 1.,. ,2Q3.Q..... , ...
<br />Ta ~r:~r: to lxnder (a3 the repayment of the indrbtednrs.c evidenced by the Note. with merest thereon, the
<br />payment of all other sums, with interest thereon, advanced in aecardanee herewith to protect the security of thH
<br />34fartgage, a.Rd tt~ perfarttr$ttrr of the covenants and agrertnenu of Barrotvzr herein contained, and tbl the repaytttent
<br />of ecru future advances, with interest thereon. made to Horrowrr he f.,;.nder pursuant to patagraph ~l hereof (herein
<br />"Future Advaaees"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the fotloroving described property
<br />located in the Cwtaty of .............. Hr"iL~„ _ . ..... State of Nebtaalta:
<br />whiett Ills cite addnEas of ..............^ t.".. ` i »r<, ':e `"r ~ - • • .. .... iC ?~^ -. _ ?. t.°~`'-.......... _,
<br />[3eneott tC.bt
<br />. , ..•tat~raskkd , .. 8th (. .. (herein "Property Address. >:
<br />.. [stw one zm coe.1
<br />7't7GEtttatt with at! the impraveatersss now ar hcreeltd-r ereeted alt the proprm, and sit eaxmenu, rigJtts,
<br />a~ rent, toyalises, tttiarra3. nit and ass right arsf pro£t+x, water. wet^r rights, :end water stceY, and all
<br />t1a[tarrs or kst~tttr attached m the property, a31 of which, including rcp3acemrnts and additions therein, shall tx
<br />~ to ~ a romans a of tlw property covered by ibis Mortgage; and alt of the ftxrgaing, together with said
<br />~y #or the 3tawthatd state. if this t++[ortgage is un a trasrhald) are herein referred to as. ttte "Property".
<br />fftnnc+wnr eovet~ that ~r is 3awful3y seised ai the estate hereby wnveyed and has the right to mttrtgagc.
<br />tit y t3~e Pt'ettY, that the Property is utbeet:cumtcred. and that liorrcrwer wi13 warrant and defend
<br />r~iy #~ tii$e w ttte ~y aaaittat a33 c3aitta and drmat+dic. sutrftxt to arty declarations, .asratents ar rstz3ctians
<br />3~3 in s ~ ctt ezcxptians ttt careragr. in ally tit3>< insurance policy insuring Lender's interact in the Property.
<br />mt is 4 rnan!}..~6 ]5-~~~r~/f18Q16' Yltt~lM t1iR~Yi~ft
<br />