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~~~ (t }month prior la its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to providr such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Nouxing : nd Urban Development pursuant to the <br />~~ Natiartal tintrsir[g Act, as amended. aad appltixble Regulations thereunder; or <br />EfE) If and so ltmg as said note of even date 32+d this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />~~ Urban Ikttetaprrtsrst. a tnontfrly charge !tn lira n) a mnrt~;e insurance prsmrirm/ which shalt be in as <br />amount er-ttai to ruts-twelfth it/t2) of cart-half {IJ2i pe[ cen[um of She average outstanding oalance <br />due on the note c.xnputed -without taking into account delinquencies ar prepayments: <br />th) A, sum equal Ea tls¢ ground rents. if arty, nst€t due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable on <br />poifctes at [ere and Driest ft~rd ittztrranee cavsritig t#ze mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessrsxnnts rrexi due <br />on the mottgaged property /atl as rsrimarerl by rdtr Atortgagerj tees ail sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />:ttarrtbE€ of trutrtths trt tlap~ fxfors one month prtax to the date when such ground rents. premiums. taxis and <br />~*-+~nes wd! bscttdne ddfnqutnt. such sums to be held by Mortgages in trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />r~trans, tares acrd spsci.l a;axstr+enis: and <br />{ct .a19 paymrn[s mentioned in the two presiding subsections ot` this paragraph and all payments to tee made under <br />the Hatt created hereby stroll he addrd together. and the aggregate amount thereof shalt be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each rranth in s single payment to he appl~d by the Mortgages to the foliawing items in the order set forth: <br />fl} premium charges under the rontrsct of insurance with thr Secretary of Housing acrd L`rban Development, <br />or montht} charge (in iiru -,j nwrt~e• irrsuranre />remianr/. as thz rase may be: <br />t 11 # ~aund re:zts. taxes. assessrr.;^.ts, ;ire and ntlter haaard insurance prenuums: <br />tEfl) interest an the nett secured hereby; and <br />ffV) amanvattan sit the pnnctpal of said rate. <br />Ang~ deticisncv m the amount of any such zggregxte tnortthly payr<ten[ slEaif, urtiess made good by the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the due date tsf the next such paytne?tt. ~.,nstttutr an event vt defauil under this mu:Fgage. The <br />Mrrngagtx tray r„?ltct a "late charge" rat to tx,:eed t~,ur ~rnts t iy} inr each da#lar f3 # t o(rarlt paytttent more <br />than ftfretn 1 #.">1 days m cress m -ever the extra exs encc itaF•nived to han~t#~ng de#inqusnt parmerts. <br />3. Thai i€ the uttai of the paytnc7tt- made ley Ell+= ttnrtgagor under ~' r of paragraph '? nmredin¢ -hall exceed <br />the amount of pa-mrni«t actuallti made b} the t.krriLagrP for tmrunrl ren[4, tact- and asya•.-mcrtt,< ar insurance prn- <br />sttiu~. a.: the rare moo #~...-uch races., if the bran is current, a[ the opticxt of the Mortgagor, shall be credited by <br />the }ktrE.Ragee nn ~ub=scKtuent paymeai-. u, be made !ry the Lfiar[ragar, ar refunded [a the ~longayor. !f, howa•ver, the <br />nvueihly pav+aents made ti~ the Nart¢a{Etx urtritr ' , of lara#traph ' precfr#ing shell nut he Sufficient w pay kround <br />rent, ttue~ and aWse€t,±ment to itrrartance premium, a [he r L r ms: hr•. ,.hen the -amc -hxl l become due and pas- <br />ahfo, then ehe 1Gxtga~~ :;ha#1 pav to the Lfinnga2ee ens amount necta~~an to make up the deficiency. on or before <br />the dace wAen payaeertt of .4urh ground rent-. tazn-.:+:-e~smr-,-rt- nr in-urarr2•t~ pmrniurr.< -hat{ t>s due I( at env <br />time the llmt$ttgar =hall ttsrtder to the 4fnrtga{me. ,n un~a7dant°t' pith [he prtsas~irsn-- nt the rate secured hembv, <br />fail payment of the tyttire #ndebtedne-- repro-enteti thembo. the t.S+:neragee -haF#. in tamputinp the amount of such <br />uedetytedrtess, ctrdit ca the account of the Mtutgagar ,tit payrnenss nt.ttie under the lxcsvtsuxts o[ -.?; of paragraph -' <br />hereof which the 11urt~apee hats trot ltecomr rrbEl;Fatc•tt to pity to the '.errrtarr of fft>u-wing raid [-than f}rvelvpstterte <br />and any balattre reteatninp in the fiord- tccumuiated under ttie per>at-ir.n- of . • , t,t parat<raph '_' hermi. fif there= <br />~Itafl rte a default uadty arty =s( the pro.?-,stn- eef th:- .°,nsrtga r n=4u#[tn;; .^ es puhlar -ate of dEF premta=~ +nvr=rt•d <br />ftetefn'. or if fhr t#etr4~a~*e acquires the prai,t•rty ,>tfsa•rwi>t• afta•r drfau#i. tfs.• tkuteater ~.itaii apple, at the time of <br />i-#te rtrmmega~eettmt at w€•h proceeding-, ear at the trine the tsroperre ~- utherwt~+• at:qutred. tht• balance then remuin- <br />in~ [n the funds ac•cumul ata-tt emttrr `"~- of paratraph _' purr=d,ng. a~ .r +rt•di[ a,eatn~t the amount of principal then <br />rwnaininrt unpaid under maid Hale, gnat ~ha#l pmpt•r#: :tdtn-t .anti tsayment- ..hrch -hart hay+• bt•t•n made under ••,: <br />of paragraph :3. <br />!?tat the 'Wa>rtk~~,asr ~t{i poi -- sieJ tern .~a - _, .«=ae nt. , .etrr seer=._ _ad +~E her :,arnmrntaS .,r rnumrtpal <br />chartat.. titre4..x tmpaotnuns `:rr u~hzch;?rts.r«s,^rt r•„r.. _,^ `ern r. retnt~rt.=re nstai'n atriauit therrc,f ihr }funagre may <br />pay tilt same. and th;sr ihr ~9ar[gzt~*a=e x set , 7„naYt?~, tirE;err ihr ,.#fe. s.e' rt~r=,^[. ?hrrri,.-?., ihr tifurigagce. <br />< The ~f.xt~.;P kris pea x#f rate« uierah Has tae'-~axv st*<.,r, t~ !f„rta~ec , mttrest m ,aid tea( estate nd improyr- <br />tntnts. atui aahtch max hr #rtird uyt,n thn =n..rtcst:r ,+r the .iet•~t .+:..rrre:: hereto ~t~ut +,niy tc= ihr rxttnt That «uch n not prohthn- <br />ts! e., faa sod asax to ihr taunt shat arch a+t!! ~,=r >r.aee tht« ?s,an Feu ..+us,_ but rccfudrttg am ineurne tFatt_ SCslr sir i`rdrra#. <br />sntprTSrd cen 3fa~r~agce. _+nzi .a+i,`- tfk tht .+tfi: eat r::etnt +har,:; n~ srz:!t pn+mrrt w,ah the Sfcutgagte. t`pun vioSntiun a,t rhea under- <br />txkittg. tK tf the set=ngagor +s pr~:=hit+itsu he one ',.,w nou .,r !tr7raf:.e7 rat+ttnq frz,m ihr aa'ha#e sir an}~ p<rrtion of the aforr- <br />:..A EB~~. 'eq ~.x tt~ rtnfnrit>na oaf grey Ecn}irE dri err P.rt, hit?it1n~Y Lhr na} mtm FS the ~lafil3tjltr Ur:in L' rttlh taiC}, Ur if snch !aK <br />awde4•trr graeatty that any :trtwunt se. petit f'y the tttxtc;E;<ru vAaii hr credzte•J++n the mortgage drht. the tlurtgagre she#! h:rvr <br />the rigttE to:gia~t ninety duos` +.rittrn Heuer t:, ihr a, v.nrr ,~t ihr swrtlatttd premises. requtnrtg the payment of ihr murtti:tgr <br />debt if stuf€ rtai~-t ire ai.en. the said drhr atra?i hest+tnr a3ue. , ayab#e and coh`,trhhx at the reptretion u# ,:ud ninttV dsy s <br />h. lAat etttxek# ht fart to pao ono -urn ar krrr ana r.zve=-;a•t pru•. tdeJ '•3t m ihi>'lcxtt.tgr. '.hen the A~Irirtg:rgee. ;:t us ,~p- <br />[tan, tray pav t>r perform rttr oamr. sod a:l esptrtdtturts s,'t made chaff be added is the pritui[+ai sum owing on the ahoy e note. <br />shag! Esc ;r~ured fserebo, and shaif tear ontrrest st the r,n[t «tt Earth in the saki note. umtf paid <br />Thai toe #rrrtlsv s,sigrts. tran~frr, and :-rte ,sett to tilt 4fe=rtwttts_ to ht ap~Rreus toward ihr pee meat .rf the na,te :;rnt cif <br />«utns secured hrrrby m sitter c;f a airfau«t in the ptrfzrmance .*f any + f the terms anti carditiuns sit this ~9attgagr or the card <br />Hate. „l# the rent, rgvtnues eta! itti€a?me t.. t,e titnvtd Intro the rr.~urtg-aged prrmtses .SUrag ,uch ume as ihr marigtKr mdshted- <br />rr4YS ~h~t remain-tt#tpard: 3rN2 tftr' '.fE rt$a#;.Er ktia>I ti:tx'C piiw"t7 Stt apptttnt one ai!tn1 a)r at:rn[ ; i( RIaS dtlirr fttf ttfr pafpU~e ltf <br />fLfi$trl4tg veld premrscs and of rennng Sete ;amt ;anLt :i^flel'":tor'. Iht rCnn, rrarRVe~ aRd tncun7C..,nt# it matt pay L^UI Rf lald m- <br />cofttts aft r><lttrtses of rtpairrrtg paid premiers anti ttrs:eF«ary .ammtssiiarr4 :text rtptttsss traurred in renting acrd mattagirtg the <br />amt and cri cttrlestiag rsntxis ttxttfrcm: tht hn#ancr retrtatntng. r# anx. t=~ re. app#itd toward Ette dtx barge sit .aid mortgage <br />i.~sc- <br />$. Titer he ~iit keep tS~ impravtmsttts nstw ecixting m hereafter t7erttd an rim mt.nte:tttrd tsreperty. insured as may 1*e <br />rtquatr! frtrtrs time to [itttt by the Nnngager acainst Ir+c t`r rice attai Heber hatards.:ssrta#tie. aced iunungencirs rn such <br />utaRattaia and fist such pstiacls as may fee requtreti by !hc ifangxget »rM nitf pay , rcamptiy. w-hen due, anq premntms a,n .uch <br />itt+tut~tta°a presvtsiaw far paoratet of ta•ttech has rat been m:ube htremtrrturr ~fl mwranct setal# hr carnrd in cunstrante, ap. <br />proud t+s the hisarttgagrs atxi tfte paln;is>• atxi rtntwa# there+rf she#! ter hetd hs the 4l.>rt~.tgce :end heat attar hrd ttterrto la•s. <br />payable clauses in ta4txr art and in form a.:srt<tahtr to tbe Mortcr. In tarn[ u# fuse .'afortgitlor >`tfl r,er ±mmrdiaur n,,ucr by <br />matt-M the ~• were tray ma-t prrss.,f of fu<s if nut made prcmptie t,e ~ixwtggttx, acrd rash tnsurmit c:>mpun} run- <br />s'crtt¢d is heresy aut#xtrssrd and di€tcerd to mskr t*ax mrnt ft?s etwh leas drrectty eta tree Mortgagee rn:tsad ++t to ihr h!<mttttgar <br />aa6 tree Sfartx ~tintt?, aerie tt+e tnwranct prse=~.rcth. f,r ang part tfxrer=f. mau br aErp#isd hr fire 'ofcxtgagtc st ns uptiasR rnhrr <br />#-~ _-retf~ s : t~ i~st?titdtres.~ lttrtfa-r seems-.t r+= .rT t,`tt :rsic`~atnsn rn- r-pair tt€ t!'~ y~r;tE~rtF~ dart;.ptd. f R carne t:f f:err: is , <br />*tta~iaf_if~ ts~e ^ti rr€ker traasftr td title to the rata tgrrgrt4 tutsprrty mtatityguisftsstrnr .=f the trtdehtsdness se.urtd hrrsha. <br />:ri[ r~fst., tttte arrx# irrtscest sd ihr ~'l€rrtgrgcx tat arW ti^ .iriy msrtran.:t pohrtr± then to force .}tall pus. tt~ the pure: sx k.ranirt <br />v. Titan as as3dhictnat acct at,tlatera# srcurtty frx the mtvment of ahe rrcxs dr=crkxttt. and :iii earns to c•t•ccx:Tt dot urxltr ihrs <br />~t~', rlsr Mtn a _.,y h€^ttt-y its+i~nc t„ rite ?sitxtgastc~ elf ttratfiia. revtniser. r.t*;altie+.:[ght..Yt:.# henrt:E.:f ~rzring ic, ±he <br />•~ Harr and aft cut arts teaats stn said premssss. -aiih tint rtps'tr tit rrestae .tn+i rr::ert t t,.r €ht #;.nte yrtsi a¢p#Y <br />ttl ttx said rk#.Ned*i~rt'~rs ae wt#t !triers ax after ttetatdt an tftc ~crtdttr#Tns of reset ma:rtga}rr- ;,:>-,i rite if.tttFaatc mR> utmat:.t. euc <br />feu an! rea.~tr an-g stn-tt i+avns+rtttc wearer titre asgi }?ayat+k- f+ut kftaif nix ice rta:utr t<i .•* ^_~ ,i,. r hr*. ;ty,t}tntntn[ rs t+. term tnate <br />seoti rt~e:ttxat Hutt errxf n~ts,xt atpvrrr rrtexr,~ ssf this ntasrt>•. <br />itU~ --93f E314t it}. 74r# <br />