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<br />Thia form is used in connec- <br />~j r~~t •~~--tt~+ tion with rrwrtgag~ett inattrad <br />LaiQ~ i Vtt!-VS+ under the one- to four-iamity <br />p s~ provisions of tht NaLionat <br />;rw ~~ Q~~ 3 Hatwing AcL. <br />'~ f l~#~fi~~rA. lnadt a8id-eltatitta fh[9 l7Ctl day of ~P.r:7Zt1ffiT'~ .A.~. <br />i9 ~l .~ ~~~n f~,~ ^. (~a^~t ~d 1~'.=Ce ~. ¢uie~, hus~rand ~~ ~' €e <br />of site Cuusty Of Ball .and Stott Of f~fehrasEw, pally Of tEYe first palC, Eteleirtafter t~Ekd <br />tE[R ~' ~- <br />SEI+~ ~F IHC. <br />acexpalatim[ olgd and existing under the Eaves of tiebraska , <br />palsy a€ the ~ccond part, ftereicafttr called ttr ![~ortgaget. <br />SNITT~€~S3ETH:'!'ltat the said s44ortgag«x, fnr and inconsideration of [he sum of Thirty seven ttlonaana` oae <br />h+~ t3 ~/100_.. - flollals:S 37,1071.00 t. paid Ety [he Mort- <br />gagee, tlx receipt aE wttieh is htrekry aciuwe~kdged. has Granted and Sold and by Chest prcsenrs dues C,rant, Bar- <br />gais, StEI« t~Onvtp and Confem unto the ;Nortgager, its successors and assigns. forever, the foEEowing~Eesetit+ed <br />real tstate, sit[tatad in the County of Ball ,and State <br />~ NsbraaEca, m wit: <br />The Boat; Eta1f (Pd!) of Lots Fourteen (14) and fiixteen (16) , in Block <br />Ttaelve (12), in College t+ddition to West Lawn in t1-,e City of grand Island, <br />tiatl County, tiebx~asEca <br />of tht 5ixt8 E'riocipaE A#tridian. cvntaining in aA <br />metst sarvty: <br />sires :,cevrding to f;vvrrn- <br />TG EiAYE Af'EE3 Ft} EEt1LE) tht premises aiwvr dtscrr#.ed. wnh ail the :cppurtcnansrs zherrunto txEvngmg and including <br />atE Ettstilrg, pEe[mitingstid Fighting tixuuss and equipment stave ur herraftu ;sttached tv or s,vtd to r:onacetivm with said real estate <br />tmto the E.#Ort~agte, and w its successors and assigns. forever. Tht Sturtgagrx represents !,,. lnd ~vvenants with, the 31vrFga- <br />~e. that the Mortgagor has good right to >etf atxf atnvty said premises; ttsat thry .arc frzc frr~m znc umbrance, and that the <br />wiEE warrant snd deftnd €he same against the Inwfuf claims e:f sit per.rm< v.tsvmu:e<cr:.,nd the said SEnrtgagor herz- <br />hp rrtEits~iuis~s aEt rights of hOtnestead, attd elf emarnaE rigEtts_ either in fsu gar :n zyuitv..snd all r,tltrr coaiingent imerasts of the <br />WurtgsgOrin and 10 tEte abrave-dtscribed premtscs. the intention M,etrtg tv cvnve? tttrthy _tn ahsc,futt title. in fee simple. inciud- <br />it~adE rimes of ttotntsteati. atui othtr righU and mteleses as alurrsard <br />PRf)YIESHE} AE_W AYS, and th¢se presents art exunttd and dclireted upon the f.rik+wmg evnditionx, tv wiz: <br />The *~ agtts zv pay to t#ic ~tc±rtgagee, c,r <xder. the prin€ .~f TExirty seven thousand one <br />hLttsl.Ced and Pia/I00-- -----_--_w fh;itarsts 37,100.00 t <br />wait mtrscu frrrat dare at the rate of Thirtet3l and one-half prr rntum t 13.50 "n) prr annum un <br />tht ut[~tid ~ r pair! Tht prirteipai andisterest khaEl t?e payat+k at tEx .,tfitc of <br />S3Tif!ffi[I MOB, IBIC. <br />to C$3n~ ,Zt3~aPdf S~,~ . or at +uch vafcer place ax the Etctklrr of <br />tEtt note may dtsignate m vant[ng. m ntonthTy s[tstaEErtitnt:s of gout httnrlred twenty four and 951100----- <br />t3~Ears i5 424.9 ~ commending c,n the t9tst day o[ <br />A~lI , i9 8}. mad ~w t first day v1 zaa[ mvnift thereafter until the princrpai and m- <br />ttlesr ate (tlQp pa~E. ea[~pt tE[a[ the nttaE paytnen% „t ;~rntaipaf and :Merest, sf nut suurxr pasd. ,hill t>e due and <br />paya~t un the first day 01 Efarci[ 21511 all acz:rrdittg 10 tht terms of a certain psumis- <br />sary t#sP' c~everts~te Etcreaith r?:scutrd E=y t~ ,aid SEvrt~agx. <br />Tht Mott(p~atr in Otdtr more fatly to protex:t the stxuritr of this Mortgage. agrres <br />#. That he ~y tht i[it~btedttt+s, as hereinbefare pmvidtd_ 4"riviieatc is resrrved tv pa;= the debt in :vhale, cx in ~m <br />antos[tM estr~E oA!e Ot tLrrNt trOt[tEtEp pays[cnls on tEve prit[crpal .hat are nest due on the note. ,+n nc~ first day cf anp ntvnth <br />t iv may; [ytsridc+tf, fxt[vrvtr- i'hxt v:itttn nattoe of an in[ettrron to exercise suet[ ttrn°ticce i, given at ksst €hirtv f:+t#i <br />day+ pr~r ~pymtnt_ - <br />r. TEnq.,_bogethar with, .aid in acE+iitiua tv. ;~ n;vnthtg {ntyments v{ prtn::ipal attd interest payahEr under the arms of the <br />tsszt[red may, the for wiEl pap t4, the ~.t==rtyat~, un tEte first day of ea«~h mrnnth until the sst~ twte is fu#1} putd, tht <br />icaE3nwinlt.uma: <br />ta# Antsxsnt utfYfclettt to px>:~ritle tfrc hddel Etertvf with funds ts3 pay the next rnartgage insutsnee ptenuurrt if thrs <br />€[t.-n[tn1 : [ht s[~rTred hetcEstr arc tti~rrd: sat a mortthEp char~r !rn tac<r ,~r'a +rrrsrtgagr trtsrerwtr= ~~- <br />trxiunj if Uvey art fitYd hY tEte attr[rrtaly of Houma sad E.Erttssn [°xvtEcn+rttent, as f=~3uws, <br />Elt If tm i ~ atti Harr of suer[ daft and 6Ctb uratruttrtrtt are Ensured <x arc retnsute,/ ander the r~,. <br />e3t~attt tsf Use ?+tetteanae ~ Aet, sat arttoumt wfiteient t,r a~:cum[tfatt to the Etands of the hc~3drt .ere <br />STtTF: ttF' OEHR:~+E>i_t <br />~sse,tsrr>rl7A~2t rarnba+ «yr rMlr sale urn tf+[[tllx w fA!!.uv~ <br />rr~oo~ta~ ~ ~a <br />