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<br />l4. T`baf t~ Mattgxgor wifl keep ttu twi~dtigs opal prtmiux in goad repair. and neither commit nor permit wash <br />u}xm saitf fiand< twr sitter the said premisers to be uacd far any un#awfut pur}wse. <br />! !. That it the premiaes. ar any part ittereof, hE coaulemtted under the power crf eminent domain. or acyuired for a public <br />tom. tlx dartlages awart~d, itte proceeds for the taking of, nr the wrsiduation for such acquisition, to the extent of the full <br />attewirsl of irrdebt~lnes upon this rnortgage artd the rrote which it is given to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />to the ?Nsnigttgee, and shalt be paid forthwith ro said Mortgagee to be appfied by the taller on account of the next <br />Irretarie~ittstalfinemts of sorb itr48tedttcss. <br />}3, •~ ~ further agrees that should rhea mtute and tht note securtd hereby not be eligible far in- <br />surartce utadct tip l~ratiosmf iiotrrartg iset w~iu~' ~i~c"~j usyaa f.€,r« r.~c v`~ hers" iwritlgn 3tateme:rt :~ any miter <br />the }4~ar¢mrnt of ffentsina and urban I7evelopmera ex authorized agent of the Secretary of Ffaasimg and Urban <br />f't*vctmi dated subseyacn} to tits $i~Y ~Ya tittle from the date of this mortgage, detlinimg to insure stti6 <br />Daft. atnf the mort being detetttd conclusive prtx,f of such inefigibitityl. the Mort}tagee or harder of the note <br />may, arils optiua; r~elarc aY-sums r;teurrcd hereby tmrmediately due attd payable. <br />f3, Tt~q if the Mortrr fails to rmalte any payments of moray when the same become due, <x tails to conform to and <br />c~n}dy s~ ttxecatrd,~r+nx ar agrcEmetits tontaitsed in this errcrgage, ar ttte note which it secures, their the entxc princi- <br />pal suer oral accrued intcresi shall at nrxe t~eunc dtre and payable, at the etection of the Mnrte: acrd this mortgage may <br />thercetpon be f€srcciosed immediately for the whole of said money, interest, monthly payments, roars, ground rents, (axes and <br />tfx-cost or` exreemimg the abstract of this cram the date of this loan to the tithe of commencing suet: foreclosure suit. umd a rea- <br />ssuta~le ms's fee, aN of which shall t±e inctadrd in the decree of fnreclosurc: and the contract embodied in this mortgage <br />~ the ito<e secured hereby, slra#f in at# respe,`is be govctetcd, eonstreed and adjrx#ged by the laws of Nebraska. where ttu <br />came i+e made. <br />Ttte ~rove»ams herein contained shall hind, and the txnefits and advantages shalt insure to, the respective heirs. executors, <br />admietislrators. successors and assigrss of the parses hereto, Vr'henever used. the singular number shall include the plural. the <br />plural itx sittperlar. am! the ast of any eettdcr ,hat[ t+t app#icable to all genders. <br />T'tee toreEoirig conditions, alt and simguhtr. l+eing perierrmeri according to their natural :end legal import, this conveyance <br />shalt l,e vcgd and said premises released at the expense of ttu ~l ortgagor: otherwise to be and remain in futt force oral effect. <br />-fv WETNESS WIiF,Rt"t)F, the Martgagortsl ha hereunto set hand(sl tree day and ytar first <br />::110YE w'Tltlen. <br />In prtxtrec af: <br />'! '1 _ <br />\,:\ ~ } <br />' ,. -ti.1. ~'~-- I SEAL J <br />[3ANNY QUZCR <br />_ (SEAL{ <br />t~t~ /y~. i.F~. (SEAI.j <br />ALICE ?~. QUICR ` <br />(SEAL( <br />(SFAi_ ( <br />P, 9/f.13b <br />STAT'F.t}F'v}=BRAStiA. <br />(`CyLlh°TYftF fiALI. j `s <br />E~rtiris 2~th days FeY2ltazy ,A-U. 19 8lttfnrtme. <br />a m:ptazY pxiblfc in and #ar saani C€xtrtry. pcrsunally came <br />11~q p. ~ atscl Alice M. 611ictt, hta9taand and xife <br />. personalty to me kreawn <br />to be Ilse identical pcrs€uta whoa Hamra are atftxed to flu above and fare- <br />gui~tinsirttntettt as 4tort~tt~sr, ae3d tlteY }~~ ackiktwlcdgt:d the said inxttument and tht <br />exccuticut thcretrf to he their ~ elusion alt and dted. fir tha purposes therein exnrtssed. <br />to tesairnony wberenf, t Mast furtutna sat and band acrd adixed h>norariai ;cal at Gt'attd Island <br />art the day and dart last about +sritien- <br />fXtf+Ifl~ l~P'I t Notary Pnblit <br />R fi.iAA01t~ <br />®a.a4ti t!~ <br />S'tA3F f1t; N~BEiASfiA .s <br />Flkditrt rtcu~ th6s lay of ~D. 19 <br />af- -a c}nck M., and emerEd in tvumericaF Index, and <br />ressxtdad let t of Mortgages, on <br />~ of ' <br />RCgtSteE of Dteds <br />++trta ~staua to net <br />