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f 1) month pro: to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />wilt[ funds w pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Dtvetopment pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act. as amended. and applicable Regulations thereunder: car <br />ftI) ft and so long as said not[ of even date and this instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban f3er-fopment, a monthly charge (fn Lieu crj a mortgage insurarree premium± which shall be in an <br />^~; amount equal to anotweifth (1/l~) of one-ttatf f l(21 per cennrm of the average outstanding balance <br />`1t due can rhr nett computed without taxing into account dsfinquencirs or petpaymtnzs; <br />~~ (b) A ~~ ~r-~ to ihs grsv~.d r%rat~, it any, ntxt due- plus the premiums that wilt next btcome dot and payable nn <br />~ pnficies (}f fire and -other hazard insuran.-.e covering the mortgaged property, plus taxes and assessments next due <br />ys (m the mortgaged property (oil as c*stirnareci hz- rhr MarrgageeJ less all sums already paid therefor divided by tfie <br />nutnbtr crf months zu elapse before cot month prior to ttte date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />asseasrtttrzts wilt 6eccmu delinquent. such sums tp ltr htkl by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, ptr- <br />mztuns, taxes ant! spexisl assessments; and <br />r! (cl All payments mentioned in the two petcrding subsections of this paragraph and all payments to bt made under <br />Q~ the note seeuatd barely shall lee added together, and tht aggregate amount ttaere!sf shall be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month u a single payinert to bt applied ly the Mnztgagee~ to the following tuns zn the order set forth: <br />. {l) premium chargts snider the cpntract e}f insurance wtth the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, <br />car monthly rhazge /in lteu :,j'morrgage frt~rran(•c premiuntj, as [he case may lei. <br />tltl ground rrnts, taxes, assessments. fire and other hoard insurance premiums; <br />t Etl) in[trrst en flu nuts sts cared fserehy: and <br />{Eva arttertiwtion eattht prutczpal of sold Hate. <br />.any deftct.rtcy to rhr amount c[f any such aggregate mottzhiv payment situ!}, unless made guu(1 by the Mort- <br />gagor prior to the dtzt da[t of the ntxt such past: ent..unstttute an rsrn! „r ile;atttt under this ntartgage. 7ite <br />Mortgagee may calker a "late cfzargt" not to exceed r.,;;! .:ants tayj t~rr each ;lunar (3l) of each payment more <br />than 8![ttn {}±}Jays [n areas to cover tht ex'ra exprm:• :n•:~ritrd fir: hendltng definauent payments. <br />1. -Ebel if tfte total of the payynenta made by [he lhmp`:t}zor under ' :.,f paragraph "preceding .4ha11 exceed <br />the arpottnt of pa~rgent- aetuallt made hi the SG}rigaaee for rmund rent-, last=- :utd a,~=~e:-merit'; nr insurance pre- <br />taiusu*. a4: the tare mas 6e, =urh excess if the 1+xtn !~ ~urrerst. az the opti.xt of tlic ytrx•t€,ttgor, shall It credi[ed trv <br />the Stostgagee per Ku~*;egrrent payment ~ t., tx mode h} thc= \k rtia~ksr. ar refunded to the Stzatt~agur. If. however. i#te <br />tnrurtftly pavmen[.~ nratit ly the !Not•rg,tzrsx under of E•:rragrsph ' 1?rrccdrn¢ shat[ nor hr 4ufficient to }ray grarnd <br />rent. tarcc,,'? and a_:.=_~~ctene= err rnnut'anrc prnmivm4. a+. tht= ra-v mac :}e• :+h(=r: ;lt(= ~amr -hall bee(}me due and pay- <br />al3le, then ttre 1t+nrsg[a~ttr halt pay ra ttze 4ktrt$auee atrv amount nece~~ats to maAe up the deficiency. an car before <br />the dztue when payotwtt of ~terh antund rnnc~. luxe-.:~ ~e-sttwnt- *}r ~n~urtrtr,• premium= -haft he due. If a[ any <br />tlrsa the 4tatsgagrtr ~#aii render:n zbe SbRgaget=. rn :sc€urdanf'e .tsth the pro,!-t+,n~ of the ante -enured hereby, <br />full payttterrt. ztf the entir(• indebtadeze-- ntprearented thereby, the 1ksRgaiee• -hat}. in Computing the amount r}# such <br />utdctttt[ktess, srcclit ro rhr acewnr u£rhe Murtu all pactnsrrtw rnasfa: 3zxaer tt}e }xast;izms of -~i of paragr :ph <br />hereof sttieh the Stnst~agee hrr,± rwt tyeenrae oblis{at.-tl to pak t(} tAc ~a-re•zar: of lFtru-trig and l rbatt tlevelupment <br />artd env halaarr+• rematniit~ in tlsr fund- ar cumulated [[rider rfae prep,-inn- of ,}[ paragrtph _' hrmnt. If !here <br />.vial tS2 c i_c__.c.. _' ~: -`t.: ~_•.,..,.,~ ...,4u ... •_ ,. -» . ... <br />\e4fSY,a ,5av°cs .n v `pet}+,>?€:,.. :}f t:t•.: an...e .. ttFni p,.hla :.i.• .}t fh., ltrr mt>~~ =.•ovt•md <br />hereby. nr if the 4tort~ageascgoirF-- the prup+>rts ozh(•rwi-<• after dt•fau(t. th+• SM}rt~r:tg~(> hall :tppte. at the tim(• of <br />then (•otrrmearcmettt rtf .act[ ptxtstwdmt . =:r at th}• tittsr• the prupc>rts ~- .}[hero}_e acquired. th+• ha};mce then mmain- <br />tng in the fund- aecutrttlated undue ' „1 para2raptt ' prt-~ ta}rne. s= a r rC=dit ;tztain-t the am(aunt of principal then <br />rr+maining unpsrd :under -aid nau•, atnd ->iratl ,irs,pYrls adtu-t .cats paemant-- •uhsr~h ~ha}i has(= nrr•n made under =r,i <br />of paragraph -.?, <br />+ 'the? tt}r iaaattt;:}gc,r a=}t t`at zr. unsz -c°nt•- ... .; ..s•.e.•mrnt+ n~err -„cs ,fr:d „?her :r~scrnmrnt:el r~r mum<rpa} <br />,:harkrs. tfius..a ,m;tts+nx,ns. uhr.h prr~s}Ztc,n h:zs nc:•t mn ^r:}de heresntrefurc :,rid .n .lrfauit rilerri~f the ttungagre ma< <br />pets the ,ame. and that?he #furt,v,:sg;.+r u-iii r~r.,mnti•. de} rbe ,r'ti_tai rr etpt=. ti}errtnr *.u the tt„riyt:s2er <br />lax 4iCxs~;eiress '.e !,: pat ~!, suers whr~h msc 'c irvsr~ iz~ ,n the t1,}rtgagee , snttrr4t to sa}d caul estate -+nd rarprmr- <br />mrnt+...nd ahxt: m:,s ht !r,rtd tip+>n =, . ^+;,r?ragt :r? the debt .r: turd fserent ,tt,rt can}g t;, rt?c exirnr that .uch s. nut pruhit+rt- <br />rd ?+~ }as..~ui „ni3 &• the extent that ',ueh cad} ore! <n::kr shz h>Jn u+uu,+u',t. but rschsding aril m~r,mr lac. ante •u Pe.terat. <br />Fmpa.rd.,n!rturzg:tgre.andatt}Rte?hr=,tti~re#;c-~efbr<ht*x;rig.uch;.asmrnrutththc`t„rtc;ager t-pun ,.}r,iar}un:rtthr.undrr~ <br />takane. c~ tf she Murtgartpr !s pn?hrbltea? ?-v .,rts L,.. rz„w :~t feerratttr e,tcung it„m n vng the uttufr r,r ns tx}rvurt cat rhr atore- <br />uxl taAts, +u sspo(r the rendering s}f an. ~s}art dry err z•rr>hrt+tnng the ;., •. merit ^s slue At.,r±Fagur =,r .,ns ,ura t,f te~.:n !f •ur:h !aa <br />,xdtcrrr ps:+w-nits that =sns amntmt •o pond he the t#,+rag;>~x,e ,hall hr .:rrdstrtl,rn the qtr-rtLage:.reht. the l{urts;:tgrr+hn}! ha•.e <br />tfx right to >ttx ntrtetc ,tat.' .tnzten :sorr.r t,* the ,.caner :,( the r;,:rttt:ctte:t , rrm!~es -;;utnng me nasment ••-,i ihr rnurtF:tKe <br />r',t'-+t. tf .(tcls txattcr tsr gtvrn. the .and debt shall hr><„m: ,'',-::e. ,^as s!+}e •n.E ~.>}tr,t;n}r e! the cipsz: rs.,n ,:! ,.,td ntnrtF r1as, <br />6- Ttut zMuhi t}c tall in> pay any :um .,r keep :ant _uc~s•n.s;:r tn,srura i. r :rt thn [[,:engage. tt}en tits ttr}ng:ager. at ;t.:rp- <br />tu,n. >ttrt pas ;v pct#atm rlte >~;me.:rnd aS3 eepemiiturrs = naadr ,na}I he ,,ddrd t•.~ the prmtspa? sum =fusnu can the .thole ns,te. <br />-c#~l tSe .r~urec? t'i;rrtf-, art ;h;r4'::•=c:=, =steer.[ .st ihr nett *zt f.xth to .n +atti neon e:nni ,, aCd. <br />~t ttE tatrc#rt asatgrts. transtrr•, ; rid +¢[. e,.er to fir:: Att,rt¢ag€t. [c~ !±e applied toward tht pavrncnt of rhr nu[e and all <br />~nms scouted t#ret`s m ca±e ,-. ,a}t rn ihr perfrxmanu~ r># sno of the trrma .,n:? dardincros ,}f rhr tfurt~y:e car tht vud <br />rsrtr, eta rhr rent<, rrrn;te~ ants rra:.unt ro 1*r' dcrtvrd from [tat }t}artgtged prrmtst, during +ucts rime .,, the mortgage mdehtrtl- <br />trtsx at3utt rr~n sstgresd. and tt2e Nwz~rrr rhoil `tart ;?a:utr to As p;vrint ens ,:gent ar :~.enta !t mat dr~oe (r;r rhr purpose u( <br />sou,' }~rfcat•;es grad rid rzezttng ?fu tutor an}' ,:~,t1=_t:ng tfze rents, ttsrnuts :tnd sncume.:.nd !i Haar pat rout of ;aid in- <br />xaarcx all rxpra+r+ ,,# rtpa[nt~ ward promises arui nrce.~:Crs c.-mrniwstunv :next etpcnirs mourned in rrnung and atanaging rhr <br />:rte a# .ririrtg rtntals ttxrt#rom: the +~aattet rematntng. of any. zn t+t applied tuxard tht diccharR of ;aid mfsrtRage <br />irrt~Eltttdrigwv. <br />g. ~fAal he alit ktcp the tm[truvemtnts :spa txiwtrrtg su ltrtaftcr ctrctcd can rhr murtfitged prnpcrtt•, insured as n>;;s <br />€rquutd from rrnxt ;~, t+rnr ;ss ttrr 1#ttrig~attee .tgatnsz i€ass by lire ar ti? other hazards. ca,ualties and c.nntingratits Fn st}cl <br />antchasetts and frx such ptrerdr} as stay he rewired by ?lit `tortgagrt artd war riot prumpt[y. oleo tine. env ; rtmiums r}n su.h <br />rmsatrantr }srttvrrtitan #nr pavttaenr sa# wftictt bar nc*r htrn-malt hcaeinfstfnre. i}I ;murancr ,ha}! f+r carried m cum}[°tnrc, :sp- <br />grovtC4 by the 6t~gagtr sod tfre pules and rettswais ttaerexaf vha}t hr htld by the Murtgatter anti lta. t sttac hid rhrtrtn hrs. <br />yv~xyaf?6r ciaurst. sn #av-tu err` atut in t(um accrpiafsfr tt, ttte Afvrtgagre. }n evtnr nz lot, 4ii:rtga>for s4 it? give ottnttdi::te nuttie hc~ <br />C [peter MArtts~ee. ,.hu may rnafte pr(xsf rsf `rx~'-. if rust mad4 prc,mptis h} Sturtgagvr. and raclt insurance s:+,mp:}nv <br />s,~ s*r atrnebv aui~c+ =+rtd dirtcied u, make , _rarnz Erie such tt~s -.!firertty it> rhr ht-crrtget in4ttad of ru the Alt*rrgr~x <br />:r~~ •t ~ustbp. a:~rt~ tt:e}ara:t':r prs:.--¢,#E. <x alt}' pat? thrrvtrf. aay t„-,trpii~i by the At.*rt~~;re .tt rt,.}priurr anther <br />tc+th!r rtdua:titun <~ ttx rnt~rbtattnt±rs hCrcbv +reure. .u lc, ttx restoraiu}n er repair ref the propsrtc• dam;tgrd toes=_•nt ++i f„re; itr. <br />pure cx# tluf (tt c?thertrazt'4f€r of #iE{t tea the >`tcxtg~ed pnsprsty m eatin~rixhmtni c}f the sr•.drhtsvdrs, ,et: urn,; hrrrhs <br />alt sagb#, tit}nc arpt! }ratttr>at of ttze Atstr[~~'r s.: ar<xa t,~ s}ny insnrancr r-oti:zzv then }n ti,r,e stroll psa+ rcr the poncho+es ar xrantrr <br />~- f'fs:et as addih;-uf~ arrtt :~Hazrtz'sl se•;.`urit;: fear tttt pa3'rrtent .:f the rstxt jrsrnkasct- sns[ ai! sums i,a ??r's:ssrate rdur under th?s <br />ate, ifR .-~.-~~[ua :.+rr=~tr a+yt~i;s tss zht 4t(}rrsts-t atf x-r;f~'it~. ;ems-enrtt xci}:tt;R<. °:gttrs ::rill htsrctit4 .x~rutng tr. ?hr <br />Mertrr +:ndcr an, :sad all tail ;a,•xii :taws can vtzt3 prrmi:.t~- -;<ish ihr rigl¢t to :,a;i t .e:rt fur the <:antr :sex} 'triply <br />thrnn ri:..ud rirt€drrts. as wti# nr#ftrr a>< after 3tfasuit to tht s:(smc#nxtssrs.,f tht>< tn.=rtk,tge- ,s .,: she t#c:rrragcr >rtars <br />Este .srtd ttsctvtr s>4't• .cic#t gayment? when dot a+ruf pa~yahtr. t?G; •=Fr,~i? rt+xt ti€ rz~uurrcti ,, :, 91nM .:ss.}gl:mrnt re ti, Errrntnale <br />r+r ?tnc raui? .tttd +c*>tz eels[,-±c •si t#ts sxte}xt- <br /> <br />