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i <br />This form is used in eonzsec- <br />7p~~~ ry ~v tion whth mortgages insured <br />1ii~~ 1'~'AIJL}` under the one- to four-family <br />provisions of the National <br />Housing; Aet. <br />81- t)(ifl~2~ <br />Ttil3kRf3R'iGAGE.rtwr~e..ndeaecutedtftis 33T8 dayaf Febrtrsx'y .A:t?: <br />#'~ ~~ P;a.~..a.p a.~ a.~y±;,tr.;tt !°wt~*.^.ya tn,~._.I,~,R3 a.~ <br />of t#~ Goutsiy of ~I i - atsd Statc of ~#ehrasita. party of ifie €Irst p~ #~reit€i~ i~d <br />the Miutggtgor, and <br />ST3Fii~i~i Rr TIC. <br />a corporation orgattixed atxf existittgi under the fawn of Ne8188ita - , <br />party of tier stcentd part. hereinafter called the MoRg{agee, <br />+~ITHES.~SBT}f: lTtat the sxitt 49ortgagor, foz and in eonsi~ratirsn of the stern of t~z ei t t3mtts$ad <br />axed lwfitJO. ----_- Qoilats tS 39.4QQ QQ ~ }. Paid by r#te Aitut- <br />3aget. tb,c rectsPt of which is hereby actnoveiedged, has Grgtstrd and Said and y e Presents dues Graaf, F~r- <br />gai;., ~f. Convey and Cotifunt unto the itortgagee. its wccxssors and assigrtx. forcvtz, the foiiovrittgf<desty'iixA <br />reef estate. ~tuated in the County of fiaiF • attd ~~ <br />;tf'deb;aska. to ;lit: <br />Let Zeii fl4i, 3atttson 5t:bditrision, is the Gity of Grand Island, fia21 Cotintyr Nefaraakal. <br />,,£ riu. tizst, yr:n„Pa; ~igt'idiSFt_ _[frl:,HtTV,. an _~tf <br />rrsent 5tIrVtS'. <br />-t~-rc+ si4~udrng to t:ot-ern- <br />Ti? HAti E .~WLt i t3 Htjt.t3 thr PtrmtSts stscse :fe5cat~a. urth sri the aPt+uttananacs tttrrCUittu ficktngtns and sneiuding <br />afE °rcahng, Piumhtttg atni iigi'ttmg tizturt± atsd egtatPsneni nc u ;.r ;,r «r .r,rd :n ;,~r,ncetirrn a rth ~asu teat estatr <br />uxtr~~ the 4fortgrsgee. rani tcs it= ~ta:.rs3urz taut ~ztgrs._ fcrre4 er, ?-nr ~t.Nt~c.,s rrvre,tnt, ;.s- .:ts+i -., c,ecn;snts ,3 tth. the lf.rrt}:,:s- <br />i~. that the Maaigagor !~: gtxxi right fo tell she! _tr;tte7 Cant srr;ni~r>: !seat thr+ .arc. 9rcr '~,..i; ; ,r usnhr;ssr4r. ,rid that the <br />ritutttr mill warrant andr#tiei the ,amt ngarsi :fir ~sxiss3.;atm.:,i ,€t ^ct,.,s:. -,-he+m-rse~et..rrtd ,hr ~:srd blrrrtr~-rt~nr hrrr- <br />Fry relinquistses a!, ngitt~ o! homtstcad. antt;ai! martini tight<_ rsttxr =r, ;au .+r ;n cGto-si- ;rid .rF! ~~tirer canisnFrttt inrere~t, „f flit <br />'~orioi an to tsL'+t".~e-ait~t;s$+t°d p€ems5~s. the ertzci~F E~rr;~. ;.:.- ^r} .'-wee`-:..,, ;.;,,r:...,. -er1~, rss `,re ,.- t+,'e. srsciuu- <br />stag ai# regEtis,rf fusmesteaat. esnf ssther ntft_tts nerd ineereat, s- ,rir:r card <br />f~Cll~""f27E.t3 -if..W"~i~':i. and these prc~rnt; err esrct:tr.i : n~# ~ci:.rrr,i up,,:r she ?,s;;.:w:ng .,,n,t;tnans. iYr r st_ <br />The Mrsetg;agot a~te+ in Pxv ire [he #ortg;:sgtc. c,r -.+rdrt.. ?hr nrrnirP:d ;um .,i Thlrty eight thOt»zand atui <br />f~fo/244 _---'---------- ~_ ii:,~irs.:. 38,44.44 t <br />wttis inttrest fresres date at the rate ct Titirts drat otte-h8I f (ae' aentum ! i3 . 50 'i-) err :,nnvm ,rn <br />slat ttnpxxi lmfarxe smi}I Puzd. list snits Priest spat athi tnttrrst rhgi! :*r ;+as ai~;c :ct the .,lt"icr t+t <br />Strfaesitar tae, Inc. <br />in Granri is3zrt$r P.'!-f3a'ASkH >>..,t.uii~,=rhez^lace::srtxhnlder,ri <br />Ilse txs!e may dtssgnate in wetting. in mtmthh stntaiimttets „f pour >tu-:drt~ thirty five and 2li, 1~4----- <br />-- ---- ---- E~dtars,5 43S_.;cS _ ,;~srnrndtng„nt ter=tdas,tf <br />April 14 8l =tna ,,aa t#:r Sirst .3a~ ,ti caste Rttsntl: thercaf ter <xntsi the Rrnnlsa! :ante rn- <br />#ersst are fitify paid, except that the ferias }x3ymrnt t-t €3nncrPxi .,nil ;nttrrs±. ;( nr,: ,ue.ner .nerd. +ha9! ''-r due anti <br />psy;ihfe on rite fn^xt day t f ~rchr .x.411 .sit ,;..errdsttg to the terms arf a c triatn Psatnis- <br />tftr}' mutt of ~vcn deer herewith executed h: rite ,aid ~fe~rt atagot - <br />the ~dortg~nrin:erdermr,re fttt3r zo prottrt the cecunec tai tilt, ~ic~n~age, ati~r~e, <br />3. That rte wif# ;+ay tt~ iiide#tttdrttss, ac hrzetnix#ore tsrnvidtd. i'ri~iie>'c i- rr<er.`rd to pay the dei+t sn .vhoir. of to ~ <br />autnunt tgtrs# toavae ttt mare isonifify Paymrnt5 rm test , rin~st*at that ::rr nevi :fuc ~~rt the rsc,te. am tote tint ,fa4 ,tf eny month <br />'~ to tr;strry: r"~'tYiuaxf. fu.~ver. 'abet ;vrsttrn nnttet of .sn tntenttzn us e.crcise :t,ch tsrsiekcge ;~, rrrcen 3i feast thdrtY i;tfl <br />days prie?r to prepay°tacnt. <br />~. Thx, ic~cthtr artth„ anti-sn additaon t~:. site rrsa,athly Payment;: sri ~rtncrP:ei rn,i rnteresa {+~a;.ttsk rsnder itu :.etm+ erf tfte <br />Est ~c:We$1'letrtsy, the ~Atxtgxg~tr w~iH t av ire the y#~r trurre- c?n the ti: =_t rant e.f ray h rnr•nth anus the waits tetrte ij fvElY sansei. t#+e <br />fsi#fowii~ Wis. <br />i_ai ~rra`susst atsft'ICtent in Pzrnrstk the ftn#der ir-e. ~,t ~xsth ;sttd$ r_, ita} dtt ri~xt enr>r'tjiC nsu rancc Premium sf this <br />sttst;ustst~ot aix# t#te note stturtd }tere#ty err ensured. c±r a :r!r>ntttty ~hazgt : irs tic•tr c,r u ne,rrzq~+c• rirsarrm: ~ :»r- <br />sr~ttrt/ a€~ t#It*y ate hefd-hy the'~reta~iw ==f #fortstn>x and tlri?an `ekvt#t~tment.:s+ t;~3#ttxvs <br />if) ##' ~# sr, ltrttgt ~ said neat -:ri evets ,fate aatef tisss snstritrrsrnt .,re in3u.ed . r :sec *ttnarrtrc; carrdtr the l:r,r <br />vtsatatts of thk *Iatxsrtffl ffotssingt 4ta. an atncwttt psffttietst to acaun:atfata +fl tf:,* fi3n,lz at the fy c~,re Witte <br />w T';t'f'f: t t*' '<f;fiff.\ ~ K,1 <br />r+e R ~?t#3A1t wK+ti> tr- =.uaer u.n~+ sa€W.'r •s k4nlw.,NSQ <br />,,,ell s3 t4:1Aa 14.91 <br />