81-- 6)()099
<br />10. That the Mortgagor wit! kcep the buttdings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste
<br />upon said land, trot sttft2r the said promises ro tx used for any uniaw•fut pnrpnse.
<br />l t. 7kst sf ttte premises. or any part ttxreof, he condemtx~i uteder the power of rmintnt domain, nr acquired for a public
<br />ust, the damages awarded. itte proceeds for the taking of. or the wnsideration for such acquisition, to the extent of tht full
<br />aaaountaf indebtettnts upon this mortgage atut the note wisich it is given to sectue remairting unpaid, are hereby assigned by the
<br />hlorigatgor to fhe Mcsrigagce. a~ sltaN be paid forthwith to said htortgxgee to be applied by the tatter on account of thr next
<br />matsivi~.en.Ua~ineet8. of such indehtedttess.
<br />L2. The ;~trrigagur furttttr agrees that should this mortgage and the note srcured hereby not be eligible for in-
<br />~urattce trtu~r i~ Naffrtttat iiousiiYgAa't wit3tirt siatty t38gs from the dart htrrof E w=ritten statement of any oi€ctr
<br />of the f3e~vartmcxu of Housing and ttrttan t)svttopmcm or authorized agent of the Stcrexary of Nausing and Urban
<br />f~tvetopmtrtt Dated subsequent to the a~'~y ~$zg rime from the date of this mortgage. declining to insure said
<br />-ttoft and this mortgage, tteing deemed conclusive pr«~4 of such inetigit+itity), the Mortgagce or holder of the note
<br />may, ar iti c~ptiun, di>efareaftaums recurred htseby immediately due and payable.
<br />t3. 7hat if the Mortgagor fails to make aoy pap•ments of money when the saint become due, or fails to conform to and
<br />citmpiy with arty of tfae condiiiotts aN agreements contained in this mortgage. or the note which it stcures, then the entire princi-
<br />pal sum ark accrued irsttrest-shat! at once tmome due and payable. at the tteetion of the Mortgagee: and this mortgage may
<br />ttterettport tr forectoscd immtdiarely fcx the whntr of said money, interest. monthly pa}=mints, costs, ground rents, taxes ;and
<br />the cost of txrer~irtg the abstract of title from the date of ehis loan to ttte time of commencing such foreclosure suit, and a rea-
<br />sosabie atrauttey's fet, alt of wtrtch shad he included in the decree of forectasure: and tht contract embodied in this mortgage
<br />and the nose secured tteteby, rttatl in :tit respects he governed. construed and adjudgrd by tht taws of Nebraska, wtttte the
<br />same is masse,
<br />'the covenants herein contained shall hind, and the httitfits oral advantages than insure ta. the respective heirs, executors.
<br />admittistratnrs, staccrssors and :assigns art the parties hereto. Whenever used, the singular ntunbrr ,hail includt the plural. the
<br />plural the singttar, arut rite us< of .any gender ;hall tie appti~:ehle to :dF ge:uters.
<br />Ttx tu€t),~eseg conditions, alt and singular. lirtttg performed according to their Hanna! and ttgal import, this cnnveyaace
<br />shat! be void and said premises released at the expense of ttte Ncrtgagor; ++thetss`ise tv 6e and remain in full farce and etTect.
<br />tNWtT?tiF:SSWNERf:C!F-rhe~icrtga}tavtsiha htreuntc+,et handistthedavandvearfirst
<br />at±nvt written .
<br />to preserve c+f
<br />j /' ~ ~ ~~ f
<br />~+~ l .'_; ~ _2: ~...;.'^ ?i /~ 1 SEAL, j
<br />SDFtN ^IA~$NY --r-
<br />i SEAL. ;
<br />.. t r, ,2' ~.' rr - .7 t SERI, i
<br />Rt1;'tiAAii3 unupgHy
<br />i SE4t, t
<br />iSEAI.1
<br />LP f 96 t•i 3tl
<br />STATE i]F tiEftR.~iSk:4.
<br /><..
<br />tMthn 27th ds}of 'PE+tYTttdly? .1. L?-?°,gl .'+rfotrmt.
<br />itOtaZ j t~ubli.c 'n.,nd for sold t_.~unti~. petiarsativ came
<br />3ot~ tiatiorny art3 Atxttann 4ataorrtF, tzusbartd attrTt ;ri€e
<br />. prrsonatty tome known
<br />to ~ the adtttttcat t?eruus wttcrse names ~itized to the above and tore-
<br />gent~ irtsrrutarrm as Mortpt>gtx. ~ ~y~, acknnwtcdgtd rite said instrument and itte
<br />...~,.,.,,,. t.~„•rea'n is R Lraeit e.€unr:sr..~i ..nv deed. trrr the txtrt~ves tturein cxpressea.
<br />in ttstamtrny uherttef, t base htteunto set ut}' hand arotki attixcd t+s npt3ri3l `eat .xi Grand EsL3nd
<br />~ the day and date °ast aFr3sr written. ,~
<br />r~~ C
<br />_ -_ ~~,
<br />!~!'1 CQS8I^H t~'T?Rr: ~ giA ~~ 'votars FttbHc
<br />S ~iR Jt~e$Ptie
<br />~t`A t`t^ tat' ~tEH3tA.51C~-i <s
<br />Hied fof ret~d fats day of
<br />~ o'k
<br />trtd in t3~tk
<br />~ ad
<br />A. D. iv
<br />At .. attd rrsttred in tiumestt:at Index. attd
<br />,~f 0.taxt~gz<. an
<br />Rrgistrr of L)etds
<br />ffatti q?tRBM ea.~i~t
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