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<br /> <br />Ut+rwatrt Covietvarrrs. 8orrrnrtr and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />I, d Mpe~ai aM /dot. Borrower shall prompttY paY when doe the principal of and interest on the <br />ite~btedncu evidnscixl by t Ntete, prepaytreeatt acrd Tate charges a9 provided in the Notts, and the principal of and interest <br />ten art Fttttue Advatxes secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Z B'stata !ae 3'ta+as sttsa Rtwraoce. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pap <br />to l.deder on the day tnotethly itntalltitents of principal and interest are payabk under the Nate, until the Note is paid in ull, <br />a sttm (herein "Ftttxb°) opts! to Otte-twelfth of the yearly faxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Deed of Trost, turd gtvuttd rents on the Property, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard fnwratece, <br />~~ o~ 2wdtttt of Yearly prt~ttittm instatlmetsts far t(tartgags insuratce, if any, all as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to tittz Ely Lender rm the bas» of assesametsts and bills and reasonable estimates thereof. <br />The Fonds shag be held in an itntitutiae the deposits or accounts of which are insured or gwranteed by a Federal w <br />state agenc-~ (including Lender if Lender is such an institution). (..ender shall app1Y the Funds to pay said taxes, asseaxments. <br />insttrattix premiums and grotmd tarts. Lehr tray trot charge for so holding attd applying the Funds, analyzing said account <br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills, unless Lender pays Borrower mtetsst on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits (.ender to make such a charge Borrower and I_ettder may agree in writing a[ the time of exuution of this <br />Dyed of Tttrst that intere~ an tEtc Futtds shall be paid to Borrower, and unless such agreement is made or apphcabk law <br />rege~res ouch interest to he paid, Lender shall trot rte required !o pay grower any interest or earnings on the Fonds. Lender <br />shelf give to Borrower, withoen charge, an snow! accounting of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds sled the <br />(rettpae for which each debie to the Ftmds was made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the Burns secured <br />by This Deeif of Ttx~. <br />[t tree attwunt of the Funds held by Lender, together with the future monthly installrttents of Funds payabk prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, asaesureents, ittsuntect premiums and ground rents, shalt exceed the amount required to pay said taxes. <br />asst~trtents, insurance premiums sled ground rrnts as they fait dire, wefe excess shall lac, at Borrowers option, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower or craliled to Borrower on monthly instalitexnts of Futtds. if the amount of the Funds <br />held by [.ender stmt! nix be stifficiat: to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall dtte. <br />~rrowrs shall pay to Lender any arewtmt ttesessary to make up the defieietxy within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />Ely Letsder to Bortotvea' tsquesteteg payment thereof. <br />Upon payment m fu8 0( all sums secured by this Deed of Trust, (.ender shat) promptly refund to Borrower any Fonds <br />teeld by Lender. If under paragraph lg hereof the Property is sold ar rtes Property a otherwise acquired by l.etttkr. Lender <br />shat? apply, no Later than imtnedtately prior to the tale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender, any Funds htW by <br />fender at the titm of ap~scatan as a credit agairtsi the sums saurr~ by this Deed of Trust. <br />3. A~6catttio~ of layttseaK. Unless appiteable law provides otherwise, alt payments received by Lender under the <br />Nate and paragraphs 1 attd 7 hereof shark tae applied by t.ertder first rn payment of amounts payable to f_rndtr by Harrower <br />umtkr paragraph 2 hetmf, then to interest payabk on the tiote, Iher, to the principal of ifie Note. and then to interest and <br />prittcipaf on any Future Advaotxs. <br />4 Harrower shaft pay ail razes. assessments and other charges. fires and impositions attributable tv <br />the hoperty svhkh may attain a prianty over this Deed of Trot, and itaschntd payments or grourd rents, if any, in the <br />trttwxr provided under paragraph 2 hereof or, if not paid in such manner. by Borrower making paymemt, when dtte, directly <br />to thepa Yee thart»f. Bortower shag promptly furnish to Lender alt notices o€ amounts due under this paragrapfi, and in the <br />event Borrower shall make paymwt dtratly, Borrower shall protnptty furnish tv !.ender receipts evidencing such payments. <br />Borrower shalt pro®ptly discbar~e any lien which has pnarity over rtes; !teed vi `T'rust: provideJ, that tkirrnwrr shalt not be <br />required [o discharge any tatcfi Ian sn tang as Borrower shah agree in wrrung to the payment of the obligation secured 6y <br />such Nett in a manner attrptablo to Lender, or shall m gaud forth contest Bach hen by, ar defend enforcement of such lien in. <br />legal mo~tdittgs wttisft apente to ptrve:nt the rniurcemrn[ u( the Hen or forfeiture of the Property or any part ihe~n~f. <br />~ Ifa1 insert umsrmt•se. Harrower shall keep the tmprovrments tww r><+strng or here:tftec erected on the Property insured <br />against ions by fire, hamrds irtcltsled within fht term 'esterxieJ rovrrage'". anJ such other hazards as Lender may requite <br />and in such atttottnts and far such pennds as Lender may require; provsdrd, that E.rnder ;hail not require that the amount of <br />such coverage exceed that atreount of coverage reyurred to pat the sum. secured by thee Deed of -frost. <br />The ittsutarece cattier ptovidirtg the inwrance shat! tr chvstn by tivrrower cut+tect to approval h} fender-. prov+ded. <br />t~ stth a~wal sLai! tent lx tinreasottabty withheld- AIi prcmiurrn on insurance policies shall tae pa}d in the manner <br />provided uoAer leragtap6 2 tterw{ or, if cwt paid +n such ?rtantxr, by Borrower making paYtrtcnt, when due, directly to the <br />AI# itnuratece poferies acrd renewtJs thereof shaft ire in ivrm acceptable to tender and .haft include a standard mangage <br />eiaust in favor of and in form accepeable to Lender !.ender ;hat! have tree right to bald the poiicirs and renewals thereof. <br />and fbrrowa chaff promptly furnish to 1_enskr aft renewal voices and all receipts of paid premiums. In the even of loss, <br />Hottaw<x shah give prompt lattice to the tnsurancr caterer and Lrrt~r. LenJer ma}" make pros( of lass if nut made promptly <br />by Bortavswt. <br />Unless Lender attd Borrower oiheewtse agree: itt wrnmg, rnsurance prcx eels ;haft tar applieJ tv reswration ar repair of <br />stet Ptapeny dstntepeti, provided such restoration ar repair n ecrxnrmtcaiiY feasrbk end the security of tots DeeJ of Tntst n <br />not tlFereby itttpaired. if such testrxaium rat rcpa,r rs ncri rcunumically feasible ur rf the securrty a?f this Ind of i-rust would <br />be imparted, the ittwratne p[oeerds shall he applied w the sums secured by this Iktyl of -frets[, with the excess, if any, paid <br />to Botrov+er. If tht PmpeatY rs abanikusni by ruvxr, yr If Siorrowcr tails to rtspvnd to Lender withrn 30 days from rtes <br />daft twine is mailed by l.eredee to Borrower that the insirrancr carrier offers w settle :, .farm for rrrserarece henefits_ t.enJrr <br />to urtttoriud to twlkct sled apps the ittwratsce procetds at lxreder's optnm cittacr to rrstorat+vn or report of the Properly <br />.., :: ~ s-~.s ~:.i.~.' by •his of T:.mot. <br />Unkes l_ereder and Borrower othuwise agree to wretmg, any such applecatton of proceeds to prrrnipaf shall ntn exteml <br />or posipont tht dtte date of the awnthlY instatfmcnis rtftrrrJ to rn paragraphs t anJ ?hereof or changt the atnnunt of <br />such ttsstallrnents_ ff utsder paragraph t8 herrut lire Prapert} +s acyturnl ny Lender, :tli nght, true and interest of Borrower <br />rn and to say insurance policies cud to and ru the proxeeds thereof resutung frtrrn damage tv the Property poor to the sale <br />nr acquisition shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secure) by this Decd of frtut immediately prior to such Bak ur <br />acryuntiina. <br />3s lraatrratlisat serif Mslstetsascr of Prsgrrty: f.eavrieoirlst Coadoa~teasis; Plsaseel Unit DerefopmeWS. t3arrvwer <br />shaft ke.+cp the Property in gatxt repair ctrl .haft rw3 ccuturn! wa~tr or prrmu tmpairnunt or Jrtrrior-auon of rtes Propcny <br />sill thrli comply with the provisivus of any trace if this T?cetl of Trust is an a irasehoid. Ef ibis Detd of Trust is on a unit to a <br />condominium er a planned unit devebprrttnt, Borrower she:'. ptrtorm sit o; Borrower's obligations unJer the declaration <br />ur caa'enaols creating or gavernirtg the cvndontioium oar planned unit drvebpmem, tht fiY-laws anJ regulations of rtes <br />coadatninium a planned uati devetoptrxnt, attd constituent docuttxnts. }f a condominium or planned umt develvprttent <br />ester is executtxl by Barrvwtr and res:orded together with rhos Died of Tntst, the covenants and agreemems of such rider <br />stroll bt incorporated info and shelf atttsrtd and suppkrt>tttt the t~t:venants anJ agrcements of this Decd of Tnest as if the rider <br />wets a part hereof. <br />~. g!staMtttisq e+c4 [,etader'a Sseasily. tf Barravrtr fads to preform the covenants and agreements contained in chi. <br />Fk~ of Trite, or iE any action ar proxaeedittg is comtneaced which materially affects t_ender's interest in the Propen}. <br />including, Mtt rttM limited to, cmittent damarn, irwa(vettcy, code enforcement, or arrxngetnents ar prviceedsngs tnvoivtng :i <br />tsanitrtgst tx dtctilent, then l.eudet at Leader's option, upwt trotter Iv Borrower, ntay make such appessranc~t, Jisbursr such <br />atat># sort Fake Stich attisw as is necessary iu ~atect Lerukr's inures(, including, cwt nut limited to, disbursement .,7 <br />rea#urtahk s34orney`s fats sad alley upon tht ProperiY to make repairs. )f LertJer required mortgage insurance a; x <br />caadifiart ~ halting the ban sectvttf by this Tketl of Trust. Bonawrr shalt pay the premiums rryuired to maintain wch <br />ittatszartrae is lficeF (mil such iissee as the tsgittrerrgcnt for sinfi insurance ferminares in accvrJance with Burruweis anJ <br />E.•endiRr's writi,rtt agrmemCat at icabie ta+s. Bvrsvwer shat! pay the amount of art mortgage inwranu premiums in the <br />rsanner ptxavided trader 2 horcof. <br />Aray artwttnts in Lttxkr pursuant tv this paragraph ?. wuh tmcrest thereon, shall lucame addihunat <br />of Piiorrowcr sixur~ by this [kid cal Trost f;nless Borrower anJ I.endcr agree to ether terms of payrrrent, such <br />araa+ants steal) bt payaEele upon varlet frstm L:etider tv Berrruwer rrytiestmg payment thereof, slut shall treat interest ;tom rtes <br />lass tit ~ at for rats payabk frtrm tune to film on otrtstanJing principal under rte( Nate tmitss paytteent of intcrat <br />aF nxh tab tt be ctxiYtary tv applsrattk taw, in which ev~f stab amuwnis shalt hear inicteat at the highest :aft <br />` tiattat aptttiubk )aw. Tiattsing cotKaittrd in this paragraph 7 shat! reyuirr !.'elder tv incur any expenx ar take <br />tssy 3i:Aifiit ham. <br />to Y.en~r rosy maYr:.x cause to tar malt rtasonablr enirits ttpvrt aril ittsprttitwts e{ the Property. provtdrJ <br />thin T,:erarkr shr4l Yf'rc Bexrrtnvesr nn4icc poor m any such itttpst:.YuNe specifying rcascttattk cause tfterefor rtlattd tv l ettdrr". <br />ititatntsF in tke Pr!opeety. <br />