<br />TFiiS REED CJF T'R!!5T is made this... 25th ..................day q£ . ?'~~u~Y.........-, ..... ,
<br />19. 8~:, atstortg the 'I'nastor,... >'teivin. L., Schafer, and Maxgaret E. ,SCha-fez, ,h>mband` atxl wife . r~
<br />............ .............tPecrein "$rnxrrwer"},........................ #
<br />...... ;has ~. Mesa ........... ... . . ......... (herein- "Trustee"}, and the ~teef+eiasy~
<br />........^a',~'~, ,~~3£ , ~°~'y-~r~ j - ~ ~. ............ ....., S- COrpOF'dtlt~r GC rtt3,~ ate-
<br />................... ~t
<br />exi5ting urtdm the Saws tit. Aletaraaka ............... ... ........ whose adalress is. 2121 A7~ i~Etb' ;
<br />Rs~sd, &tii.te 2Yifi t , Grarui Salarael, Nt~srattlta 68801 . . .. ......... {herein "I ets+~r") ;
<br />8o#tttowee, in consideration of the indebtedness herein recited and the-trust herein created, irrevocably grains
<br />and conveys to "i'rttstee, in trust, with Bower of sale, the fo#bwing dcscriba! property tocatrtl in the Cauttty of
<br />Hall ...... State of Nebraska:
<br />The north t?ne-Half (tit) of Lot Orte Hurtdxd3 One { t Ol } arm ail of Iat: tie
<br />Hundred 'iSto (102) in Battthorne Place, said Hawthorne Place being a stthdivisiott
<br />of a part of the Northwest ¢uarter (Nisi$ } of Section lwenty~Fwto t 22) , Towns2zip
<br />F,7.even (11} North, of Range Nine (9), West of the 6th P.H., in Half County,
<br />Nebraska
<br />w H.^^;; ~~ t.6-n, ac#u:e~s ot.. _ ... , .?;~. =~. p;~...... ~arr~ _ Zslarr~ ............. .
<br />~r~~; :c:tri
<br />. ... ~:at~S~ . 6$~Ol.. (hers in "Property Address" - .
<br />ftic;t trsttt ri+th u)t tftc ttnprsv€m.:n#s ncaw .x #tcrc.r#tcr ~r«t~d r,,t th4 property. ant) ill c;tscnicnts, nghts.
<br />appttrtertatu:es, rants (sul'~e€t ,'tgastisr to the ri¢ht~ and :tutln~r,tec~ grsen tnrein ro Lcndcr [o co}lrct and apply wch
<br />rents), ruyaltic~,;, mincraL ail said yas rights. anti pruftts, water, water rights. and water stuck. and all fixtures now or
<br />hereafter atta€ht'd to the propeny, akk ctf whxh, ine)udeng replacements and addxtuns thereto, shall tx deemed to tx.
<br />artd rernatn a part of the property covered by th;s #Y-~rc- of Trust: and al! of the fareguing, together with said property
<br />for Cite Eeise#xiid astute if this. Decd of Trust fs czit n Ira>sftcddt are hcrent referred to as [he "property";
<br />Tri SEt:ifR€ to l.etider (a) Eht repaytm.:nt ai the ,ndehtcdness evidenced lay 13urruwer's note dated .Pebruarg .
<br />..25, . 19i£tl.. thsresn '•ivotc° 1, in zrtc prrrcipa) --mssi ~,€ t:'ariry, four. thousand. five httrtdxtd. and . .
<br />. - .~/10~-~-^-....... _ ~----:------~---~1)a~. with ,merest thereon: providing fnr munth)y ins€atlrrteut_.
<br />csf p~tirxipal :sttd interest, with the ks~rKe of the mdcbtedrscss, tf not loaner paid, dos: and payable on ...... .
<br />..
<br />.. , ....~#. Ari..2Q1~ . ..... ....... : [ate payment ui a)2 other sutras, with itttcrz.~st thereon, advanced
<br />to a~ordanec herewith to prsiics;t tix ;ct:uraty e+f this [}cad of Trust: and the pcrtstrntanee of the. cov;nrnts and
<br />~ra~ctaents of Fkxroiv~r herein €tintained. ansl r `+i the rcpatmcnt of an± future advances, wRh ,ntcrest thereon. made
<br />tci Harrower by Lcratier gttrsuattt act paragraph .? = i~rertf z herern 'i uturi Advani'ev") .
<br />Bkttti?wCr st7vertants that i3orrua~r rat )awfulSre st,scd ~~( ths' cst;tte #terrby conveyed and has the: right to grant and
<br />they the l~r€±prrt~t. Hutt the )'ri(icrty tti urtcncumtssred. and drat &trruwer wt#1 warrant and defend gertere(ly the
<br />irtk tEi the Frrty against ai# c#sit?ss and demassds. as#hject to ,xny c(es#ara#tavs, caxtttc^,ts :+r rest[:~trun4 hszttl ,n ,t
<br />~excki t&r ctsvs~ragr in any zit#e ra4urancc pts#icy insttritag 1_sttdrr's inzcrrsz ,,, rhr prsa{xrtp.
<br />~~. [ r~ d rya€t•--' F; i4'....figi5l{itRttk titlPtf0~1 ~t16't
<br />