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8I --~ E~ d ~ 1.P <br />9. Cam. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or cartxquential, in connection with any <br />cottdemaation or other taking of the Property, or pert thertaf, or for conveyance in Lieu of cotrdemnation, are hereby assigrt~ <br />and shall be paid to Leger. <br />In [he went of a total talong of the Property, the procceds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Iked of Trust. <br />with the ertt.-ess, if any, paid tr+ Borrower. in [he cvrnt of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and [.ender <br />otherwise asree in wti[tng, thtrc shalt he applied. to the sums secured by this Deed of Ttvst such proportion of the prorxeds <br />as is earner zo that proportron which the amount of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of <br />takinE brats so the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Borrower. <br />ff tl~ Ptapesty is atrnsa~Aned by Borrsrs~e:, or if, after notice h'i L_en~r to Borrower that the etxtdetn, offer to rpake <br />as ewers! at ~tEle a claim for damages, Borrower fairs to respond to Lender within 3D days after the date such rwtice is <br />retailed, Gender is authorized so collet and apply rhea proceeds, at Lender's ap[fon, either to restoration ar repair of the <br />Properly or to the stuns secured by this Heed of Trust. <br />Unless Lender oral i~rrowcr othxrwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />ar porr_ the due Batt of tfr msmthiy installments referred torn paragraphs € and 2 hereof or changt rise amount of <br />rtrsfatlrttetw. <br />li. rerfm-rr Rd DtAeased. Ezrension of the time For payment or modification of amortization of the sums secured <br />try this f}eEd of Tntst granted by 1_ender to any srrccessar in interest of Harrower siisil not operate to release, in any manner. <br />the liability of the original Borrower and Borrmver 4 srtc.••esson in interest. Lender shall not be required to commence <br />pr.,ceedings agairut srsch successor cr rcfust :o tatend time for payment or otherwise modify amortization of the wms _ <br />aestred by this Yleed of Tres[ by reason of any demarxt made by the ottginat Barcotver and Borrower's sucrxssors in interest. <br />12. (2Porinra~e Dr I.eeder Riot a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any righa ar remedy hercurtder, or <br />otherwisx afforded by applicable law, shall not be a waiver of or preclrsde the exercise of any srich right or remedy. <br />The procurement of insurance ar the payment of taxes ar.o[fier Liens ar charges 6y Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's <br />right to accelerate the maturity of the tndehiedvess secured by this Decd of Trust. <br />12 Remedies Ctawrkflvr. Att remedies provided in rhea Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other right <br />or rEmrdy urtdtr this t~ of Trust ar afforded by taw ar equity, and may he esercisaad cottcurrcntly, independently or <br />stieeessiv~yy <br />13. Successors sal Arraitat Seared; Joint and Srvtral [.iabWEy; C;aptiota. The covenants and agrrxtnents herein <br />crsntairted shall bind, and the rights hereunder +halt inure ro, .he respective successors and assigns of [xnder and Borrrwer, <br />subject in the provisiar[s of paragraph I? hereof Atl covenants and agreements of Borrower shalt be joint and several. <br />f'}re c1(aiorts and headings of the paragraphs at this C3eed of Trost are for convenrerue only and are not to tae used to <br />intr_rpref or deSrx the proviuotu hereof. <br />IA. Pia~rE. Etecept for any rtasrue requrrsd undec appfu-aiafe ;dw to be given to another manner. (a) any notice to <br />Borrower provided for in this Dced of Trisst shall tae givtn by mailing such notice by certified mat! addressed to Borrower at <br />the Property Addren or at such outer address as Borrower may designate by natitt to 1_ender as provided herein, and <br />{bl any rxNtce to Lender alto!! lac groan by cervfitd mar[, return rectipi requested, to Candela address stated herein or to <br />strcft otlxr address as tak3lder may tieugrtate ray notice to Borrower as provi~d herein. Any notice provided for in this <br />Dsea! of Tntst shall tae dxrtred to Crave been given tv Borrower or tender when givrn in the manner designated heron. <br />iS. UnNam Lkrd d Trtwt; Ceveredrgt; Sereniiitt. Thr+ farm of deesr. of trust cambirres uniform covenants for <br />natrorsat ttse and non-unrform covrrrtartts with limited vanauarn lay <urisdretion to constitute a uniform security instrument <br />covering told property. This Clad of Trust shat€ tae governed by the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. <br />In the error that any provision ~ etaux of this [Xtd .>2 Trust er the Note conflicts with ~optieabte law, such costlier shall <br />rte aiteci tnhEr pr~+~isiwn oP this 17ted cf Trwt ar the Nate which can lac riven effect without the conflicting provision. <br />and to tats Ned tht provision of the Ihu! of Trust and the ?Vtxc are declared to be severable. <br />IL. Sareorrer's C~Fr. Borromr shalt he fvrnrshed a contorined copy cri [he Nate and of ibis Deed of Trust at the time <br />of extcssttsat of Yi[Cf rccoFdttiore Irerectf. <br />1'f. ?treader d 4fe lraPa:tq; AswptlsQ, ff sit er any part of the Pnapcrtp of an interest tlrcretn is sold ar transferred <br />try Bsxrawer withotu Leader's prase wntten c.onasnt, eactuding tat the creation of a lien or encumbrance sutaordmate !o <br />•his [bed sxf Trust, (h} the creaittan of a pairchase mane} savnty urtercsi for trousttaotd ageliar?crs, €c? a transfer by d=tics, <br />dtaaxtti ar by apezaUOrt of taw upon the duth a:f a Knot tenant ar ! d 3 the grant of any !taxhold interest of three years or Tess <br />ire? ssmtaimng an option to pwchase, !_endtr tnav, at ! =radar's rap*=s±n, decreer alt the sums ~vred by this Lid of Trust to be <br />immafiately due and payable. t.ettdtr sh~21 have warvtd such apiran to accelerate rf, prior to the sale ar transfer, Lender <br />and the person to wtrom the Property rs to fit sold ar trarrsferrtd mach agreement ,n writing that thug credit of such perwn <br />rs satisfaeton tv (_enriec aed that the raterrst Irst~ah€e en the sums ssxurtti by this Deed of 'Freest shall be at such rate as <br />Leader sfail request. If itttder has warvod the opatan to aceeitrate provided rrt this paragraph t 7, and if Borrower's sucttssor <br />in ieEeriat Itts cxxiteed a writtur aswmption a;reemem acttptaf m wrrung by Lcirder, (xndcr shall release Borrower from <br />alt rsDfigatiarts undtr this Iktai o€ Trtt and the Hole. <br />If i.etsdet esetcises srtsh option tv accelerate. f-rridtr +hat? mart Aarrawtr rnxice of acceleration rn accordance with <br />raph 2S hereof. Such rwztr-e:hall {~r~rrdt a petted at oat itxs than ;ti days from the date rhr nonce is mailer within <br />Borrower pray pay the sums decfarrest due- tf Barro+tm farts ±v pay stxh gums prior to the tsprtation of such i+eriad. <br />(.antral tray, without wthcr nWiae or demand on Bwrtawer, revoke any rcrnedtcs permuted by paragraph t8 htrcof. <br />Nazrt-tl v:rsatss tovEtrara rs. Harrower and t..cnder turther cavertant sad agree as folknrs- <br />tp, ArcddaRMrrK Re~edin. £areyf ae t~'viitd ~ t» 17 Mmsf, opera Staerawet's frtsef d say rerearai or <br />agicetanrt d Ssetewv k tlti []tbtd of Tn~9., i; ~ csve~ is ,~ ~s ~ ar s~ sx~d Dy t~ fJrrd <br />d TrsrA. 1Aeadet Mk- a acrmlaaioe sfaY erg esfirr to Sertower as presi~d k paragsP4 14 krsram[ sPecifyietat fl- the <br />Drsactu 121 tic artiaw ve7trirEd a carte saef tterseD; i31 a date, eel koe ties 3t! days fret tit drtac tie aerice i waged to <br />Sarrewcr, br wltirf serf freaef aeon be cared' oat! tit stmt fagare to cme matte bract ar ar Leiser Itrc dtle specified <br />err Lis ssNer afar rttatrN k sseeteraiitrt d tie snraa crested br rile Marl d Titaf sad acre d !fe t'ropertr. Toe notice <br />tlrs fanfv in[arta Saerotset d air rfgM ss reisaar athr actrirraliea sad tit refit to 6rieg a carat aeBOa to tsraert <br />lire row-raialesrr d a ddaaM « aer crier deteerr of Bsrrowe- [e aeceirratioa sad lair, ff Hie Dram Is not tared <br />ae ~ Delete tit ~ speaalr$sd hr tie ramie, t.rrdsY ~ teade>'s opus. err deelatr all d rir stain srrtta+ed by tied Dal <br />d Teaot H fe tars~isalr tee sad psvatdr wBtpeat frsR:et leased sad soar iwvoftt tit pewee d trle sad awe atfer raedies <br />t it splrliraDle drv. t,erder De trtlitleit to cegect ad rasenaMt caw sad ale'~+ iacaertd k paraiag for <br />resasiies pewrir4d io tttda patrtgrag8 ill. iaelai'isS, Drat nee ii+eied to. raesaa6le aMaraer's flea. <br />H the pens. d tsM g ~vaiueoi, Trtawre : record a eotice d deli k art casaur is wttdei tie Pt^opertr ar some <br />°amcr peeasaskpresr~ed '+fk ~. AJtsr Else ie tie maatscr prerictifat fr a+pYedtle law to Berrswer sad fo fie <br />pafpc asBce d cal. a lit la;oc of soot tie ss mot ~ Dl' ~ ~++. Traatre tdtaB <br />parser aal k tit netsaer prrscr[~ed ter applicable law. TratdEE, withatu dewmnl ee <br />etas ae# tit pRbp[str M pddie atectiea a tie lsigttest lridtier N tie tmae sad pkcr sad under tie torte dettf®tahd <br />fat tie ae~ne al stdc is awe a mare pnrtsls arl is see6 enter a Tnefae Hoar datnrr5se. ?testae may p ate d _sB <br />er alt!' lsarEd e! tie i D!' prtlWe warewcered ~ tear time sgsl piice_ d tart pstYlrnaSy xitdded tttiF. Charier or <br />* pst3seeat drt tiE~7 a1 oar aalr. <br />peke i~ TtWEt slug ddivx to tie prweiaser Treueds decd coevEyirq !fe Property <br />Oaid. estiftk b tfE Trrwlae's dsel sYatl fe prissa facie erldtart d the tralM d tie s aadE tfErEir. Tevdrr <br />trial ay!$ lit t d ~e oak ~ ~ fesss-iss aides: fa) to alt rEaaanablc sous asd rzpetrses d tfE alt, isc, bat <br />oat BtaYad ta, Tewftts Las d oat mete Circa Q5 ~• d tit ttroes aa8e price. rcaasalk ^foreer`s tees sad attsb d <br />gCr tfi a ail ear.a oecarri fr trek tt>~ d Tttrrt; sad tc} tic rscESS, iJ ay, to tic peesoa or pe:aawa ie!~r r[Mkkd <br />it-. Saerwrfo 1i~ttt k Rsitehtr, xuaMwrthsiandrrrg t.ensler't asreleratmn of the sums sts reed by [his Dad of Trent, <br />Bwtatrer tidl have tie to bawl any pra[catinas hr$un by letrder to enforce fhs flood of 'Trust diacvntinued at <br />any rims pcatr w oho asrt+er [o occur ist {iT the tRfM dry htfcre the salt cf the 1'rap+4rty purwant to the power ol.sak cantarmd <br />is thgt l9atd d Tres ar ix;Fatty of a Isrityrtretrt enforcing chi, Deed of Trust if- tnJ Harrower pays Lender all sums which urouid <br />EPlatt dice s+ader tltu floc! sd Trust. the 'Vase Arid rroira srxrrrrng Future Advances, if any, hats ma accrlerxtrtm occurred: <br />fhl Sosrovaw c+sEata ail tit¢selws of anp attar cavtaartes or agreerrrrn[s i..?' Brur~oaw_r ccnrtainat to khis Deed of Trutt: <br />$ef RCxruwet iwt"s ail r'eaeanatahr etperists us:ttrr€sl by I_rndtt eta! Truster in the covenants and agrtcirxms of <br />f#tatacs~t t.~ be ttis d True[ sad ra eafa+rcirtg i trtdets oral Trtrree s rrarEdits as provrded in paragrapfi ! 7s <br />fssteaf, , btu r~ txetted ta€. rrsuotra,Dtt attarnry's !a'•e+t; and {d"€ Harrower takes sur:h acttext as t.cttder may reasvnabiv <br />ttrpurr tax accrete itta! rhr i,sn a9 rDrs flrad rat "Forst, I.evder't iaterrst in t2te property anal Borrawrr't abligansan to nay <br />