<br />(1} month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder
<br />vvitb funds to pay such premium to tht Secrt[ary n€ Housing artd Urtran Utvelopmtnt pursuant to the
<br />Yatirmai Housing Act, as arrtended. and applicab4e Rtgulations thereunder; or
<br />(+I} 4P and su long tts said- nett of even dart and this instrument art held by the Secretary of Housutg and
<br />Urban Developtrnttrt, a monthly charge (ln lieu of a martgcge fnsunmce pnrniurnJ wErich shalt be in an
<br />amatmt equal to tme-twelfth f i i f #} of nor-half t` i %-} per centaur of the avtrage trutstanding oa4atru
<br />d?~. on kh= notP sontp•!ted withoux taking into account dtlinqurncies or prepayments;
<br />~ {b} A stun egtrtd to dte grosrnd rents, if arty, nexx duz, plus for premiums that w4ll next become due and payable on
<br />C.` pops of firt and. other hoard insurance crnering the mortgaged-property, plus taxes and attsesstuents ntxt due
<br />~ cm the martgagrd property 1?rtl as estirnaterf bi• tfre .tfortgageel less all sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />nxambtt of months zo elapse before one month prior ter the date whtn such ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />astteSSrnants wdS trecome tlelinquea*„ such nettle to 6r held by Mnrt~gee in trust io pay said ground rents, pre-
<br />v ntiutns, taxxrs and special asstanntnts; and
<br />ft) Alf paytttents rttetttlantd in the two prectding subsections of this paragraph and all payrtttnts to be made under
<br />the note xcured hereby shelf be added uigether, and the aggregate amotmt thereof shall be paid by the Mortgagor
<br />~r each month in a single paytncni to kre app:ied hp the Motgagtt ro tht following items in the order set forth:
<br />t~
<br />~ fE} premium ,:}target under tttt ; ontra,:t srf insurance wtth the Secretary of Huttsmg and (;roan [Jrvelupment,
<br />or monthly ;drarge (in liazr ,t,(mortrage insurance nremiumt, as the c ast Wray 6e:
<br />f4t) ground rents, taxes. assessments, rue anduther irarard msurancr prermums;
<br />(EEf} interest ort the note secured hereby; and
<br />((V} amortization of tfte pr4nctpa! of said note:.
<br />Any dtFuirncy in [ht amount of any such aggregate monthly asymrnt shaft, unless made good by the Mort-
<br />gagor prior to tht due Glatt ut the next such ira~-nu.t!. ~„rtctttutr .tn event ~-rf default under [his mortgage. llte
<br />Mortgage may cadkct a "late chard' east to excertl !:wr ,enu t3iti `.ire zach dollar t5i } ui eath payment mote
<br />x~tan ftfttrn f I5t dais to arts to coxrr the extra .xtrrnv ;nv:,tvcd :n handling .ielinquent payments.
<br />M, "C7tat if the fatal o€ the, payntent4 mfr b4 the \ksrt¢agor under ` t of pazauraph '? prey«+dinu ~ha41 exrerd
<br />t#~ a~ocart of ¢aewtrnt- :tctuafi,• matte lay the \;a,rs;ragz•« for «nwnd rerttz, take; and arse-3mt3rtt> or in~urancr pt+e-
<br />asiuat.':, a~ the ca:~r mat be. ~reh e%cCSV, rf the `,rrsrt ,+ current, at the .aptian of the Mortgagor, shall Se credited bt
<br />the Mort{rre tut wtb.,equent pt:ttnrttt.- w br made b} the 'ltnrtga~nx. •u refunded to the 4turtEatror if. howa•ver, the
<br />nxwtth4y ¢samrnt» strode by the y4arrgaitar uraitr ,rf izua¢raix4 ~ preceding -;halt not hr sufficient ru pas. ground
<br />tint, taxr.~ And azE~eraa~mrnt- w rn=urattxx premium- ;u• the z 3~r :Was hr. wht•n the -ame -hall heroine due and pgy-
<br />aabfe. then the tiWrtRarnx ..ha41 par to the Nortgagrr anti am«xmt ~ert•-=an to make uo the defieirnrx , nn nr before
<br />the data xtdfrn ¢avttrrrtt of ?st+eh around rerttw, taxrw. ar-r--mc^nt~ or sn~urartre pmmittm- hAII ha• due. 4f at any
<br />ttAte the Narsga{t~tr :boll CettM•r to the 4}rfrtAaBre. in ar•rnrdanc:• with the prosi-ton- ni the natr -crated hrreht.
<br />full payment Af the «yrtim indebtednr-~ reprr-++ettftf thrtctn. th,• 4k,rtgztxae -ft:tll. ;n romputinK the :ttttount of • ttah
<br />irrdebtcx#rrtz`ss, credit to the account of the'x4urtgagw ai; p;tvttxYtt+ muck lrxicr the lxsr,tst{xts of ::tt of ptragraph _'
<br />h4rrttt€ tvEtich the tkta-tgager ha-: not brtnmr arhtt@atrd us pax to the ~rn•tary of 44uu-tot; and 1 rb:ut Uetclts4xrtent
<br />fn,_•;_ t ~ ,.,~..; ,h«. r~,.._ _ trf ..f ..a h t h..r„a.f, [C ah,y.•
<br />"as+i anti isu4Ant=e rrmuaat,.~ t. - - ..=•..mu.strn " .. - tt..,:..-:€~,- , .-. p__a:.~.. _ _
<br />shelf he a detauft under ant of ehr pross~itm- ttf tht, mtrrtea5r+, n••nittne to a ++uh4tr -Ai«• of the prrmi-r- cnvera•cf
<br />hemby. nr ff flee MoRXa@er acrfatima: the prnprrtx ntherkt-e aft.•r ~=tacit. the \lurt><raa«'r -hats apple, ai th«• time of
<br />rbK •~ts~t~:rcr>t sa,r ~sch proc°e•t,.inF~, nr at the tine tke3 ••••,•••,•r< ;,. ,.r5r=-rxt.« aryuzred- zhe• NafancP thin remain-
<br />ing in tat<• futtd~ ucettrmrlatrd under ' `•r at paragraph ' ore, t•din~,.. r ., s~r.•di a .u;arn•« tltr amount of prinripat then
<br />rrmaininft unpaid tmttrr +aid elute, attd -ttt:stE pnspsrt: <edu-t .utx paxmrnt_ >tiftrr-h -hell hart br*«m made Andre lei
<br />of paragraph `'.
<br />1 l~hat the tf,xtg;,ftty wall pax- gnrurtd ten[,. i xr<- a,+r+.mrntY > ..ter -:atr~. .,nG ,,thee ~uvernmer.[al ur mumcipnl
<br />.hAr¢cs, hne,..x im,°Hnt?'.m+. fs?r which pots tune: its, ntet teem made hrretntxf:rre..rnd to .iri.rui[ ihrreut the \furig:,ger may
<br />pa\- the came. and that the Ott=rtgagos wtrfi pstmpt3m Jri:=rr the .rtfi~rat rec:r,pt, €hrref<rr W the ifurtg:ager.
<br />`. late \!+>rt+,r uitt pax at tate< •+~t?r.h m:t4 l+c r<red etr+4an zhe 4fan};aXrr~• ,nterest m ~itd era! rttstr and impro>:e-
<br />zrtcnts. taxi wftsrh ma< ter !testa At+,>n thts mortgage rx zhe debt <r.:urrd ttrrrfrs ;hut .=niy to ilte extent that such i. nut prnhihi[-
<br />rd bt law artcf on!'. ur the extent [hat ACh welt swt mAkr this loan usunoues. hAt ex+~iuding. any rn~umr tax. Mate ur Federal,
<br />~__~+?n kfott>•~!Y. -rrt«s xdl lift tttr utl'icr:a! rctrrpt +Ituw tog <uch paymtnt wt[h Chr lf.tttaf:er. t; pun vtolatton of ihi< Ander-
<br />tAkang, ar:f IfYe 4}axtgaxrr is prohahatrxi h4 ens ias nos „r hrrraftrr rat<ting from nav,ng the whole ur.,nv purtitrn ul the afore-
<br />said trues. err upon the rendrrtng of ,ens coon drbrrc pruhthtting tilt payment by the \furtg:tgc>r ur nm such tear+. ur if such law
<br />or delete prntides that ens amount sss t+atd Ry zhe Sturt,;aytc,t ,haE! nr .:reditrd ;,n the mortgage drt+t. zhe \f<utgager ,hall haoe
<br />t#te tight to gis'r ninety dal< w-rtttest !tutu. ~n the ,rwnrr r,f the m,ut~rd p.remtse=, ~eefuumg zhe Iratment of the mortgage
<br />debt. if such tu.,ttec tee gi~'rA, the xaid defer .tt.-ttz hr=nrrrr due. pay~ahie sad ~n€teciitrir at the rtpoanun .rf ,Ara nrnet} days.
<br />fi. Fhat sh«wki hr fad to pay .rny <um tar keep env c'avi^ ,attt provided tar in thts iturie_ then the Ltnngttgre. at tts up-
<br />lit)n, may Pay cx perfisvm the same, and :ttf rapcnditures a:~ rrtAtir -hat's to added to tht prittcipat sum owing +m the alurve note,
<br />shad tx ~~d htrri?; .and shaft !~: r intcrr,t at the rats <rt fu[th an zhe -;xd note. e:otil pain.
<br />'. Tl~t hr ficretsy asstgrrs. transfer+ :loaf eels aver to the H+xtttager. to txspptied toward ?hr payment ut the note And alt
<br />sores sec;ttrcd heref?p in case of a ctrfaudt in the prrform.:nce +rt art :+f the term, end ~unditions :ri [his tifortgage tR tfte -aid
<br />null. af! the rrtns, rrxtntrrs and is'azame Io tee arrived fatnt the mart~tted premises dunng such trine as the ratxtg:s fee trtdehtrd-
<br />rtess shelf rrtnain-unfrAns; and Ctrr ',4xmr~gter sh~ff lose ;*„tier to:,ppc»nt ant astrnt .}r agtnts it may de+trc for the purpncr rf
<br />s;gxid prrrirists and c$ rrtttitg fht surttr and cute;ttng abr rents, revenues seta incnme.:tnd st mAy' pa4 out of ,ant in-
<br />:.asmrs off esptxrsts o€ reptzirtitg said prcrrtises and ntaxsstn• t.=mmtssn>ns and expenses incurred to rearing and 4nanaging she
<br />3attxr o€ ctr4ftcts"tt~ rentals ttttreftom: tfm tuttarur rematnrng, i€ arty, to fee applied er~vrard rbe disrnatgt csf mid mnrtgAtte
<br />~rtsrss.
<br />g. #~ sips kzzp rEte irnprn*.errrrat» tors rx~tirtg or "ttrrr:cftet rre~:te:l ..n the mc+rtgagex4 pre:pet~y. irt+tt; ed as may err
<br />r~uired from zimr to timt Ny tier ~ttxtga4trti aga,nst ins4 by frn anti other Hazards. caeualtiex and cumingrnc:ie< in +uch
<br />Arttitsnta And tc+r sru:Et prtfad3 as urea rte rrgtt~td f=y tht 'Nortpagrt and wtifi paY prumpf4x . w4ren due. any premiums ,rn <ACh
<br />iazane>i wixiert fen payetettt ref which has curt been meat herrinhefure. X41 insurance ,h:all be iartird in c:umpanres ap-
<br />proved by itn• :t4rxtgagtc seal 4hc pcslirirs and renewals tfureo4 ,haft be held by the xtortieagee and fiavr attached zhcrrtn 4uss
<br />payattfe ctauset m favtiv ts€ seat in ftr€m accepsahfr to tftt Mtutgager. in went of Iu., \t:rayragor +.til glut tmmedtafe nonce !+y
<br />~4tr-E~~rif~ ~+~tee. wow rtta~ make pniof af'<rs,, 'rant made prompt4y 4r\ :7artgagor.:tmf ra::h in+urancr campanv con-
<br />s'~rrv'r -~ isle ~t`s"r' sarrz.+t Prot dit~rt€tt , ..eke pa .~.: far Kneh lets dirrctty~ tar It><-Na;rt;.,¢-.r instear4 of to the fxfurtg~,~er
<br />sled ttrtlufwfgttger 1<niKh°..and the insurance prncceds~rr~any part thtrrcrf, tnay ttr applied 6v rhr Mungagrr at rf < upirm either
<br />w t4pr tesczx:reAa zrf the ia4chtetEtsExrt tterrf>y +esatttd <*r to ttre re5ftxatitm Ar raptir of the prn}xrrtt damaged- Sn rvenz ref i,+recis+-
<br />curttaf##Nk t#r«rf7sa+fare#thketatttam«trtgtaftes€pruprrtVinrxtingtfit;hmentnt them,4ehtrdnr,+,rrurrdNr:t-fn'.
<br />rt~ta thfe seta trrcxt sf rht !ikxte4r to slot 4i: an# insurams p(shcirs then is force sh;itt tr1--< to the ;+Arcftasrr ,rt ttranter
<br />~F-axadatitiosta4 end cct4ft+xsta4 seeurtty [art ttu pttvrttttn of tf~ ttistt desrrttrtat, attd ai3 ,slur, z.r i+es..mr 1ue utxter ibex
<br />trsv~, efst Mr~tr f~rristi asaign>t to the M4,rt~ptar Ar`t graflts, restut~s. roya42ies. nghts .sn+i t=rnrh;< ,t.crn3ng to the
<br />trtAtcr ang aitd Psi c«it Atrd ttar t,rusc.:an said prertsi3tt~. with tote rigirr to rGeeivr ;loci rrsrrpt €arr the same anti apply
<br />? Lu; Htttiabierlrte'<taaw mcefi bcf«xe as afttr+~faufx in tt~ csrreditnmx esf thie- mr=rtetsar ,,Wes +Nc !ltnrtgugcr mat cirin:Atc4. <Ar
<br />leer :«nd re~-oart ~y ~~h ~yment'< vrf~n awe arxd p;ryt.. fttx stta4t nett fee rryukc.z , <, ,t:r 47rr, ;ssstfprunent is zu ttrmtnate
<br />and t~crnrr~ r[cff s•arrd rrfran ri3tease srf tht+ m~
<br />Yt}t)-it?t4a4t FP-rt3i
<br />