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_ ..~ <br /> <br />30. "Chat tht Mtxtgagor wilt keep the 6ui3dirtgs upon saW premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste <br />tepon said iaad, nor suffer the said premists to M ustd for any unlawful purpose. <br />3 i. "Chas if ehrpremises, or arty part tMrenf, tx condemned under the power of eminent domain. nr acquired for a public <br />use, the damages awarded. the prncceds €or tM taking of. or tht consideration for such acquisition. to the extent of the fu13 <br />amountvf indebtedttts-upon Urns mortgage and the note which it is given in secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />5th A#ortgagor to the fdartgagee, attd shaii be paid forthwith to said iWnrtgagst to be applied by the latter an account of the next <br />e atataa'ittlf ittsta3haents of such indebfednesa. <br />vs 12. T!:` ."#s~t= ~~r f~~~= agrr~ **~t shou3d this mnrtgage and the nett stcured hereb}' not be e3igib3e for in- <br />~ suranae under the h'ationa3 Housing Act within s~tY daY~ firom the daft htrenf (written statement of any officer <br />,~ of the Department ctf Housing and Urban Development tt: autltnrized agenr of the Secretary of Hnusing and Urban <br />.~ fJevtlopmtnt dattd sutxegetertt to the sixty days time from rite dart of this mortgage. deciittit~ to insure said <br />tutu a~ r#tis tnortga~, isei~ dtertted sortclusivt proof of such it~iiiityl, the 4fttrtt~gee nr tentdtr of t'tt nett <br />{ may. at its option, declare ati-sums sccurrtd Mrcby immediately due and payable. <br />j i?. Thai if tht 4lctrtgagor fails to make any payments of motaty wizen tfte wmt btcnme dot. or fails to conform to and <br />r~tvmply with say of ttte canditintts nr agrtements cantaitxd in this mortgagt. ex the nntc which it stcurcs. then the entirt prinsi- <br />pei sum attd accreerd interest sha33 at nttea becomt dot and payat+tt, at the eitct~+n tsf t3~ Erfnstgagee: and this mortgagt may <br />~ alteetupon bt farectnsed immediately for rite whn3e of said mextey. intutst. monthly payments. casts. ground rents, taxes and <br />the cos€ of ezttnding the abstract of title tram tht dart of this roan to the time of c+-mmtnciag stash forerltssurs suit. and a rea- <br />snaattfe arlearaty's fee. all oX w4iicis sha3f M included in the decrre of fortciosurc: and the contract erutwdied in this moefgage <br />and tlx reate smtred hereby, shdfi in al3 respects he gnverntd, rnnstrutd and ad3udgtd by the laws of Nehraska. wMrc the <br />saint is madt. <br />The etvutttarts htrcin ensttaintd shaii bind, and t3~ Mnrfits aatd adsama¢ts ;hail tnsurc rt, the rrsptetivt heirs. executors. <br />adminixtrators. succtsstus and assigns nfi the parties hereto. Whenever used. ten sm¢ut3r numt*er shat! itntude the plural, the <br />phtrsi tilt sinttuisr. attd !fie use of any gender;hatt rte apptre:ahit [o a3i genders <br />The foregoing conditions, a13 ;end singtdar, Ming performed :tcenrdtng to tMu natnra! attd legs! Import, this conveyance <br />shaii tx vc>itF and said premises rt3tased at the cxpense of the ASnngagtx; c-therwi,t [o i+t attd remain in fait #orce and effcc.t. <br />t~ N'fTttiFSS WHERl34?F, thr Eefortttagotti3 ha trerttsnttt •ct hattdis[ the day and year first <br />:rtxts~e w•ntten. <br />fn presence nf~ <br />?KICIfAEL D. HELL <br />_ { SE,4f. I <br />i f s~~i~ <br />,f~'~'L2 . - i 4E.AL i <br />ALfiAtt 3. <br />i 5".~~t_ i <br />( SEAT. ] <br />,v~ aat.t sa <br />;sTA'f'E C?F'~EHlt?~SK.~. <br />., <br />t'f}iiis"rS'tTF t3a11 <br />fkt tftis 25th dos <tf t~e~tr`zta2'y . ~t.t). i~ dl. tttfc~re me. <br />a nAtBry ptt3sTi.c ;n atx# far asM C' ~ntf~, penonai3v csune <br />iKichasl D. Hill atxi Aleatt J, Hilly husbatte3 and xriE€ <br />. personally' to me known <br />ro ht tM idtxtttca3 persons witnsc name s are affixed to the at±ove atui fore- <br />eiitt~ittstrumetetas hlortgagar. and tt~ l Oyu aeknnsvkdrtd the said instrumem and the <br />txe,;ution ttttrtuf ra? ht their +~tdatntrr, sct and deed. for tttt purpnsts therein expressed. <br />in ttxtimtsny uMrtatf. i hav~t htrtuntn set and hand and at5zrd bt notarial eai at Grand Island <br />eKt the day arxf dart last attnvr written <br />~ ~rlissel'aCj- ~~: _ ~~. y't~turq Ptihlic <br />4~4~11~ <br />STATE ©i' t+eEBRASt{A ;s. <br />Fdeciita rtcxxd this da} of <br />at n`cktck <br />rte in 13erait <br />f of <br />a.n. t4 <br />!;!„and entered in',Vuntericat index, and <br />nt htongages, cn <br />Rtgisterrtf ihtds <br />teesC-s~1td 313~7~+7 <br />