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ME~~tTGAGE <br />Phis form is used in conttet- <br />tion with rrtortgages insured <br />under the one to four-fami)y <br />provisions of the flationa) <br />Rousing Act. <br />TH18 MQRT~AGH, maw ~ exccatett this a5th stay of F~brt~ry ,A.I). <br />}~ ui ,~~~ ~"ag'.titstel ~,. ixiil ana tlleah 3. r7ili, husband and yt%€e <br />o! the Cat>tty of l~11 ,and Statc of Nthraska, patt_ of ttx first <br />v Bari, t~einalt~ t~4)ed <br />the Mort~yor, sari <br />SIlPSRZQR A#?RRGR~E, ZtdC. <br />a cniporaiiwt orgttrtizcd and existi~ utsder the Paws o! Neisraska <br />}arty of the see part. hereinafter eaihad the ~ortgst~ss, <br />v+rC)'NESS£T"H: That ttx uid 4lartP,agc,r. for acrd m consrderaiia+n of tht 4ttm of Thirty six thDtit38Ad eight <br />tni'~dtrecl fi€tg and Atoj104 - _-_____.tloliarsty 36,SSO.UO ). paidhythe?wfon- <br />,sta~t. the r+zceitit of which is htrehy uYnost=;.zdgtd, has Gransed ant ~afd arni by these presents 'does grant, Har- <br />~ain, SeB, Canvey acrd t"anflrm unto ttte Mortgages. its +trccesstxs xnd assists. fare, er, the loHawittg-£fttcritsad- <br />rra) eaters, situated in the t ounty of Hal i ,and State <br />ut Netxasi[a. xo wit' <br />tat Six !5 ), Piper's Glen Subdivision, -ts€.inq a Subdivision o€ Lots Eight {8) atnd <br />Nine (9), idgrrer# sta2~ivisinn, in f.)t!° City of Grand Island, HaII Catinty, Nehzas)Ca <br />+rf the S%xth )rt'incipa} '4l endt:Y->3..t>ntarnrnt; rn .:[~ <br />moot i1tTYft' <br />.,.. ~ aGCUrdi ng t<+ t iuvsrn- <br />a fi H,1Vt: zip Tt3 iit3t_}t the ire m:,e..Yn:,,r 3at,t rtt+sd. uzrh .atl ?hc : ~ urtrnanes the:cs=nt~ net,rngutg end incittdina <br />aff Mating pfumt»ng.attd ltgJrtutgissurt> ,cod zcuapmrn[ ~~e>= :. _. - zaiae:.,tt:,<pea t..,~r :i+e~ rn .,xaatr~tiun uiih :rid tsar estate <br />eats #3e ~#o€tt. and ts5 sts ,uicssx+rs attd as,}gn,. `urz,rr~ rhz 'ttrxtt~g~r rsprc,cn#~ to. std ; ,srnants w~rth, thr L9ortp-a- <br />yet, that ttte M+»Ygagaror has :tKxi ripJ?t tr, ,eti .cttd ~nnst) said prrmr,r,. tfa;a t?te} .rrs itr~° tr,xn srncumt+rume:.,nd that tfie <br />Mott_~,a-g+r ,vt{} a-~rextt axed Jtfrnd thr rtr =~;sn_t *F,z .ate ,. ,,._s~t ~. - ? -.. - f- a £':. .+e, er: ant thz ,.rid',tertgaear herd <br />by te#it~rxtxs art rt~fn of txsmtstzad. and ~st3 rrturriat rt~ht.. ;°uhrr ~n law ~~, ~.n r:;z:,tr.:nu art .,ahzr cx,nurgsnt inlersnts of She <br />Manyegstr en acrd tax the atktot-s~xntxd pftmex,. t};C rntrntasn t.tsng tE> ~,,n.zti herci•: ,n ~,i?sn+utc rrtk. to fee ,impie. inciud- <br />etrgati rtgtxts .:f tfaMxt>xs~.t. ax,9d ottxr ngtrts ::nai antrr>•t, .., atarrw.:nt <br />)~ttSVtt3>'r!) .it.Y:'AY J, .,rrd ins YS prr.rnts are rYC:utrd .utU .ir;:s rrst upt:n thz !: rli;,w tnK c+rndiuonY, to w it: <br />)3zt M€xtt~ax aggro- tunas #.s £hr 69«rt~ysc_ <,:.a.ier. thr rrrt,,pal •urn ,:t <br />:>s r.,sr ` Thirty six thousand eight <br />hun#3rod fitt-y and tiall0tl 36,850.00 ~ <br />sndt tntcrtst ftwre state at ttse tart ;ti Thirteen and one-half per ,~ttrtnm ! 13. SO `~'} prr annum .ta <br />the uatfrassf ~ ^gtit part. 'i )ac ,stet firittct+~+yf ._ni antrrest ~tr!I i?r pag;:!,st :,t the ; .'t?.r .:i <br />SLtPERIt~t PfClRTGAGE, INC. <br />rn {izatti: Zslarui, t~braska t+r.,t ~..uih „t her place .c, the hs,idzr+,f <br />thz roue may skstgttate to arrttttnc. to rncntfiis ~nStaIImert, ,:t Pour h.urdred *wanty two and 08/100------ <br />-- Lk;hars:5d2~ 08 t.:,mmenainet+n h~,ir,tdat„1 <br />April - ~? al ~+f~,•: ~h t+.rxt.2a~ Est to a mtrntl: there:sftrr ~:nnl the n ~nctira3:;nd rn- <br />2Kest art fuNy paid, eatxpt that ttrc Ina, pasmznt ,4 ~r~^=,pal .end :merest. rf nut xwner sett. ,t;:-i~ he dnr ant <br />psjr-att#rc oxr She first day :?t Rgrory 2011 .:..urding to tht tsrm, ,.f ,r trtfarrtpromis• <br />story txrts+~ewtnsfate herrv.t£hrYSrat#e~:# f`p £ht =.~iJ ~t=,rt-~~~.+r <br />Ths Sltmgagax tn,rrdex mcxz tttits ; t*rsgrct tAt ,e~urr;;,€ tftis 3t£arxsz,~e, .rgree~. <br />t -lhsi ht xt't ;~}' #?~ :~3ef+±vdtt~s,, ac r:zrttntxfr:rr ;+n+orcttd i'nvtisge i, resrxoed to E•nt tht dtht to xitote. ttt in »n <br />aaxit:est e~;~i is crxe ,x start mr.»i}sie t}s-~ap~snen#, un the prtnetp:t! that ;art= torsi :rue ='n thr ncrtr, on ihz tint d;ar et atR month <br />-~Rt#3r 4t sftatx~i€v: fTrt»ai, ilt4xYr4'tr. i i[w# t<r.ttCt2 rTtttlY t,f an ini2ntii?n to rYe~i ter ,nrf5 pttvt3tks i> ,6'tVCR ttt least thirty {jtlt <br />t}8Y5 iH'/C4' to pr}'~rytntAt- <br />-' I'is+,#, tix~tttFZt :vEth. anti itt ado!#ton tc*. i3b! m,3n#t _- ~=mgt to a,f pttn[tnaf [.d initie+t ,+:~vt},}g ,;ty.~r'3~ £_rrns a,€ tl:c <br />lurtt sstttrrd h~t~tsy, the «lt.8'ig~ne uri). pu: tx+ the>4xtp„q;~ :n the rite dlc ~«f , avft m,?ntfi until ihr sarsT nuts i4 fu)tt patt. tht <br />fttFtoYtis,g s#}:glc: <br />raj lxxstruxt# svfftcient £ai }trtraidtc the )ttdt3tx llrmsi wrt}t funds rat ;ray =i;e_ arYt tar-.,stitsf€s bnsttran ~ gsr¢rnsstm i! this <br />matitiRfE7si 3rtd tht rt+xxt-i~'uxtrt hatthy ate ittxtaxttt, £s ~ tnf;n#f'tib harr't t xt f-~ n~ ;~ m=,r;, ixtsrrzrte~c €xf- <br />r #! tlysr err t:t)d t«t tht~rrsz.rttary ,i tiYwehtg anal t than )'~x^ir~t+.ttnt. ss +rd#t>w{. <br />fp tf ;ftttt axe i ax mid rttttt n! revert daxs soar !ht5 rttsrtrrxttnt axt rns3rtsat „r err rstntttrtai :sncicr the pt*.,. <br />vtx~,tgq <~ tlrz ?tlpttrrtt~ !#[rsitta}t fit. an amr.ratt# sstf!-t€tent !rt ~,.estrr.3rtrte sn tt£s itattds „t thr !tcaet:yr .utc <br />ts~6t~r~.rls-,tta~bks~~;;r~rv,aw,a;.~.~~+.,ttt~vaerttrr,~ca+czt '~TY')'Itt~ tik;RH.I:*4tC,1 <br />F(,a~ g2 r 4M t~ t9t <br />