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UtgtFtaare t„ov8rtatia.,. $armwer and Lender covenant and agrete as fol:ows: <br />L Tttytl6tmQ ~ and tlatvelx. t3orrcwer shad promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />itrd~t evidenced by the Note, prepayment aad late charges as provided in the Note, and tfie principal of and interesr <br />/2h i@y ~UtlrtS /kd48aCC5 SSCt7rLd by Ih15 MOrtgage. <br />y. 1tPtads tan Tast~1 amA Eatia. ~uhjeet to apgireable law or to a written waiver by Under. Borrower shat! pay <br />to Lases oa ttte day monthly install: rants of grineipai and inte:+ess arc payable ender the Nate, until the Note is.paid in full. <br />r1t a xttta f#~t'eitt "Ftmdx"? egos! to ant-twelfth of the yearly saxes and assessments which may attain priority over this -_ <br />l" hiartg;gt. aad ground tents oat the Ptnpem, if any, plus one-twelfth of yearly ptetrtium irmzaltmenfs for hazard insurarce, <br />`~~t~°-'`.`~'~.' of y~-lu gnesiam i#l...ettts for mortgage insztra;,re. rf any. a!! as r~ortably estimated initiaity and frofn <br />~ atrre to base try Leander on the basis of asseasmettts and bit7s and reasanabic estimates titmof. <br />C '['fee Funds abet! be held in an imtitution the depoaies or accoums of which are iruurtd or guaranteed by a Federal oc <br />4.:, state agetzcy {itultxting Lender if Lender is such an institution t. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said lazes, assessments, <br />isfstuasee ptetttiums aad ground rents. Leader may noz cfiarge for sa holding attd applyiltg tfie Ftmds, analyzing said account, <br />er verifying attd ~wmgitfog said asseS3rrnenis and bills. untesa Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />pertstits Lender to tttake retch a charge. Bomraer and I.ertder may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />t°i li4utz that itderest on the Funds shat! be paid to Borrower. and unless such agreemem is made or applicable Eaw <br />tttaKtirta stxh interest to be paid.; Izttdsr shall not he regwral to pay Borrottrer any mtcrest or earnings on tfit Funds. !.ender <br />shalt give ter Borrower, without charge. an annual accoumlog nI the Funds showing credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />' pttrp'°se fa>= w#tic6 each debit to the Funds was made. TYte Funds are pledgtd as additiana{ secttrify for the sums secured <br />tiv this Mortgage. <br />If the atttuuni ttf the Funds held by Lender. together with the iwure monthly installments of Funds payable actor to <br />the 81x data aE taxes, asxssittents, ittsttrance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the atnount required to pay said faxes, <br />aasamrtffints, ittstttance premiums acrd ground rents as the} tall due. such excess shall bt, at Borrower's option. either <br />prot$ptly repaid tit Birrrover ox credited to i}strrower on mcnthty mszatlmenu of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />peke by Leader sita8 ntu tx stt$dptt to pay taxes. asussrnents, insurance ptemlums and ground rents as they fall dot. <br />&trroaaer shall pay to Lehr any amount necessary sn make up the detiaenr+ wsthin 3t) days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Leader to Sotrarrer requesting payrnem thereor <br />Upon gaymem m full of aI! sums secured by toes Wortgage. }.ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />!told by Lender. If uadrr paragraph i;s' herertl she P=<,epeers :s :ctld ;tr the Propen} :s otherwise acquered by Lender, Linder <br />shall apply, rln lath than ttnmediatety pnor to the gale .rt the Prntxrty or its ;ugwstuon by Lender, any Funds bald by <br />Letsder at the tlttte of application as a . relit against ttte sums sttured by this \Sortgage. <br />3. Appic~et of Payaeas. L"niev apphcable !aw provides .nlFCrwist. all oavments rece:vtd by [_ender under tfte <br />Mae argt gatagraphs i am! Z hereof >hall tx applied !ry Bender stet :n payment =ri amsnnets payable to i_ender by Borrower <br />utidas' geragraph Z htteof, then to tmercxt payahfc :xt the 4satt:, :hen to ttte princtpa} ~tf the Note. and then to interest and <br />pntmpal on any Future Advances. <br />A ilf 1.~ Bnrsower utazi pay elf taxes. asscsxrrrcnts and ,ether ;:barge.. fines and :mpvsiuans atinbutabie to <br />the PtY.tptrty which tt~y aftam a prrnrity uvu :hen ~lorigagr. aloe }tass:lso}d payments .rr yrnund reins, if any. in the manner <br />provided tutu garagragh 2 hereof or.:t nut peed m such manner. 7s Borrnwar making payment, when due. directly to the <br />papas tlsrtwf. t3orraxwer she!! gforttptfy turmsh ;n Lcndcr ail nuuces :ef amourns ,iue under this paragraph. aad in the event <br />Borrower shall make payment drrntE}', Bsrrrnwcrhalf prompt}v tu:nesh 'o Leader receipts ,~vedencrng such payments. <br />Bttnuwrn shall promptly diuharge any Vert xhl.h has pnorrty .over ;hen iturtttaKc: nroveded, than Borrawcr shaft not be <br />to dtx-tsarge any surlt lien ,tr tong a± Btsnstwer !cart .utreg =.n areteng is rite payment ct± the obligation secured by <br />suds lien an a tnanner acceptable to Lender. cr •.ha}} .n gorxi Iaath :onset +uch lsen !-:y°.. or ;tefend cttfurcrment rrt such lien ;n. <br />legal gtmesdtngs which operate to eleven! the enforcement ut [rte '.:cn :~r ;orttriuee .rf the Propett}' or any pan thereof. <br />~. l~rf htwttswee. Botrnwer sfiaf} kaxp t~ rmprorements nos. czs+nng rr nereaitcr erected on zhc Property ezisured <br />agtutut :ems by fire, petards rticltrdlsl wezhsn the tetra "extrntleat ,average' , and .u; h attar hazards as i_zndtr may reyuue <br />attd eo etch aawtlnts aad frn such periods a, Lcrtcler may rcgnere: ,~r~tridn', •hat L.crder vha}S ritrt t~;wre that the amount of <br />shaft .average exc'~d [fret amount ~.t ~uverage reyveced to gay the Sums +ecureet by :rits !sfortgare. <br />The itaureace canter providing site insurance shalt he tihtrsen br Borrower a,rbirlt io apgrt»ai by Lender: provided, <br />that retch attgtmvd stall eat tsa ;mrcasonafr}y wtihtteNl.. .~tt prcmlums «n insurance pnliett3 shat etc paid .n the man>'ar <br />provided :raper garagra,Iti~i :. hereof ar.:f teat paid en strut ntantrcr, by Besrrrnvcr making paymcttt, when epee, dlrtciiy zo the <br />ititparaace catri~. <br />All i.~.€z.~t prtliete~ asst tat: ttr<rt:t s:'fait ~ err tot:n ~r~tpta~ tit L_n~r ,rd -:bait :rn hide a standard mortgage <br />:.louse in favor at aad in farm acccgtattie sv Ixttdet Lerdcr ,fret! hn+-e ifte right to hatfd the pttlicres and renewals thueof. <br />amd lilorrasrar teal! prutaptiy furtmh so Letxkr ail texrcwat ncrucn attd alt raztpts of paid premwno. In the event of toss. <br />Surrosre~r shaft gtvt prunigt rtihtce to the :nsarancc . anrtr arat i..creder Leneler may make prrnrt nt loss it not made pramptfy <br />t>y Bttrruw~er. <br />Uaiost t.eadea and tittrruwu SMAitierY are agree an wrsang, :nsurance pre~eetis shelf be applied to restoration ur repair cif <br />itte Property damagtsd, provided ranee restoratwn nr repair :s econotntuaily ieastbi+e end the setttrity of tfils Mortgage es <br />nM tflgeby irapatsed, It web rtstaraunn or repair :s not a;~urtomtc.s!}y teasrhit or :t the stturity of this Mortgage would <br />he ttraed. tfx tnwaaaax proceeds shalt rte applied to the Santa stcureal by she Mortgage. aeth ttte exttss, it any. pall <br />to Hertrntver. If this Property a ahatuttmW by Berrnwet, err .t Bormwer farts is respond to Lender withal ?i1 days tram the <br />date zngrtitu s1 mallet! by Leader to Borrower that the otsatratue c:arrrtr ~Nfeas to settle a claim far insurance benefits, Lender <br />is authorlaad w collect ate apply ibe utserratxc grt>CCCds at Lender"s option ctiher io reaiaratton or rep:atr of zfie Property <br />or m tlt!e rotas sgraatxtd by ells I4flexfg;e€~. <br />Uateas Lander attd $asrorver uthetwise ague :n wrsuag, any such application of proceeds zo principal shalt nut extend <br />~ postprmt else due date of the rtwrttt;tiy !n+t;tilmrnzs referred to in paragraphx ! amt 2 heronti ar c$astge the amount of <br />isatt,Bmeata, If t paragraps t g itetettf t~ Property ss aegwred by t.ertder, ail rtglrt, title aad mterreat of Borrower <br />is atsd to any insurance pellets anal in and to [he pruectds tficratt resulting from damage to the Progeny error to tfic sale <br />sac > shalt peas to J~aaler tr_ else txttut of ifte slams sccurat by chin ylartgage :mcnediately proms to such sale or <br />~• . <br />~. I!lMiaafve~wt tmld 4ee ut ray: Lmsetsaf~; C' Ply Uttrt Deset~ Bmrower <br />stall keep Cite lrrupetty io i repair ara3 sa`.zll Ixst comssstit ~vt3ste nr L+ertttit irrtpairirtettt ur deurioratiaat of the Progeny <br />aad std camlply weep the pruvisietas ct# any 3eae tf Usrs ;•itzrtg~ as an a ltasehoM. [t this Mortgage is art a unit in a <br />or a glatpted love dtvtHipnfent. Barrowcr shaft perform nil elf Berxowtr`s oMlgatscros utx~t the declaration <br />9r + creatirq or snag the .xxtdamrmnm c7r planned unit development. the bylaws aced regufatittns of the <br />or ! trait devnttaFinant. aatd cautatituent documents. If a cundtxnroium ar platrrtad unit tkwetogmeni <br />t~ h attaetaesd by Hewrira~ and recttxdtd tisgettter with this Morigt~e, the covenants and agreemeatts of suds rider <br />t ba iitpaspasotsd it~t aad shall arnaaal am3 :ttppkmtnt tfic coversaats and agraeaaet+ts of tars Murega#te ~ if aim rider <br />+atr+a a put Panaof. <br />7; IP~IIatAfate d lua~efa & If Burrower calla era gerftatm the cttvst:atts<_ attd agreements coatairted to tbn <br />Ritesi~r, ter if arty octieet err ~ es rramater.ttsi whi+Ctt rtwatxird(y at~u i_sasler`s irtisrest in' the Property, <br />. ~ not lid fa. m domeru, tmitrivcny, ~ enfore:easent, ar arrangerrttms ur prcteesxidngs itWC~vtttQ a <br />trapfEKtgpt a desedYa: tlttsa t„,sncker ~ l..~tlte's ofttr-rn, .spun rmtica to Bo*xowter. map make retch appear=ntss, dithttrsa such <br />fwd take two# ataiaa as is Y tp ptrtteC: l.isnde€'s mtertert„ +ntdtoditpt, but east tttatntd ro; dislatrmment at <br />tkt ~a need aatry tt~tt tern i+trty fo castle tepaa~s, #f I.ttider r~virtd ntortiaga ittsuretnce r~ a <br />ad t elan see~ue@ by this 31aa't Ilaitrnwcr slt~l pay the premiums res}atirtxf to maintain w~It <br />itstweata~r is tastiB auarls tote ass the rogairatteent fat s~A itgt~aence tarrrtinates in acaxrrtlattcr weep Borrciwer'r and <br />s <br />f <br />2 <br />