<br />e i c~t'it a0o A
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<br />Mt3~t~G~GE g1.!(3Ci©8~2
<br />13113 Atf3RTGAfiE is made this....... 2kth ................cbeyy of.. , Febrvar~ y
<br />l~.$l., bs~twcen the hiortgagrr,. Ronald _ C. , Rzauss , end• Vada M.. Kratass t _ liuabaad . sad wife, .... .
<br />xa3IItlY. attd .@~~~+. in ,;heir. own ,ri&ttt{6erein "Barroavor"}, and the htortgaga,. FAT :$$13E8_..:. .
<br />` ...56VZI+1f~S . %OAAl. A~S~CI~Jl33i .QF. t~T&K ................. a txtrparati€itt c~'a>zd..existfing
<br />under the tams of.. tlae. State .QS . ~e'vxaeka ................ . where address is. #3ti~t .~ .~.9tiFf3l~Kbt .... .
<br />...Liut:t:Aa, .~iebtraaka ...6850 ........................................ (herein "Lcadtc"). -`
<br />l~Neataas, Borrower i$ indebiad to Lender in the principal sum ot. F~RfiY ?'BQI18A#ti Atift tSt2~i;Ut3--""- 1.
<br />-:..... --.. '- ... --- ---.. °--°----,"-'Zlotlars, which indebtedness is evidene~ 5y HUY);01MC[`a Mote
<br />dated... FeCrli~r .24,. 7.4.~'.~ . - - .. Cherein "Note"?. providing for m+anthly installments of Fr ipai a~ m
<br />with the batattce of the indebt€dtress, if not sooner paid, due anti payable on...~?`~~. ~-e..2...~........ .
<br />To Secoae to Lender ia) the mpayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Nate, with interest thattotr, t>te
<br />payment of all other sutras. with interest thereon. advanced in accordance herewith to protect the seettrity o€
<br />Mortgage, sad the ptrfortnancc of the rnvrnants andagecetnents of Borrower herein rnmaiaed; attd (b}the tepayetettt
<br />of any future advances, with interest thereon. made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 2i hereof f hersan-
<br />"Future Advattcas" ). Borrower daes hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Leader Hx fallowing descn'bed pt
<br />toeated in the County of.... , AaII, .................. Stara of Nebtast~:
<br />~,ot y ~0 2 ' , 3~oc :!see 1 , c.` ~: e Jri~inal Tosco of
<br />~eriip;:an, :sa'~ ,uti:.~,r, :ecraai:a.
<br />....... , .. Doni.phan
<br />?phich has tix addrsas of ..... ......... . .. . .... . ................... . ........,
<br />Webrx:}ks 581132 [herein "Property Address"}:
<br />t asst Z1s marl
<br />T~lg~istta with all the itnptusettQent9 nuw tyr hcreaftLr ereeied on the properey, attd all easemetttu, tt;.
<br />_ rte, rssyatties. moral, o~ a.*xl a~ ri~ and profits, water, water rights, ate watt€ stttrit, -
<br />z~ ntrw ~ hciraftrr attached tra the propcrtp. art of which, including tepiacemtntt and acklitiatw dmretn, sl~'he
<br />d~ trr he alai rertstht a part of the prrtpsriy . ~.~vertd by this Mortgage: and all of the £oregoinng, together with is
<br />},rr~ett`s t the lei vst$tz if the Miort~gz i~ rsn a iaasehoid) ate #tereirt n;ferrtd to as the "Property".
<br />Fiel'rerfrer,;rxvsnattta~hat 13orr+awrrr is :awtu{iv beiaed of the state hereby conveyed and has the right to tausg,
<br />grate ~! cxy the Property, that the Prc~erty as uemrscurtlbarrd, atnl that 8orrotver will warrant ami dafetad
<br />ry t~ t to tote Ptc~-rtp agtrd~as€ a:l c~laitt~i arsd d2tnands, sulyt ets am dttclaratiorts, cai~monts or t~rttrictiures
<br />lgtt#•d in s SYzle txf cueptrcmcs to ccr+~eragc in any tale inssraner potiey insuring 3.cttder :~ interest in the t't?'.
<br />~r-s t6 tFi~r,tt--fi'x^- iAltkifN ttt( ~
<br />