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{: ~.. <br />Form 808 H <br />f,e~der's tvrititnt agreement ar applicable taw. Borrower shall pay the amottm of ail mortgage insuraitrx prdniutro in the <br />marsnv pmrided viuitr paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any atttotmts dishuraed try Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shelf become addifioml <br />im#shtedneaa of Borrower scented by this Mortgage. Unteas Borrower oral Gender egret to other terms of payritein, sucfi <br />an;otista droll 6r payable ttppn tiotsce frtmt i.eriikr to Btttrttwet requesting payment tfiereof, attd shalt bear interest from cite <br />dale of dhbitt at the tart pa} tbk frari tip to titme on outatattdkig principal under dte Note ttalesa ptyoxaet of <br />ink at -rate wonfd be contrary to k law, in which anent stick amounts shaft bear interest at the Mghert me <br />pr~issibfa under applicafe law. Notfiing ctinfafited in this paragraph 1 stroll require Lender to incar any exparmt m take <br />a~ ~t~rr tom. <br />$. Lendu may malts or cause to tx made reaswiablt entries upon and inspecfiosts of the Property. provided <br />that Leaida shaft give Borrower notice prior to any such inspection specifying reasonable coax there€or related to Lender's <br />interest in the Property. -. <br />Casierama~an. 'The proceeds of am award or claim for damages. dfr~t or ronsequtn#ial, in conna4iwt with any <br />rmsdartttatitai or ether- taking of the Property, or part thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby asaigeud <br />and stuff he paid to L.atider. <br />fir the event of a rota! taking of rite Fmpery. the proceeds she!! tre applied to the sums sscmred by tfiis Mortgage. <br />with the excess, if any, paid to 1?!rtrrttwer. In ttx event of a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />atltertirist agree in writing, there shall he applied ro the sums sen[red try this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />' as is etas! to that proportion which the amoum of the sums stcure[t by this Mortgage immed`utely prior to the daft of <br />taking bears to the fair cooker valve of the Property irnmediattty prim to the date of raking, with [he tzalat[tt of the piotxeds <br />psad to rv~s. <br />It the Propt;ty is attaitdoned by Barrtnver- or if. after unticc Mr Lettdu to Harrower that the condannetr oftrrs to make <br />an award ar settle a claim for damages. littrmwer fails to respond to isnder within 3b days after the dart such notice is <br />tootled, Leader h authorized so ratfert attd apply the pra:ecds. at f.snder's option. either to restoraga±t or repair of the <br />Property art ro the sums secured En^ this Mortgage <br />Unku f..ertdtr aitd Borrower otherwise agree ut writing, am' Both appiicatinn of proceeds to priitcipai shall not extend <br />art pasipome the dale date s.f the mamhly installments rcftrrrd to in ,raragraphs t and 2 hereof or cfiange the amount of - <br />sueh imtaltmcnts. <br />10. ^orrosrer Na Reieaaed. Extension of the time (or payment or madiftcadan of amortizatiim of the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lettikr to atri stxcessnr ~n interest of Harrower shall not agate to stleax, in any tnantrer, <br />the liability elf the original Borrower aiad Ba+nowez's st[cccssars in interest. Lender shall oat rte required to camttientx <br />pr!scsedings against such wccessnt or refuse to extend time is+r payment or otherwise modify amartiution of the soma <br />serurrxi by [his Mortgage by reason of any demand made ley the c*rigtrtal t?ortnwer and Borrower's successors is interest. <br />f. Fatiaaesett fry Leader Nm s Walver. .~.av frerttta; sncc by Lender in rxerc[sing any right or remedy hereunder, or <br />athettrrise aN.nrdtd by applicable taw, she!! real ix a waiver off or preclude the exercise of any such right art remedy. <br />t7x prtxurerttettt of #ttsurattre or the payment .sf taxes nr ether Inns cn charges by [.ender shall not he a waiver of Lender's <br />right zn acrcierate the maturity of tier indthtedrcess <ecurrd by this Mortgage. <br />li tlawt~ls Caa~ve. AU tetttedies provided :n ekes Margage are dis[inct and ~urnutative to any other right art <br />rcrnedy undtT ekes Mortgage or afforded b!,' law <<r :r:}uiry-..+nd may ht ;-scrct~e%.{ :nncurrcnzi~'. imkpendeatly or successively. <br />13, 9isroarara and Aedgaa Ilotnd: Ipist awd 9ererat f,irbltltyz Capttaas. I'lte covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shalt hind, and the rights 2ureunder shaft :mere m. tht•zespective sucrtssors and assigns of I_andtr and Borrower, <br />strbect to the t~<n~isipnr of paragaah S7 hertrof. its r-uvenams and agreements of &arrower shall be joint and sevtral <br />T4ie raptio[a std Itaadtngs ~ the puagraphs :?t this Mortgage art far canvrntence cmty and ate not to tx used to <br />interpret art dtf4t~ the }~ovissares hereof. <br />fn, ixsitn far :t . n.,a~ requ;rr' •;r<:;tr spp;M1aL:r taw ;n >n ¢irs:. + ^athrr ttta.:tt*_s, fa) any notice to <br />Bprr.tatxr provt$ed for in tfiis titortaage +fra!1 '+e gtven by reading such oatice by drifted mail addrcsxd to Borrower a[ <br />the Property Address or at such esker address ns &3rmwcr may designate by entire [o i_endtr as prorided herein. and <br />ti?r any rmirt to f.cttder shalt Fee given tts crrti(#ed coati. return rrrr:pt rcq:.•esttd, to i.ende~= a~w-!rt~ stated herein art to <br />st>;:tt arlttr address as Lenikr mag• designate h} notice to Bnrresvrr txs pr~vkkd hem^. .~,.v notice prtvidai for in this <br />Rltntga~ she.: tx dermed ;c- have txr. green :a 9arm~r: art .•:v±-t when given in :!+.t mantxr d~:a..ated #tutin. <br />f5. CFtsitara MastpBe: (.e-tr~teg Law; t3e+erait~y. Thi+ farm of mongagt combines uniform covenants far national <br />use and tnttruaiform covenants +xith limited ~-anavams Fe}r surascttctiort to camtitute a uniform sicunty imtrument coveting <br />rt~1 wry- 1'ltpt '4lnneage sfiall he gssvertttd by thr '#sw nC she turisdiettan to wmirh the Property is lotaeed. In the <br />event tear any gravi;[om art ctaitse of this !vtortgatte .~ir the Sect canflirts witf€ applicable law.. such conflict shall not athM <br />ottsar pravisi[fms t# [his Margage art tree *3.+ie which .an bt gt4en e#fect without rite :anfticting provi;ioti. ar[d to this <br />cod tfic prtrris of tfie Mortgage and thr Vats are 1rs:!ared [o tx tveraisk, <br />;Itj„ >iWraawrs's t,it~r. Borrower site"ti rte furnished i ceNtft?rmed copy at the Mate and of thr Mortga~ at tlx time <br />of exautxat to after terttrdatiian ttertaf. <br />i7. ?raa~ear ai liar i~+aptatty ,~. f f all cr any part of the Property art as interasi zf~mn is sold os transferred <br />try Borrower witflpttt Lender's prier writtrn onsant, exdudittg tar the treatxtn of a #ien art encumbrance subardinatt to <br />rhea MartgatPe, tb} ohs creation of a purchase money ~erttrit?a .merest for household appliances. let a tramfer Fry devise. <br />deartautt art fiy ope»tion of taw upwi the deaifi nt a taint tenant .ter td[ [hc grant of say ieaeehoid imerY;t of throe yeah art less <br />[tot i-vntainttig an aptiesm to porches, f,rttder may, at Lerdcr', apixon, dec3arr a[I the sums senued by this ~lorig~ to be <br />[tstmasfiatety due aim psayabk_ tender shaft have watved Both apttan €a aueluate if. prior to tfie .ale art tratttfer. tender <br />sad ifs perscts to whsxri the Proptttt s to !x sold x [ramfer:rd reach agrerrttertt is writing that the credit of Bitch person <br />i; ;atitfactory to Lender and that the Tnterrst payable crtt the ,urns secured by tttg Mortgage shat! rte at such rats as lender <br />slnitf tertuert. tf t..trt:kr eras waived the :lpunn to amc#trate provided in this paragraph i7, and if Borrower`s successor im <br />mterait etas es~wed a wrtttea aa;emtption ag^ctmem arapttd in writing by Lender. t rn~r sfiati releax Harrower Frt>tti ail <br />ahligatiau tsnaier the Mottgags sad the Note. <br />If Lsn@er tsercaseat such apthttt to arrcleate. isnder .ha#i mat! 13arrower notice of acceleration in at:rartfsnca with <br />paiCt id ht~sf. Such ttostce shall gravide a peri,-td :tf not teas titan 3tl days from tfis daft the notice s marled witfim <br />witirh Harrower tnay pay the Bunts doctored tl[x. tf Borrower reels 'a pay sorb sttrm attar to the expiation of such period. <br />fir lento. rat#ttmt further rtcmce art dtarsand an i3o€rowtr, :evoke any remedies permiutai by paragrapfi !8 heraot'. <br />;Wart-tlxttiaetss CnNarutrrs. Barrtawer and f_trtdsr further covenant aisd agree a; fafiktws: <br />i8. ~ set pts+tiia+3 4a P t1 krrcvf, tysa Aersmwee'a brads of asiy corassaeei a <br />~ fa...r.-~ fp ~ ~* the rerrssssu to p~ wlssn drx aarv Bence s hY !4k . <br />testitt ltrltr as attraWra ~ r•uit trolks ~ rarrowsf art proviisd la parag3ragA t4 6as>rd sykagt f1f toe bsar6: <br />tPd 'is' ~ ax ~A tsaaaelR €31 a ~. cot ~ tftm ~ days fees ~ t efts eafles b nndtad ~ tgasswweu <br />ilff sdNO- sett! flsarais Brace 4tit encode aed tit drt faffsta is riste +snt6 ttrpefe as er fedora thte dais hr t(se aalke <br />++4t saseiltka~ d Bee aiaaa wcanta fs> eMs ~• fareeto~ete h7 irdkiaf let sad sale sf i!e Jh~s/esty. <br />11Yisstaia stkaM tss~lrtr Mtiarse Baarssru ai tMe rfglra its ra#asiau afar merderrtBaa d tYe rat sa asasst b tlis foraefaarre <br />Ace arr~dMeaas of a iaEasit art say tatter eSrf:ers at dasransar b aeesiiwaitoi anti fereelarive. B' tAe basset <br />l4 tirek atrref art :ter 6ptisse the data let rite ettatirte, f.asdae at Ladsrs etttiao aai' daa•4ene aIp at Nre aorta ascvad 1+7 <br />tWls Elie 6s titastaaMair#y doe need patta6fe wNArtr ftrdrr drwW ad arty fpralaee tar Pr'g~ > <br />+ii~if !a asl~ifat to tralrirt le stk[ ~ aif .^taeatts. uF taesai~tte, lrrl+dl.t[ tt.r tort ffted6eti to ro.Mt of dactrta~ry <br />Iiltspssese!~ ! to flar~atapt, Ncttntith~aadit+g l~etkr`s arreleration of tt~ gums rotated h'Y this Martgags, <br />g~rowsr s1iaH fs[zve lire reset €ss 4tivt arty prse;:asiings !Rgtim icy L.estder to entaree tltts Morgagc +ltxcantinued a! goy tuna <br />