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$~~UOQ83~ <br />(t} ntnnth prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban F)erelnpment pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act, as anended, and app#icable Regutatinns thereunder: nr <br />f1P) if and sn tetrtg a said note of even date and tins instrument are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />urban f)evelopmer€t. a mar;thly ctlat•~ I€;y lieu {tf Q morr~gr insumttce premiuarr/ which shal# be in an <br />amount egtta! to one-tw~rtfth (Ili2) of !me-half E] j2) per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due nn the noie cz.'<ttputed wuhaut taking iato account delinquencies or prepayments; <br />{Et) A sum squat to the ground rents, if any, next rhtc, p#ns the premiutns that wall next become due artd payable ors <br />Y,n- , ..~-! v~,e; h~~~d i:taur - vtrr-=mar, t.~ mo.t~~d Nta~rty. pltrs eax~ aFrd ass~art~artzs rt~tt duz <br />ores the ntartga~d propertp !sit as 3=srurtnrear rt ;he .•tft:rtAr~geej !ess v;t sums a#reaciy paid therefcsr divided by the <br />number of nti?nt#as to etapx before one rnonzh prior to the date when. such ground rents, premiums, taxes and <br />a~essmeitts will `}tec:crue delinquent, such Burns ttz be he1C by 4fartgagae in trust to pay said-ground rents, pre- <br />t:tiutns, taxes and sp~ci~ a.KSessntents; seed <br />fe} ~}ti ptnmettts tnrntinrnd in the twit preceding ~=absectirns of this paragraph and all payments to be made under <br />ilte ante secured hereby shalt he added in~ther. anti the aggregate amount thereof she## be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each moot,"= ire a singfe ,:ayment h~ be apo}ied tr,~ the Wlttrtaagee to the i~kilou--ins items sa the order set forth: <br />-fl) premium c#aargrs under the reantra~t .tt tnsirrance wnh ;he Srureta,.' „f Houstng and t_irban Development. <br />srr monthlp charge t'in ti.:u •;t ±nrrrXaRr' irrwran?e iirerrrrum:, ai the case may he: <br />(112 gr«tand rrnt¢. tattL's. asseysinent, the ant «aa_ste•r kta~ar}d ~~sus'a_n~,- ~ _rttn!ms; <br />f flfj uttertxt on the note secured h~ebv. and <br />{ l4') amsartuation csE tree pnnctpat of said natr- <br />Any drticiency to the amr±unt _tf say s€ich aRgresete :n«.ctitiy pavntent ta##, unless made grand by rhr Mitrt- <br />gago€ prs~ to the due date rf the next such ra.;r;tesr. ;,r,~strtntr ,ta 4,..,-.:;f jctautt under th€s mortv~ge. 1'tte <br />ar,~a~:^ n+ay Co#teit a "tste ,:hart_~~ rant ra e,+ccrd r.,ur .:rots t~yt f;zr~.=ach ,.tnLar t5t t of rah payment more <br />titan ftf eea t#'t daps;n 3€eas tc,s,vrr ~~e rx .s,-- -. n._ ;;tk; i e' :n hand;ine:i>•hnaurnt ozksr,ents. <br />That if drat €ntaf ref dte pay rent- made bt r1tY ltnrt~a~nr <indrr ' .:}t paragraph _' preceding ~ha!# exceed <br />amount of pav~ent:= artWal4a mte~ by the 1~rtgaur-e far samund :cmi-. t:rx:•- and :3--ws-ment- rat insuranee> Pre- <br />~€~_. a_: the ram rates tsr..t,ch : xce~.s. if the i«irl :~ .;srreltt.:€€ rare e>pti«asr c>f the lkxteagor, S#tat# he credited 6v <br />the Natrc~agee an ~uh~c{uent pavmiitttr_ sv tae ;Wade b} the llort~,tt;nr, ur refundeii €ra €he ltortga;tur. tf, howr=cer. the <br />mrxtttt#>< pavtrseat~. aturle !n the lkxtgt3{;tx unefrr -; of trtrtgr;spft . ;leer edine tihat3 ..^.or '~ to pav gr¢xrnd <br />rear" taxes rind a_~<p.i~aiCni- ix inwranre premium-.:L the =-a.~«= rao b<• .«~hen .hr• -,line -ha:! ttcrcnme due and pav- <br />ahle tlten r~ fi~ ,Ira## pav to tote 4lnrtgayev :mv amir¢urt n+=i r°_-;us- t¢z make up [he detic#ertcv, nn nr taefnre <br />dw date! a#ett pae•mrrtt of ~u+ett zrnrtrtd rent4. t.sxr-. a. _•-s<.=mr•nt~ sir in-uranre prninium~ =hail tx+ due. [f at any <br />lime the tlurt~agnr %hat# z.Yr¢der to the lktaaa;~ee, sn a. ce¢rxlani e ,sstit the pole i -iirn^ .31' the note -r=t-ured hereh_v. <br />ful# p:»tac€set of tttr entin° ind¢>5icairte,•- n•prv«-i,nta'd the=trt*}. rhr ;lisrt~aarre zh.l#l- ;a 3•rtmputin~a the amoun[ of <.ut•h <br />trtciebtc'd~+t>:, credit >;.s €tte .aiLOUnt „f sht 4Scirtgagar ,ri! p;rrmertis m~ulc under ;he txc.cisinn4 of ,.s; of paragrtph > <br />hernaf >rkuLh th¢r 'i~ast~'agare ha< ta,t 'u~enme r:bligated w pa} .+r rite ~rt•rNian of Erne}-ing and [:than tkrr:lcrpmL-ttt <br />aatd tk .~ra.~ta•r rasmi<~ ,n the ~~ud= ac~cvmu#au•Y nnh•i th=• praa.,sn> .,f ~ - :,C p:rr<x4raph ' h~=vr«ff, if ih¢Mr <br />~12a1t #7P a detaulf 5mLr4'r irk sxf ttr#' prrakf ~{43ri' ''}f tit:.. e}urf rt!;3y,'*,«' ri`~ift t:ni' _`? .i put7t 11' ~:Etf?ft dif j)n'mi:~f"> 4'n Vi'n`SI <br />niris•~. err if Qie ieaT.~jn`P aC~iT1'± tfrr• 4nr¢i'rt; 'lthsila9-P :after js•t:a[€tr °#x4` lji.;r='°~,3:;ee' -ti;tt# .ipp#ti. ,il -etir limp of <br />hr tcua~rtce>mrni of wets 1.uvr•Y>«33ina-.:sr 3r ltri• ltm+• t.hi• proprrit ~~ ~stfterns-+• ar~i{uin•d. thi• but;usci• then rt•masn- <br />tn,~ :R tlta• fund- .re«'umuiatv+F un~=r :¢f k€ur°,er.:ph a !,rr•ca=dints. i- ., s~re+fit ,utusn-: =kt+• .:mount ~tf pnrnia:i! then <br />¢x~a¢atnina tmpa¢d unt.~•r -ard nsrtv..rnei +h~i! ;}mtr-rir- a¢lje-t ::nF pa;mE-nt- ~•khtctl -ti a!# hxre• hr•+vt made under `... <br />ref ,~r-~rags?3 .: <br />a hyt t?tr `+Csut~><=:t xui ~e~, r.:,nnc: 'rs't-. ..r. .. "r"mrnt~. aster !.-,-- - :nd -,thcr .ernmsnt::t ;~r ;nunrrtpa! <br />c~s.>-gZ_.'isxc=-,x ?2,A~>at,_o-..„ h =,c., } -"-¢,<cr ~~, „s,_ ~~_n -s.:,re ier<-t,~nr'.,re~~anr't n der~an riierc:~f she x9rrt~gce :nay <br />g7as tttr , .nr, Brad tn;;t rise Lf.>ttt,>,:t::}: ,+:~? ^ . ^;~eir~ ~.e'..rr t:r.::~r?art;;i --c.rspl~ :herer..r ; e bfoni;:tgrr <br />t~hr 4te,rt~;itc;r ~rt;t ~ »t: u= .. hr :es-sr ,;.-e-n t!ic 4t ,±~;xg>;>-.' ntere.s in ,std ;ear .•p;tte :in«i :mprotr- <br />IWfl#4-;atria 44 ttii.':t :n:i'+ rte n+:r ii~7R €hi- -Ytg:;3~E -_ r,ir ds: t?t 3eC«€ris3 3 e°PPk rt~iti - my ta? tt7C relent filar ,n<h i• nVi prnhrftit- <br />etir 2Ep tae. and =,itit l¢, the : ~errrt tf;~i * ~ -Y 'i ~~t ~- is '-M± ,ztt ;<yut~ v,e- ±~ua .~ z~ludtng Pik ![itl!tne 'at. )tart =}r Ftdrrat. <br />}mrr*,ed ;~n fir,€tg;t;:rr lr.•.i w,it +?;e rite t~ • ;'c: -rpr •}'s~am~ ,uih ^asrt-r'sl •a th li*r =1.}rtE~grt Piro .,alt:tni,n }sl ski, ;erurer- <br />€akatt><.- sr it the xSirts•s ~. ~rrsh~-ttcst 5k ss'. ia=a -v,~x ,~r he t«trr evi-t3*tg -•,.n ^,aau the h;;<tte .~: ens ~ernon.xi theafere- <br />>aid t}xr,- ,# upatn rhr rrns#rrntt f=t air,} .:•x:rt dr~rr • pre=hart ling ft±c za. men. ?*. rhe.12},rtr;ig,zr r .,rt `= ~u4t+ l~ix5,, ur -f .u4b kaw <br />u de~:ret auk idr± troll =np~ am.rirtt€ <. ~~a<! '<..tgr «} - raig<rr ha?3 ?'r .rrcterrv •. ,tar A:. rtga~c ,3rht. ttsr 41 •ra~arr ~n:r:! it:s:r <br />tfre nj[ht t¢t grkr ni.trte ~a:ey,' =knnen 3t¢c r t• . ?rte a^rr :.. hr ;rk?rtgitgrd ^rr rota., °ryurnnu the ~.s;ncm :,f ihr m+trtgsCr <br />det+t. Ff ku;ih txrtii e t•r yt•<rn. rhr vatri ,lent t}.:;±'oeF.,mr :;ue^=}= a^is .fnsl ; •t;r_nbi>; -rt lhr ~•*E`rr.irtar; , ~t~ , ~e•1 nuirs °. ,r;:k, <br />h. ~1'?raF stt:-tuu! hr fail tk ray -.:n~~ -_ _ ~~r i;crt srr.:,,-e- .ravel «,r .n °hi: it.;rtuiur. then =hr 4t :av }}p- <br />ricrn. roar Fay cu xrC<trm the same. ens; .E rxitrnciitu r~ ~.: ;t dr a!t t+e•s !c:.ttr ^r:nr.sna: •um ,.,wsnt; ,:n the ,ah=r.r note. <br />s#i¢#2 rte sec::t~d hereby-:and ~ahidl ixr: r frtteerst art tPsr rase ~:€ t;nrtlt to ihr ,std n<,tc. umr: ita€u <br />'. -1'~t [~ t~:t~ ast<igtss. - _ ::tom ;et krr ,.= itne ~?rrt-_ra..-* t'ar aptat:er# tcr;c;,rd tip na:•metrt .rt t#ir Hate ::trsi a;# <br />•+u:n~., xcuresl htrrfa~ in rise ! a sef:€uh in it*c ;+rr#k;rmsnc; . -,nr ;'e °he ;ten, ~ and .:}ndrt€«•n..•f *ha- liortpagc .•r the ,std <br />Hair. at! t#zr rri}t. rr+•cnur< lain 3tts;e}trte tc= ?*e ~3rrt.r}! i;::•T; *¢tr ^.vrlrzagr:: ;+rrr;rr.r• .?unn}t •=hn t:rite ,,, she tn,xrtjt;¢gr fmYrhted- <br />tisgs f rc~ain untsaut:.ux rttt '¢4a`rrgsirr ,taai3 : ._ ..€, {,;,€ta ,¢tk sge¢tr ~.?r .i¢rnt~ .. .,r- dr,.:r. - -=r rite our; «f,r :,t <br />rep€tirtrtg card ixcmi.,es and :sf rerttrnjt ;he ,.rate .s;*d :es!3ettt-:v..: _ ~ x•n€=- .-eat^ur= sari +n~;;mr..ind :t maa p,¢e «rut of card ir.- <br />;xantFs al# e~°.zx :=i r~;ait• ,et«2 ;?vzr=~sz, .tea :~r;.s~r: k~=merts~mn. sr~t exs< ;rscurerd =a :cntrfl~ axs# anana~€n¢ :tsz <br />~:a?x'e crf crrldectrne rerttai+ rr7etcsi..,..- ~x . >i„„ <_ . -- . ,cute if .e.r sr+ tar a~ prod .- a+:~rd t'sr dt eF <br />w:ttaf~r - -att! a}.trt~r <br />»e 7ae*:v. <br />!t. 'C?esr ~ Witt itseft rltt tarFaravetx¢enr* nt+t eci32ttt;€ Ysr 'srrrafres rrecte«# :tn she m«sngagrd f'i'=tpertro snsurN a mac tsr <br />=egs:ii~ fr<:ir, titre a ; mr t' %ite ~:~r:trszccr air+r !n„ ley tier :ns:.ut-ter ,ararst.- ;:,,uaitre, .and =e-nttnracn~ir. m .uin <br />:~st3atMt _?~ fiat' wch+€rC`~?f3s~us m::p Eye ;equurd f?y the ltkwtgegce an.t °+tik p;i: ;,rumpl3} uirtn :fuc. ,tnk prrmtumt ntt ,x«:ft <br />rrtr~rar~t:r vesw~tt fm p,¢g~tent }~f w-hst:h t~+~ treat ixrR ;Wade heresttta~rfsxr 4li loco€artcr kiral# t+e ~arreed stt .¢tmpanrea .t,. <br />q!re ~ dst ~lrtrt~ygee erne} t3fr jsot~>e. amt .cs~•K~,;v ±het~w.i .h::.ti ?te hrki hs rhr '<t «rrt,Kasgcr ~d haye ar't~rtitNrrl ihetc€«, in,: <br />-tsyA~e iuars to Eavcr }xf amt sa farm atrei't.:rre :•, thx ti4c+rt~ttrr .'3 ekan€ =>f it ._ ?iesrtt~gur writ give rmmrdeate netts, bk <br />rrrri~ rat P'FrB ~, erA+t snag rn51[e i+r serf -..f ,. .. ;t raxt made t+r.}rnpz.#: h} ~lrxigugur..rnd rash tneurartae r}:mtxank ,:vt- <br />fi is EYrrefzy:rut~xifrd :ttad diretiL~T to s»ak> ;+~ rnrnr tear kt¢ch ha+n >srr+zify to zhr'4furtg~ee innsiead arf ri: the iq¢>rtgagsx <br />*.~:.: twr~ ~i=,~rt ssi3y. atul rhr ;rrci; - r --,rc=~.. ,x crag Hirt r~reuf .trey i?e apptie:i by the ttott>nagce .it its «,pur n either <br />,+ (tu,~.f«t~-itt~~trsx~i~r'°3;;;s-strs+t.xtr;st~re~,ik.,t¢ti.:n«xr~{tarr,i#iisepraaprr#ysiamaged #nrv~ent -..=re~i«}_ <br />=use +N t-}r=* ~rrix t>!r xYttlti' traaat~sr :r€ true ter ra:tstgtt~,cd }xirttrrik sn rxatnguis#ament ctf tilt trafrhtcdnek, +rk overt herrhy <br />ai! 'iESltt ?Kx revs f±# r~ Mint~gar m am! t+} :any ¢nsura¢x:r ,^-:;lieic5 risen in ft*rEe .tta361 ca..-. to : hr eLr ha_rs:,. ,:inter <br />9 tit ~..:eifanr}na; ansd,:raftrtteaat xt«:unty 4txr she cavntrnt c,# rhr tout ;.4~rfax:xf.:trtt5 :s! atm. t.,':*r<<ssnte due nrrder tars <br />N?~~r¢t~. ilsr -'~.+ i(?,y~ t~€ef:`Y ak5i1#fit tst r~ 'i-#i.xtg.3~~r>< a,t .[a6tt~.:s"s~ttL,, to a s . !'tgt•+~- ~R±3 henctrtk .ati~'t i2inK t.: rhr <br />tr.t v°.i:.iFr ~.. ~.~ .;it a.«rl .szav~ tan «,ils rrerretcr , kvttft elate ~ralat 'c} t..Prvk .,nor re.ript test rite .rime artd :st+ssi. <br />tl~.°n t#3 s`r'#tr.;pF~`,.~Gi €s~ :[ff Kati t*Fft%rs ,ta :4ff4?~z «~f.¢Hit tP¢ tY¢c ~artR#ittlast`<+, i h¢-> Tt,sr:lAi}€s...flsi !!st 'rfiN't~itlFtt m~4 i3C~tt:nct. tt:r <br />€~'€ lFtrzc?rri aq> ~yiK.4 ~artrs wttsa-tltxr :coat jr'ayah}e, hart ~tradl tut€ ttr r.•ittprrr}f •,.r s:• .s ?'3trs assigtmtcn# e. %;} tetm¢natr <br />~~;: "a~a~ wed vc~r1 uactt re#etra~ ,rf 22ets rtm•~. <br />t:U~-33.=tt3sat rg.:§t <br />