This form is used in conned
<br />Lion with 2»vrtRaRes insurr?d
<br />4 ~ p t t i ~ p t~ ~ ~~~'~~~'' ~j' under the one- to four-family
<br />d V t CJ pravisinns of the National
<br />xinttsing get.
<br />THI~i F~€t)RTtiAGF:. made and execttted this 13th day of Febrtzssry ,r3.p.
<br />ix 61 . irr Bred between eioit~=t It. :+sicerc and Maria J. Eiiceic, irtusiaand anc~ v~a.fe
<br />of the Cat[ntu oaf E#al i .and 4tate of Ner±naka. patty ~>{ the first }#srt, h¢retnafter t;xlted
<br />[he Mcxrt,vr. and Superior ,4ortgage, Inc. .
<br />~t Farptiri-a[k'Nr 4rysu7ruu ar5d rxeeitnig tlne~er the law: cxf t-I`3E IInitc~d S'td.tE3 of iuuerl~
<br />parry of z~ s~ond par[. ;ceretnafrer callyd [hr bone.
<br />i'~';"f lsiEs~FTEi i'Aat the sartf !lct~[~:etE[rr. for .md .n uxns[derxtion of the ,tttn of Tairty Six Thotlsarta Bigla~ -
<br />!3undred Fifty and OO j 100tns-------_~.__~ _____ Dnilars t k 36 , 850.00 ,. p+»d by the lNart-
<br />!~[ tSt? :ccr:~t of vr°htc"€s ,~. ?tz.z3s. ~Inriw3editcd. lz;s t;;r:inied and Sold ritsd he thew pieceat~ dc~e.5 Grant; $-
<br />~[rn. Sel#. t~ext+Lev atHt f'onfirm ~tnt„ the tiiorr¢:[gee. r[: .uccec,tx anti nssi¢n5. forever. the falfowir[g~esztiE~e6-- -
<br />read estate, stttated m the L-;wn[y of Halt ,and Stars
<br />f ve}7aska, to wit' -
<br />iat Gne d i } , Piper's Glzra 3ub3laision, beinS a Subdic>i.sion of Lots F3.ght {° y and Nine
<br />{9}, S:arren Subdivision, is the City of Grand Islartd, Iia21 County, Nebraska.
<br />also xrtawn as: 210 ;i. Piger, Unit 1, Grand island, N8 68601
<br />,13 titk'f[XC[19?ir~tpi3l 17 Y`!!73~R. ,. t:n[::in[npt!n .::! ieL"1Bu~." t~TG::C~`_I -,~,..~.i~:)R1:t12tyy(~~!Yt7n-
<br />mert uur-<ev' -
<br />T4? l~_1t.'E :ik.l Cf1sitJi.i> it,~ ;rrn±e~s. ~_-.~ _ .._ t,.; ~~t .t[lt .;,. ~r;c _ -.^usseca::;;t~..tsi;eu:s€„ !~; yus~nk anti +n~iualtng
<br />.ail he:attn~. ~futrttxt![g .svsi t[ghtr^,~ li?;[u[e• ,rnu .~ I[5[ncnt t.+ :.c ~,cr_. i < -;tt.;_,;., t .-r ~:: `ttcd :n ~~,nne: uon H;in ~,a[d rcri esia[e
<br />i.n[fl i;{k `il[H1~dt;ik. dflii ;c, its ,tK. ..stN3 ss;t~nE.. .r_~er tlt. 4t+x?~~ r x .~ ;- :t<: _ ,1Lnsniti with. [he ~iurtgt-
<br />rseP. treat ,hk `rturtg~tztu ha.= pee„d nfiht tn.. :t ,end ~ n~ero ,axe A e +i~r.: rh, ?het `;re -re:~ ~. „rn t^cumhtanie-...scat that ?he
<br />°diar'iTurwili4c::reart,~nd<le3etueitm,.zmrsK.aen.,:.`-._..eEr..; ;s~.. ...-'^. n -~-.: ,, -c.*::,ttd'}te;aidlis:rtga~anc~sc..
<br />~'X "~€k3~}ut`{t~s xtd rips o3 ~.+rne>teas_ ssd :t Si ,nxetta; rruht, z'e€`rr v;e +ax .,r ,. - ;errt, .,a. ail ,;rhea _;rntinp~ent intste<ts ;of ihr
<br />~4tc;r'~,~x~.zr is attet tex the sixati~-aet<r;hc<s ~re[n:~z+, ;hk satenne;xa .,e=.n_e;=: ~c~r,.e-,-~'xcrc~.~- ~n -!~~:a;;[e ;nee. in fec .uz+p;e. inritad-
<br />t~ all rights.>f trans e;ttttd, and tether rr~:ht~ .retfl :r,.~r€+[, :„;vt.
<br />PF2t?vls~?Ei7t_°NAB'S..iuciehescEre>cnt~~=c:..__utcc!-,t?a~acx,~rr<:,...,.t=.__ .,vwen~:a,o€1[tiun~.touu:
<br />The ~{c+rtgaCtst ag['ee< to: tt, [u !hr 4terz~azee.:u ~v,tcr, Cite ^rn<;p:u ,~,,°i,;,t ?h33'tj c3X ~n'?~na+-3*td >~in~l~a± ~gn.i._Zed
<br />Fifty aad t°lQ;I00ths----_._..---------_-°_~_____ !?_,!{;,, ~ 36,E50.00 ,.
<br />:4t1[ ;n[rrest frrm late xt tttk rare .r. Thirteen and tine :=all ;y_.._~rr,[[a a l3. Sf; s. t per:+nnum un
<br />thr;,nptkl laalanwk szntii pew 'Fhe <,sad t?nrt.t,^::i iru :ale>e,t .hr~t? ~+: ^_ ..r;c .:[ the ..;1:~ t ,+i Superior Tr&zrtgtige, InL`•
<br />,n GrarrT is3a.ri, '+e°brasica er.:ttucixatherpl;rcex,thehcrk#ernf
<br />the ntr.:.^.tat dtciypta[z t:t!~nt[ng, ir, m:anslsifi ;n~a:al.rssrnt3 ::s tour 4unured T'went,; ~`tio and C38/IOOth3------
<br />........~~.-__ ....._-,~~_._r'.k...€;;ar+ ~.. ;~$ - ,;mmentivtg .in the !ir~t r#ay of
<br />rS~ril ~v ray rc k ~ ,+t r it i ~ s~ h n„nth i+ctc.,f>er ~innl ttte {?rrn.ipal astd in-
<br />terc.t are: f y ~xut. sac,[ tt [ tiu •t[ia nkmrnt f . rint;c.-, -,.tai ;n,s:~ ,i [ ; ,,ne[ ~~td. ,h:aii ire sine stxi
<br />nayal~[c s6 zrre. brat -};p st ;asci., li J=.cv_ t~n.~<tu tirr cerrn>z.if a certain pwraes-
<br />r...~;xt.r,;..._~c^va.e?atr€a;tY;t;~i:t:u~-c,:.r-„~.c!;q.:rce;,;~
<br />'?[€ :iwter sn aster mute `r:i`rt: tk> nr:+':c::[ !Y,c .e~asrsf~,- , ~` °?rr; ~t«rif:~'e~e.:su[ec-.
<br />e'h:,3 he ~afl tray t15r rtufcb±cdtrc.v. ,_. 7le[etntxzare cr,!c;de5 E'netiege ~4 re~er•.wt r: na., the Sept in :vst~4e, ur in-an
<br />,tmszuat ctt+ta# S!x otx; <•,r mute PMUrthii~ ~sy'ments sr, .h1 sn*.~ts s; :h,;t .+rc zeet duc •m 'he a.,re, :=n ;itr hr•-[ lay of anc mtrsth
<br />orw€ at anataAr3 = #§uai~f, hct~°c+er. T;tat ~nnon ,~:,;.-r at es :rtennts t= rxerrse ,rtch ,rr[i'ilegs~ ~• fJrgn ai iea-~t th~ty t 1131
<br />tlas +. ?ikr! [O ¢FC¢~4 tnktt4.
<br />_ Thst- tether xrtrh. saw ar; asttdbkst; =u. eke efla~=tsi:, ;haprn~ent..~f ssrr3c[trr: artil an#c[ew[ p.;guh;e ![naFpr the terms ref ;-he
<br />naatc ~s.aaex' herrtxy. tigc ~tcettq,:+g~r kuf ,~# to ;axe ~ttx ~ r _. un t Ik ;[•t :4xp ,! -. cit tarn x.:..vtti thx ~;xia°I note is Sal{w paid, the
<br />t,=t ~~ax3:.u~rsi ~ati~a~rrat; ts; t;,':,r~3i the "acv r y,~s~.•; ..~st37 rvn~? ;: ~ av ,hc ~xex[ =ar~3~~~ Fnstsr:vecr >tr+a>ritutt; tf tt;:§
<br />;;•yac:ust~r'it and ;Ae txa#a ze~eire.f ittssirr ar'e ;naasrtd, - e t .t;,:~sfhlt ~ ttaa^e -+- `eca: ;:t a :rrr;r€Ytrffis tr[tet!am F +r~-
<br />'~:'a•t3Fy?iw.3!'~l`:'=Y t~5E=3~e`Pt$fY:s: ~ii~`nCi~'3'r0ii ~~ZR3Fi ~1`C}-t.fF:€isS .fit+nS'>'
<br />' clY if atsd ax.+4rntik ¢~ ~SiiS n==_dx„ n(t°t~n r}sit att~~ `6lasS erirtraarnent -err :ts8t;:pti ,~r sn :rsrs,xseri :,er.ico .hc i,,,,
<br />~Rrmuxns ,ri ehtt ''+hti4~nai lioautrt~ -tvt -art ~rrt~n-s=at >raffi;:mR+ - ..<.~.:vr~ ut--Y~ ~e; ;f;e tataa:,$s r, ih- E. d<' ,, ~rnr
<br />~tawse.~es rx a;-.; [~6Yts ~!hnth +*,p rs ::airs ,.r:,.+e «-os.,-. ,: ~,.s.i '*~f' 1~f' ' •. iF' ~ F;tt1t.1 `it.}
<br />~:+1; iS-gig F C,tM i%}.: t)i
<br />