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<br />t4. 7iiat the lifortgagur triFt Itrep the but7tfiirtg5 upeNi saint prrmists in good repair. and ntither commit nor permit waste <br />upon said fend, rrx suffer tht said premises to be used €c+r any un#awtu} purpose. <br />1 t. 'That if tht premises, of any part tlrrreof, tee ctxtdemned under tFe paver of eminent domain, or acquired for a public <br />usB, tht datnages awarded. the pressteds inn the tahitig at, or the canstueration for suefi acquisition. to the extent of the toil <br />a-sotmt iTf it~febtednes uq[rn tf[es mertl and the trote which it is given tq srcurt remainingnnpaid, are htrtby assigntd by t$t <br />!i9~t~•cr to file t4ortffagte. att€t +? tst paid forthwith rw said iti3txtgagta to bt applied by the latter an account a€ tht nexe <br />esaturia8 ~stalihttnts of wch ittdtbirdruss. <br />I?: The ~fkxSgagax ftuiher agretx riust st[tutfd this mrxrtgagt and the Hatt st€ured hereby net Ire eligible fov in- <br />~sttcr [mete tEie ^tationat t Iun~tftg nr[ wi~t+ S-isti:p fps iroin tht date Itettafivrtitten statement a any otocer <br />c+t._rtrt ths+arrmnnt dl. tio~sirm rrrfan tlevtlapmtnt ar authorized asrnt of tht Stcrttary of ETtiusing-and Utiratt <br />v~e.~tt dak~ snErst~~~-trt to tt~ Stl~:r t3~Y~ tune tram tttt date of ibis ntnrt~t, dtclitting to ittsnte saiif <br />tie aad iftis rmuEe, being detntsd canGusive proof of sucft inrfigibfiity}, the hfartga~ ar holder of tht note <br />may. at its own, dtclarr all sutns sttuntd htretrv imtntdiatety due and payable. <br />13. 17tat if tt~ 44i~mer faits to ra2tte arty payments ut [runty +vhen tht saint became due. Ex fails to ceaform to aced <br />+.~ +rirtn taty o€ tht cotts~tttrns nr agrter+tents catusinrd in this mortgagt. ar the note whiett rt seeures. thin tfie entire prinei- <br />paf suet accrtttd interest shalt at once txc~amt dun snd payable. at the election of tfx Mor[gagee; and this moregagr may <br />ih!rtups~ Ne €arecttntd immrdiakriy for rite whale c?f .aid money, inttrest. mcmthly paytteents, costs, ground rents. texts anef <br />t cast at tx:ertding tf~ abstract at titLt frtem the dart crf this loan to the time of cammt,ttcing such fortciasure snit. and a rea- <br />sest~te atkaretty's for, alt of which shall t+t ine#uded in the dtcree of forttloratre: attd the ctzttract embodied in this mortgagt <br />std t~ s;>atx ,~txed hertE+y, shalt in aft re<atsts t±t governed, construed and adjudged b~. fix lams czf Nebraska, whtre Ih.; <br />same is mask. <br />71te carvtnnnts Partin c-or[tairxd shelf triad, atw t4ir trznehts alai advanta¢es steal! insure te. the respective heirs, executors, <br />adertirustrators. succesac,rs and asxigas of tree ponies hereto Eti7xnrvar used. the stngu!ar Humble shaft include the plural, the <br />ptnral the sttx~cla<. and i#x rtu of sot tZrntter tihat2 !±e applicable *.o ail gxndtrs <br />"t'he €oregaittg canditiems, a{t and =ingtrfar. t+eing ptrformtd acu>rding t+n their nawrai and ingot impem. this eonvtyantt <br />s}tmtl bt void atni said premisrc rt€tased at tht . xptnst of tht 1~tottgasu}r: c,[trtrwi,e j+-~ !±e at[d remain in foil fare and tfftet. <br />tai tr't"T'.4ESS WFtEREftF. tfir ~fL'trFEAYCttcr Ira +te fserrunto .=~t *heir hands[ tfie day and vtar first <br />~atros~t written. ~ - <br />In presrr[ct +sf: <br />J <br />~~~ ~f-^'~ ESEALI <br />R(}HF.FFf ~, +iICER <br />[ SE,~L t <br />'~~ , fa .;P/MIrC f SEAL. ~ <br />CI~Pu~ ~[t <br />SEAL <br />SF,4f_! <br />;e ~. aat.r,s <br />~iT~t~`Et~t tiE~RASKx. <br />CUt`N7'Y i?t- dell if '~ <br />£Ta t< i3th day ~ ?ms`s-,.r~ar,~ ~ 17 ;x+81 . ~tlore att. <br />a notazy crublir, as arxt fiat ssn3 t ¢anrtrt. prnan.°elfy came <br />R~aia~erL A, t~i~t and Caala J. Mick, Itus~and sea; craft: <br />perzun3lly to ms known <br />to br the ><ttntic:t# frerscrn s++hc»+r naa3c s ate stitxed tts the atxete oral fexe- <br />~ti #amrttt as ~ort~_ .urd t:tx~y !assr~ a~kna+~kdgrd the saxi imtrnmrnt and tht <br />c<rc:utivan thetna{ tc b< tha;;az' act and dezd. ftx the purpcasts therein e:spressrd. <br />to tautmt,ray whereof. F h:tva hrstunta set tn~ hand arxl :ffficcd t+9 'tl' ~.caf at Gzand Island, I~bt:a5ka <br />ao the dot anrd~ts'°a't'r ?;tsi ai+a+t u;itirr._~-~ ~ r <br />t dun 9f-aaosw ~.~ `~~~t.~...~.~ <br />! ~ ~ ~ 'Vatarb Public <br />•~_~K "fie zar ems 6~,,yub&. tpp <br />S3`ATIut,YF!sE13ftA:`SK,4 ss <br />wed ftx rrc.trd tip der ref <br />~ ~+"t~sk_ <br />rr~.o[tftd ut fie <br />asf <br />A.U. tt3 <br />`~..:~#enttred at['4+un€,f~ f~eirs. ~tnd <br />of Atartga~s, on <br />lttgtster a€ Ueeds <br />"t13GYik'~.?4a~ t9c-3~3,` <br />