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sl--' i~ao~os <br />TO I3svE AND TO HOLD the rime unto the Mattgsgee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents tu, <br />asui eavensrtb with, the ltartgagee, that the Mortgagor has goad right to sell and convey said premises; <br />that ttsey ors Erse from enctemhra, except as hereinotherwise recited ;that the Mortgagor will warrant <br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. Mortgagor hereby relinriuishes <br />all rights of ~, ail marital rights, either in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of <br />tiro ]titortg+e~or in aml 4a the a6ave-described premises. <br />ElaeYt3 ALwt,Y9, and the presents are ezectrted and delivered upon the following conditions, t0 <br />tell: <br />Diartgagor agrem to pay to the Mortgagee, or order, the aforesaid principal sum with interest from date <br />at the rate of T!i2?i2E?R and 50f 1 On per centum (3 • Sf~ } per annum on the unpaid Balance until paid. <br />TIEe said prit~ipal attd interest shall be payable at the office of %asrnsrcial Federal Savings ~ Loan Aasac . <br />in Kearney, peisraska , or at such other place as the holder of the note may designate in <br />t>ffriting delivered or mailed to the 13artga$or, in monthly installments of "'tiREF. IiLrI~l!5RT'D FORTY TFi3EE and G 2l1 <br />Ualiata ($ 343.42 ), commencing an the first day of Apri i . 19 q,Iand continuing on <br />the brat day of each manes Hereafter until said note is fu11y paid, except that, if not sooner paid, the final <br />payaeestt o1 principal and 'interest slap be due and payable on tie first day of *ta rch, 201 i ;alt <br />according :N the terms of a certain pramisaory note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />The Iortgagor further agrees: <br />1. He will pay tie indebtedness. as hereinbefnre provided. Privilege is reserved to prepay at any <br />time, without premium or fee, the entire indebtedness ar an}• part thereof not lass than the amount of one <br />ina~taUnseset, or ens hundred dollars (E140.f)tl), whichever is less. Prepayment in full shall be credited on <br />~ date received. Partial prepayment, other than on an tttstallment due date, need not be credited until <br />the nest fallowing insrsilntent due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier. <br />g. 'Pa~tltar with, amiss addition to, the monthly payments of principal and interest payable under <br />the terms aY Lhs Hate secured hereby, Mortgagor wilt pay tt, Mortgagee, as trustee, {under the terms of this <br />towel as hereinafter stated) on the first day aP each month until said Hate is fully paid <br />(a} A sum equal to He ground rents, if any, next +Stze. piua the premitstna that will next became due <br />and payable on policies of firn and ether haaard insurance covering the mortgaged pro~rty, <br />plus taxes and asae3ssmenta next due on the mortgaged property !all as estimated by the Mort- <br />gagee, and of Lvhich the 3ioz•tKagor is noti!ied i !ass .iii cams alreativ Paid t}terefor divided by <br />the number of months to 4:lapse txrfore one moot;: pri=>r to the itaie x•hen such ground rents. <br />premattma, t8xea and assessments ~:+iii become aic~iim?cent. such soma Lo be held by Mnrtgagcz <br />in trust to pay said gnrund rents. premiums, taxes anti special assessments. <br />(h) The aggregate r_,i the amourta pat-aGie pursuant to _~»atiiparngrapY: t¢} and thMase payable on the <br />note scoured hereby, shah t~ paid iri a sing:+' payment each month, to be applied to He fnllow- <br />iyg itrrr~; i~. rise „r~3er <br />{i} ground rents, taxes. asnes,stnent+. fire anal other hazar=i ;naurance premiums; <br />(u l interest on the note s~ure.l hcerebt :anti <br />{tit} amortization of the ;rincipal <>f said nat~r. <br />~.ny deficiency in the :amount ref any loath azaLgregatr monthly pav°menC shall. unless made good <br />by the ;tilnrtiragar prior to the dui e{ate ~.f ti:e next such payment, constitute an event of default <br />under this mortgage, ,r1t Mortgagee's optir>n. Aicrrtgager will pay a "late charge" not ex~eed- <br />ing taut per centum (I'=~ ? of any irstaii meat u: lien paid mare than fsfteen { t ir) daYs after tie <br />dsser date thereof to racer tie extra expc•us._=tn~•c.iced in handtirsgdelinquent payments, but such <br />"late clarge" shall not be payatslr arut of He prr~da of any sale made to satisf.Y the indebted- <br />ta-secured herelsy, unless such prneeeds at a suPl'ieient to eliscirarge the entire indebtedness and <br />all proper casts and expenses secured thereby. <br />8.. If tae txstal of the paytata made by the Mortgagor under {r€) of paragraph 2 preceding sisall <br />esteeed atnstrtnt of payrtta actually made by the llartgagee, as trustee, for ground rents, taxes and <br />4.e irsatsra pteminmss> as the may be, such excess shall be credited by the lifortgagee <br />on t payttta tv Ile made by the Mortgagor tar such items or, at 3iottgagee's option, as truster, <br />shall. be reloaded tc Mar~egar. If. however, such monthly payments slap Hat be sufficient to PaY ouch <br />ibamg whm the ware obeli beersrrle dos and payable. flan He bortgagor shall pay to the Mortgagee, as <br />Eruatae, arty arrtoaat nseesaary tzr make up tie deficiency within thirty {301 days after written notice from <br />tlta atakir-g the amount of fife detieieney, wlrieh native may be given by mail, If at any time <br />1~6a ~r obeli tender to ties Mortgagee, in accordance with the provisions of the Hats secured <br />fu3l pagnrettt of tale entire ired+ebtadne~ reps~ented thereby, tie ytartgagee, as trustee, shall, <br />is ~ the ai~nat of such indmlrtednesa, credit to the account of fete Mortgagor any credit balartee <br />u tits prawaaionrr of €a} of pmregtaph 2 hereof. If there shell be a defastit under any <br />of t'bt® gaovielaaas of thin mvrtgag+s resnitang in a public sale of the premises covered lareby, ar if the <br />ape ar~uirea the pt7 otherwise aflter default, the ;Mortgagee, as trrstee, shall apply, at the <br />t of nrdingti, or at tie tiros the preperty is othsrwias asx;uired, tie <br />aera~il tit r~ fie er+dlt the M@rtQatger urs~r {a) of paragraph g preceding, as a ez+ed-t an the <br />i~ aml urr~tid the ~ ~-, the prirteipal tl remaining unpaid an said state. <br />~ Tt~e ikm ~ Ellis inutrunssrtt shall remai€: i?i full force and efPeet during any poestponement ar exten- <br />9f ai ~t of ; isr _ or arsy part thereof secured hereby. <br />*w• f$se w~ pelt all ~,tnd rsnta, taaces, is, water rates, arsd rit#rer esovernmental or munici- <br />l~ ~ Mss, or ~;tiatsa, luvisd tspa» ~atdst prti.aiawa and thae hr wtil pay all taxes lsvicai upon thla <br />theme, tagst3tsr ~~itlr arty <?tixer taxes ear asrsexcsmentR tvhieir may be lovied <br />;.its Ie~s u# atpaierattha ~fart~, oar the holder of Said print., ip~ m~a, ana aunt of <br />~ihs site ~ ;rrhrn paryment for all such iEavn+t kites thrrwtafrire t~rert anode under (r:) of parvt- <br />g fit. alttl-be will pr#stfY deilvrer thm ss~eiel raIpEe tlres~for ter thw ylrtt~a, In iefaalt <br />t~ !~ rar-Y Pay EIrM wens. <br />