g~_ uooso~
<br />6. If he fails to pay any sum or keep any eaveuant provided far in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, st
<br />its oplaoa, may psy or perform ills safne, and aII expenditures ~ made shall be added to the principal sttm
<br />owitts on the above note, shall be secured hereby, sad shall bear interest until paid at the rate provided
<br />for in the griacipal indebtedn_:sa.
<br />7 t;pan request ai fete Mortgagee, Mortgagor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br />for the swat or stttna advaaeed dy Mortgagee far the rltCratian, r„adernisatian, or imptrove?neQ# made at
<br />_ i; west, sr fa: r=tai^*~a~~= of mid prraati$ea, or for taxes ar assessments agaittat the
<br />same. and for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said Hate ar notes shall be secured
<br />h~ cot a parity with and as fulig as if the advance evidenced thereby were included in the Hate flrat
<br />dibe$ above. Said supplemental pate or notes snail bear interest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br />cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal monthly payments far such period sa tnav
<br />be agreed upon by the 3ortgagee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity the whole of the sum
<br />or sums sn advanced shall be due and payable thirty (341 days after demand by the Mortgagee. In no
<br />event snail the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above.
<br />$. Ike hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the yfartgagee, to be applied toward the payment of
<br />the note a;;a all stuns secured hereby in ease o$ a default in the performance of any of the farms and condi-
<br />tions of this mortgage ar the said Hate, all the refits. revenues and income to be derived from the mart-
<br />> premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid; and the Mortgagee
<br />snail have Bower to appoint any agent ar agents it may desire far the purpose of renting the same and cal-
<br />tecting the rents; revenues and income. and it may pay out of said incomes ail necessary commisaians and
<br />expettaea incurred in renting and managing the same and of catiecting rentals therefrom: the balance
<br />remaining, if any, to be applied ton-ard the discharge of said mortgage indebtedness.
<br />~. I$e wi31 continuously trtaintain hazard insurance, of such type ar types and amounts as 3ortgagee
<br />may lrcxtx time to time rerrttire, <?n the improvements now ar hereafter on said premises and eecept whey
<br />payment far all such premiums has theretcafam been made under (ctl of paragraph Fy hereof, will pay
<br />p~mI~1F when due env p~-erniurns tltgrufor. L'pan default ther*_~af, t-iartgagce may pay the same. A21
<br />insurance shall be carried in companies approved by the Jortgagee and the policies and renewals thereof
<br />shall ls> held by the Mortgagee and have attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor of and in farm
<br />acceptable to the 33artgagee. In event of lass Martgagar wilt give itntneciiatr. notice. by mail to the Mort-
<br />gagee whc, , make proof of lass if net made promptly by Mortgagor, anti each insurance company ean-
<br />cerned is hereby authorized and direeteti fxi make payment for such loss dir,=,~t:c• to the liartgagee instead
<br />of to the Jlartgagar and the ylorigageme Join±lv. and the insuranco pracaetts, ur any part thereof,
<br />gay be a#P by fie riga$+re at eW option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secu-red
<br />ar to this re~aratiai$ oz impair of €tto prapertY damaged. In event of foreeloure of this mortgage, ,>r ot<'ter
<br />transfer of tetlt f~is" t#te m!trtgei~ed prapertg in extinguishment of fire itxiei}tedness secured hereby, alI
<br />right, title and interest of fife '9iartgagor in sod to any insurance policies then in i'nrce shall pass to the
<br />put°chaser ar grantee.
<br />14. As additianai and ioliatersl st~eunty for the pa~-mt nt c=f the eats ~lt~sfa-iUcd, sates aU sums to become
<br />due under this mortgage, flee Martgagar hereby assigns to the liartgagee all lease hanuses, profits, reve-
<br />aues, rayaltiea, rights, and ether txnefl#x accruing to *_he Mortgagor endear any and ail rril and gas leases
<br />taa~t', or daring the life of this mortgage, executed on said premises, :with the right to receiE~e and receipt
<br />for the saute and apply them to said indebtednessg as well before as after ~lefauit in thr conditions of this
<br />~~, and the- Martga rosy demand, sue far and recover any such payments Fvhen due and pay-
<br />able., bat shall Hat be rewired su to da. This assignment is to terminate and itecame null and void upon
<br />release of tAie mortgage.
<br />11. Ile shall not satnmi# ar permit waste; and shall tnaintasn the property in as good condi#ion as at
<br />pre~nt, reasonable swear and tear excepted. Gpon any failure to so .~ain.ain, Mortgagee, at its option,
<br />gta„v pleas ressesnable tnaintenanee work to be performed at *~'te Last of 9gortgagar. Any amounts paid
<br />therefor ~ llilortgag+ee snail bear interest st the ra#o provided far in the principal indebtedness, snail
<br />thereaptm become s part of the indebtedness secured by this instrument, ratably and on a parity with all
<br />a4Pter iadelytstln~a secured hereby, sad shall be payable thirty t34} days after demand.
<br />12. If the premises, or any part thereof, be condemned under the power of eminent domain. ar
<br />sawtuired for a public ass, fife daxrtxsges awarded. the proc~eeda for tits faking of, or the consideration far
<br />Molt acgaieition, to fife extent of the fui! amount of the remaining unpaid indebtedness secured by this
<br />ttsurtgag+e. or hereby assigned to the 'Mortgagee, and snail be paid forthwith to said Mortgagee, to be
<br />agplisd ot: acreouttt of the last maturing installments of such indebtedness.
<br />1$, If alto ~fortgag4r fails to make any payments when due, ar to a:anfarm to and comply whit any
<br />of tine eoaditians ar agr~ments eantained in this mortgage, ar the Hates «~hich it secures. then the
<br />aRtir!e principal sum and accrued interest sha1I at once became due and payable. at the eiectian of fire
<br />~G:; sad this martgag~e may thereapan be farociaseci immediately for the whole of the endebted-
<br />ltersblr secured, inc'Sudittg Lhe cc~t of extending the abstract of title from the date of this mort-
<br />t:. ~ tenci~-g ~It at-'it. s t~-acatasti~ attc;rn!cY's fee, end env sums paid by fire Veterans
<br />lAiiaiais'at~ oa amount of the guaranty ar inauranc~e of the indebtedness secured hereby, sit of which
<br />aies~ ~ ~ itt the decree of foreck~urra.
<br />24 1~t6~- i- aecttrsd her+~v bw ,guaranteed ar int+urcei under Title. 38, United States Cade.
<br />^~ ~ iettu tltsr+ettnder atsd is c•if~t as the date hereof shall govern the rights, duties
<br />of paa~°Ies tom. atstl arty pravisians a$ title or other instrttman#s eRacutcd in ctinnectiott
<br />wait at~d itwtt~t vritieh are #r~ntururGtnt with said TIfWb or cTeguiateana tit to ttnrrby :tms'ndrd to
<br />tom.
<br />i _. - - tt+ra tttittt s b3rtd. and thr bifts amt adva:.tsg~~ s?sall inut~ ta, th.=
<br />