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A <br /> <br /> <br />z~"'~°.~M~o, ~d`c-~rd ~~i3''~',~~s`~ cutfi <br />~~ Francis i.. E,6eber, a single person <br />~~-- ~f~~Q$~c~' <br />S t 24116--5 <br />dty of ~cnPii~'~v ,~~:-li:-~'~ F <br />of i,4e County of tte, l l ,and State of :Jebraska, hereinafter called the Mortgagar~ sad <br />CO''LklERCIAL F't?nF.RAL SAVINGS 5 I.L1AN ASSCtCIATION <br />a cQrpata#lan organired and existing under the laws of Nebraska <br />hBrEinaftCr calf the Mortgagee, <br />@iriTPrrFi : That Mortgagor, far and in consideration of the sum of TRIRTY TtiOIJSAND <br />and ~Qllt~! I}o{tars t$ 3!t,rt00.rM ), paid by Mortgagee, the reeeipt a2 <br />whit~ia hereby acknow~iedged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Eargain,-Sell, <br />igtt, Canvey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and assigns, forever, the faltowiug!~ <br />described prc+~rty; situst+td in the Cauaty of Nall ,and State of Nebraska, to wit <br />2i16 b 24TH Na. Custer, Grand Inland, Nebraska SRArti <br />t,Qt tiro {2} in Block twenty-six r?{,} in Packer an3 <br />Bart`s Second Addition to the City o£ grand Island, <br />!tell County, "tat+raaka. <br />.ax ~4 <br />a time t beta^gi::;; aiid all fixttirea now or kereattz+r a3taehed tbet~o ar <br />~: ~ * B~-~eta9m ~~bat anx3 is sshtition t the fidloxircrf <br />~ ~ sre, a a~ ~ to ~ fx and a prim of t!~ xwaity, asd ateā€¢ a <br />~®Lr~rfeer'~ai ltereip <br />