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F~1--~}{'i07~~ <br />(I }month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insurance pretniurn in order to provide such holder <br />arith funds to pay sixh premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development pursuant ro the <br />Natiaaal Hatrsutg Act, as atttersded, and applicable Regulations thereunder: or <br />.~- (ff) If and xt long as .raid hate of evert date and this instrutmnt are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />urbanfhvel pment, a monthly citar~ (in lieu crja rrtorCgage inwrance Prreemfumi which shall be in an <br />antnunt equal to one-t+velfth (I(II) of ane•half (I~3) per centum of the averse outstanding balattre <br />due ~n the note computed wtthout tatting into account delingtteneies ar prepayments; <br />(b} n auto equal ro tt~e ~rararad rents, ti any, nt:xt r#ue, plus the prtmiutns that will newt became doe and pa-ysbic an <br />x ksf" Este and other hazard insurance coverinv the mortcaged property, dos razes and assessments next duo <br />;rte the mortgaged property IafJ as rxtimated $v the ,61orq¢sgrel Less all sums already paid thesefar divided by the <br />nuatbsss cf muttttas to elapse before one man*.h prior to the Jate when such grtrund rents, premiums. taxes and <br />asessrtents vrtlI bectxste delinquent, wch wms to be held by Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground rents, pre- <br />- rttitnns, taxesaati sp~sal ass~essrnents; and <br />(e} AEI payments mentioned in the tua prn:etiing suiasections of this paragraph and cif payments to be made under <br />the ante secured hereby eltslI tx added together. and the aggregate amount thereof shat! be paid by the Mortgagor <br />each month in a sinr3e payment to be applied by the Mortgagee io the fotlowin¢ items =.r. the order set forth: <br />(1) premium charges unt:er Lhe coattxr of insurattte with the Secretary of liuusing and Urban Development, <br />car munthfy ;:fiar~ ern tiro of mi•rt,~:r insurarrtie nremrum;, as the case may be, <br />Elil gratmd rents. taxes. asstssmentk, tae aril other hs~atd utwrance premiums: <br />tt11a sn trees[ .m rho orate vacated hereby- anct <br />fIV) amtntuanam ~>f the prinapat s:f ffatd note <br />my ;~€ictetx-y m the mount srf any sash a~tegare .nusithiv ;>aymen*.:haiE, unless made gout 6y the Mort- <br />Sagut pttoe tea the due date ut ilia next such u;sv+sn•+?t. :::rrattrutc su went •,f :ietault under this mortgage. T}te <br />±tttmgagee may ctt a "late char" is; eY<erti ;,,,rr sots tai) ±ht .•actt dotter fS t) of each payment more <br />tfsan tiCteen 11 `t days in area to lower rtte extra ~~xt+c^+.• :n:'.=Fuel .zr handfirte ,teimmiert aavntrn[s. <br />3. `that if the total of the pavntwrtt~ malt tx th«• tiurteagtar undrr ,af paraaraph :; ptt*cedinq =hall exceed <br />the rowan[. of paratrttt~ srtasalis madt• bs the ~iaert$RYk'k° tier errattnd nmt-. ;axr~ and a;-r,4mrnl- ar inyueans a pre- <br />mtt ~ rhk= :-a.a mss .'r.. -nett tace+«. ;s" rite learn !4 ',s+.c ,rptton :tf the !Mtxtgagttr. ~sha}l be credited hr <br />tlt;- ~sra;-r art -sch:~e~tsta~:~t srav~,€ittr w t,r made h. t.4rr llktrtga~su, ;:r rrfunttrd rt. the \k,rtauarar. If. however, the <br />?+rtmihtt pttpmrni`~' attvde hs the tlsaea.t~tsr inlet ..i rr.~r:t;tr:tpir _' prt~:rftng, ,iteiE oo[ tw ~uffictent ra pav grrAtnd <br />tent. tmxeu a~ a>:re'it:. ur snwur~rc r premium-..r- rftr , :t.-«• mar :n• ,«hrn thk• ~amr ifisl l Eaek•rnmr due and pay- <br />s. i3tc-n E !~*~tr dal! pas €a tls~ ~rir an>x ;swat rtkx•k>.>•a:t ;k> m;tko-= up iht= duficlssncv. nn ur tseforr <br />the daW when paytewmt of =exit ptraaad emt~-. text-, a-+r~=mwtt~ tar :n~urattrr pn>mium~ -hall tae dur. if at am <br />titer the NextiTaaer .7tsEt leveler tr, rite` 14urtyap.•r, to arrnrdan+r trt;t the prusi-iun~ of the irate ~rrur[>tl hert•by. <br />fuif pasmrnt of the entire inlrirfkvhtr~- triter-e•nU>ki ihrrrt». ihr tkart;;:tkrr ~h:klE. rn rnmputing cite atttttunt of `itch <br />uulebte~ess, c•~ltt to the aeccwrn rrC the McMtx at] pavtnrnt~ maw utxler the prcrvtstons a} ra; of paragraph <br />herrkaf whit:h ihr Yirartr£a~rr bar saes lrerc,stK• .,blrgaaati to par to the '•ex•rrtar} of Efrru.-ind and urban Derc(capmeat <br />sad am `bslartcr ratuatnirr± ;n tier- faire- arcnntuiatk•ki ;seder air pruvi-iirn.~ .tf = ui pant}-r«r'nplt ~ hrreyeC. if them <br />+Iratl Ile a default uetlrr utv tai tt+k• pers.,-:+enw „t chi- msxt;r:tar rr-uitin~ in a pubEEs .:tlr of the pn•mi~r- s~eevrrrd <br />hgiteby• cif ilrw lIx ~o~ a. _u ~j m,.:2u-. ,.thrru~:.,ss _.ftyr ,1ni':ttti s. E}!r• tlttrt~...,Ynk• ~•}! eiE _~.+'ES. J! ttSY timk" ni <br />the ctrm~ru r:kgarttt rsC +rtkh ptxn a•rdsn~ :u :he ;titer rha> prrapt•rty° a- .sihrr»t-e :orstutrrd, the hat utter trier. rrmatn- <br />init to tilt iismis aet'umuiata•ri unefrr .ef a:+raer:sph ~ Earsv «njint,: a~ .t rrrr;= :r€arn-t the :amount of onnrspar titre <br />rr-msinin~ unprrd uxtdrt ry;u,t mete. ,a€ni -C:ti:- ;reap.-r:`t .sdju-t .uts pav-mrnt~ 'hhr.'h -haEE base bw•n m~ctik• undrr - -z- <br />of psra~rsph !. <br />d. shit the ~i+xtgrap. •s -~-d3 ;a,,, g;r„xs nu ~+. ... :~, ,. t.;;nrn+,- -.v titer ..ate,..+nci •~ther ts,v ctn;:srnt;a; ,,+ ~:nurtcrpa! <br />ch:stgt,. cmp«z,ru«an+. ?„r wnk.h ,ss:,-=;,,.~~n h:n~ :oc a tern ?rt:s,ir srercenhrtr•re eau rn ileiauk [here,,: the Fi„sttartee rnxv <br />pay tttt =.:unr. amt that the Si.vttgag+>s +s@ a±s=*trcri: ,tedtaer •ne ~*+ficiaF ttcerpt5 litetc(or rt? the tS,•rtgppsr <br />". E3'x exr`kx;~~:r ~.. ~ fig..,., .; rc `tz~.: .,.~. M1 .- ,. ~-.t:.>z. ' ~.. rt;rs:s~-. aerate=, rn --:t.~ . , ., ,.,u ,mtxsa: e.. <br />;xxnt.. arni which ?riot ;~'secttd ::fi:•at ter ~n.;rtgatts as the ~tht :ccxSr!t rte,-eP~ ~i,at ::nit to the ectrnr. treat .uch re net }nrnhtott- <br />tki by ;aw and ,mi'. tv the ecient ?hat a -?z sit ;,.=r •rsar`.,: rift ,,.-ire s=ar;r~,= nu s srpt~ing ans~ +nce,rnr lac- ilsts •*r' E-eilci:ei. <br />imisu~ai stn'lturfttt. aril w, _.c r: z •?ti~s.ii -e+.e=p[ -h=:x mts .ux. , ; , Beni a:tis the 414+rtgattrti t ~.esn •.teriai:...n,;i trio unster~ <br />ia3ttt~- is J the ~t«xi~gur tc ;,n•hrbnrc its ant Saw ~=w .•r itrrrsiter raeet,ng {runt :r.ay?ng ibc whu'Se ..r env , urtkrn ai thC afutr- <br />vaid ta[s?a. srr town the rtnderrng ref .env noun Jcc etc pr.,ttabrttng the ^:i ~. raiser >7 rise Ns,rtpag,ar tar .,:rt .u~;s t,t tr*. ,"t :f ,ugh Eaw <br />art lessee t+ruvtles that ens ezt«+uni „• poser t<v the ~tsa€tgag+x ,.trail ~ °eS;trdy>r, the :ncartt;:yrt itssriga7ee ,hall have <br />the rtgitt tcs gt><r rane:l~~ ila*,~ wrrtttn rxirurr u, t?~ awtaet si ;rte ~m..rtil p€emr,r,. reywnng the pavmcm „r rite ro,=rit;agr <br />ateft?t. it +tsiRtas[tct tte,'Uvtn, the ,:ask drier +h:rif rkv,=sax,srke .>as,,t,ie ,ltd ,,,irtatihk nr 'hc rkptrattun ,•f >at+a enters dav, <br />6, -{`hat strcwki ht fail ?a pny ant ,um ^r rserp ens : z:.rnar„ ; ruva:itd 4,ar rn ihas \4urtgage. then the dlurtgafee..rt :t, .sp- <br />tatn. tatty' pav e~ perform =.he vamr. aril xit rvpetutiritrts vas m:ale shaft Ere akided to tfre primitrai ,um awing sm the xtxrve ante. <br />s3rstlf ire seer oral horeiz} . and .hsifl heir ?ntercat ai rht :.rte ±tt ionh m ttx ~atd ruxe. anal paid. <br />. 'Pilaf he hxr~i? asvtxrts. tran•.ict` ~tui set%.,ser to tits 6tswt~aatter. ~ r±e appireJ ra>L-lkd the fiat/-mint of the nk.te .:nd eiE <br />xums xsvrel htretn in iaa:e srE .r scrauii sn art rxrformance .•f am =ai' the fume anal aendnwn, irE this ~t+xt~egt rv the ,aid <br />note. aiI the rents. rcvenut. and:rtvuntt t;rtR• nets+td trvm iht marred r+rensise,:itrrng ;:,.h arnt ,se ehe ms;rtgagr indrhted- <br />ttixgss strati rerrtain unpaid:.tttd the Wurtee ,h;d, Et::e ;'*:twer fu appoint .mv .street or :sgenE, it mx} dt,ut for rhr purpose ui <br />¢~mises isflat of rtntittg the same :uni ts>fiEe~**-tn~ the rent,. t£vetiL+e, aril rn..~x,me. and t! may } at/ .wt of said in- <br />kxwtas at1 expetitaes of rrtsiirttttt sai;<t prrmtses atilt rttL•csark acTmmtcynrnv and exatn~rs ins:urred m rtnttrtit atuf manaittn~t the <br />samee and trf c,~ia:tmg renrai+ there[rtrm: the trairtrtce rem;ztning, rt any. to :~ applitil toward the drxttartre of ,gist mstrt(tagt <br />iad~, <br />N; 'i7tat ife ovi# itg the tmgtaauetncmts rwv: etisting err iterr:stter ereeted etrt the tnurt~ted psi.pcrt~, tnwrtu :cs neap ie <br />rrgaitcd frrars tame to time Sri' the \4urigagte .si;sinst iu.s try' tier and other hazard,, <astsafne, and .imtmgencir, rn eueh <br />attacwettt aril fix soots prriosfs ss teat/ be rekttr~el by the Wwt~ager and will pati prompllt, when due. ins premmm, ,>n +uch <br />5xkrriai~n fa payment arf witit:b has feet iseeen made itererethrtore. Alf msarattee +"ttalt he ~ rne+7 in comparistF ap- <br />t~ ;~ sr.3 t~• -tl~~s ti ~~ew ;is L~reief shat: itr held by the ~ftxt~~t earl hear zttacEi<sl thereto: izsas <br />Friyzl# ~.Iatrve» in faucet of asui in f«rnt ak:cep,at It zct the Sfctrtg~;te- En event at'ucs EtoruiGinkrv wtfi give rmmrdiatr satire t,y <br />t~sf ~ > , ~~ ,:say strsfre Ptrc'aet tf itasz if rr.)t tnaklt pntntpitg xp t#<.r~tpsgox. arssl rack ineur;rncc ;:umpunp u,n- <br />..ta!srmd ~ ~ ~t3arr:~tt =# t3irnc-ttsl to r axe t*aymtnt f. r vttclt lstss kfirectlp txx the jAatrtg; ~r iestcasi sr{ to the 1i<xtgtrt;k*r <br />oral tht trsstttlp, amt the tnsciratzce tars: ends, <x any part tlaerrttrP. roar he at#pittd by the !.4svtgager :,t it. uptwn either <br />Y[t dla rttnar ttf tt1E s itereisy secured crr to the restkuati~ttt cx rettair of the taratstrty lamatt4d. In earn! ;,f Coreciet- <br />~tarc of tft~saerr>Wgr crr «astit3 rrtarsfsr r.S`L-its itx attkxtg~rekl preperty in extingttishttxrn of the itxictettdnty ,r.:ured itercPv. <br />~=.. ~ ~ n -._a.Y:t =_d the M<~t~a's{ in _~.1 tom= any in.::rratac pn#ictes-then in f nci; ,fiat? nrs;s cc. t he trr;tr h:t.c°t .+r xranirc <br />~= 13Wt xf avidtt~nYai atut artifa[erast ,~sattitp far the pirmcnt of the tsvtir aitvttst~ai, ,ref el3 ,um• tar t>rc«sn?t due the <br />:et~tirtt~C. tits _]$tnt lterrLse• as-±,r~n, tsr 1tnC 49ttrtfit afE Crt'c+n`tx. revettua,, rcraalttts, rsrdht• .+n,3 hrnefit+ :,•.;:rting tr, the <br />~"`p~S +tSt_y R?~ I xrtl a€id vy= kates a*tt v~tid prttniye s..satit tine rghi .c, rectts~t and rtcri4rt fear the ar»e .ind aprr74 <br />t n+ s4 az svefi tseitxe ss aftcr,~efauft rte tree ;:u~titicros oat t;nc mtxtr..;n< rtx stctrtcngtc ma} «strnrusvt. =ue <br />Ssrr aeRi re~s~trr ~~ ' px~ rteerkta wiyetr dirt tttrYt pspatrtt. writ a2ratti stxat tat -cstcntet , a, :#a iitsa :avstrrntneni t'x 'a err€.tanate <br />. tM.tsrt~e akal va=kf uptars retra*rie =sf t3ats ~; <br />kU4:5~r't-25<~7w 't/1-:95 <br />