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._. <br />lil. 'fltat the Idartgagor wits keep the bui~ittg9 upon said premian in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste <br />apart seed }aettt, nar sttlTu Nie-said premises to be used far any uttlawtuf pttrpase. <br />! t. Trent-if tree uses, or any part thereat, he cottt~mned undtr the power of eminent domain, to acquired for a ptttttic <br />ttse, t~rdtett awarde~,:the pracreds far the taking af, or rite consecration far such acquisition, to the extent of the full <br />~ rmetnrn! ,~ ertddelttedts~ upon this mortgage arnf the hate which it is given to secure remaining unlraid. aze hereby assigned by the <br />to px kSarte, sent shalt he paid forthwith t.o said Afortgagee to be applied by the latter on account of the trext <br />~``~ last such isdeMatfnexs. <br />Cg t'Z_ 'i!~ ~' fut't?ier agts~s tfaat s~tttd this mite and tltc wte secured hereby not be eligible far in- <br />r, stt ttatitK tFx Altdionrii ismtseng :t<ct ts-iitin Sammy bays- ft~sm-the ~e :ter~f t`--rittez ~.atemara ~ any e:gcer <br />-~ ~ the !'~mrtment of_FFtatsetm alai Lrhan Ckvelapmem ur atithariud agent of the Secretary of Htntseng and Urban <br />v dated segtrettt to the Sixty Days time from t~ date of this mortgage. dectiethtg to insure said <br />mate tiros mortgage, tfeit~ dexmed 4xsnchtsive pmaf of such ittetigibiletyi. the Mottgttgee ar balder of [Ire note <br />r., f may, sn its ~nptroon. dsc}are alt sums purred htreb}= inamedinte2~ due attd payatzkt. <br />13. 'Tftai if the 3iartgagar faits to make arty payments of money when the same txcame due, or fails to canfarm to artd <br />co®plgwiift atn_r of the cu3p>iifftnts arsgreemetiis eantaitted en tads mortgage, ix the note which it srctws, then the entire princi- <br />pal cunt and accYtted itsetcsi shalE at once txenttrn dne attd payab}e- a[ the eiectean of the 'tfartgagee: and tlvs mortgage may <br />therett~n be forec~aed immediately far the whale of said money. intrsest, monthly payments, costs, ground rents, taxes and <br />the t:asL ~ tutendi#tg-tire abstt~t of tKkC fratn the date of this 3aan to the time of commencing such forecktsute wit, and a rca- <br />soteabie attorney's fee, all of which shall tre ins&ufed in the decree of fortciosurc: acrd ttx contract emltodied in this mortgage <br />~ the Hatt sects hereby. chaff itt afl resfucts fie eoverned, construed and adjudged by the laws df Nebraska, where the <br />same is ttiade. <br />The cxsveraats boreal contatrted shelf bend, and ttR hetxfits and advantages s; all insure to. the respective heirs, executers. <br />adminisirat:as, sttccessars anal assigtfs of the parties hereto. lirhenever used, the singular namher shall irtelude the plttrai. the <br />plural the zingu}az. and the use ttf any gendtr shad iu a#tphcahle zo a![ gtnders. <br />The foregoing cotuiitians. all and singular. t?titeg performed according to their natural .till legal import, this conveyanct <br />shall he ctuA and said premises released at the exprnx of tht 4tortgat;or: otherwise to he and remain in furl force and effect. <br />fI~ WiTNES Vtti{Eit~l7~'. thr!~engagmrtst ha ve hereuntu,et t3teir handtsl [ht day attd Year fast <br />atxtse wretten. <br />In presemce ~d- <br />Laren s. Fett:rson <br />( SEAL, ( <br />,. <br />( r`1 -% t f'i'yL l SEAL l <br />rol .7.~ jtRrsors <br />(SEAL) <br />ISEAi.i <br />+;rn 9aLtse <br />STATE `kt"`1iiE1R,~SK ft~ a <br />COLN7'Y tSF ;~21 4 <br />[ltt tfds Z8tft d;:3 ~~ Fe2~ttarp A.D to d2. 4turt roe, <br />a notary P~~ to attsf for sasc# t :'scanty. pmrsonatTv came <br />Loren ~. Peterson artd tsrol J. Petsrssart, Ltusbtrrtd attd ;cafe <br />pcrwnaEly to me known <br />tia be the identical person s phase ^atnt s are at6~tmd to the ;,hove and fare- <br />gait~ envrumeni aa't~tsxigngi?r, :ttxf they haue ackt~swkdged tfie said imtrument and the <br />exesaticxt thtraat tubetttei.r +.>ntrniar:.~s:[ euzd timed, for the ~sr,.wses therm cxpres_.ed_ <br />In testitmtny whrrec:f. I have hereutnza art my'hand and atfixtd'ns natari.a~eae ai Grand Island, Nebras3~ <br />ore the+Suvataf .^ - <br />~ .tint ` , Public <br />SE:lTE tJc 'vGftit,+t.fifi 1 ~.s <br />k"tied flu rewrd thi~t dot of <br />at a'ektcit <br />rtccredcd in Bamit <br />atf <br />n tct <br />~.. amt entered in V umetical istdex. and <br />ttf M1fzxt{~Lte„on <br />Register of !kola <br />HUt},g7il3M €~7nt <br />