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1?'>I~.lll~ V A V ge <br />~ds"'ft'V~t~d~ <br />This furry is uaai# in eantsQe- <br />tian with resartitageo inflated <br />utts}er the flue- to fast-fami)y <br />praviaiona of the 1tia2inna} <br />Aoiaaittg Act. <br />TNi5 URGE. samde a+~ trse+roted this 38th ~y ~ Frebx~ry ,k. E3. <br />#4 83 :b±rhr_trvr~n r~r~ R~ Fet~±st dal ~', !?et~$cm: }tom Aflf'1 !~ <br />aii~aatu~~ ~+i-l .a~dsix°fi;r~>~Einr'ai~`x~;13afl'eY~e#~ - <br />rhe ~• sad 5azperrior f4YSrtgsge, Inc. <br />acszpciatinit argsnizsd and txisfi~t 3nder tilt faros flf the €}nit€ti States t?f ricer <br />partp i9f ti3t ArCR11d part, i#etetnaftt4 Calked the McRr[gagee, <br />VVtITFhg,ShTH: STsaa the said #aiigager. fur Frei in crnrsideraticm of the lam ut Thirty Fatxr 2teoisSEt3tel Six- ~Stdzed <br />arx~ t}4110QLYta_------ _w «« ..-«__ Dopars i3 34, 600.06 i. pad by the Mgtt- <br />g~es, tilt reCSipt of wtcieh is hsrsby acknese~kdgtd. has tSrantCd and So!d arni by these ptzsertts does t:sraiit. $ar- <br />. Ccv~s`ty ami £'on6rtn uricr she F4cxtgaget. its successors and assigrss. forever, the faHflxiz~-dsscrilx$ <br />rail $state. siemted is the t~auttty of Ha23 .and-State <br />ui felts, m slit: <br />Lot Dour t4) and the South Five iS5'} Feet of Lot Two (2}, in Black Five t5}, in <br />Caiiege i"idditiori to West Lawn, in the City of Grad Island, F~11 Cotmty, Nebraska. <br />•oftlie~5aix;hk'etncipa!?#~crsd;an.:sustasrssn~rn at.' Cl*_y €'~'~r~rt_, <br />vrsesi survey <br />~ctes :s,; a~rdonx;u s;uvarn- <br />Ts~ €iflk"E ,#:~i4 C€3 H[SI-il [Fte pretnsxs d[!aaLr desani~d. kuh ,:!3 she .app;inenan. _. ,;,c.rt.ntu i?zlutstnng and rnciudinta <br />:~i iecatiita, ptumnsngaassi !;ghUrtg #ix;utrs and ryuspsneist nun .x herc:~`trr asts<:hrd ta.~r ia;cct sn ~ursnrisiun ui;lt sasd teal estate <br />ssrrsosht'S9ortgagee. 3nai #o its sucresauts :assd sxszprt.. ;atc,er :hr ~tnrrgrgor azp!e~rnt; r....,rtd ~evenann ursh. the ~fur;}r <br />fie. that ihr. L4urtgaagt:r has ~tual rs~ist to sell and :unve• saki prrnri,ew: th;a Shay .etr fra•r fr,:m! tfias she <br />RIWf~gcrr wiIi warrans .uu! defend she =amt s;arnst tier !uu l:;I ,Lams .:d ;;!! pets=,n. x h,.m>,ae. rr= ;md the sztd AfortYai;,x here <br />by relinquishes adi ai8tstsuf hsrnit.ttad. arsd a!"s :Hartle! riitht., rstisrt an ias~ ,+r :n rgsssss..:nd ai# nstrzr e„nu;rgrn± rnrrrz~;s .,f the <br />°-.~ec~ k8 f=3 !~ ~"~tt-s~:~_=a-'~.T.! ^cC~ts~:. c!'~ tniCtaatt,n '~'tt g!~, ,. €:n4-g~ !^zr~l,ti- ::n -.,,£;,s~ ;1*.~. en !f , •,nt;~ir. ts~3.etf- <br />st~.ali ri~sts:~f §urnesrsad. alai attest ngists anst cntrrrass::, -.#aresFrJ. <br />~QL`iI#Eti;:iW ~+y:s.:rsai shalt ptesrnt;.srz t cc.stsrd aril ~ci€rzrrd ti:t• is:i!o>*sa;$ usrsdstiunt, t:: uu <br />' !~tsrtgataa agterc su #+as tv the Martpagre. ijt c!rt5cr. ti;r puss spat ,um a;' 'f'ixirty Fouz Thousand Six Hundred <br />sis~ G;?% iGvtttrr - - 'n,!Sat; ~ ~ 3R,bflfl.4lt~ t. <br />arith wstrest from dart a4 z3as rest at 'lye dxxl Throe F.ighthsprr .rnnna s 22 3,%8 _ !pct annum ~,n <br />ihs 3npaid trataine astir pahf. 'TAe said pritsc~ral and insrrr,t sh<:?! hr pa vah!e at the «.trtrz c f Sttgeriar Mortgage, Inc . <br />in tlrand Island, :.~~.am3ta or :at +uth ~,sher piarr::t she ha!+Jzt n# <br />ttmz note tnx> dsai~rwtsinuntma. tn;nun;t~!s sstssai€rrscnt.,~f ^hree tzundr+rd Six±y Fiva end 92!100tha <br />..~._ {>trdlace:S 36 ° g• t. wmmending,in ;he tiro 3es „f <br />Agrii ~~~~~~~~ lv$l . a ,;i +?ihr ~ts da} ut eath martth th,rrra7s»• mn[s! t!re princ;pat and is#- <br />~iesl are f per, tt~~#u ti+a; she 8na? parmeas :.~ srrtkapai end :nteres. c= flat ~nrt paid. shall he dac snd <br />~ara€rk c:q ~xi dad of D9a rcit, Z{332 a0 a><csYrdingtu the 6sirns of ~ crrsaYn pr:,mts- <br />s tame sri twsit~aie tst€rESxiih e>irc:;t~d tse ;~ ,_ a' tiia~; s~k ~_ ' <br />34s-utg~agstr in sutii: Anc?it #uid* !v p=nzr~s titc xsur:ty .~; thi, A4:xsk%-+~r. st;~rse; <br />!.. ~Ttsat' hs wii pay Eht tsWsbttdiKSS, a< hzr>mixf.ue provsskd. d'rs;~-i6e$e it- te4rJZ YS! ;o p:t y~ ehr delis in arbor«• ur in un <br />,;Etns3NRt zq~d-twat cr msrre monthly paysrtcnis :ar the pnm;pa! sha; see rrxt +i:tr ,:n ;he +tatc..>n the i!zs= .l;.i ~~f :,ns monsh <br />r.. ^-.'.~"-: «:~}. h!s<>_r-, `Iisat w-e.~~.,;. ,~,:?;e fzi o;r m:!ersr~ a:: rxrrci z ,s:::k pt;;~a!e~ si ;ss~.14 as ~~•..-t th:r?~y ! ai)t <br />As#s prUx tv ptrt*scY snsn3, <br />'~. ~fi~t, setpcthsi with, user m a~ita}rt tu, ship -~:,::;=hdy papmeass ::i ptim;rpa.! xnd lustre.; psto4ls under '.Srr term. +:i the <br />setts ass 3ne~ ~tr~by. lfte k+ffrrtc i roil{ pay s<r tlse ~t.rr: F„;aie..m ihr :ills sfty .`# ra. h rr..iRih cxntt# €he ,:ua~ ntr;r t> fuk',. pasd. the <br />#f><Niiwir~t ast~e <br />sp) a.~ss ~4#v;-ygns tc: arc~i ;fi€ htdu'c; #sstsaa! ++sth tuatais str pes~ the t:c•xt ~yxi~a~e =ns+i€an~e f.rran;tsnt aE ih;s <br />tssstrusn®ta Arid tht tn~tt ese:sstsd hstehy us insatsd. ~:i a :t;ztntixly _haryr ~;n rrsr ~,i s rnrr.'grrgr irt3str3rra•. ;•: _, <br />n~urr i4' thty art tr±r the Sscxeiaty asf liusstanp sad Lrsrasr f~rvric+ts:r;tn=..:vs :°:shows. <br />#i? #f '*!* tai= ~ d ulna d~ evsr dz#te sots :ntt~.ierxm% +en +nras;~d _>; ax rw,nsurct! s~ndct t;xe srr=,. <br />~ s~ the :"ht4ran~ii the tSrs. ors amc~rnt vir#f~'iciss sat acz amuiatc :n !Ise ls:tnds c~i #Pic h~#>)~• :=n~ <br />r+~wssr +;'tt,x-I ta2-s yw.c++ ^wr sx. ,~amY wn,a wpWY ~ ~txnaaoreu! `+T:1Tit` t1~ \ E HR.,itiiaA <br />t#tl~=rr~ii~M cg-7[a) <br />