$1~--' t)[i0741
<br />iJxia<aess Cmexex~ts. Borrower amt Landa• crovenant and agrx as follows:
<br />+I~;!tg~E~l~r$se~l a+r8 Ipe+ml. Harrower shad pmmptly pay whin due the principal of and interest on the
<br />Iry the Note. prepaymtnt and Isle charges as provrded in the Note, and the principal o€ and intercu
<br />err anp• Fature Advances secured ny thrs Decd of T; tzst.
<br />Z latsic liar Tats sad Itrawatsce. Sltbject to applicable taw or to a written waiver by Lender, Horrowtr shall ~y
<br />to Lersder an tttr day mtmthiy i[tstallstent< of principal and lateral are payable under the Nute, until the Note is paid in foil,
<br />a- stoat (heron "Ftrada"I squad to ~-twelfth of the veartV taxes and assessments which may attain priority aver this
<br />IJSa~ of Trust; and.gtiwaal rettES o+. ills Properly, if any, pins ant-twelfth of yeacly premium instailtntnt for hazard itusuratue,
<br />w *az a+~•s~iv u. yearYp prz:ui- n inxtaiir.+erzis far s~urrtgaga ir+sura+~e, if any. all as reasanabdy stimated ittitialiy arrd train
<br />time to titan b9 L~rdsr an the 6uis of asatsimen[s and hills and reaaanabie estimates thereat.
<br />t'~e ~iat~ stiatt Est sir art itrrtitittion the deposits nr aecoatets of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />sas#e ate!{itaedtttting €.andCr if Leadptr is such an irrstitutiont. Lender shall apply tht Fonds to pay said taxes, assessment,
<br />iuuuatr~ premiums and ground teat. Lrrxder may not cdtarge far so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account
<br />~ rouifyeng rnmpitii~said asmssments and hills. unless Leader pays Botrowtr in[crest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />Letter tis ttaai[t sctcir a charge Harrower arsi Lender mar agr~ in writing at tlm time of ezecuteon of this
<br />of Trust tfrW interest on ttte Fonda shatl tx paid to Harrower, and tutlztsx such agreemen[ is made or applicablt Iaw
<br />r+egatit[es seaclt ratere~ to he paid. Lender shall nos fx requrred to pay Harrower any mttrcst ur tamin~s on the Fonda. Lender
<br />s-tal€'gkvc to ffarrinvsr, without cPzarye, an annnaE accatrntmg of the Fonds showing credits and detrtts to the Funds and the
<br />pstt^pdss f~ which ~ dirt to ttte Fonds was made. The Funds are pirdged as additional security fist ttrr sums aocarrd
<br />by this Deed of Trust.
<br />If the artttattat of the Potato held by Ltredrr. together with the ftuure monthly installments of Funds payablC prior to
<br />:!x dim dHea of tarns, assessment. tnsuratxt premiums end gmurrd rents, shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />mcnts, ittsuratue prttaiums and ground rents as they takf dot. inch access shalt ix. at Horrawer's option, either
<br />promp[!y repaid zo Hotrowtr ar creditai to Harrower urz monthly installments :3f Funds. if the amount of the Funds
<br />heEd by Lender sdrait r.:~ be wllictent to pap taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they falE due.
<br />8trrmwer sttalI pay to Lender arty amount t[ecrssary to make vp the dtilctency within 30 days from the date notice is mailed
<br />by I.~sr to Bortvtrer rcq~stiag paytaent titercof.
<br />Upon paymem in full of all wins sectn•ed #sv thu E3eeti of 'Crust. Lender shah prnmptly refund io Borrower any Points
<br />hell by Lender. If under parxgraylt tE bettor the Pmpcny is usid nr the Prapcrtp :s atttenvise acquired try Lettdtr, Lender
<br />Mail apply rm Eater tdzao imrnerhuely prior to the suit of the Prnper[y ar .es acgnisiuan by Ltrides. any Funds held try
<br />Lender of the Gras of apptieatian as a credit agaim[ the sums sect+resl Ity this lletd of Trust.
<br />~. A~ifreages at Unless applicable law provides aihersvise, ail payments tsti;eived by Lend^~ under the
<br />'visit and p~agra~ts t and 3 Itereaf shall tee applitd oy Lender first is paynttnt of :[mounts payable is Lender by Harrower
<br />umkr pata;ta~z hereof, rhea to inttrtst payable an *.he tiote. tt[tn to the rrinctoa! [rf ttx'+iote, and then to interest and
<br />ptitxiaal an sav Futum Advances.
<br />~~ tt IJev, )iorrower shall pay ail taxes, as:tsstncnts and ++[her -barges. fiats and rmpositians attributable to
<br />tIm ~ whleh tray aztaia a pruxrty sett this E3eed of Trtist. attd #easedwid payttxats or gtvssnd rents, if any, in tht
<br />psoxitisd under patwrapii 2 hereof ^r, if tint paid in such mantzer, by Bsirrowet making payment. when due, directly
<br />to the ppaayee thereitf. Horrawrr shall promptly turttish to under alt nut+cts of amounts due under this garagraph, and in the
<br />crwut 1lorrosver tdtalt rooks paytmns directly. Harrower shalt nrotr~gtiy furnzs:+ t+s Lendtr recrapb evidenc+r±g such payments.
<br />Hsirro'?vver shall promptfy disehar~ arty lien wtttcie has priarny avee this teed nt Crtest: pravrded_ that Harrnwer shalt rwt be
<br />required to discharge any such lien sa }ong as Bortcs:vte s'~ssf! agree ,n writink to the paymem of the nbligahun secured by
<br />such list w a teanaer m;cepkabte us Les;'er, ar shalt ur tgxad fa+et+ cantor such lien hy, :,r :Ietend entorcemem of such lien +n.
<br />:egat procenct~segs wlrc#t operate to grtvtni tt[t enforcement of [he 's+en .rr furtcizvre of :he Property or any pare therm(.
<br />4 )gil~mi Ittsra~e. &atrow"er shad Rcep iht improverutats now et:ct;r:g ur herestte: ~rerttd +sn the Property insured
<br />agattrxi kiss by ilrc, harsrds included within the ttrm `Yxterrdtd covtragt - snit stub other ha;arsfs as Lender may rcqurre
<br />mid is such ttrrwunts ant! For stash perzods as lxndtr .nay rtqu+re: prnv+dtd. that Lender shall no[ require that the arttauni of
<br />3iacti ~rera~ ;race. # tltat amrttm ksi tia:eragt reyvlrest is gay tFx sums se.urrti h:- ch:~ Deed .~t Tn+st.
<br />Tlx ittxurancc carrier providitt~ tht 6rtsurarwe Ehali he ctnssen sty Ijarrnwer subtler to approval try Lender: provtdtd.
<br />1§it >a~lt ap~raval s#Sait [~ (se unre~sicnahly .vrthlteld. A!i premiums art insurarr•e ;tnlic[es shad E~ mid in the +nanner
<br />'psaiia'te~ - Sri i i~rEai ar, r3 ~s7i pared +n such ~raotter.:~±+ iiarra~r~r :Ztaizttzg aaytncrzt, wren due, diri~tly to i'.~~°
<br />its cssaix.
<br />AId imtearxe policies and [ertewals tizertaz shall tee sn turm accepisb{+e ;+> Lsr+der and ,Iral# rrx lode a star+dard mortgage
<br />clatl~ in Famr of and in farm auelstahle to L:knrier. Lcadtr ,ball trout s~ r+g_ht za bald tlx pt+tictes and rentwals thereof.
<br />and $arnawer shall promptly furnish to l.esrdtr all reracsval ruatices amt alt rr~erpts of pa+d premrumx. !n the event of loss.
<br />Harrower sfuttl psve }~oatpt rmt+ca to the :r±'~rartce carrier a+td Lender. Lensi~r retail :Haire ,roof erf toss sf not mad[ promptly
<br />by t3orrawrl~
<br />Unless Iptder aad Harrower sxherwo-x agree rn wen+ng, rnsuraacs proceeds shalt tit appiitd to ra[aration ar rtpair of
<br />ztm @taperty damaged, provrdtd such rttsturatnrn +;r rep+xtr ,<_ cs:onumrcaily teasiblt and the security of this Aced of "Crust is
<br />t#d t#sstthy ice. If such rrsts3ratian ~ reps+r is utaz s~serxsnticaily feas[hle ar ,( ttte stc;.uity _,f [has Deed of Tntst would
<br />tst impaired, ttte itrauratua pracet:ds shal3 be app[itd is rite sums secvrtti try this Eked Uf ~Crast, w+th tht e:ctss if any, paid
<br />tta $ttrtower. It tht Property Is abandoned by Horrawer, ar-if larrower f ails its respond to Linder wuh+n 3D days f~ the
<br />itsie ntntice is maiksl by Ltn~r w Iiarrawer *.iiat the :ttsuratrx rarr+ee utttrs za settle a Harm for insurance benefits. Lender
<br />__--- -
<br />es attttutt to cx+llect and. apply rlu itrstxante proi-etds rt Ltn~~s~+ap:ich"euf~r-za restaratran er zspair ai rite rrrrperiy "
<br />sx eta the ~ satuttd by ihn Deed at Ttaast.
<br />titakss Lrn~r sad ~iozra+ver otherwise egret sn wrniag, any such apptrcanun of ptsrceeds to principal shad not exrtnd
<br />or ntrstp~ tbit dtx dare of the ttnxtthip irestaittntrus reftrred to in garagraphs t and- htrtof ar change the amauni of
<br />sttt~ ittsial4mQtta. if~-untkr ph t 8 itettof the Property :x acgwrdt by Lender. alt right. title ate interest ref Horrower
<br />ie and to aaystssiaaeee polic~atrti +n and tit flu proceeds tttereuf rrstait+ng from damage to ttu Pnspertr Briar to the sale
<br />or atarpusuian stp{t T~ to Leader zo the extent vi the sums srcused try itus Reed ut Crust ;mmediattiy prior to such salt or
<br />ism,
<br />tS. ilsp:atla~a sell R4air,sttttance d ~: I,teasedrsAds: Cam; PhweA L'df [in~nrsa, Borrower
<br />sthtlt flirt Pmpatty in gtxx! repau and slsitit ;xst .umn+~i +aste .~r permit +mga+rnitnt +x detenuration of ttte Aroperty
<br />shas1-c`:y a+idt ~ prasixioas of mil ;f tlua r~aei# .tf T-ust :s ssn a tasehaid. Ff tfus IAA of Trtmt is an a tmit in a
<br />ar a ptaaited, unit dtkttreni. Bvrrtrwcr stua8 aesform akl of tltxrower's ntdieatians tender the decEsratsoo
<br />~ 4tinraaaats etsasitig or govsrniet3 iht cu+re#ataintutn car ptarazgd +mst deve#aprrtt-st. ttte by-laws and restrlatiorea of the
<br />.. or # uatt mgr[, attd :oretetuent da.-umtnu. !t a eandomrmum ur planned umi developmetrt
<br />[uder is 1{Y Horrosrer ant r~rrded together •.r+:h th+s Y)eesl oC i'ritst, the ,:ovenanis and agreements of such rider
<br />slrH bs isrea+rpnralyd inter amt shat! a a~ .appiemerrt the ~-r>vtrtaats attui attreenxnts of this C1ect~ at Trusras +f the rider
<br />is+azs a ptsrt Barad.-
<br />9. sf t,°s rq- 1f 13orrawer ra+i5 w perform the covenant and agreements cstt[taitted in this
<br />~$ t~ TYatPt. or if say actism ar proceeding :s ~+xtrrxrtc~! +vhutt +roatcrralty Mats Lttrdtr's intemt in +ht t'rnperty.
<br />ice, ads lleRittatl; to, domain, itssalrenc)~, c9de etaforcertteat, err xrrattg?ntems or lxoceedlrrsga irtvaly+ng a
<br />hit:arQet, t~ Leatkt at I.easdm's option, upon nottrcae to 8orraaror, tiny tnaise stub appsaraiues; dislsttrxt such
<br />sitm'a ettd tilts t+nG~. ats~ as is ratt>8saty to paratert leaetet's interest, twcitsding, but met limited- tu. distsursttrrrnt of
<br />atinrrray`s feast sail ratty npisrt the tsrtaptrty is teaks rtpa,ra. EL Leather res{uirtd ntottgage irtsuransc as a
<br />~"`~ : ~ ~'~ t',m'i .~ Y,-r ~ ::~ :H T. rte. ~~tsats shall pay the ptemiu.-~ r~€ttt~ ssar~ititain suit
<br />iaswsae~r a iI titer Baas as the reytrir~tt for wit imrurarn:e ttrmtitr;tes in ;is:crxrdattcc with. &irrowtrs and
<br />l'~ r*r?+*en r_yttt~ or ia+a~, ht€rrro~r sl~Il ;~; the -.maun± of alI mortgage ictstzrance prrmia+rts in t#m
<br />tlazsz~i Pta"tdad t~EbnOirf.
<br />tt rliltl~by I:+snder pmnarM to this paralirt-pds ?, with zrttetest sherron, shah ht~onee additional
<br />a#lilermstsr saaunrd'tsy tti~ Dadot 'I'n~.t. F;nksx Bsatttaae3 alai Lctidnr tsgrse to street tattles of paytrteat, stub
<br />a~ sdx3S ha CayaAra a$an era frt~na l.xr tb t3~,rreswar reeitszsting isr+ytnent ltrcrertf. sail shaEl hrt3r interest (tzsrm fhs
<br />tY~ ntiltebtmtaseaaet+u the-rata payaEafa-Rota t3we tc ter+~ on :nrtuandir[g prmctpat irne~r tht'~`~att afn paysn~tttt ofzntcrest
<br />;K ~ yA1D-' be- txttttrttry t~ avthtia tour, sn ~h ewer sash[ ranacwntx shell Cleat +merest at the hiHttat rate
<br />issi4rl ~ Saw: ~ ttmtsttitad to s paragraph ? stutlt requite lender to +acttr any express ur ta&r
<br />g.,h,,~~war,~s
<br />I,caerla[:fir t~1{c la7 SaiRl~'n} be rrlrrlt! Ct~l41t4'.83s~iR~ G~a& 2r#t in~~t~stSPtTS of tt'i4` Ar~{'rty. p7EH'T'~Yt
<br />t~ t„nsxdlsr tdf9lt Iltrer nec~ ~sor~ xt zxAy ?+tt~i tirspbeti a{~rtfyrtgt rte cause rhtrctor svNaitd to f stf+3sr ~s
<br />stttae+ast is t#str f'natssrss
<br />