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~?~E~ QF T~L~ST ~~,~ ~aQ 4.~ , <br />THE D£EIl ~F' Tf3fi,IST;e tttade this.....:.. z6t:h of .:Eebrttacx .. . <br />19..$~,arttartgtheTr~r,..'.~~~i~~.~-..~atl~~....a.~rZ~I.~.,~e=~Qn.;.?~nd.X~ctnr.~~ ~i..Ackc.. <br />~ .s itrB~P, R~~$~te. ... .. . ............. . f hetttir "~armwar"~...........::.... :: ... . . <br />.. Eduard M= 4'9aYte ............................ .......{?r"'~.'~»i,~w..~ ~'sJ* <br />..~'iYE POENfi§_ 3AidK a ct9 mod ` <br />...... esta~r ~?s ctf `~~b~~s.kd .. . ............. . .... ~ ..... ~~ ..... .. . <br />FOI Borth BrAadwell Grand island,. NE . ,b88Q1 ........... .. ~+.!.~_ <br />13ontttswtta, in catsideratian of the indehtalness herein recited. and the tt~t hetsiit <br />and aanvays to Trvsue, in trust, with power of sate, the fe>}ltawing deecrrsisad pt~pertp is Bst tY tt~ <br />.....x~ I l ................................State of Nebraska: <br />Lot rlfa, 3uenav±sta Subd=vision, an ?lddition ~~3 the City of Grand Island„ hall.-_Gwswnty, <br />Nebraska. <br />welt has the address of.. ';''.F..y~g+. SayCh . . ..................... . ......Crand..isLand........... . <br /> tcari <br />?de,br~sit;x_ b8r3t?t .......{hereein "Property Aslalre55"1: <br />tSNias an4 UD i'sAsF <br />ToceTttss with all the iereproverrtcnts now {x hcrealtcr erected can the property, and all casestesm~, t4ghts. <br />rents { su6}est however tv the rights and authorises given hettin to Lender- to coileet anal apply-such <br />t~tsl. ~, m+t~rai, oil and v~ rights aan! ~ohts, water. wstsr rights. and water stock, and aiE filatures. tmw ar <br />htsealltsr a~ached to the property, ail of whtrh, irsciuding replacements and addKitans thereto, slue!! be dcetrxd to-be <br />sad tin a part of the ptvprrty eavned Piy this Dted of Trust; and al! of the foregoing, together with said pxapettV <br />for ttm teasrhald estatr it this I)e®sS of Trust :s on a ta`;t~itcrld) :ere herein refetrcil to as the "Property"; <br />TO SECURE Tst I.disaf~ ta) the tepaYtncnt of the indtbtexfn~s eviderre~l by Borrower's rwrte dstrd. ~"t'-?~!~rY.. . <br />.., .a$, . ~~&.~ "Aiotc'"i, in the principal satin ~. 'Cwency_ Ni:~e .Thyusand ,Yips. jiund>ke#¢. F?+fi1tCR.Ftve <br />ant# No CenCs (S~'?F~Z~.~r)3 . . . . . ........pp)p~s, with imerest thereon. providing #or mwtthly ir~tslleerrtts <br />r.:w..,~: ....„,~-. ~: ~:. ~ ttte ier3ebtedrtcw. i# riot sotaner paid, dtte attd pay~le ~: , 3l1~:~31. <br />................................. . ........ :the paymem of atl other sums, with imcrest tfieteon, advanertl <br />iR ~ hertMrtlt m protect- the security of ihrs Dc~.Y! of Trust: stn! rice perlttrmanee of [he cstvrnants and <br />~ of $mrt hsr+e~ta ttantsitteti: z~ml f la) the repaytncrtt of any #uturr advanceti. with entcrest thcrcx~e= made <br />bs~kasxnarer by ~ ~ ~ parr€~ _'1 hereo# 4herein °Futtrte AdYartces"). . <br />~ t:ortht fled ~5trower is 3tf~.v:ully sriacd ~ the estate hcretty ix»aveyed surd hax ehr-right to grant atttE <br />e'iAOaay rifee Preapatrty, flint` the ~'tstparty is uraarri:~'ed, areal that Borroarc~r eritl w-at~artt and do#end grna:rafly the <br />t ~ .#e fry ~ afi elsatas smS deaatad*« setk~sx to an} dc~r3as~attrms. casctnettts cer rt~trieti<snS listed rn :e <br />!rt'3tttdale td coveter eft any tttk irtsttrrxrtec ¢ults:y :nrvtxr.;; lstr+eicr'~ mterect ,t3 tt-n, Pra~^rt}°, <br />l.i 8.~ <br />