8I -. (~(-074.~
<br />~• C+taa6iaa. The pntceeds of any sward ar ctaem for daenages, din¢ct or canaegttentiai, in CtrtrtteCtfan wiM arty
<br />rorttletonatiexr-ar other tatcitrg of tfre Prope»y, or part therarf, or for convtyatete in Ilea of wndmnnatioo, era ltanby t~gned
<br />asd aha9 6e paid m t raider.
<br />ttr the event of a zeta! lofting of tt~ Property. the proceeds shall be applied to the surtt3 xcttt+td by tltia Deed- of 'F'ttdaf:
<br />st•sefi t?!m extras, if any, paid to Bttrrvwtr. In the event of a partial taking of the Ptvprrty, untesa >toertrwer and Ltttttttr
<br />nthertti~ in vrritirtg, thtsz shall !~ applied ro the sutra se~af by this Aced of Tt~t srulr ptnportit~t of tip t
<br />ae h oat m that ptvpnrtion wlrfck the amount of the sums setumd by this tktd of Trteat imtnrdfatety plies m the dNe of
<br />tatciett{ was to t1~ fair marktt value of tht Prapz€5y immediately prior to the date of sating, vrith [he balanee aE f!t¢
<br />«`~ ter.
<br />kt the Pt+optnty ix afxindontd by Borrawer, nr if, after txttice try Lemdtr to Harrower that the catsdemnor m-tttnite
<br />an aavard or settle a claim far damages, Borrawer faits to reaportd to Lender within 30 days after the due- sorb: notice-.,~
<br />tmdtd; Gender is atrtlsotiZCd to cea3~ct and apply the Procetds, at Lettder'a optiex€, either m testontioa,ar ~t at the
<br />Pt~trperty or ttt the stuns stxttr>;d by thit,_Dt«i of Trust.
<br />Uhlass Lender aril Batrawtr athtrwist ague in writing, any sueh application of proceeds to prfttcipal shall- ttctt tetf€end
<br />or Hse thte daft o€ the monthly frtsta#lments referred fa in paragraphs f and 2 ht:trof ar change the atatattac art.
<br />such ittstallttxnta.
<br />i!. ~artswete (VeR Related. Extension of the time far payment or modification of amortiTation of the stuns sxuted
<br />by this Deed of Trust granted by Leader to any succ:rssor in inttrtst of t3nrrower shall not opt.rate to release, in any rttrwtttes,
<br />tt~ iiadtility of the original Borrower a~ Borrower's surexssors in interpt. Lender steal{ not be required to ~
<br />proceedings against snefr sueeessor ar refute to extend tithe for payment ctr otherwise ntndify amo»irstion of the stttna
<br />secttted b'y this Deal of Trtmt hY mason of any dtntatui made by the onginai Borrower and Borrower's succsssors in interest.
<br />ii, Ferixaraaec ~• [.fader [Vat a Waivet~ Any fartxaratxs by lxttdtr m rxtrcising any right or remedy hemundtsr, ar
<br />otherwise atTwtx3ed by applicaLtie law, shad not (tea waiver of yr preclude [ht exercist of any salt right or remedy.
<br />-1'tx procuretnerttt a€ irtsntancr ar the paymen€ of taxes ar alters Liens er chargts by !ender shaA not be a waiver of Leexfer`s
<br />tight m actxltrtue th` •ttaturity of the irttiebtesluess secure?xi by this Deed of Trtts€-
<br />12 Batotdks Carotrtlativr, At! remedies prnvrdarf :n this Deed of `c`rust are disunet and rumula[ivt to any ether right
<br />or tattudy under this Deed of Truss r)r affrrded by law or equity, and may rte extrcised concurrotrtly, independently or
<br />stICCLSartltlyy
<br />19. Saccerrsws atad Asdsm 19oaad; Joint wad Several Li~r61Nv; Captber. The covenants and agreements herein
<br />caMaitad sisail hind, and Eht rights fttrturxlrr shalt inure ts,, the respective cuccessars and assigns of i.endtr and Borrawer,
<br />su6jeCt to the provisions aI paragraph !? iterruf. .A?t wvenants and agrrxmtnts of Horrowtrr shaft Fie joint and stvera?.
<br />The captions and ireadi^gs of ifx paragraphs rtt this lyetsi of Trust arc for _ctnv°ntence only and art not ro !x used to
<br />interpret ar e~ita tip provisions hertaf.
<br />E1r tiaEice. l~cepr for say €rtstict rtquire~ undes a{tplkahSe lea to its gtvzn m another manner, (ai nny Holier to
<br />Borrower prtrvidtd for itt this Ehtd of Trust shall he given h~• marling etch ncx!ce by ctrttfleti mail addrtssec! to Borrower ai
<br />the Property Addrtss or at e>Eeh either addrea as Bornswer nsa;' dts:gnatc he Hauer tct Lender as provided herein, and
<br />th) any ntxtitx to Lemier shaft trt given fry etrkifttei mail, reitutt rexetpt 2yuc:sted- te, Lendeis address stated herein or to
<br />sta:tt other address as Le:ndu may dtyi$oate f» Haute to Borrower as provided herein- .4ny noti:,e provided for in this
<br />Tjoeel of Trtnt ::hail ce dtemtd rte haue barn given t:s Eiormwrr nr i_enrier .vhcn grvtn ut the rnanntr destgnatetti herein.
<br />1S. (:aliens Deed ed Trash toverrri~ !_. : ticvrra6ilNy. lltss form ~ti .lrevi ,tf trust c:ambtnts uniform covenants far
<br />national usz snd Wort-armfsrm cavrrtanrs wrtf. l:ntsta=ci varraSta,ns ~r, vrtsdsction to ionsteinte a uniform ;ecttrity instrument
<br />tweeting Leaf property `i'hts [}tai of 'crust vhah ix gave>-Wed M the !aw of the !ursdicuon sn which the Praptny ss focaterf.
<br />fn the t•+ent that any provisran or il~~~e . the fh'rd n[ Trust yr the '+ote conthas wrtfi apphcxh?e law. such conflict shs0
<br />eKrt atTer[ ether ptavtstctrt3 of this Deztf of crust ur t;tt Nate -++htch ,;an `x ^sven rate's w+[hout tht canflictvng provisutn,
<br />attd to this tea! tht xav~satea of ttrt [3eeci of TiYirt and ihr Nate ass .SecSared is L+e atvzrshlt.
<br />t!fs lianvwex's Copy. Burrower sha?3 f'z i;unsshrd a iontarrttrd ",py ra [hr Nctte and .+t this llted of Trust at the time
<br />of execution nr after recardatian hermf
<br />17. Tr~sirr of tie Pttrpertyi A~arppi6as, S( ai! or at€t par=. of the l'rct{ssrt. „r an trterest thtrrttx ss sold or tratsferred
<br />by l~rrower without Lt~odtr`s prear wr;tttn ~ctrarstt. eacitxfcng sea tan ::rtc•tarn .=i i ;yen ar cncumltrance sutwrdinate to
<br />this Deed of Trust. 4b1 ttx utatian of a petrshasr rrctrtty sr urtty ;ntcre5t t~±r €nttrwstitaki appiiant"ts, ref a Vansftr by tiavise,
<br />~esa€ rri opartxra 3f taw upr.n the riea€is of s tcin: tenant - - -
<br />?.rndtr =Has-, at ;' rndtr', spuc,n, ,tafarr .ri! the aunu secured by this (:teed of Trust to ire
<br />tmmsaifate+y artd pavahk. f.~,ter shat bait wa;scd %ztch :pticx, t:' a.ceicraitr :f, prior to the seta at trar,sfcr. Lendtr
<br />oral the person to whom the Property is €,cr tx ;.via sr transferred rraeh >grtttnrn! .a writing that tht credit of such person
<br />is sattsfaetor.- to Lender atrtl that tau interest pa;•autt on the =ants x2z:rtzt !ty tit t, fyecd of Trus€ steal} tee at such rats a;
<br />t_etas~r she!{ rta;rttsi- If Lc;edtr has ws:vx the++ptaen tea a_~cciesatc per;*:ded =n =his ;rasagraitlt ;?.:tnd f Barrctwer's succ~ttr
<br />m itterest has extcuttd a s~ntttn assumyuor: agrtttnent a::cspted ;.. st;tsng t>+ (..ender. Les:.der obeli rtlc'ase Bttrritwtr from
<br />alt otriigauons ttexies th€s thrst of Trtut and thtr N.aie
<br />If t_ettdtr exerctsss sucft nptton tr.. acctir:atc, I.rndrr .itakl ntari Bcxrrtwrr n:nice ~.f acctitration in ;tcrordance with
<br />aph S4 haste(- Sueh aotrce shai3 petty=da a reerauJ ui shit crams Yhan sti uasa trim rhtr ,Sate ~tr notts:e is mailed wi[htn
<br />whrch Borrawer map pay fife st:nta dtc?ascet :Sue i! &>::.:twe: 'as!z to t:av .uch vunts ,nnr to ;he ~xptration of such period.
<br />Lrndtr mav, wtthcmt farther t>cttx-r .=r rfen:and tin ors=,~er....+oke att. nroedies prrmtticd *~}~ paragraph 18 htreof.
<br />;;f:,re-~~~iFzatt+r Ciivr-wa;r-rs. ~rsrsrncs ono 3_ancttr tanker cuvtxtant arm agree ,ts is{?ows:
<br />fa. Accderatioa: @e:medirs. F'uep to pmvided in paragraph t7 hereof, upoe Borrower's txearh elf any ravrrnttt err
<br />s~aemaxn eft Bertowrr is tics deed cd Trrei, iacludirtg €M coveaaafs to pay whea eftir any wms secured try this Died
<br />ai'srasr. t.etadts~t prtar tr turrtsratiaa sib t>iroil awfre tv derrrrwrr as prnrided is parsixrap6 td herrwt *sperHyitrg: !tl fhe
<br />iseseit f1i tie artios rrgalrvsf to rate srrrh ~euh; z33 a date. ewt ~. tfmn :H! days frrNtt the doe the tratlre Ni malted to
<br />~artarrer. !ty whkb sash t3rearh rarer 6c cared: and !1t that failnrt to curs such Ixearh on or briars the date sprriNrd
<br />fw dtr tseeiee nny rrstdt br asrritrt+tiae eft sir weal .re°wrd by this tSred r,_' "Trust wtti saM of tits Property. 'Che ttalfce
<br />sltaB ftatire l>darat Qorrower ref fir r~ht t[r reirrstmtr after aererlrtarirtn arrei the eig8t to hrirrg a court action fa assert
<br />tie atra.rseteare of a defaait err aa. Mhrr drfavrsc of BrxrtrwrY to acrcieratias amt sale. It the breetrh is eat cared
<br />eta ~ keiarr t!~ efye ayer~rd is tier oroNce. Leader at l,tader's option may rtexfare sic ref tie wms snared br tbh Bead
<br />~ Treat fa tae - eltw pays zrifttaest farther ;;rwa~ artd max invetttr €br power tsf sate acrd any Miter rtsmtdies
<br />psadlled by a~raMe lets. lxerder sltatt tx eatitird to cWkrt ail reaaoaaiie casts and expetasesrmorml is prersufng the
<br />rtrsat8ts {v'nrs'idrdas ttsia ptraEry6 IB.snaieretfa:y, ftW pert iimfttd tu, rraurtsat'ie attotnrv's fps.
<br />if t(tse pasrtx rat ±ratr h Mvctk-d, i`rttstre .turi$ retard a aaikr of dr{autt fn eash caurHV in wi6h the Prapertg ur seams
<br />ps! ~ larsted sad siprp raait ropirs rsF +txh +rotMe is sir maartrr presrrihrd by trppflca&tr !aw €o ttormwer,aad to the
<br />attstr Qetsarat{seearritbtxt it agpBraWe ~+v. After the Iapsr of wch time wr mar be regairrd by apptkabie law. Trtistex sink
<br />aaflce et tale m Noe prr±roas €ted in sir rnaaaer preserihed M r'6k law. Truatn, wtiUroat demand oa
<br />- - t-- tlsz ' ,n paiSk aartiaa to €he hvct 3iAdrr st the ttmr sad plats aed nodes the terse nafrti
<br />iAt ~a ita~ac ~ sat to sae as eaarr kris area is seats Quarts ~ "t'rta«ter troy eietrrmiae. Trustee may Poslpoae eek of t~
<br />tw atil!:1-arc+el oil rtes flreagaaiy try gwYiar aenoatartseal at fir rftrte-sad pure tit arty prviaeady srcherdtaied sae. Lersder or
<br />d[9i~flta tsset+ pRxtteas tilt Prepntr Ad aey salt.
<br />rraeipt ~ pervaMwA etc tie prier hid, Ts~trr siatt drHvrr to tf~ parsiaarer Ttuster's etked eapveyi~t fir Prattetty
<br />sail. ~rar~ki #e tit ~Teaadar`s tkrd siaA car prima faak tvideart of the trwh itf fir sUterarsHs tairde therein. 'Trustee
<br />r~ s; ,~ ~t~ es ,_4 :~ ba t~r::fa'^ cr~'rrx wa3 to aB rsas.s~ Gt+€ r ~ zape:ra~ of the sir. iartut. ;iri
<br />teat Btteitad aa,'Er7sta~r s tzar of wyq ntwr firm ~-.,` <. C+l' 1 £'v n# the {{rose ~r price, reaa+roatNr Mtarner's fees aced roahc of
<br />1tNt~ bbl m a~. saratsed §y tics iSerJ. art" firc+s~• sad fef fir eseras. H say, €o rho person <tr prraarrs t ~sBt eMkkd
<br />ts1>s~
<br />f#. ~savatvrr'ti 1i1~ to !~. 4.rw~ t.tct ..itng C.eaxter'i ,aces?rrttiott ;t: *ne .untn ~es.rrard try the. L)ee:t1 r,t i's:sst.
<br />~tts~c:.dial: ha!rr Yltz sight tee bxKe -ts -,etc:.c .r=ti;v F+sgttn 3+~- E.rncit,r rr, rntrrrza €'tis Dtr~3 of Trust .itnennttnu~i at
<br />anx thrns fr- .'. €fx e.•tt~r t rz € -,=i tt-e tl t xlvrc tits :alt :tt fie ir}~<?prnu ntusuant t he tueawer <,f Wait ~nnrasned
<br />rtt>is~rAte t .~, Truth .+r #P i=Wiry : i a vuSgrtstz.. !=nf, ~ .hix t7rid :af {'r+rst rP ead tic rrnwr. nav= t aodrr -,(? sumo w}nt h wont,?
<br />he tfil_~.tuc :rra~r it;,, [~~• csf `I'rtxw. the !'41ett art t *1.=!ex vicevroxg ~utexr At'lvatrc-e<- ,f :utv. hail nst :a~rSrrauan ,xsatrrcd:
<br />iir! t3ernav.n _s,te- ati hrasx4hex of ,any .ahtr€ .x~aa~r.:rtset c,r ngretrornts c.f Httrutwet ec*.^tatr~7 :n tlx. {?eel o; "4'rnst.
<br />tai Rrarr•,wrr pure -.rl rrasstt!xhc »iexttssc ;rtz;tarft t "tz f .~rttitr anti Trixx€rr =n ref -. sr. _„ the ,etsenatAs and .tgri'rntents =~
<br />.Arklwr. _ x+tsrtma. err rtes C3ersi iii `('nest an:i ,.! Rtr.ur.Lirtg t-vnt~r'3 asd T•„c.c+.' -rn3 ~e#ii=x is ,exlgs± ~. ;ta!agra#th :x
<br />es~?.#.. a~.szr4lr+r~, ~aa _tie~F ,.eiri daa~ isr., trt+~s(:x:raixh. ;at€ ,..l~r = :eYS. ,t»at ¢+7? tSt,rrrr,wrr se;l.`3 5MC`n na Y. -. + :is+E ;-n ire nt5t rc.f~tr•FlUt+I~
<br />xcr,Trdre #eK a~se,,es tF,~rf t}fr, iC35 , f rAis f7~rrock atf {-e eat- f r: ncier_ s~erevt .n rtfc~ )x,-n~t~o a=v3 Na =rt~=wee?`. .+a+tsgattx n a e+:at
<br />