L'Nir-c?atssf'tavzrv,t>ti7s. Botrocvcrand Lenderct:venan*. and agree as follows: ~~~~(3..k
<br />i. Haan! o'F farlttetp~ zitt3 .teterc:,E. f#c?r «awer shall grutngtly pay when due the pnncipai of and interest on the
<br />indebiedrtcss evidens°.d by the Matc, prepaymt;ni and fate charges as provided in the Mo[e. and the principal of and interest
<br />an any ;suture Rdvanccs secured fry ibis Mortgage.
<br />~• FrtetBds for 'fl'ues IY~xttsngee. Subject to applicable law or to a :vritter: waiver by Ls:nder, harrower shall pay
<br />tc ~ :der on the day ms,nthly installments of principal and interest are payable tinder the Mote, until the Nate is paid in full,
<br />a soar inerein "Fundy }equal to une•twelfth of the yearly rases and assessments which may atia:n priority over this
<br />?:fnrEQa;:e. and tzsound rents nn 11te P_rur?erYV. ?f .,ny, nt„s onP_twPlfth of a~e•,riv .,~..mi ••• •'!!t^ams ~ ~? ;
<br />--_ - - -- -.. n,.. in„= for hater..^~,,•a^=v,
<br />plus rne_tcvelftl? of yearly' tsremiu:n irstai!ments far merigage insurance. i uy, all as raasonahly estimated initially and front
<br />Eime ro lima by Ixuder an the basis of assessments and hills and reasonable estimates thereof.
<br />•3ii2 F2rnds shah be held ir. an institutian the depc?sits ar accounts of which arc insured ar guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />'ate agency (including Lender iF Under :s sa?ch an institutian 1. l.erde* shall apply the Funds to pav ;aid taxes, assessments,
<br />,r~uraenreyremiunas aced ground rents. fender may not charge for su holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account.
<br />or verifying and compiling said assessments and bills. unless Lender pays Borrower interest nn the Funds and applicable law
<br />pertnits Loader to make such a charge Borrower and Lender map agree in writing at the time of execution of this
<br />'Mortgage tlta¢ interest on the Funds shall tae paid to $urrnwer, and unless such agreement is made or applicable law
<br />rer~uires such interest [o t>e paid, I_cnder shalt not he required to pa} Borrower any interest nr earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge, an annual accaunting of therunds sltowine credits and debits to the Funds and fhe
<br />~-~:;~ far which each debit to the Funds was made. The F=unds are pledged as additional suuri[y for the sums secured
<br />by tltia Martggge.
<br />If the amount of the rands held by Lender, together uflh the future munthYy installments of F:tnds payable prier to
<br />th_ due dates of taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents, shall exceed the amount reyuered to pay said taxes,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they tali clue. each excess shall he, at Harrower's optian, tither
<br />promptly repaid to Borrower or credited to Borrower can monthly installments of Funds. ff the amount of the Funds
<br />I:eld by Lender steal! not be sufftcieot to pay taxes. assessments. insurance premmm=. and greurd rents as they tall due.
<br />Barrower shall pay to Lender any amount ttecessan' to make up the ~ierc;en,:y wuh;n :tG days f coin the date nonce is mailed
<br />6v Leader to Barrowes reGtt-.sung paymem t. -;eat.
<br />Upon payment in foil of all sums secured by this Mortgage. Lender shall promptly refund io Borrower any Funds
<br />field by Lender. If under paragraph I>i hereof the Property- :s ,old or the Frapenc :~ o[hervc•tce acquired by Lender, Lender
<br />shall apply, na later than immediateh~ poor to the sale rP the Propcrro or its acywsiuun M• Lender. any Funds held by
<br />Le ;der at the trine of application as a credit against the sums ,eeured by th;s \fortgaee.
<br />3• s~!'~~ af'a_y~ea~. Ltnless applicable law prc.tdes otherwise. ail payments tticeived by Lender under the
<br />Mote and paragraphs ]and 2 hereof shall he applied by Lender first .n payment ,,f amounts payable to L;:nder by Borrower
<br />under paragraph Z hereof, then to interest payable on the Sote. then. to the pnnctpal of the Mote, and then to interest and
<br />principal oa any Future Rdvances.
<br />4. Clfa.~e5i Idtems. Borrower .hall pat alV saxes. asessn-:ants anti other chances hoes and mtpositions attributable to
<br />the Properly which may attain. a pnoritp user ?ten iYortgaee. end leasehold payments or ground rents. if any, in the manner
<br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or.:f not pa+d m such manner. br Burrawcr makine payment when due, directly 1o the
<br />payee thereof. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lend::r all notices of amatnts due under this paragraph. and in the event
<br />Borrower shall make payment dsrectl}-, Borrouer ,halt prt,mptl`, 'urinate t„ 2 ender receipts evide acme such payments.
<br />Horrov/er shall promptly discharge any hen ~.sh;ch has pr<or:n~ ,~vrr th;s iforrrage: pnvxleei. That Borrower shall nut be
<br />squired ro discharge an} such lien s;? long es Baxrouct shall agree :n -ar;~;n~ t=, the rayment ,~f the obligation secured by
<br />such lien in a manner acceptable to i_ender. or ,hail :n goaxl tauh .:onre,t s..•_h lien hv. a,r defend color^.ement of such lien in,
<br />legal pre?ceedings which agate to prevent the enforcement at the I~er..,r forte: a?rc of the Propene or any hart thereof.
<br />5. ~^_^~ 6rrarsnce. Borrouer shall keep the mrprnvenient. r,;,u et:sung or hereafter crecred on tF.e Property insured
<br />against less fay fire, t?a_>;ards includ.d wnhtr, the term "ettcrded :,s eraCe~-. ;and such other hazards as Lender rase require
<br />sad in such amounts and for such pennds a, Lender may regmre, pn,v:ded, that Lender ,hall m-t reyutre that the amao.nt of
<br />sus:h coverage exceed tflat 2maunt of cos erase regwred to pav the ,um, ~ecurrd by this ilartgage.
<br />The snsurance a:asner providing the insurance cha!! t?e ~htocta 'r.y Borrouer s:;blcct to appravai by Lender; provided,
<br />that such approval shall nut be unreasonably ui[hheld. :ill arcmtums or. insurance paiictes shall f,e paid +n the manner
<br />previd€d tinder paragraph 2 hereof or, :f r,;at paid in earth manner, by Born+wer maAtng payment, when due. directly to the
<br />insatrattee ctixrier.
<br />.ill ~nsurauec paiicies and renewals thereet shah he to form .:acpteblc to Len~er ,:nd siiali :re:iude a standard mortgage
<br />clause in favor of and in form acceptable ti> Let?tier. 1_endea ,Itai; `za~e the right ;:, held the puli;:ies and renewals thereof,
<br />and 3orrawer shall Drunp[iy furnish to Lender all renewal nettres and zit recapts nt paid premium,. In the csent of loss,
<br />-e~orrorres 'shah give prompt notice ro the !nsurancc earner ar?d i_a';!uer Lender Rsav make proof of loss +t not made promptly
<br />by Borrower.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrvwer otE?erw;,c agree in w arms, :nnutance prt=ieads shall hx appbed is resturauan ar repair of
<br />the Propany damaged. pravidesl such restorauan car repau a ec,>o-;omrcall} feas:hte and the actuary of this Mortgage is
<br />not thereby impaired. tt such resturahers x rapafr s ao: ecans,nniztic ~ezsibie or .f the securiic of th+s Mortgage would
<br />bs impaired, the :nsurance prateeds shalt LY apposed to the cons x-ciueti ^: :his 'viongage. wnh the e;cess, if any. paid
<br />to Borrower. L• the Property is abandoneJ h} Borrower- , r :; Bore~uer ;art. ,o re<pvnd to Lender wnhm SO days from the
<br />date notice is mailed by Lender io Borrower that the :nsurance .;srrtcr .,lien t.z settle z ciasm fur :nsurance benefits. i ender
<br />is authanzed to ceikct and apply the :nsurancc~ :~roceeds .;t l.ender~s =,puon either to resturauon rr repair of the Property
<br />or to the suru> >c::urecz by thr< Lian9aae.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherarc .tgree :r; u•;ting, an} >:.sih appLcatiur. of ,rn>c::eds to prutctp:sl shall na etrend
<br />or postpane the dw: dale of the monthly ~m[alment, referred t„ ;;-. garagraphs and '_ honour nr a:hange the amount of
<br />such ipstallme.;ts. It ua=.der gapagraph ! ~ h e;zf the Peoper:v : na.;uire.i l,. Lcnaler. ati reht• tale and interest ct Borrower
<br />in and io any insurance Ct~aca:J and in ar:e~t~, the proceeds thereat resulting From damage to the Yropc rty prier to +.}?: ,ate
<br />or acyutsttion sh;,il pass to Lender -.. ;lee v..c„_ ., r_- [he =_?n, s_curcd t . this '`-tortgage imnteai:atei.- „, ,• ,u.:h ,ate or
<br />aC5int512tan.
<br />b. Pcesersadaea send 4$;titplenatnae of Property: Le:;:>~It«t:Lx; (~ondontininms: Planned t~tslt i)evetugSnrrzls. florrou-er
<br />~xetll'rce~g the Pra~rtg is g~~;apair and shah nor cama3ir :.caste .=r permit anpsarment er dot€noratuan of the Property
<br />and shmi( wmpl}- with the pravueans a an} lease ;f rtes, ~l>_art*.,,,-~c n on .: kasahnid. It rhea tiioragaga +, can .. unit m a
<br />.:eaaotrairtum tar a fits.=?aed trait deG rit,pment. $ec «,s•. cr ;hail part.:rm ail at Bur«:;. <r, „i,l:gain,n. under the Jeclarau„n
<br />as cavea~n25 crcati~ :!, go-:erstmg the c.,t,de;?t::,om .a :anncd unit deveS:=pmert. the by-law, ,rod rc _iaucn+ of the
<br />.~:
<br />.+=,t+v..,..,uu.,= a,: r_ coca. ',En.i ~ - f ze.- at ~vnSiltilCil~ :14h:- F t t- - tit Imm4lti i,r !'lamlCd ~ :t,t deY Cl:,pm2n[
<br />rider is cnccuted tap Barrov.cr t d .~ ~otued .agether ,i:th t>.. 11 c,rtgagc. :,i c; senora, .,'td .:firesmcnts ,•t ...tell t:iier
<br />su 3 ~ d. .rj,:7r~teai earn and ~.,u, ~„c-nJ ant, swppicn2em t,-,e co*c:?aaa and agrsen+rnts ~.t rtes, Sortgage ,+a :! thr odor
<br />were a port hereof.
<br />`?. Prgt'~ailkMe of Isis ~ssaify. t; h.>rrouer last, to lr~rf;,rm the ,-i•vennnt+ ,and aLfL'emeniS .:,t:tamed :n rtes,
<br />M•€~rtq-9 +. it - -~t... ,;r ,^-rtx~_? .. .. ;:mr,.~v.. :. .at~r::;1;-: .s[(es.-. < enuzr, :,rerr,i in .hti Propert,.
<br />an,,letding titrt ai ltmit~tB ta, crame^f damson ts;;lyt,:v~- ., a;e ._,..c¢roeni.:=r .u rsngcnxznts .- pn,. a;eutngs ,nvoi.:ng a
<br />bepkrupt or decedent, ttitr? Leader as l..endet, .,pure ,. '.tlx,n na:uce :,; Bnr:-:,u ea, may niakc w:h aplxat:uue,, chsirau,c ,:+,h
<br />auras and lake seen aaec!n a: ?s a~;estary to yrruact l Indef. :rl.ra~t ,n<+rc@n}. ?~:?t :?ni Es.-n:ted to , a.-sbunemertt ; ,
<br />r.^„ax;;.abla attcrnel~9 tees ~aaid =_ntay -a she €'«+ r.. m;.7,- 1' , -
<br />:pi tie 1. ,~ ; ::-.i :.-_atgag. i --:--r c a_ ;
<br />_e.,st~t;~~., ~ € -,.~.a;g ~.....,. ~,. t`r ,., ..10 .. ,w" ~ :
<br />- R ~ 7a '< ten: n_ y rcl t tt fttu•: :. 1,
<br />...>?iaiaLE ;n ': t~f~'! +.u...i .._1l -.t.'~' _.. h~ ,.f„a•.+ it. .... ,.:... ...a, at~ac _i ::: ,.t,c. ,.t. a.,.[a13[taf K-,ai] Bi?i it~44er - .,,,1
<br />